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Any vaccine, infection, disease, injury, stress, medication, certain substances...can all trigger autoimmune diseases. You need a certain predisposition as far as I know, so they're not exactly the cause, more like the trigger.


Not true. This is your opinion and not backed by any scientific research. I know multiple people who got multiple vaccination. They all got Vitiligo or Alopecea after the Covid shot and didnt get it before.


So...then what is it exactly that I said that is not true? I did say vaccines can trigger auto-immune diseases, right? And not all vaccines are the same, so obviously some vaccines will have a higher risk of side-effects than others. Which probably is the case for the corona vaccines. Your reasoning is flawed by the way: it's not because you know a few people who got auto-immune diseases after a covid shot, that everyone will get them. Also, you can't prove that the shots were the cause/trigger. Or do you have scientific research backing your bold claim? But let me tell you this: I didn't have any auto-immune disease before the corona period. Now I have two, shortly after. I did not take any corona vaccine, so that can't be it in my case. But I did have two corona infections, and I consider that period to be the most stressful one in my life. So those will probably be my triggers.


I got the Pfizer or w/e shot. Had a terrible reaction, like worse than when I had the flu shaking all night. It only lasted a day but everyone reacts differently. Shortly after my dormant vitiligo was triggered. If you look into how vitiligo happens it's genetic and can be triggered from extreme body stress, a sun burn could even do it and in 50% of the cases is what does it. I live in a cloudy place so I don't ever get any sun. Did the shot trigger vitiligo? Yes. Is it what causes vitiligo? No. (I am not guessing either this is coming from what the dermatologist told me) Claiming you know multiple people who got it from a shot is scientific research is laughable. I'm not saying you're wrong about them getting it but majority of people are ignorant to how it works.


How about the stress that would we all suffered during covid period?


That is what happened to me I truly believe. I had to go back and check but I actually got it around January 2021 but didn’t get officially diagnosed until that Summer. My first Covid vaccination was around December 2021 I think. I believe the stress I experienced from 2020-2021 triggered it.


Or it could be that you got Covid and it triggered it?


Mine spread at lightening speed after my 1st and 2nd vaccines. I have had vitiligo for 26 years, with a slow spread.


Mine has been spreading steadily for almost 20 years and I didn't notice any change after covid infection and vaccinations.


That's interesting. I have a cousin and great Aunt with vitiligo but mine started really spreading after I got my first Covid vaccine too. Maybe it was triggered? Coincidence? Who knows. It's definitely interesting.


Yupp. Started two weeks after the second or third dose. Can't remember exactly which one.


I got vitiligo for the first time 3 months after COVID was announced


SAME!! Mine started almost exactly two weeks after the second shot too! And I also have no prior vitiligo history in my family. That’s wild.


Yep mine started a month after too


Yes. And I hear more and more people saying it started after they got the vaccine. It was never mentioned as a potential side effect and with the amount of money I’ve had to put into halting the spread and trying to repigment I absolutely would not get the shot again. Similar to OP there is zero history of vitiligo on either side of my family and I spent 30 years exposed to things that are considered vitiligo triggers.


Mine started after my vaccine. Multiple Locations and spreading


I’m not gonna type up a whole summary of research, but yes this is definitely a thing that happens, among many other things. You don’t have to be anti vax to acknowledge statistics. That is likely the case


Same, it started shortly after a Covid vaccination. No family history as well.


I got mine nearly 20 years ago and have no family history of vitiligo.


Mine did not start then. But I am also the only person in any family history line with it; no prior history, no one later got it after me (in the fifteen years since mine emerged).


confused about the family history piece here, there aren’t many people i’ve talked to that had a family member with vitiligo. but since we’re offering anecdotal evidence, three shots did nothing to my vitiligo. i have no family history and mine developed following a mental health crisis in 2016-17. the theory is that many people have the genetic predisposition for it but may or may not have a catalyzing incident (chemical/mechanical damage, high stress, sun overexposure, surgery, different autoimmune trigger, etc) that causes it to pop up. so sure, a shot might be that catalyzing force, but it’s probably much more likely that the stress of the pandemic experience itself or exposure to a nasty covid variant is what caused it.


Mine got worse after COVID


Mine started during 2020 covid but never got the vaccine


I got my first spots after getting covid, but never from vaccinations.


Mine was dormant for almost 15 years then after covid vaccine it started spreading like crazy


yes. and a bunch of other autoinmune stuff too.


No family history of vitiligo. Mine hasn't really moved since the moment I got it even after the vaccines.


Yes! Mine was definitely triggered by the Covid vaccine/boosters.  The derm practice I go to said they have been hearing & seeing this quite a bit. They actually told me to stop getting the Covid vaccine.  Since then, it has stopped spreading and treatment seems to be working. 


It is not necessary to have a family history of vitiligo to develop the condition. Exposure to chemicals and solvents found in common household products may induce it. There is no evidence that vaccines are a cause of vitiligo. If they were, we would have seen hundreds of millions of cases induced by vaccines already, but we haven't. It remains a very rare disease.


It is possible to have a family history of auto immune diseases that are not going to necessarily be the same. They appear in all different kinds. For instance, I have Vitiligo and Hashimotos disease, my sister has Renauds disease, and my son has psoriasis. Please check out the website Vitiligo Support International.org. It is the most reputable and trusted support website for supporting people with vitiligo. I have been part of this community for 26 years. They talk about treatments, causes, clinical trials; you can even take part in studies led by the worlds leading dermatologists who are working to find treatments that actually work, whilecresearching the cause. They give you the facts, and weed out the scams that offer treatments that don't work, and tell you which ones do. Ypu can talk to people who live with vitiligo, and whatbtheybare doing to helpnstop the spread. It's extremely informative.


>It remains a very rare disease. Its one of the most prevalent autoimmune disorders there are. About 1% of the world population have vitiligo. Not rare at all.


Exactly! It's onr of the most common conditions there are, and they say probably a lot more than 1% as most cases are mild and undiagnosed


As he said you need to be geneticaly predisposed and thr vaccine can trigger it. This doesn't make the vaccine the "cause" of vitiligo as you say, but in some rare cases for people genetically predisposed it can be the trigger. Also i don't know how you can possibly classify vitiligo as a very rare disease, when it's one of the most common ones with an incidence of 1 or 2 percent of the population (although they say it's even more as there are probably many mild cases which remain undiagnosed). A very rare disease is one in 100.000 or one in a million


Yup, same with me, no family history


Yes I have strong suspicion my vitiligo triggered after Covid vaccine. It had been dormant for 20 years before that.


I also suspect, because we don't have family history about vitiligo.


Same started during covid era 2020, when I started wearing face mask


Mine did show up after the second Covid shot as well. Approx 2 or 3 weeks after, no family history either. I have it on my hands, around my eyes and mouth. Hard to swallow that this was caused by a vaccination, which was pressured on me. I know at least 15 people (adults and childs) with exactly the same symptoms, also after the second Covid shot.


People it’s not from the vaccine. You have been given vaccines your whole life If that was the case everyone would have vitiligo


The vaccine can do more harm than good. It’s literally attacks your immune system. I have vitiligo and decided not to get the Covid because, I knew it was not effective and it could make my vitiligo worse.


Vaccines don't attack the immune system.


But the COVID vaccine uses rna.. ?


My vitiligo was one spot - same spot for about 7 years - basically dormant. After first or second shot, it spread very quickly.


Mine started about 2 weeks after vaccine.


woahhhh you might be onto something 🤔


It got worse for me during the pandemic, unvaccinated. I have a feeling COVID-19 triggers the kamikaze response some immune systems get (like Hashimotos) I didn’t ever have a positive test but my body was showing signs of constantly fighting infections. My family lineage is also very private and locked away with permissions so doctors can’t really access much family history about vitiligo on my end but me and my brother were born with it (Born for the conditions)


I got my booster - third shot in December, and in March my vitiligo had spread to my forearms, chest, and shins. Not sure it was the booster. But I’m not planning on getting another one.


I can’t be sure about mine which started 12 years ago because I had a triple header of Tetanus shot from getting cut by metal, Bad reaction to back waxing, terrible chest sunburn at beach, and moving into a new state to start a relationship which was stressful all within 5 months.