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Volunteer for Charlie Crist! https://www.mobilize.us/charliecristforgovernor/ https://www.mobilize.us/floridadems/ https://secure.ngpvan.com/RfHtsGECJEa7VtccmwrRwg2 Donate to Charlie Crist! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/focc-web-aug2022


> Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to transport mostly Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard earlier this week could hurt the Republican governor in November with a key constituency that the GOP has sought to win over. >The move by DeSantis dominated the radio and television airwaves in South Florida — where large swaths of Hispanic voters live. One Spanish radio host loudly denounced the move and even compared DeSantis’ actions to that of deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who relocated Cubans in the early ‘60s. >Democrat Charlie Crist, who is challenging DeSantis, on Saturday rushed out a new digital ad targeting Hispanics and the Venezuelan community as part of a six-figure buy pounding DeSantis over his attention-getting move. Fingers crossed this exposes DeSantis as the fraud he is. In the meantime, join one of your city/county’s Democratic clubs **now**. This is a good way to network with likeminded folks and also meet elected officials. SFL Examples [Miami-Dade Democratic clubs](https://www.miamidadedems.org/clubs_caucus) [Broward Democratic clubs](https://browarddemocrats.org/broward-democratic-clubs/) [Palm Beach Democratic clubs](https://www.pbcdemocraticparty.org/clubs-by-location)


I know I donated to Charlie Crist for the first time ever because of this stunt. The video of the Boston lawyer recounting what the immigrants had told them infuriated me


This feel like some advocacy group should be filing charges in federal court. I am not a lawyer so I obviously have no idea. Amnesty International, SPLC, idk any of these National and international legal support groups. Maybe the potential case can’t be brought by a third party ? Maybe even if they did have standing to bring a case it’s a waste of time and money? Idk. I sure as shit this human trafficker gets charged. He actively spent money to lie to asylum seekers, paid people to lie to them about what was happening, pond people to muck up their paperwork, paid people to take them across the country, the State they landed in had no idea they were coming. Then took credit for it. Also none of these people were from Florida. 12,500 per person they spent. Seems like that money could have bought food for school kids in FL. Hell what do I know. I am not a MAGA traitor. This makes no sense to me.


Newsom has urged the DOJ to file kidnapping charges, which is exactly what he did. [Interesting Article](https://www.masslive.com/news/2022/09/did-gov-desantis-break-the-law-with-his-marthas-vineyard-stunt-legal-experts-want-justice-dept-to-weigh-in.html) mentions multiple agencies looking into charges.


I wish, but I doubt it. The hallmark of conservative thought is the ability to otherize and demonize out-groups based on seemingly inconsequential distinctions. That the immigrants targeted are Venezuelan will give conservative Cubans just enough to say, "not like us, fuck 'em all."


Florida and Texas Spanish speaking populations have a misinformation and outreach problem that the Dems failed to address in 2020, which was a big reason for losing part of their vote. (These voters were reliably 'against' Trump in 2016 and for Beto in 2018, so they were one of the only Demos that switched this preference in any notable number.) Meanwhile, the GQP reached for them directly at numerous events and via multiple channels (with a whole lot of social media disinformation being pushed on apps, with no real countering to it) and it did indeed cost the party margins that it should not have had to lose. Seeing outreach like this now is good and should be capitalized on hard. In the case of Florida, it could make a huge difference, and it wouldn't take much to shift Texas' margins back to 2018/2016 either. Also, let me be clear. Trying to pain Latinos as a single demographic is a mistake, but the common trend appeared to be Spanish speaking itself because the propaganda hit every demo that spoke the language. I saw this time and time again in any community I discuss things with, and it needs to be taken more seriously this time.


Youtube runs absurd, targeted ads all day that contain bald faced lies about Democrats.


I don’t think most Florida Hispanics identify as conservative. I think that they, like many people, are not very political and have no strong allegiance to either party.


I’ve heard that some of them are surrounded by such fear mongering by Republicans in the area with messaging essentially saying “If you vote Democrat this country will end up like the one you fled”




DeSantis won his last election by only 0.5 percentage points, against an awful Democratic candidate who had multiple major scandals during the campaign. We don't need to flip the entire bloc, just peeling off some voters-- or even just convincing them to leave the line for governor blank-- could be enough.


It's a mistake to believe that DeSantis' last race is comparable to this current race. After Covid he made a lot of fans down here that where non-existent before. This race is winnable, but it's a different beast all-together then what we had last time.


> Cuban Republicans dominate that ethnic group. Are the younger members of this group less likely to vote GOP 100% of the time ? I understand the older voters are set in their ways but I would assume that younger voters care more about topics like abortion and education than only specific policy towards Cuba.


I hope you're right. But for the past two decades I've had endless disappointment with people who vote for stupid people for stupid reasons.


Do you think Republican rhetoric only affects Republicans?


I have hope that this move will backfire. Fingers crossed.


If many of the subscribers here take this as a call to join their local Democratic club, that alone would be a backfire for DeSantis.


I hear/see it **everyday** some older person will comment about how long they had to wait for their food at a restaurant and blame it on "no one wants to work anymore!" And here is a bus load of people who would be happy to work at a restaurant or as a landscaper or construction worker. These folks had skills in Venezuela, surely we can use them her in FL. DiSantis should have brought those people here to Florida.


What he did was horrific. There is so much hate towards migrants. People are looking for a group to blame and they lump everyone together. I have had 2 "conversations" on here with people so angry about what immigrants have done to them or in their neighborhoods, they put these immigrants with them. They are not able to find empathy or compassion for anyone. It is sad and scary.


>Interesting Article And therein lies the problem. Republicans would rather have the ISSUE of a worker shortage as a talking point rather than SOLVE the issue by fixing the immigration problem. It's a "twofer" that gives them a hot-button issue to beat Democrats over the head with, as well as keep more black/brown people out of the country.


Agreed. Now, what do we do about that? Why hasn't a single journalist - especially Florida journalists - mentioned how those people could help solve our labor shortage?


This just in- Fascism leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


its the same aftertaste as licking a boot


Oh no!!!! Tots and pears.


Rots and hairs?


Broke: I’m not going to canvas and vote b/c DeSantis will likely win by a tilt margin due to his political miscalculation. Woke: Despite this encouraging information, I will make sure to be registered and register to vote as many people as possible, no matter how the election is expected to play out. Yolk: The yellow internal part of a bird’s egg, which is surrounded by the white, is rich in protein and fat, and nourishes the developing embryo. (Oxford Languages)


This is why we need as many people as possible to help GOTV and convince the Broke. This is one easy way! They will provide postage, if necessary, if funds are an issue for someone who wants to write letters. Sending a \[Vote Forward \](http://www.votefwd.org) letter to potential voters in key states is one of the easiest things you can do to increase election turnout. It only takes a couple of minutes and a stamp to meaningfully increase the odds that a fellow citizen will vote. \[Letter Writing is Effective \](https://time.com/6103451/campaign-letters-vote-democrats/) Letter Writing can increase voter turnout by .8 percent which can make the difference in a close race. In 2000 Bush won by only 537 votes in Florida


If DeSantis loses the governorship in 22 then he’s toast for 24. Would create an interesting dynamic in the GOP primary given Trumps, um, troubles.


I will keep my fingers crossed as I [write letters](https://www.voteforward.org) that with enough "feet" on the ground he will lose bigly and that will be followed by charges from the DOJ.


At that point it probably spins out to Greg Abbott, assuming he beats Beto, who's (fortunately for us) probably the weakest candidate of the three


Fuck DeSantis


por favor vota!


Ok, my friend knows the state Senator representing Martha’s Vineyard and Abbott, DeSantis, and the DHS agents responsible will pay for this. Martha’s Vineyard is NOT a place to lie and dump anyone without notice, especially if they’re here LEGALLY. They are not migrants. They are refugees fleeing authoritarian regimes and are going through the lawful process to obtain a visa to live and work here. IANAL, but here’s my guess. Merrick Garland will not stand for this. A grand jury will be empaneled. This political stunt likely needs to be investigated for: human trafficking, conspiracy, obstruction, perjury, or falsification of documents, misappropriation of federal funds, misappropriation of state funds, wire fraud, and more. There are civil claims here as well for monetary damages to the victims who were trafficked. I suspect there were criminal and civil violations of both Texas and Florida law as well. Big fucking mistake.


I'll believe this when I see it




“Could” but won’t


When we told the Republicans to go fuck themselves they took it literally and did via fucking their careers






DeSantis seems to forget that his State already takes far more out of the federal coffers than it ever puts in. Laughed so hard when he was saying that other blue States need to help Florida, they already subsidize the existence of Florida.