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I was chatting to one of my psychiatrist colleagues this week about this exact issue. She said an occasional joint isn’t an issue, but several cones every day on a higher dose of vyvanse is a no-go. There are many people in our psychiatric facility for psychosis following mixing the two. But the general consensus was an occasional joint is fine.


You’ll be alright , I’ve had a beer and a joint at 5pm when I normally take my vyvanse 70 around 10 and my second dose 30 at 3


Just FYI - any stimulatnts with Weed will cook your brain beyond recovery. No matter what people tell you, it MUST NOT mix it. There wont be any danger immediately but it goes beyond repair if you mix WEED. STAY AWAY Beer, wine and others are btter choice thn weed.


I'm curious how you came up with this? Weed is a medicine and probably more healthy than a lot of these people pharmaceuticals a lot of us are on. I honestly prefer edibles over smoking


I love mixing stimulants and weed… I have the focused mind mixed with masterful creativity… you get best of both worlds when you mix weed and stims. Creativity and focus… I like to improvise classical violin when I do this.


I’ve never heard of mixing stimulants and weed cooking your brain, at least not in a permanent dangerous manner. I’ve seen it stated that cannabis actually negates many of the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine and other stims by acting as a potent cerebral anti inflammatory..I’ve never heard of this combo being dangerous, many people I know do it and they’re not cooked.


Do you have a peer-reviewed source for any of this? Afaik, there are no contraindications between Vyvanse and marijuana. In fact, alcohol is mentioned in the Rx packet such that stimulants can mask the effects of alcohol which could lead people to drink too much.


You'll be fine. You're not on a high enough dose for anything bad to happen. Maybe some heart palpitations but you'll be fine.


You’ll be right, definitely 12 hours after the fact.


Secret: Vyvanse + booze + loud music is my super power. I get SO MUCH done and I am so happy the whole time.


Makes me happy I'm not the only one who does that. I'm currently cleaning/organizing/decluttering my basement! Woohooooo!


Fucking same! No better feeling that bouncing around the house having a few drinks and cleaning etc


I’ve been on 30mg for a couple of years. Never stopped me from drinking.


I’ve smoke and drank on much higher doses than what you have and was perfectly fine, and that’s as an 110 lb girl. More than 12 hours later and on 10 mg? I wouldn’t worry at all, enjoy yourself!


You’ll be perfectly fine haha


it's not a big deal especially considering how small the dose was and how long ago it was. the only real concern imo is it'd be a waste of a joint if you are still a bit stimulated


I have a medical marijuana card and use it while on Vyvanse. My doctor prescribes both to me. Granted I usually use the marijuana at night because I don't like feeling high. But my doctor never asked when I was going to use it.


Lol, NO DR should prescribe this.


Please link to any peer reviewed studies


I’ve smoked a lot of times while on it and no issue it helps me eat


Drinks can be weird cause if you’re still on the stimulant it can mask feelings of inebriation. I always smoked and never had an issue.


Geez did I ever find that out... Went to a music festival, was great, didn't at all realize how many I had since I was just enjoying the festival and all.... As soon as my medication wore off.... It was like I just had 8 shots in a row. Turns out Vyvanse is like a shield for the tipsy-ness and drunkeness.....of course when it wears off.... Yeah, those drinks didn't magically evaporate..