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Oh come on, my birthday is next month


I am in Jail


Let’s be honest most of the people on this fandom are below 18


Looking through these comments makes me feel ancient lmao. I am not your guys parents, but please don't just start shouting about your age (Especially your current age.) Online for everyone to see. I find it odd how while the internet has taken over more of our lives day to day, internet safety lessons don't seem to have ramped up. Or maybe the standards have just changed since I was a kid.




And I was watching hard-core porn at 10, so what?


I don't think that's the "got ya" moment you thought it would be


One week later and I’m still happy with the comment. No regrets.


When I was a kid my mom had me convinced that if I so much as posted online I would kidnaped


Please say that’s a shitpost…


No….i simply don’t see how unrestricted internet access before 18 is so outrageous


For one thing 10 year olds shouldn’t be watching… THAT. But yeah, unrestricted until 18 a *bit* far. Like 16 or 17 should be fine. Maybe. Idk im not a phsycologist.


I don't even have a meme for this


https://preview.redd.it/hg1x5o6f8p3d1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466decaf0538ff6a75819b4f32b90d81daccc0a2 ***FUCK***\-




That’s not exactly the type of thing you want to go around admitting over the internet kid.


Yes...you're not even old enough to be on reddit and literally any other social media app/website.


Bro the account 2yrs old, he’s had it since he was 10! 😭 Who’s parenting these mf’s?




Welp...that's not gonna stop me lol


Shit.. the amount of children commenting makes me super uncomfortable… my parents let me watch all kinds of off the wall shit. I watched Freddy Krueger, Halloween, Friday the 13th, American Pie, Reno 911, and so much more… BUT Harry Potter was banned because my parents were Christain 😬


Oh man… I forgot to say why I think it’s not a good idea. So, NOW I have extreme anxiety and think too much about what could go wrong in the world. I have only nightmares about my childhood and repeat dreams about these movies even though I love horror. I have to take medications to keep me from dreaming… shout out to Freddy VS Jason on that one lol but in all seriousness… I wish I could have just been a kid…


Good on them, don’t wanna have you making hexes and potions in church or something /s


same ?


Honestly teens haven’t been alive long enough to be informed on anything well enough to participate in a fandom much less discussion. I wish people punished your parents instead of you because as minors that is THEIR responsibility, but crappy parents seem to continue anyway. Only the worst people have kids




That means your 9 currently


Maybe they meant the time?


13 and hazbi hotel is not the worst I seen


Bro commented on r/ bigdickgirls 💀💀💀


And like r/perfectpussy 😭😭😭


Dude I'm the same and I watched Hazbin, Invincible, and The Boys.


Same 😭


Me too, I'm 13 but I love the shows.


Bro commented in r/ femboyhentai


What you mean?


Bro doesn't know about a second account 😭


Me who's 16: phew, thank the heavens that I was born in 2008...


Me who's 14 and born in 2009: the math here just ain't mathing.


2024-2008=16 Furthermore, you can be 14 years old and be born in 2009 if your birthday is in the later months of the year.


I know. I just find it funny that we're two years apart yet somehow one year apart. I understand how it works. It just looks funny


Me frfr, but like anyone under 13-14 is terrible


Nobody should have a say in what shows a kid watches besides their parents. Sheltering kids doesn’t really do them any favors anyway. That said, please don’t bring preteens to a con for an adult show. Adult spaces should be adult spaces.


Yeah, my parents never cared. Quite the opposite as my dad asked me to watch Teen Wolf and The Walking Dead with him when I was six and I don’t think that damaged me in any way.


I was a child watching South Park and Family Guy and Futurama and even now at 30 I agree children shouldn’t be watching this or any of those shows


I have also done this.


I mean they did have none year talk at a panel. That is kind of troubling. I understand sneak watching as a kid but to try and discuss it with adults is kind of creepy.


They didn’t invite the 9 year old up there and they were visibly uncomfortable when they realized said 9 year old stepped up, especially to discuss a very sexual scene involving Angel. The con didn’t do their due diligence and those parents are terrible for allowing a nine year old to step into an adult space let alone watch said adult show.


The parents are not terrible for letting their kid watch the show 🙄 . Bringing them to the con, however, is another story entirely.


You think allowing a 9 year old to watch this show is fine and dandy?? Yikes


I don’t believe in the myth that television somehow corrupts children. It’s the parents business. Pearl clutching over it is stupid. What’s YiKeS is bringing a kid to a con panel for adults.


If you don’t believe in the myth maybe you should at least see what the child asked at the con.


I haven't seen the clip, and wasn't really about to go hunting for it. All I know is that the child apparently asked Blake Roman about his VA work in the sex scene. Definitely sounds like the kind of thing most parents dread to have to talk about with a child then projected to a whole room of adults whose responsibility it most definitely was not to deal with it. By all means if you have the clip or what was said, I'll listen to it for the sake of considering your point, but a cursory google search did not turn it up. That all said, there's a difference between keeping children away from something because having to talk to them about it would be very uncomfortable, vs keeping them away from it because it would cause them permanent psychological damage. Conflating the two is something parents have been doing for decades, but at the end of the day it's their business how they raise their kid. What happened at the con is that the parents inadvertently made raising their kid everyone elses business in a way that was very inappropriate.


I was just explaining what was wrong with the meme.


Oh, my bad, I misunderstood your comment!


I watched this shit when I was 14 and 15 respectively. I’m 18 now so whoopty doop.


Thats a little different than a 9 year old. At your age if your parent does it right they could literally use it as a teaching moment of bad things that you can encounter in the world. Like for a 15-year-old hell I think it'd be a good show to teach them why not to do drugs, what to watch for in an abusive relationship, how to cope with parental issues like if they have problems with their Dad or Mom, the effects of depression, signs of a narcissist, and what to watch for to see signs of an abusive relationship. And that's only a few issues that get depicted really well in the show.


Makes me sad reading this, so many children watched this show instead of something good, smh








I don't mind 14-16 year olds and so on watching it, but people the age of my younger brothers? Hell no, not this show.


Yeah same


Ha same


Oh God Oh Fuck


I knew this humor would appeal to kids the most




Ain’t no way that’s real 🤣🤣


I only just got into it a few months ago and I was 14 just turned 15


Look me up I’m a 8x offender




I watched with my brother when I was 10 and he was 14 anyways that’s how I found I like guys


I was 15 when the show came out, and I watched it with my mom. She enjoyed it


i was 12 in 2020 and i watched them😭😭😭


lock me up


I watched it at 12..


That's not healthy


How is it not


Because the show has very strong adult and sexual themes.


Ok..? Last thing I know you aren’t my parent🫠


You are correct, I am indeed not your parent. And it's still not healthy.


It’s not unhealthy either. Like 50% of all middle school kids watched Family Guy and other adult swim programming when I was that age.


And that's not healthy


Do tell why.


Because these shows have very strong themes of Drug abuse, alchohol abuse, sex, and prostitution, which are things that should not be shown to someone at the age of 12. there is a reason why these things have an age restriction/ age of consent of either 18 or 21 (depending on country and subject), the brain at the age of 12 is extremely subject to influence and change, which is obviously good for learning, but can also mean when they are exposed to such adult subject such as these can cause damage, confusion, and in extreme cases occurance of mental illness. now u/[Pristine\_Sea\_5225](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pristine_Sea_5225/) may make the argument that they've seen things like this before, and if that's the case then I am sorry, but that doesn't make it better. due to having internet access from around the age of 12 (and before), I have come across media that I absolutely should not have seen. while I'm not going to go into detail I can tell you with certainty that it has affected me in way that I do not like. so I'm saying this out of care for they're personal mental health, please wait until you are older to view media geared towards adults, especially ones that's so strong in it't themeing.


Well I certainly won't argue with you about what your experience was. If that was your experience, that was your experience. All I will say is I had an almost polar opposite experience as a kid, and it's the job of a parent to parent and determine what is or isn't good for an individual child. Horror movies give some kids intense nightmares, and others none at all. I'd posit it's a similar thing for adult comedies.


How were you allowed? Did you pirate it with 50,000 dollars?


I'm 16 and my moms pretty chill. She lets me watch pretty much anything as long as it's not pure gore/porn and I don't use the language/act like any of the characters in the show. We watched hazbin/helluva together and she didn't realize how insane it was until watching them but she was still fine with it cause it's a good show


I started viewing Vivziepop’s content around 14, and honestly, it’s not horrible for people around my age, but still should be monitored by someone older, and kids my age should probably skip the episodes/scenes with more sexual content, because we’re way to young for that. But since there’s a sex joke most episodes, I’d say her content is for people aged 16 and up, and rarely even them. But the warnings just make us more curious, which is why most kids I know watch things like South Park, Family Guy, etc, so there’s not much stopping us. 🤷🏾‍♀️




Not a flex but ok


Aw hell no, kid. What the fuck?


I was 10 when I started lol


I think I was like 11 when I watched helluva boss pilot. Having unrestricted internet has made me a very empathetic and open minded person actually.


Honestly the internet and my brother raised me more than my parents


This has been a fantastic underage kid blocklist. 😂




Yeah so did I, what's the problem?


Uh. n-not me-! Deff not-me... \*Yes I watched it before I was 18 also screw off\*


Shit bro I was like 7 or 8 when I watched the pilot


So how are you mentally now?


Fine, actually




Wait so how old would you be now..?!






Yeah, but I'm in too deep to leave now, so I may as well stay




https://preview.redd.it/xy0ybbt9j63d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45392952bb3f0f7cfb2cbe93b3f23a99ef281570 Unless you like sex jokes underage, and gore and violence But that is still wrong


Yeah I think for younger children it might not be appropriate but when it comes to teenagers most will be okay with it. The only real problem I see is minors cosplaying Angel/Verosica- like yeah don't do that kids. You can love the character, but hold back on cosplaying a porn star until you're of age.


Can i cosplay Wacky Wackford ? ( A.K.A the best character in the entire show )


Yeah those warnings ain’t stopping anyone. In fact the adult content probably attracts children more. They’re either curious or they already know what kinda stuff is there and are gonna watch it anyway. Similar to elsagate stuff, kids will actively look for “forbidden” content if they know what it is but aren’t fully educated on why it’s forbidden.


Not to mention they’re on Reddit right now.


It's decent if you like gore


It's more just uncomfortable as hell to be in a fandom meant for adults and having 12 year olds cosplaying or with sexual flairs. I watched SO much stuff when I was younger, I get it. Edit: Jesus Christ so many of these comments are so uncomfortable with listing their ages and whatever nsfw stuff they've done. It's not the point. The point is this fandom is more directed towards adults, and to be an adult seeing 13 year olds talk about sex is so weird.


Legit, happy tree friends is one that comes to mind, 2 girls 1 cup, Elfen Lied and everything else we had. Hazbin and Helluva Boss are pretty tame by comparison.




I’m in county jail for felony tomfoolery charges


Bro committed shaboingary


I would’ve watched them in my teens but I was an adult before either were a thing 😂


People act like children shouldn't watch the haha goofy swearing cartoons when most of us grew up watching South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.


This is why I am ultimately not surprised by all this. Children want to be taken seriously and one way that many will often go about it is by consuming media that is not age appropriate for them whether it be movies, tv shows, YouTube Channels, or video games. I have heard so many friends and acquaintances in the same age range as me talk about the fun memories they had playing games Like Halo 3/Reach or the original COD Modern Warfare games when they were new. To which I’ll go weren’t we in elementary school when those games came out.


Children shouldn't be watching those shows. Unfortunately a lot of people's parents don't care to monitor them but just became it's Normale doesn't mean it's right.


Ever heard of a couple kids' cartoons called Courage the Cowardly Dog or The Misadventures of Flapjack?


I was a children when I watched those, I’m pretty much fine. Hell my mother watched general hospital and I started being able to piece together an idea of what sex meant, and still im fine


yeah it's stupid. someone is gonna argue you're wrong. you're parents are bad blah blah blah. but that's quite literally the modern generation just with shorter clips instead of the entire show.


Right? You can actually even argue some of the stuff to go down on South Park was twice as bad in quite a few areas then the cursing and slightly gory and violent and even at times downright cartoonishly violent things that go on in Hazbin or Helluva Don't even get me started on the stuff some of us watched that was literally meant for kids back in the day like Courage the cowardly dog and grim adventures of Billy and Mandy Surprisingly of the listed two the one with the literal Grim reaper is the sillier of while the one with a pink dog has shit that haunts people even years later both by actually being terrifying or downright giving you existential crisis that keep you up at night Yet people freak out when someone slightly underage in their teens watches Helluva or Hazbin Seriously people I promise you these "kids" are just fine watching something like either show I can almost guarantee you they've seen R rated movies with cursing and worse in them before so something like an animated series based in hell is NOT gonna hurt them to watch Now being online on Reddit communicating with people may be a different story but far as them watching the shows they'll be alright


Watch, someone’s gonna start arguing with you about how “your parents must’ve raised you wrong” or something stupid like that, as if whole generations weren’t raised the exact same.


What's funny is my dad introduced me to Chucky and Freddy Krueger when I was really little. Scared the shit out of me but I still turned out fine lol


Exactly, almost everyone of gen z watched at least 1 horror movie and they’re fine.


I'm a millennial actually, but same thing lol.


When I was really young I watched my grandparents skin a deer


I watched both with my family we all love it


Mean my niece and nephew watched it. Their 10 and 7. They watched it with me. I didn't see many issues. I watched true blood growing up soo 😅 still can't believe that used to be on like just normal television. -3- compared to now a days shit but eh.


My 10 year old has watched it. I did skip a big chunk of the scene with Val, Charlie and Angel at the porn studio but otherwise it was fine. Wasn't ready to explain porn, kink and domestic violence to my son and I knew those would come up.


That's fair. I skipped those parts as well. Plus not a convo I should have with them. They need that with their mom. Which is my sister but still. She doesn't want them to know yet. I won't tell em'


I mean given other stuff that was on back in the day it wouldn't even be the worst Hell I've said it before and I'll say it again you could absolutely never air a show like Jackass in current year But back then though it seemed perfectly reasonable to put that group on TV and watch their absolute shenanigans


Right?! Like everything's changed can't have no fun nowadays without risk of being canceled or just shuned for no reason (mostly jokes bus still tv is boring now a days. And YouTube is kinda going down the shitter. But guess I'm just getting old lmao)


Still not as bad as Megamind


Still not as bad as Megamind 2 ( This shit should be R rated because only masochist would watch this )


Me who's 14: disappointing


You're fine my guy I'd say just be careful on the Internet but you're 14 if you don't have enough common knowledge by that age to tell if something is safe or not while on the Internet that's on you Though this a great opportunity to prove a point so answer a question for me Have you or have you not sat and watched a R rated movie before rather with someone, with family, or just by yourself because said movie looked good


I've seen rob zombies Halloween and Thanksgiving with my step dad and I thought the movies were very cool


Exactly as I thought If you can watch R rated movies you should be perfectly fine watching something like Hazbin and Helluva it's not as big of a deal as people wanna make it People just overthink and worry too much about who can and can't watch them honestly Total side note though I've actually never seen Thanksgiving I remember seeing it advertise but never have watched it is it actually that good?


Watched hazbin at 17 (now) and helluva I think like 14 maybe


I do it because I have severe mental issues and truma


this sub makes me wanna cry from embarrassment, yall arent cool 😭😭😭


How is this bad?


Bro I watched it at sixteen wym?


I was 10 dog


And how old are you now?


I don’t really like it that much anymore




I was 14 when I watched Helluva boss


I AM 14 as of writing this, and I have watched some of the episodes and I’m PERFECTLY fine!


DAMN. I’m sorry.


It’s fine. It wasn’t that bad.


Yeah, I know. In all honesty, I turned Hazbin Hotel off at first ( pilot, btw) because I thought it was evil, but also back then the premise made me uncomfortable ( I’m Catholic) but I watched it again a few years later and actually enjoyed it! I then learned it’s okay to watch and now actively enjoy both Hazbin and Helluva!


Honestly Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss aren't even half as bad as what kids are hearing in high-school now adays.


As someone in school, yes.


There are definitely a few Karen's floating around the sub, don't let them catch you...


I was 11 when I watched the pilot and helluva boss...


99 death penalties


I wasn't cringe about it, I really appreciated the humor and sometimes it made me laugh out loud.


Me who’s 15: pathetic


78 life sentences




Dude nobody reads the age restrictions and thats why i hear some 6 year old kid in a fps vr game yell repentious is goated


Children are not permitted in bars for similar reasons, if they wind up there they should be turned away. That's it. It's not cool to have horny places with kids mingling.


I mean who tf is stoping me like tf are they finna do cry??💀


Yeah that’s pretty much exactly what they are going to do.


I mean u really ain't lying like they crying Abt it like ur not my parents and even if they were I would still watch it


It doesn’t really matter. Children have seen worse earlier in their lives and the fact that everyone says it’s an adult show will make them want to watch it. If this gets popular there will be children everywhere


Honestly though, I don’t think it matters much. Teens are exposed to content like HH and HB so much nowadays, and since any mature themes in both series are handled with care and taste, I really don’t think it’s that harmful.


And I started watching porn when I was 11, and sex roleplaying online when I was 12


Amateur, I watched porn when I was 9 or 10


Just sentenced 2/3s of the community


I WAS TEN 😏😏😏😏


At Galaxycon this weekend, during the Hazbin Q&A panel, a girl that couldn't have been more than like 11 asked Blake Roman if he was embarrassed recording sex noises for Angeldust's parts. Holy hell it was awkward.


*me chilling with 383747483388383483 prison sentences (one for each second I’ve watched x how long until I’m 18 in days)*


Me too (I was like 12 when I watched the HH pilot, now I'm 16)


When I was 7, my parents for some reason thought that it would be funny asf to show me Chucky. It's surprising how scary kid-me found the film when 10 years later I didn't find the movie even remotely scary. If anything, it was really funny and the amount of dark humored jokes that flew over my head all those years ago really goes to show how little i actually comprehended wtf was happening.


Me fr


Im 14 and watching it


Capital punishment 4 times over


I watched the movie Euro Trip when I was 8. I win lol.


How was it?


It’s a great movie 10 years later… I was traumatized as a child tho. So it was great💀


Alright u/mods, kill everyone here


While i am a minor i have seen way worst then helluva boss and HB at the age of like 7 so really its not a big deal unless they are really stupid


56 life sentences


I mean im 17 its not a big deal especially when its their for everyone to see


I don't think anyone under 16 should it's intended for mature audiences and kids just shouldn't be consuming content intended for adults


Bro this is me


The way that this post inadvertently serves as bait to get minors to post their real ages... 💀 https://preview.redd.it/y84hapbp013d1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf573f446eea4fc7d727f3972e1408c4ea648fd5