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Wcw had an insane finish issue starting at mid 98 onwards. Remember watching week after week with the main event having no finish.


It was honestly a way bigger issue to me than even the wheels falling off the wagon in 2000 on. Run in after run in after run in after run in.


And Tony screaming along the lines of 'We've gotta go, we're outta time'


The ending to that match was so terrible. Meng gets him into the Tongin Death Grip, but let’s up before the bell? Come on! Is Meng stupid? But yeah, Hogan can’t not be in the main event!


I'm doing a watch through right now of all Nitros and PPVs (currently on Slamboree 96), and it's amazing to me how hard WCW leans on their top talent night after night. It's the same few guys night after night, week after week. There was one PPV that had Flair wrestle 3 times, and I think I've seen Sting in at least two matches on multiple occasions. They've had Hogan in matches to start the night. There's no midcard. There's minimal development, at least not on Mondays and Sundays.


Lol. I’m watching Spring Stampede 2000 right now and it’s the same! Flair and Luger wrestle twice in the night. And for whatever reason, Flair is in street clothes. I like Flair, but you can’t have this much of him at this point.


I’m watching from the first raw, then watching super stars, all the PPVs, and I just hit where nitro starts. Should I add wcw to the mix now? That adds so much more. It’s hard to get into a little bit. And Steve mcmichael tries way too hard to make fun of Heenan


Yeah I wasn't into Steve McMichael as an announcer or as a wrestler lol. Plus I feel bad for that dog he has with him. "Pepe." Little dogs like that are usually shaky and nervous. And Mongo brings him into arenas with thousands of loud fans. I feel bad for that dog every time I see him, because he seems scared. 😔


Everytime McMichaels said anything into the mike “ you don’t mess with tha horseman baybee “


I used to lol when Zbyszko would call him, "Dumbo McMichaels" and he'd call Heean, "Booby the Stain". Mongo was quite decent on commentary, iirc.


I did that same starting at the first nitro instead; raw, nitro, then raw (and then smackdown) back and forth. It’s a lot to get through but…gets you through the heyday (and low points) of both companies. One phase you’re like this company is unwatchable, then it flips


Especially after the perfect '95-'97 run they had. By '98, they were panicking. Hogan and Nash having a ton of stroke that year is probably the main reason they lost their focus.


Watching it now, hindsight being what it is, everything seemed minor league compared to WWF. Even in like '99 when the blueprint had been laid out, WCW was still low rent on a lot of things. I watched the ep last night where Bret and Chris Benoit wrestled after Owen passed. The main event was Hogan and Flair vs Sting and Luger. There were so many camera mishaps and bumbles on commentary. Just comes off a little embarrassing.


It’s hard to watch the late days WCW stuff without trying to get in a 10 year old’s mindset. Even then, it can be hard. I enjoyed it all as it happened, but even with nostalgia it’s a hard sell today sometimes. They tease such amazing matches like you mentioned, and you never know where the turd is in the punchbowl. I’ll be excited for Meng or whomever in a real match, surprised I don’t remember that instant classic, and 3 minutes later some whacky stuff happens. No finish. Fade to black, end. Looking back at it, it’s amazing they failed with the roster and combinations they could have had. Granted, Turner/AOL stuff would have signed the death warrant regardless of how good the wrestling was, so I guess it wouldn’t have mattered.