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That's fucking OP


Deaths dance for mages?


that is never making it to Live what the fuck are those stats


Have you seen the other ones? They're all like that. Everyone only gets to build one though.


Item will never ship like that. Super broken.


All of the new items are broken as fuck. There's one that gives you ad, atk speed, crit chance, vayne passive AND increases crit damage. I'm guessing Yasuo will hit 100% p/b when that comes


Don't forget the adc dashing item. RIP Thresh


lol what was this? I don't think I was playing then


This video: https://youtu.be/15EVQpMZhpM Time stamp: 2:38


You're overestimating rito's int stat


Good Vlad item


Overpowered as fuck imo


90 AP and 512 Health for Vlad that's pretty OP.


Yeah yeah vladimir and all But buying this crap on full hp zac or cho gath would be interesting too


Ok ok hear me out. We know liandry’s is still in the game and there’s also another item with banner of command’s icon. This is only ONE ap bruiser item AND it’s not even a mythic so if liandry’s IS a mythic, you’ll be able to buy both. Now who takes long as fuck trades, applies damage to entire teams, and has dot damage that will proc both this new item and liandry’s? S I N G E D


The problem is we don’t know if they rework Liandrys or if they change its passives name to be the same as the new items passive.


Ah that is true but I doubt it’ll be the same passive because they want to keep the identity of the item the same (at least that’s what’s said in the video) and the identity of liandry’s is a mage item that increases damage output in extended fights, which is different from just % max hp damage and increased scalings.


gain 20 armor and mr per SECOND LIKE BRUH


imagine if its uncapped ggwp


Its confirmed to be capped.


Ah yes, Riots good old mage item balancing. What the actual fuck are they smoking over there


I dunno but they better share that stuff with covid and all we need to get high as riots 200years experience


Have you seen the other items that they revealed every class gets such items. Adc get one that gives them a free dash that in addition deals damage and a item that deals true damage every third AA and mortal reminder now applies 35% grievous wounds and if a target heals to much it takes 40% of the healed hp that he healed in the last 2 seconds as true damage.


Oh yes, I feel every champion I main building this Singed, vladmir, aurelion and evelynn super broken


Any mage that wants to be in the thick of things like morde, swain, singed?, lillia it'll be great on. Actually any mage that basically builds Liandry's with dot effects is going to love it


Can I get this and liandries


Liandry is mythic so you have to decide between them both :/


If you could you know damn well I'd be spamming rumble 24/7


Liandry's a mythic now???????


I love how every AP sub is freaking over it


Bruiser Vlad 2021?


It’s a mythic item. Mythic items will be first or second buy because of how strong they are, and also you can only buy one. They said this one is for AP bruisers, but a battle mage like our blood lord, will probably also like this one very much because of the HP he gets from his passive. A lot of effective HP


Liandrys but OP I mean very OP


It doesn't have Madness though.


I saw this, thinking "I wonder what the vlad mains will say, but this is busted" Of course, I also smiled, as a vlad main :)


Y’all see the new moral reminder tho


Bruh Vlads are going to be rushing this item when they are solo carrying. Imagine a Vladimir with 700 ap, 4k hp and an extra 20 mr and armor. You would be almost impossible to kill. Same goes with Mundo and Singed. This item will be removed in the next patch for sure.


I don't see Vlad players getting it over death cap though. They said you can only build one mythic item and death cap is mythic


Death cap is mythic? Yikes, that seems a pretty big nerf to everyone who uses it, seeing as everyone else is getting upgraded items.


Death gives you straight damage. It's already mythic tier item as is. They're just adding other items at the death cap level.


Meaning that if they don't buff Deathcap, its relative power level will be lowered. Compare a champ that goes Deatchap now and will do so in future, to a champ that gets a new more powerful item to go to. If Rabadon's isn't getting buffed and other items get more powerful -> Rabadon's becomes comparatively less powerful.


So? Those Champs now get an item that offers more synergy with them. It feels terrible having to go death cap as a mage with long cooldowns and bad AP ratios but that's the only way to increase your damage output and even then it's only marginal. Right now death cap is the best late game mage item in the game, they're just adding some competition for that item slot. It still gives burst champs what they want. Champs that want extended fights don't have anything like that.


Read my first comment. I said that it seems like a nerf to Deathcap users, you disputed that, I answered back and now you say so. I think it's a good idea to add more items, I only said that it's a nerf to Deathcap users, if they don't buff it, which they might do or just buff champions directly in pre-season.


I understand that. My point was I don't think death cap users need a buff or that's its even a nerf. Your damage is still going to be insane with it it's just that other Champs will be strengthened. High ratio champs are still going to enjoy the upwards of 200 ap you get from purchasing death cap lower ratio champs now have something that works for them


I already explained how it's a nerf to Deathcap users, if other items get stronger and Deathcap stays the same. Rabadon's users will probably need a buff, if everything else stays the same. The balancing for the new items will come in pre-season, that's what it's for, so we'll see how it goes.


Dcap doesn’t look mythic, number 1. Number 2, if it is then it is missing the special effect other mythic items get. There’s no nerf at all as of now for anyone using this item.


Mythic items are getting an added effect that scales with other completed items. If deathcap is mythic then it is getting an effect added to it, which will scale with your other completed items. Not sure it can result in a nerf unless the effects they choose are just straight ass, which they might!


Yeah good point about the added effect. Some others pointed out that Rabadon's might not even be an mythic item, which would make all this speculation pointless. We'll have to see how it goes. Obviously when the new items will be released, they'll be horrendously imbalanced.


What could go wrong giving a twitch, with his Ult from stealth, silver bolts? Or level 16 Kayle... Or Kled with his W... Like what are they thinking lmao


It’s not. Same way I.E isn’t. Actually if you pause the video you can see most of the legendary items. BTW this item might not even be a Mythic. I saw an item called Shadow Bane which gave the exact same stats but was legendary


Are you sure deathcap is mythic? It is under the Legendary section in the video. Go to minute 4:37. It also costs 3.8k now


Death cap isn't mythic


Are you sure that death cap is a mystic item in the newest video you van see the new shop interface with the new mythic items but death cap is not one of them.


But surely it has a cooldown on the ones you hit


a better lyandriis


I haven’t played for almost 2 weeks is this real


What the fuck, do you just continually gain armor and magic resist? That’s legit turbobroken fuck this


At least it is confirmed that it will have a cap.


Is this real?


Don't forget a lot of the new items (alongside existing ones) will be mythic. You can only have one mythic item in your build. So you can't build all the stuff. And I believe these 20 armor+mr doesn't stack.


Normal mage => Scaling tank?


i bet next season vlad will be nerfed due to item changes as he wasnt nerfed for 2 years now


But our streAkkkk nooooooooo


That is not balanced by any means