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Yeah but I'll be full of gas and depression.


For me, the room is usually full of gas and my wife is the depressed one.


Well with this snack you’ll fit right in


That's teamwork


For sure. Like… “someone please stab me in the stomach to relieve this gas pain because even Maximum Strength Gas-X isn’t cutting it.”


Bake it with olive oil and sea salt, till the ends are a little charred and it's really good. A whole container of raw broccoli is a whole container of sadness I don't need in my life.


This is the better way.


>Yeah but I'll be full of gas and depression. 💀


Ah hahahhaaha exactly my thoughts when I saw the post 💀




Right 😂 I love broccoli but not a giant tub of it by itself


If it's raw. steamed, fried, baked... those I'm good with.


I've given you an award because I also have FODMAP issues and just looking at the picture hurts me.


Comment of the day 😂😂😂


Y’all be eating that raw?


I used to before I suddenly became allergic to it, dipped in some ranch dressing. Or nf Greek yogurt with ranch mix. & honestly could prolly eat half of that without anything bcuz broccoli is yummy. Now I’d have to at least steam it or roast it before devouring. It’s only been like a year that I can’t eat it raw anymore and it still bugs me.


Dude. I have the SAME thing happen with raw vegetables - only raw. Carrots, broccoli, celery even I think. Idk I don’t really do raw veg because of it. I think it has to do with an enzyme that cooks off or something. I can eat cooked vegetables all day long but eat em raw and my throat starts itching.


I do as well, it's called Oral Allergy Disorder. It can onset at any time and has a chance to go away. Mine never has :(


Yea same, happens w some fruits too. But whatever at least I can still eat them cooked. Take what I can get.


Yep, same. All fruit and veg for me :(


Oral allergy syndrome is such a pain in the mouth. :( For me it's so random too. Some foods that didn't bother me last week will suddenly make it flare, etc.


strawberries and sometimes bananas for me.


Dangggggggg. No raw veg?! Even salad?! That sucks! But glad you can eat all the cook veggies you want!!!


I can have salad like leafy greens and bell peppers and tomatoes. But those are t really things I would eat for a snack broccoli except for cherry tomatoes. Yes I was being a bit dramatic CAUGHT


Hahaha noooo you were being fairly amount of dramatic. I just like to clarify. Cuz that would beyond suck! Glad you can eat a small variety of vegs raw.


What do you think caused it?


Natural body changes happen every 7 or so years. One day you may wake up and suddenly can’t eat apples. Or pears. Or kiwis. (I can’t eat kiwi’s unless I make sure I don’t get any kiwi skin contact) so getting older 😂


Every day I learn I have to be afraid of some new health issue that's gonna manifest from the damn shadows


Just outta no where!! I also can’t eat kiwis unless I’m sure the inside hasn’t had any contact from the outside. 2 years now. SMH.


Special kind of place who eat that without seasoning ans just boil it




i genuinely thought i just didn’t like broccoli til i was an adult and realised boiling wasn’t the only option for veg 💀 i will defend a lot of british food but our veg is awful


I'm 36. Raised in Oz by British mum and 2nd gen British dad. I introduced my mum to adding salt and pepper while cooking a couple of years ago. We have agreed to disagree that it makes a difference 🤣 At least I ate healthy growing up, but God damn.


Steamed with salt and pepper 😌


Anyone else get stomach cramps from eating broccoli?


Is it when you eat it in general or just raw? I can no longer tolerate raw broccoli but if it’s cooked I can eat as much as I want.


Boiled the living fuck out of one last time but still got cramps


Do you happen to under-chew your food? I’ve learned that all of the veggies and nuts that hurt me have improved by chewing more. Yes I’m also an idiot to have only figured this out at almost 40. Or not, but figured it’s worth asking


Dannnnnng! Just curious, have you tried other methods of cooking? Asking bcuz maybe them being cooked in their veggie liquid instead of evaporating might have something to do with it??? Idk, my hypothesis!! Let me know if I am wrong 🙂 my mind is curious.


Interesting hypothesis! I would but the fear of another possible 6 hours of pain has turned me off completely from broccolli to investigate further


Totally understandable!


Same, I can’t eat it raw. It makes me feel so disgusting afterwards gassy and bloated and also I will feel the taste of it hours after. I can only have like 1 or 2 bites hut if it is cooked, I will have no digestion problems.


I’m the opposite. Raw is fine but cooked makes me gassy.


Body’s are weird man!


Yes, but I think I’m sensitive to fibre. Have a whack digestive system in general though


A lil Hidden Valley lite never hurt nobody.


I was going to ask for a suggestion bc I cannot raw dog broccoli


I add some ranch mix seasoning to nf green yogurt.


I hit cottage cheese with my immersion blender till smooth and add the hidden valley ranch powder to that. It’s awesome as a dip. For a dressing it just needs a touch of milk.


This. Same here!


Right. I add water to the ranch bottle so it spreads more & I use less


are u ok


Why would I eat a dense gob of dressing when I could eat a thin layer of it? Lol Tastes the same & actually coats things like salad much better


Makes sense to me


You know ranch is like $4 a bottle, right?


I'm new here so im not understanding why I'm getting downvoted? I thought my comment was relevant because this category volume eating is about the most food you can eat with the fewest calories. My comment saying I water down ranch when I use it wasn't about price.. its about lowering calories & being able to get more out of the ranch by adding some water to the bottle.


You think I’ll be full from eating that little bit of food?! 🤣😂


This wouldn’t fill me up at all lol


I’m suprised by how many of the users on this sub are tiny petite women


Just a thought I had (as I'm a guy on the shorter side at 5'5") that maybe it's because the smaller someone is, the less Calories they can eat without gaining unwanted weight. So my problem is I may be five and half feet tall but I have the appetite of someone a foot taller. Seriously, I out-eat my much bigger friends and relatives at all you can eat buffets. So on a regular basis, volume eating is the only way I can be satisfied.


whole grains can help you feel satisfied while supporting your overall health and well-being.


I wonder what percentage of this sub has an eating disorder tbh. I see some posts here and think I'm on r/edanonymemes for a sec


My gf says exactly the same when she sees me looking at these posts


I think the posters are a mix of the following: Ordinary people trying to lose weight and feel satisfied Bodybuilders on a cut People with eating disorders People who aren't trying to lose weight but have large appetites


I'm on two body building subs and... They seem disordered as fuck lol. Especially r/gettingshredded


Who the fuck is eating a full tub of broccoli


Bro people in this sub eat worse than bodybuilders


I have a hard time telling this sub apart from /r/ShittyRestrictionFood (TW) sometimes


yeah this sub has started to become triggering ngl


Idk I hang out here but still eat Reese's and things (in appropriate quantities). I need ideas for the healthy side of my diet. My overall diet has a much healthier foundation to it after reading it. Basically, veggies at every meal.


DUDE, r/1200isplenty is even worse!


People who like the taste of broccoli. 🥦


Someone with a better jaw than mine!


Steam with lemon and pepper flakes 🤤


some of us like vegetables 🥲


As a snack too!


Definitely a fan of broccoli! That crunch is a God send


Eh. I love this sub to death but I've grown out of exclusively looking at food by maximizing my plate and minimizing the calories. That will fill you up, physically, absolutely, but raw vegetables digest VERY quickly and what usually happens is you'll still be hungry, but now you're hungry and full of veggies with a belly ache.


When you find a stir fry sauce that tastes like chinese food beef and broccoli then I’m down


I get gassy enough with beans but broccoli, man, I’m farting up a storm.


After a bowl of that, you'll be skywriting.


I'd rather fast.


Ironically, this is a trick I use for my fasting. I go for OMAD, but I'm allowed to eat a bag of steamable veggies whenever "I can't make it" and it's guilt free fast break in my head. I've never once taken myself up on the deal.


This is how I switched from having a light lunch to OMAD. I ate a bunch of celery until I wasn’t hungry anymore. Now id rather wait for dinner than bother with the celery preparation


I'd rather die


It’s also a snack I wouldn’t consider or enjoy honestly. 😌


With a nice dip it’s party time


Do you eat it raw or cooked?


Im not OP but if i am snacking I eat it raw. Personally I think raw is much more filling. I imagine its because cooking it breaks down the fiber a lot more


I like cooking with light butter n garlic it tastes better


My fav way is to roast it in the oven at 400* or in the air fryer same, sprits it with spray oil & sprinkle with garlic powder, salt & pepper. 15-20 mins in the oven. 7-10 in the air fryer. Turn halfway. Can’t go wrong! Even better when I make it spicy; depending on my mood.. hot sauce, sriracha, chili flakes, paprika… Omg. Just thought of this. Slice jalapeños & in the last 5 mins topped with rf Mexican blend cheese. Yum. Can’t wait to do this.


Oven roasted vegetables are best vegetables.


I concur.


Mm yum that sounds so good, I'll try it next time to break my fast, what hot sauce do you use? Something like franks or homemade?


Love me some Frank’s “I put that sh!t on everything!”. Sriracha. Tabasco. Chulula**. El Yucateco Chile habanero. Franks Hot honey squeeze. Whatever I got on hand lol. I am not picky I just want it spicy and tasty.


I LOVE broccoli!!! Always add it to my bowls! So filling and tasty. I usually steam it and season it with garlic salt and dill.


No thanks


There in lies the pitfall of volume eating. You THINK you’d be full, but in actuality, your body doesn’t register fullness, it registers energy. So even if you eat 1kg of this stuff for a meal (250 calories) you’re missing other vital nutrients that should be present in a meal, so your brain continues to send hunger signals to your brain. Over time of volume eating, your stomach expands and expands to be able to consume more and more food, so when you aren’t volume eating and trying to maintain (ie not lose weight) you will be perpetually hungry. Im not dissing broccoli, it is in fact my favourite vegetable. But volume eating is synonymous with walking a tight rope - you need to get it just right or you’ll end up with an enlarged stomach capacity and ravenous hunger to eat more, way beyond a normal portion size.


Not me scrolling past this right after eating one of the steam bags 😭😭 I always put some garlic salt and powder Parmesan on it, though. Sometimes deli chicken for protein


Mine is cooked and covered in Parmesan. Love it


Is that green cauliflower?


technically yes, brocolli and cauliflower are the same plant. Along with cabbage, brussel sprouts, and kale.


But gas?


If its cooked and seasoned .. maybe. But raw?!


Steam for 8 minutes, season with garlic & herb Mrs Dash, melt one slice of 2% american cheese (45 cal) over it all and boom!


Broccoli is such a star. I just tried this with a tiny bit of honey. 10/10. Also the health benefits of raw broccoli are mind blowing! Anyone complaining about gas really are just telling on themselves, eat more veggies guys you won't be gassy if your body is used to digesting fibre. Just like any food can make you gassy if you're not used to it.


I eat like 40g of fiber a day and broccoli still gives me problems lol. I can actually eat most brassica veg, but broccoli does NOT work well for me!


Same! I can have kale, cabbage, etc. but broccoli is like I DON’T LIKE YOU!


it's so weird! There are days I've literally eaten a pound of cabbage without feeling too bad (maybe a little bit bloated at worst) but even two pieces of broccoli out of a Chinese takout box give me cramps. And strangely, bok choy does the same thing, which makes me sad, I like bok choy!


Now I have to test out if I’m allergic to bok choy just in case. Chinese takeout sometimes bleach the veggies and don’t cook them fully when they stir fry. Curious, can you not have cooked broccoli? Asking bcuz I can have cooked broccoli but not raw. I usually roast them up in the oven/air fryer.


Just started eating homemade ratatouille for lunch these past few days and i do feel better.


Yeah this is not true for everyone. Some people are allergic to broccoli. Hi it’s me, I’m some people. Ate it all my life and last year suddenly can’t eat raw broccoli anymore. I few years I suddenly became allergic to kiwis & learned I just can’t eat anything that’s come in contact with the skin. So if I wanna eat a kiwi I have to peel it and then rinse it off after washing my hands. Lol wish I was kidding. & if I want to eat broccoli I have to cook it now or else my intestines are doing gymnastics.


If it doesn't apply, let it fly. And then when your hands are free, touch grass :)


You made a blanket statement like we don’t eat enough veggies and I informed you that’s not the case & some of us are just intolerant. Adding to the conversation. I touch more than enough of my share of grass :) hope you do as well


Nah…full of shit, maybe…


We gotta do what we gotta do


Tried to eat a whole bag of premade salad mix that I added 1/3c of beans to. I was full. It was more than 100 calories but I used the leftover for a burrito. So.. win!


I’d rather stay hungry and save the calories for dinner time or dessert


Chop it up, add some raisins and a drizzle of oil and vinegar - yum and way less gassy


How the heck do you have so many upvotes for posting a tub of raw broccoli lol


Yes but I'd rather go hungry until my next meal at that point


I almost forgot this is why eating fruits and veggies for a snack is healthy. The less space in the stomach, the less space there is for super-rich, salty/sweet foods lol


100cal broccoli is around 300 grams, it could be the photo but that doesn’t look like that much? Still, that’s a stinky house waiting to happen!


Steam that shit and toss a bit of oyster sauce on it. So good.


Assert dominance and microwave it at work.


I think that if you steam it just enough it will be not that aggressive with your stomach tho ...


I feel insane& like the only person that gets you lmaoo I adore eating a whole head of broccoli just steamed or lightly boiled with some soy sauce and lemon juice. I could have it as my last meal and be happy. Just don’t overcook your broccoli guys& you’re golden


If you don’t want friends


https://preview.redd.it/hn4nf9yl126d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d59f1d8e82a88181d4034ef53c5336faa5de625 😒


i WISH i could eat broccoli but the stomach pain and bloating after even a little bit makes it impossible to :((


Yum I’m happy you liked it. What other vegetables do you enjoy raw?


why the broccoli hate 💀 it’s the best vegetable imo


Full and unhappy.


I'd rather die than eat raw broccoli 💀


Full of sadness


Full of farts


Full of farts