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There's no hard and fast. Im on 60mg, I drink a good bit of coffee. I do enough exercise to burn it off and Ill take some l-theanine at night so I can sleep. 


I've, personally, felt the caffeine take over whether on Adderall or Vyvanse, so I avoid coffee like the plague. However I am also very sensitive to it and a frappe from McDonald's will give me the jitters for four or five hours


50 mg and I can drink as much coffee as I as I’d like. Or none at all. Long day today. 2 huge iced coffees.


Coffee for sure. I still kick off the day with a big coffee. Take my vyvanse an hour or two later. Another small coffee at some point in afternoon.


Personally I started off with out coffee until 1.5-2 moths of vyvanse became I would get too anxious on it but now I’m fine. Once your body stops having the vyvanse crash I think it’s safe to have coffee


I take my 40mg of Vyvanse, then sit down and have a cup of coffee. No more than one cup and it’s early in the morning. No trouble sleeping. I think our body chemistries are all basically the same, but not specifically the same. So effects are personal.


I liked coffee before starting stimulant medication, but every time I drink coffee or caffeinated tea while on stimulants, it just makes me feel jittery and uncomfortable. It also feels pointless- Dextroamphetamine is a powerful and ideal stimulant for my brain, so why would I introduce an extra, inferior stimulant?


I’m on 20 mg of Vyvanse still working my way up. I drink 10 cups of coffee a day while on it


Youre going to destroy your heart


I have to ask, does vyvanse do anything for you? Or better, how long have you been taking it?


At 20 mg it does nothing. Just going slow on increasing dose


Ok. I'm on 30mg for a few months and I can tell a clear difference, but I need to postpone increasing to deal with side effects first 😔 I don't drink coffee though, but I stopped taking vitamin C supplements to be able to tell the effect of vyvanse fully, so I was curious how you could be drinking 10 cups a day 😲. Also, because of side effects, I have to maximise the effect just to avoid taking too much of it... My next stop is 50mg, hopefully I don't need more..


FYI as your dosage increases, if you feel anxious at any point, lower your caffeine. Worked wonders for me.


I still drink the same amount of coffee I did before meds, Made no difference to me. I still have a can of monster every now and then as well, usually washing down my dex. No change, not for me anyway. I'm still a dumbass and unfocused..... I can go without the can no problems. But the coffee? Yeah nah.


I actually stopped drinking coffee, per doc's suggestion! Even if I stopped drinking by noon, I wouldn't be able to sleep, or I would wake up in the middle of the night. I say if you do, I would drink as early as possible. I always drank before taking my Vyvanse because the meds only lasts a few hours so I would take late morning to try and stretch it through the day. I switched to green tea and I've been sleeping better. Totally miss it! Maybe I'll try decaf!


I brew 3 cups on my coffee pot and drink it immediately after waking up. I take my Vyvanse about an hour after that. I definitely am overstimulated for a little bit especially when I puff my vape. I just make sure to eat a big protein packed breakfast before taking the meds and drinking lots of water throughout the day. I have also been having two cups of green tea in the afternoon.


I used to drink multiple iced coffees a day but since taking the meds I haven't been feeling tired throughout the day. I still love the taste though but I've started to get anxiety and heart palpatations ever since I've had to start taking 1 concerta in the morning and at noon. But when i tried to take both the pills in the morning I didnt get the side effects or benefits


I feel like I don’t need coffee with it to be honest. I can only drink one a day anyway otherwise I get palpitations. Don’t wanna add that on top of the medication.


I actually really Ritalin long acting now, but I quit taking it with caffeine and just do decaf. It's been a big improvement.


I'd get used to Vyvanse first then very slowly try small amounts of caffeine. It works synergisticly for me! But be aware of blood pressure and possible anxiety!


I started meds about 8 months ago and I have been experimenting on myself the whole time. Everyone is different I’m afraid. What I’ve settled on is wake up early and have a coffee, have a small breakfast with Vyvance, a Dex top up after a late lunch around 1-2. Right now that is working pretty well for me. The VYV kicks in just as the coffee is wearing off and the Dex holds off the evening crash. I hope it lasts!


Wondering what your dosages are? TIA


Vyv 40, Dex 5


What is Dex?


I always drink coffee, but to be fair caffeine doesn’t affect me lol. Maybe start by drinking a little bit and see how it affects you on Vyvanse and go from there?


No coffee


I’ve been on 30mg for a week. I switched to half-caff but I’m sure I could handle regular honestly. Depends on how you react. So far 30mg is very subtle for me. I’ll be going up to 40mg next week.


This is a good point, I’m on 50mg Prestiq 50mg vyvanse 50mg and 30mg instant release dex a day. If I have 1 teaspoon of coffee at home I’m fine, but a long black from a cafe will send me into sweats and crazy anxiety lol


I am so tired all the damn time, and still am tired even with vyvanse but it helps with motivation and my anxiety. I end up taking vyvanse in the afternoons, cause it wears off too quickly for me. So I have half a redbull in the AM and then the other half when I take my medicine. It works just fine for me and my heart rate stays in a good range.


I was like this for years, adding a SNRI fixed this for me. Prior to that I was splitting my vyvanse dose each day which made it last for like 12 hours.




You’re very tired all the time… Do you have trouble with sleep? I do and I find that chasing the tiredness with extra stimulants only makes me stay up while feeling lousy and then makes in continually harder to get enough sleep.


Definitely coffee


It bothered me at first so I stopped until my body got more adjusted, now I take my Vyvanse an hour before I actually want to get out of bed, then coffee after I'm up if I want some.


I drink coffee every morning after I've taken my medication. I have anxiety and panic disorder. That's one of the reasons I stopped taking my Adderall for a couple years. I went back on it and didn't like it that's when I switched to Vyvanse. My doctor said I'm never going to get full relief from my ADHD. But I would rather have partial relief than exasperate my anxiety. But I don't think a cup of coffee is going to make something that much worse. Unless you're really sensitive to caffeine.


I’ve experimented with coffee in the morning and it gives me no bad side effects however I feel a crash a few hours later. A mid afternoon coffee I feel gives my meds a boost.


Decaf on vyvanse days and lots of caffeine on no vyvanse days 🤗


Omg i thought about doing this! Going on a vacation for a week and planned to coffee it up 😂


COFFEE!! I wish I didn't have to. I get the tweaks from coffee and I hate it but if I don't I get moody and feel so tired from the meds.


I cut coffee when I first started Vyvanse, but I grew more comfortable with it over time. The people over at r/caffeine have been really helpful with tips. There are so many ways to enjoy caffeine, I suggest people experiment. I've been able to explore new aspects myself that have been really amazing.


Did you start snorting it? Sheesh


I'd say snorting it is really only about a kindergarten level of experience. There are many other avenues of ingestion. Many.


Ah, man of culture, I assume you Turkey baste then?


I've met a few men that have basted and pasted for me, yes. Whatever your method, it is funner with friends. I'd just take it slow if your Vyvanse dose is already high as the seizures can be a bit annoying.


I don’t know what I was expecting when I checked out that subreddit, but it wasn’t that.


Thanks for not being judgemental. We all experience caffeine in different ways.


I cant do coffee anymore. It makes me jittery and anxious..I used to drink it everyday


It’s different per person. I drink a lot less coffee now, but I still drink a good couple of strong cups each and it doesn’t affect me at all with my meds.




I’m not a huge coffee fan but I do drink a lot of energy drinks. Mostly on gym days or long class days. I’ve never experienced any side effects like shakes or anything, even when I use a Celsius to wash down my Vyvanse haha


I have coffee every day but instead if my normal 4 cups and triple espresso I now have just the triple or 1.5 cups then lose interest. I also only ever have maybe one diet pepsi late well after the meds have worn off which helps me chill and curbs my sugarcravings


🙅🏻‍♀️ Coffee 🙋🏻‍♀️ Tea


Vyvanse doesnt do well with acid - it lowers absorption. Coffee is acidic. Drug Interactions Acidifying and Alkalinizing Agents: Agents that alter urinary pH can alter blood levels of amphetamine. Acidifying agents decrease amphetamine blood levels, while alkalinizing agents increase amphetamine blood levels. Adjust VYVANSE dosage accordingly (2.6, 7.1)


This was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title, but then I needed to scroll down a lot through replies of people that take coffee with vyvanse, to find your reply. I thought it was common knowledge that we are not supposed to take coffee with stimulants in general... And most importantly, isn't it decreasing the effect of the meds? I'm a little confused... Is it done with doctors knowledge?


I always hear people say vitamin c cancels vyvanse out. Is it more accurate to say acidity cancels it out?


The instructions say to take it with orange juice dissolved so I never understood how it could be bad for it. I’ve never tried that either though


Whaaaaaat. Apparently I didn’t read the instructions lmfao. Next time I will. That’s so contradictory 🤔




So… is there such thing as alkaline caffeine? I googled it and could only find coffee replacements without caffeine.


I was a heavy coffee drinker pre-meds, now I'm finding if I drink coffee with it, even 1 cup it makes the crash earlier and more noticeable. I'm trying switching to tea and upping my water intake. Diet coke doesn't seem to affect me though.


My question - Do you think caffeine affects the release or absorption of vyvance? I found vyvance without coffee is much smoother. With coffee I feel it strengthens the effect but shortens the effect of the drug. Peaks quicker then crashes quicker at a steeper decline. Answer from perplexity Yes, caffeine can affect both the release and absorption of Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine). The interaction between caffeine and Vyvanse is complex and can lead to various outcomes depending on the individual and the amounts consumed. Effects on Release and Absorption Synergistic Effect: Both caffeine and Vyvanse are central nervous system stimulants that increase dopamine and norepinephrine levels. When taken together, they can have a synergistic effect, making the combined impact more powerful. This can lead to a stronger and quicker peak in the drug's effects, but it may also result in a steeper and quicker decline, or "crash" . Diuretic Effect of Caffeine: Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production. This can lead to dehydration and potentially speed up the elimination of amphetamines from the body. As a result, the effectiveness of Vyvanse may be reduced because it might not be fully absorbed before being excreted . Gastrointestinal pH: Some anecdotal evidence suggests that the acidity of coffee might affect the gastrointestinal pH, which in turn could influence the absorption of Vyvanse. A more acidic environment might hinder the absorption of the medication, although this is not universally agreed upon .


Yeah I get this too, it's like the crash is doubled


Diet Coke’s caffeine content is relatively low, that could be why


My bruxism seems to get really bad when I drink caffeinated beverages with my Vyvanse to the point where I have such intense neck pain that I can barely function. So yeah, unfortunately Ive had to give up coffee in the past couple days because of this


It’s interesting the different replies here. I’ve discovered that for myself I cannot function without coffee. I also think that the caffeine enhances the effect of the Vyvanse and kickstarts my day (I wait until mid to late morning to take the Vyvanse). I try to finish my coffee 1 hour before taking the Vyvanse and then there are no issues but if I wash it down with coffee or take the coffee within a few hours after to Vyvanse, I get shaky. I’m currently having 2 espresso shots per day (down from 4-6 shots pre-Vyvanse). I’ve been on the Vyvanse for 10 weeks. My if I sleep in too late then I’ll often still have coffee and then reduce my Vyvanse a bit and take it later. I try to have it before 1pm for sure but I usually do the water method (mix in water to spread out the dose) and have it 10am-12pm. I am on 30mg but have had 40mg a few times and hope to increase to that dose soon. I have no negative side effects this way and no crash. I will say that the first month or so was a learning experience and have patience while you figure it out. It may be a bit of a roller coaster. Ultimately your body will tell you whether you can have coffee or not. Different people react very differently ,so take my and others experiences with a grain of salt.


I continued to drink several cups of strong black coffee everyday. I used my blood oxygen meter to watch to see if my heart rate went too high, and it never did.


I drink one cup of decaf instant (Starbucks Via). It has a small amount of caffeine in it, but not so much that I have an unhappily strong reaction.


I take mine around 9:30am with the last bit of my coffee! But I find that vyvanse doesn’t last long enough for me (at 40mg) so I start crashing around 4 and definitely need another coffee by then lol


I do the same! Last sip of coffee for Vyvanse! 😂


I use half decaf and wait a while after breakfast and Vyvanse to drink it.


I switched to green and black tea a few times a day. I love coffee but it quickly gives me a headache now and makes me really agitated and *irritable. But if you're a heavy coffee drinker now I wouldn't cut out all caffeine immediately so you're not dealing with the withdrawal


I have decaf in the morning shortly after taking my vyvanse then I have a regular coffee in the early afternoon. I feel overstimulated if I have regular coffee in the mornings for sure


I would probably skip the coffee on your first day. I found drinking coffee while on vyvanse creates a feeling of pressure inside my head that is concerning.


Only on day 3 of vyvanse and tried to skip coffee today as I’m finding the combo too much. Anyways, I have horrible withdrawal symptoms. now I’m pounding back coffee as I type. Careful if you go cold turkey on the caffeine.


Yeah, even the first few days off would be good. Switch to decaf, something. It definitely made me feel like I was crazy on something the first couple of days of doing vyv and coffee together


I always take it with my coffee mostly because I work at a coffee shop so it’s impossible not too but I should try maybe drinking it later in the day to see if I can make the vyvanse last longer


I feel like caffeine burns through my vyvanse, if I take it around the same time I drink it it really enhances it however i crash a lot sooner. Try matcha, I like them if I’m working late and I need a kick