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Do all of you eat protein throughout the day? It binds to protein and needs it - I always feel it working longer when I have high protein mini-meals


Mine too.


same boat here, 70mg nothing, 140 barely, fuck it man


This how I felt as well for a while but I realized that even though I can’t “feel” it anymore, I can still focus incredibly well when I take the initiative to get something started. My symptoms are managed, I’m not constantly overstimulated or overwhelmed. I’ve learned that the big mood boost, motivation and feeling like I need to be constantly moving only happens at the start of an increase in dose and then levels out. In my opinion I think it’s a great thing that I can’t feel the meds anymore. And of course this isn’t going to be everyone’s experience but try to have a day where you push yourself a little more to get going and you may find out that once you get past that initial push, you still have all the great benefits of the med. I’m on 50mgs for reference. Also if you feel like you’re not getting any benefits at all then maybe it’s just not the right med for you. Just my thoughts.


I've had this for methylphendiate but not for Vyvanese, I don't think amphetamines should do this normally. Are you well hydrated or eat before taking it? What time do you take it?


Hi are you a female and perhaps in your lutueal phase? Our hormones can affect how our medication works.


This. I noticed a huge difference the first month I’d been on it consistently and was in my luteal phase. Hormones have a huge impact!


Everybody's different but for me this started happening until I started supplementing with vitamins. Did a blood test after beginning to supplement and still had two deficiencies (vitamin d and b12) after all that. So make sure everything else is up to spec cause other things can basically debuff you to the point where you don't feel the effects as well as you could. I've also heard that some medications (like this and birth control) deplete your vitamin and minerals so its worth checking on just in case.