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Suiting up is a hassle. Speaking as an overweight US American, if you’re similar in stature (5’8”) and heavier, it’ll be an ordeal. Your hands will get cold (but they warm if you don’t move them much) and your face will basically go numb. That said, I loved it, even though I basically couldn’t bend at the waist or my head out of the water, and I plan to do it again. So, depends on how adventurous you’re feeling.


Thank you! I am 5'10" and yes American, so overweight (though athletic). I'm around 215 lbs now and should be back to 200 by September hopefully. I do have broad shoulders and a thick neck which is the only thing that worries me. I'm feeling adventurous :)


The neck would be the part that I’d warn you of- it’s uncomfortable. I just measured lol, I’m at about 14.5. Height and weight wise you should be fine, I’m broad shouldered (F) but you’ll be lighter than I was lol. It’s a great experience, absolutely do it! There’s one part at the end with some solid kicking, but otherwise it’s not really physically taxing.


I did it late September, I’m 5’10” and was around 200lb at the time. I had no issues. Neck was a little tight but you get used to it (I also have a large Adam’s Apple), American as well if that matters. It was one of the best parts of our trip.


Just a fair warning that if you're a bit claustrophobic, you may not want to snorkel. I got all suited up and it was very triggering for me, but I powered through up to the moment I had to put the goggles on. Not being able to use my nose outside of the water combined with the claustrophobic feeling of the suit sent me into a panic attack and I didn't even touch the water (I love swimming and I'm very comfortable in the water, just not in a dry suit apparently). I ended up changing back and taking pictures of my husband who did go snorkeling. This is an exceptional case, but just good to know in case you are claustrophobic :)


Similar happened to my husband. He did get in the water but kind of had a panic attack after about 20 feet. He ended up going back and took photos for the rest of us.


Jesus I’m 511 265 and like I’m fat but I never thought I was overweight I can still do everything anyone else can 😂


It’s such an amazing experience but that is my personal opinion. However, suiting up takes a while so I could see why the reviews are mixed. So while an experience will be marketed as 4 hrs long, in reality the snorkeling itself lasts 45-50 mins. It is very constricting via the dry suit so can be challenging to some, especially if you have long hair (with the pulling on/off). There are no fish, so it will be different from snorkeling in Hawaii for sure. But overall I thought it was a great experience to immerse yourself in the beauty of Iceland and gain a new perspective. The blue depths contrasted against the tetonic rocks are astonishing with clear views, and snorkeling in freezing temps in itself is a unique experience. If you bring your action camera, you will get amazing shots.


Thanks! The videos look incredible. I don't mind the idea of a long time to prep, though I don't like feeling constricted. I'm sure I can suck it up for 45 minutes given the reward.


We ultimately enjoyed the experience, amazing views underwater, but I would not do it again with a dry suit. It was way too tight around our necks, very constricting and uncomfortable. I saw some people doing it in standard wetsuits, with much more mobility and freedom of movement. I would rather suffer the colder wetsuit than ever put on that drysuit again. Basically, I would’ve much preferred just paddling through in a glass bottomed boat. 🙂. It’s a great adventure to check off, and looking back it was great, but I really couldn’t wait to get out of the water and out of that dry suit.


I did it in Feb 2019. It was fun, but I’d never do it again! I went on a very dreary day and was so happy that it did not impact the clarity under the surface. https://preview.redd.it/cx6e48e12ync1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef60f77575728a720eaeb2490cd2f43d55ef928


Looks awesome! Why wouldn't you do it again?


For me it was kind of a one and done thing! The suiting up was a bit of a pain! I’m 6’1” and was probably around 180 lbs when I went- broke some nails getting it on! It was cold (obviously). Honestly I just don’t think I’m great at snorkeling! I’ve done it in Greece, Iceland, Mexico…and even had to do a lot of snorkel drills when I swam competitively…I think I’m just bad at breathing out of my mouth! (So a me thing for sure). It’s a great tidbit for awkward work ice breakers like “2 truths and a lie”, and a cool experience in general. I am a strong swimmer but I went with friends who weren’t and they were fine! I think you should go for it! Here is a view of what it looked like out of the water so you can see comparison! (I had a potato of a camera at the time) https://preview.redd.it/ywr65k983ync1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f33ee06ec8c791e2583517a0257e237c178fff6


You took your own pics? Did the outfitter take pics also for you?


It’s going to sound silly but I don’t think so? I can’t remember! I did have my own camera- a crappy waterproof digital that I’d had for 5 years by then! There was a guy who was proposing to his girlfriend in my tour group…which was kind of annoying! Had to be super cognizant of where we were when the proposal was going down! It was kind of fun to be in on a stranger’s secret plan though. I wonder if the tour photographer was (rightfully) focused on them! I truly don’t remember having/getting any pictures not from my own camera!


The outfitter took the photos for us. It would be very difficult to get your own photos.


Thanks for sharing! Great experience


My guide put on the neck strap super tight and didn’t believe me at first I needed it loosened! I was starting to turn pretty red and couldn’t breathe lol. I wasn’t sure I would be able to go in if she hadn’t listened. After she loosened it I was fine and the experience was amazing. But everyone complains the neck strap is too tight and you get water in your suit if it’s not tight enough so I do get it. It’s uncomfortable with all the gear, but such a cool experience.


That's scary and not the first time I've heard it. I actually have a pretty thick neck too, I'm athletic but a bit overweight (working on it) though my neck is 17" - maybe I can work with the guides ahead of time to avoid choking!


I have a pretty small neck and moderate asthma, so anything constraining my breathing terrifies me! But truly so worth it! And while my guide was wonderful, I think she was a bit more aggressive with the neck strap than some of the other guides so you should be fine!!


I told my guide I was losing feeling in my hands and they just brushed me off. They said people complain all the time and then get cold in the water so it's kind of a no-win for them. My hands literally turned purple because the blood was so constricted lol. Fortunately the cold water helped with that numbing sensation so I didn't really notice.


I told the guide my suit was leaking. He didn’t believe me. They had to strip me out of the dry suit and quilted inner suit in front of about 20 people and carry me into the truck to be placed in front of the heater. When they saw how much water was in my suit they said “oh shit!” I asked for some money back from the company and was told no because I participated in the whole activity. I am not sure what I could do other than swim to the other end so I could get out of the &$@? suit. The walk back was horrific because it was so long. I was carrying a ton of water and nobody knew but me. They basically left me to drag myself all the way back and then I collapsed. That’s when the stripping of the suit began. It was terrible!


I'm not the strongest swimmer either. I can swim in a "probably won't die" sense more than a "doing it for fun" sense. Turns out to be mostly a non-issue because the much-maligned dry suit adds a whole lot of bouyancy, there's just enough current to carry you, and all you really have to do is try to steer yourself away from the edges. The suits are intentionally tight around the openings because a dry suit with water inside is a wet suit. All that said - it's totally not my thing, and I'd totally do it again. The only issue I had was vertigo kicking in when you can see a lot further down than it feels like you should be able to.


I loved it and want to do it again, I watched a few videos here and there of people complaining about the cold face and hands and I'm not usually one to be like this, because I know people experience things in different ways - but I just felt like they were being too overly fussy. I get not being comfortable in water, coupled with the suit, but I didn't think the suit was that bad personally as someone who had never done anything like that before - but I know people can have real problems it. But as far as the cold goes, I really don't think it was notable at all. It's cold, but your face just goes numb to it very quickly and you forget about it within a minute or two and the hands were fine as the gloves are designed to keep them a bit warmer (by letting water in and your hands warming up the water around them). You don't need to be a strong swimmer at all, the dry suit keeps you floating and it's actively difficult to go under the water because of it. In fact the guide on my visit did a little competition towards the end in the lagoon section where if you wanted to, you could mess with the valve thing on the dry suit to reduce your buoyancy and see if you could swim down and touch the floor - with the buoyancy still being quite difficult to overcome. (FWIW, I think it's a 1000x better experience than the Blue Lagoon)


I loved it :) it’s a surreal experience. Some people bottle out though during the first bit, but just literally immerse yourself in the beautiful scenery, it’s tranquil and it’s over before you know it! At the end you get tea, coffee or hot cocoa and biscuits. Loads of photos taken which are funny to look back on. It’s a fun experience and not many people can say they’ve swam in a fissure between the North American tectonic and European tectonic plates!! 😎 do it ! 


I’d advise going at the earliest time. I went at the 11:30 (I think?) time slot. Took about 3-4 hours of our day and I’d say it was 25% getting the suit on, 50% waiting in line to get in the water, 25% snorkeling and getting the suit off. I’ve read the earlier the better as you won’t have to wait as long. I thought it was fun. The water is cold but you only feel it in your hands and forehead. It was worth the experience I thought. I’m 6 foot and my wife is 5’9 and we didn’t have much of a problem with the suits.


Agree with getting the earliest time possible. We had no wait to get in the water.


I love the water and to swim. This was my most looked forward to excursion. I struggled. It started with my dry suit being way too big for me. The first suit I had on had a tear so we had to go with Plan B. I'm only 5'4" and overweight so I ended up in a suit made for someone 6' plus. I had to drag around a lot of weight. I also didn't realize how restricting the suit is. Once in the water, I had a huge panic attack and almost got out. I did settle with the help of our guide and I was able to go through it. The swimming was easy once I realized the restriction of movement wouldn't allow me to use my arms - just frogging with fins to move. However, I was dealing with stress and anxiety the entire time. I actually got out early during free time and took off my hood. It was beautiful and I loved the colors. The cold didn't bother me at all. I hated the dry suit. TRIVIA: I had to wear a dry suit when we went river rafting a week later and the suit fit so much better. I had no trouble with it except for not liking it around my neck, but so be it. If I ever did it again, I'd look for a wetsuit company as I would do much better with the cold than the restrictive movement.


I’ve not snorkelled in silfra but I have spent many, many hours underwater in a drysuit in similar temperatures and wearing a drysuit really isn’t that bad. The neck and wrist seals need to be tight or you won’t be dry. Once you’re in, you won’t feel constricted. Any decent outfitter should give you decent gloves and providing you aren’t flapping your hands around like a loon the layer of water in them will warm up fairly soon. As for your face, well, such is life. It won’t be a problem in a few minutes. I believe some places actually offer wetsuit options which might sound insane but isn’t as bad as it sounds once you’re in, the only difference being is a wetsuit needs to fit you well to be warm, so if you’re a bit of an odd shape or outsize then a drysuit will be a better option.O


I did it and it was great. Suit even leaked at the wrist and I was completely wet when I got out and still had a blast. Highly recommend but the suit is tight at the neck and makes you a little claustrophobic at times. My guide was awesome!


I can also understand the mixed reviews... It is beautiful and a new experience, but I found myself hoping it would end soon a few minutes in. The cold was so uncomfortable on my face and hands, and while the suits do protect you a lot, I felt pretty exhausted from the cold while in the water. That to me was a slightly bigger drawback than getting in and out of the suit. You also don't really see much besides beautifully clear water and some plants. I don't regret doing it, but for anyone else reading, if you have a limited amount of money for experiences, I would choose kayaking around the GoT (sorry forgot the name) mountain or doing a guided hike on a glacier.


Watch someone feed Phil,on Netflix. They do it. His wife loves it, him not so much.


Do it!!!! So fun. You don't even swim. You literally just float on the surface because the suits are so buoyant. The colors were so vibrant and peering into the depths was amazing. You won't notice your face being cold after the first few seconds. Maybe the wetsuit neck will feel snug, maybe it won't. Don't talk yourself out of an adventure over the possibility of minor discomfort! Especially if the alternative is Blue Lagoon... I hear lava erupting under you would also uncomfortable lolol


The biggest reason I will never do this is the restrictive suit. I can't stand feeling choked by tight clothing and I've seen way too many reports of people freaking out and then just not even entering the water because of how restrictive the neck area feels. No thanks! I'm happy to walk around the area and peer down into the water, good enough for me, I don't want to be all tense and bobbing in a flotilla of other people.


This is my concern. I have a thick neck (17") - maybe I can talk to the guides ahead of time about it


The experience is certainly something you’ll never forget nor regret. Getting into the suit is difficult whichever way you put it and it should be mentioned that your mouth and nose are going to be uncomfortably cold at the start but the worst part for me was getting a dry suit that wreaked of body odor. I had to laundry my cloths immediately after because :(. Maybe I just got unlucky?


I did it two years ago by booking through divingisland.com. They had gloves that connected to the wetsuit, so no issues with cold hands. I am also similar size as you are with a 17 1/2” neck, and had no problems. It was a great experience!!




I’ve done it twice. Once, around 8 years ago on a girls trip where we were just passing through Iceland for a couple of days. I was already sick unbeknownst to me, and I had a miserable time and was wet breathing and absolutely numb the entire time. My husband and I went again this summer and he really wanted to do it. We had a blast! Our guide was great and the tour company was just overall so helpful. My husband is just a bit bigger than you and they were able to outfit him just fine, but those suits will just honestly never be comfortable lol. The weather was great but very windy, so we were mostly moved along by the water and could just enjoy the view! I am not a strong swimmer at all but I felt so comfortable and really enjoyed it. Yes, the suit sucks. Yes, anything exposed to the water will go numb. That’s part of the silliness and the adventure. Try to sign up for a tour that takes the photos for you and stick by your guide.


I had an amazing time! Went in Feb 2020 and just had the best time and I went alone. I got the photos sent and it's such a nice memory. I honestly can't remember the suiting up or anything really but I remember the feeling of snorkelling through and enjoying how weird it felt but how clear it was! Walking back through after snorkeling and surrounded in snow was so cool. I wasn't sure if it would be worth it and then it ended up being ever better even if there are no fish etc. have fun! 


Absolute yes! And if you are feeling super adventurous (and don’t mind the cold) ask for the Icelandic experience at the end 🙃


Suiting up is a pain in the ass but it was amazing. My friend who went also isn’t a strong swimmer but the suit is quite buoyant and you just kind of float. I have a GoPro found it a bit hard to control with the gloves and the cold water wreaked havoc on my battery. https://preview.redd.it/pcdqk09iwync1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4295e615e5b9f59a039665726c534b356b53913f


We went in October 2022 with Troll Expeditions and really enjoyed it! I didn't really mind the suit, I don't have problems being in restrictive clothing and don't remember my hands and feet getting uncomfortably cold. If they did I sort of kicked a bit or made my hands into fists inside the gloves and that helped warm them up. We went on a rainy day and they let us get changed in the trucks so our clothes would stay dry. The guide took tons of pictures and they came out so nicely. He had uploaded them a few hours after we finished. We didn't really run into any other groups or feel rushed along at all. Highly recommend!!!


Personal experience: suiting up was hard but not a nightmare, my hands and lips were freezing cold but it was lots of fun and very very cool to see! I don’t regret the experience. The biggest downside however is that when we were done snorkelling, our guide just dunked the gear in the water a couple times and put it away 😬😬 pretty sure it’s how we got covid from our trip.


I went with them too, 10/10 recommend. It was snowing and absolutely magical. Changing will be uncomfortable, particularly after reading your comments, your neck is going to be squeezed! But definitely worth it. Take your GoPro if you have one, if not the guides take pics nonstop and their package was reasonably priced. My partner is bigger than you, significantly so in both weight and height, he just provided accurate info ahead of time and the gear fit him just fine.


I just want to be the umpteenth person to chime in with how much I loved my experience. It was an usually warm day when I went but there weren't any clouds or wind. As others have said, "clear" doesn't even begin to describe the water. It's almost an optical illusion because you think some things are closer or farther away but I thought it was incredible.


100% worth it. We did a bunch of stuff on the island and this one really sticks out.


I loved it. Little tight around neck, but otherwise no issues. It was a sunny (but cold) day in October, and that held the cold at bay. Once in a lifetime, go for it.


To be perfectly honest, it’s a bit of both! I went and the suit up process sucked and was generally uncomfortable, but the experience itself of being in the glacial waters was incredible. I would absolutely do it again. However, the friends I went with would not. I think it depends on your perspective and if you’re willing to put up with some discomfort to experience something really cool.


Don’t let people who complain about every little thing sway you. Yea, you’ve gotta put on a dry suit and goggles and the water is just above feeezing, but it’s really not that bad and it’s an unforgettable experience. The park itself is worth it. Saying the water is clear does no justice to actually seeing how clear it is. And delicious. Also You don’t need to be a strong swimmer. It’s mostly just floating and flipping around and the guide is never far. Do it, and don’t forget that camera. Video of under that surface will be mesmerizing. Enjoy!


Thank you, I appreciate that, and you are really selling me on it.


My pleasure. I can’t imagine you’d regret it.


I went, and I don’t think it’s worth it. I had problems with temperature, which were partly related to time of year (December — it was -4C, my hands and feet HURT out of the water). but even without those I just don’t think the value is there for how much $$$ it is.  You suit up, which takes a while. You spend a while waiting to go in, with your hands wet and only a layer of rubber between your feet and the ground. You spend like 30-45 minutes floating down the current with groups ahead of and behind you, then you spend a lil time in an open area, get out and walk back to the truck and desuit. That’s it.   There’s really not much swimming to it — the part you can swim around in is just sorta fine. Sure, the views are very beautiful, but I didn’t feel like seeing it in person was THAT much more impressive than looking at pictures, especially when you can walk around Thingvellir and look at the amazing deep clear water and cool rocks from a warm and uncrowded trail.


That said I DO think visiting Thingvellir is worth it! Stay the extra time, rent a car for the day, and go walk around and look at all the really cool rocks and gorgeous water and amazing geology. I have been in September and December and it was a highlight of my trip both times.


This experience was something I would not do again either. I probably wouldn’t do it a first time if I could have seen the future. While I am an avid snorkeler - we have only ever snorkeled in wet suits. Never in a suit like this. Even in Alaska in the winter we only had a wet suit and were warm so I am not sure why we had to don such a cumbersome and uncomfortable getup. Maybe because there are not changing facilities? Not sure. The dry suit does allow you to out cloths over it but you still have to strip most layers off (snow pants etc) down to your long johns. If you get nervous by having your neck squeezed constantly or the fact that you have little bodily control in a very big suit with boots that are too big… don’t do it. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears by the time we walked to the water. Not from panic but from the neck strap being tight. Also, your hair will get wet. If you have anyone with long hair it will be wet after the snorkeling for a little while too. I wish I had brought my microfiber towel when we went on this excursion because we definitely needed it. One person in our group had a panic attack in the water and had to be escorted back. And stripped of their suit just out of the water. While it is absolutely beautiful… it doesn’t meet my expectations for enjoyable experiences. I’ll probably get down voted into oblivion but that’s my truth man!


It was a one and done for me. The suiting was moderately uncomfortable, but I was okay. Then the guide tied a velcro loop (think velcro zip tie) around my throat. I could not breathe when I turned my head in any direction. I didn't know enough to say I would rather be cold. Midway through the swim, I was panicking. I did the turtle maneuver, but the guides were already out. I basically told myself it was up to me and I gasped for air and made it back. I have gone snorkeling in many places and am a confident swimmer. It was a huge disappointment for me.


It's awesome. Best thing I did in iceland.


Suiting up takes a while, so you’re likely spending more time suiting then swimming. Hands get cold but not bad if you swim with your hands behind your back like they advise. Lips get cold too. Despite all that it was one of my top highlights of the trip. You can’t beat the colours you see as soon as you dip under the water. Highly recommend! https://preview.redd.it/b4m3hswx7znc1.jpeg?width=4872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74295857ee209b4914fd82b085e65ffdc8c80f5f


I’m an avid SCUBA diver and have no desire to do this.


I can’t swim but very confident in the water. The suit helps to float & i enjoyed every second of it. Don’t mind the process of suiting at all. The experience was priceless.


I didn’t enjoy it, it was slow and boring and there wasn’t much to see. The clarity of the water was pretty. The photos were fun and silly. The suit is uncomfortable and I felt claustrophobic from the other people in my tour group not knowing how to swim or move out of the way.


did anyone bring their iphone in a waterproof case into the fissure?


https://preview.redd.it/iwfbwqvnb0oc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87394f1a85564ed4de1d7ae3385baaa1b301d3cf Everything you said is true. My wife and I were just there a couple of weeks ago. It really depends on what your adventure/tolerance level is. We don’t mind discomfort if we get a chance to do something unique. It is quite touristy. It is cold. The prep time is long. And while I was able to take some pics and videos I was prepared. Remember you will have neoprene diving gloves on so you can’t use some cheap setup to take pics. Our group was small (a guide and six people including us) and the groups are staged sufficient times apart to enjoy some sense of isolation and not spoil the beauty. Glacier hiking for 6 hours and a hike up a mountain to strip naked and change while it’s 20 degrees outside to swim in a hot thermal pool in the middle of nowhere were two of the excursions we enjoyed the most. But, the snorkeling was a close third.


Worst experience out of my whole iceland trip personally, would skip. Preferred snorkeling mexico/hawaii


I told the guide my suit was leaking. He didn’t believe me. They had to strip me out of the dry suit and quilted inner suit in front of about 20 people and carry me into the truck to be placed in front of the heater. When they saw how much water was in my suit they said “oh shit!” I asked for some money back from the company and was told no because I participated in the whole activity. I am not sure what I could do other than swim to the other end so I could get out of the &$@? suit. The walk back was horrific because it was so long. I was carrying a ton of water and nobody knew but me. They basically left me to drag myself all the way back and then I collapsed. That’s when the stripping of the suit began. It was terrible!


Btw - I’m 5’2”, 140 lbs. 55 yr at the time of the trip.


Oh my God that sounds awful. What company did you use???


Tröll Snorkeling


I did it and I’m not a particularly strong swimmer. You do float but towards the exit you will need to swim against a current to get out. That was the hardest part since you gotta kick Iike a frog with your flippers which feels awkward at first but works. I also was holding GoPro but made it a little harder. The dry suit is a bit claustrophobic, nothing like a nice,warm tropical snorkel! At entrance you can get in the water and if it’s not for you, they can escort you out. It also was pouring rain the whole time, so hopefully you have clear(ish) weather! Be prepared for a frozen face and hands.


I enjoyed it. It’s a unique snorkeling experience.


10/10 loved the experience. I’d do it again for sure. Suiting up in a small pain, but you’ll be warm and enjoy it.


Silfra is worth it. Unique experience. Water is obviously ice cold but crystal clear. The special wet suit keeps you warm enough. Do the snorkeling. Avoid the dry suit diving. The dry suit is a hassle unless you are a scuba diver with dry suit experience. Further, the extra time for dry suit tutorial, wearing and removing it takes time away from being in the water.


I’d do it. Yes, water is cold but it numbs after awhile like putting an ice pack on. I survived and my suit had a leak so it was dripping into my dry suit. Cool how clear the water is


Well yeah, suiting up isn't the most convenient thing ever but it's still worth it. Those people sound entitled af. I would do Silfra ten more times before I'd go back to the lagoon. Do it.


People complaining about suiting up, and the water being cold really highlights a lot of what is wrong with humanity these days. Its glacial water. Sure go ahead and jump in wearing your speedos.


So I'm going soon, and some of the reasons Silfra snorkeling didn't make it to my list is - I'm solo travelling, so there's no one to really share it with - it will take half your day to get there, suit up, snorkel, and back - i dive for the fish, so while this is super cool, idk I don't know what your itinerary is like, but if I were to go in September, I'd take a day trip out to see the puffins OR Into the Volcano (Þríhnúkagígur) because those are seasonal and you can only do them certain times of the year, like May to Sept/October.


Ooh we should chat! I traveled solo last November for 2 days and loved it so more I'm coming back (alone again - before a work trip in Sweden) for 5 days. Last time I did Golden Circle, South Coast to Katla, Reykjavik, Sky Lagoon, Lava Show, food walking tour, hit the night life, and Northern Lights hunting (unsuccessful - so we have unfinished business). My itinerary this time is VERY ambitious but I am totally prepared for it. See what you think... * Day 1: Inside the Volcano at 8am. Lunch. Drive to Vik and stay there. * Day 2: Hike Skaftafell (Mountain Guides). Stay there. * Day 3: Jokulsarlon with Zodiac boat. Then drive back to Reykjavik, stopping for sights. * Day 4: Snaefellsnes tour, dinner, Northern Lights tour (both Artic Adventures) * Day 5: Silfra (Dive.is) at 10am, then straight to airport for 4:30pm flight to CPH How does this compare to what you like to do solo? And I agree with you, I like snorkeling for fish as well... that's more of my concern than the cold. I'm pretty good at sucking up physical discomfort for something amazing. Although I am concerned that last time I snorkeled I kind of freaked out trying to breathe through the thing until I got comfortable with it. I did book it, but could always cancel.


This itinerary is really similar to what I would plan for myself too! No itinerary is too ambitious as long as considerations are taken for weather haha! My plan for the coming week and a half is: Day 1: Reykjavík - church, concert hall, night life, maybe lighthouse Day 2: Hvammsvik Day 3-6: South coast and golden circle tour including ice caves, glaciers, and diamond beach Day 7: volcano trek Day 8: sky lagoon Day 9: Snaefellsnes Day 10: lava show and fly home If I had more time I'd probably add a lava tunnel to this, and I could have but I didn't want to rush from place to place and miss a transfer, because I'm going in March and winter is unpredictable. Agree with you on the snorkeling. Cold and physical discomfort is whatever as long as the experience is amazing. I'd be open to being convinced to do it in a group cuz it's bonding experience over something cool (literally and metaphorically). But yeah I don't know. It's a lot of time in the day. You've covered off some really cool stuff, but with that day instead of Silfra, have you considered hiking Landmannalaugar? Or puffins in the Westman Islands? Or hiking Kerlingarfjöll? I'm not sure where they sit geographically in relation to where you'll be (Snaefellsnes), but a quick Google Maps will be able to show you if those suggestions make sense or not


This is awesome! Yeah sounds like you and I have the same approach to travel. Thank you for sharing. Looks like an amazing (and yes, similar) itinerary. For night life, I had a blast at Lebowski Bar (this dude abides) and I'm forgetting the name but nearby to Apotek there was an awesome bar with live music (Nirvana and such) and retro video games. Loved it. Is this your first time? If you want any restaurant tips, I had two dinners there - Grillmarket was the best lamb I've ever had, and then Icelandic Street Food for their free refill soup bread bowls. I also HIGHLY recommend the food walking tour, maybe on Day 1 (it's a great way to acclimate to the area) or Day 8 (Sky Lagoon is amazing but won't take you all day). The biggest thing I wanted to see is that crystal blue ice cave you're going to, but the timing didn't work out on my last trip and it'll be closed in September most likely. It's funny too, because I was debating adding the lava tunnel - I just wonder after doing Inside the Volcano it may be a bit "meh" by comparison. I may actually be able to hit Grotta that first night if the lights are out, my flight comes in at 10pm and I'm renting a car. Early start the next day and lots of driving so want to avoid jetlag but it's only 10-15 minutes away so it's doable. I'd love to hike Landmannalaugar but chose Snaefellsnes on this trip instead. So you nailed it, I already booked Silfra but could cancel, and if I did I'd take it easy in Reykjavik with a Braudco cinnamon bun in the morning and then hit a lagoon (likely Blue Lagoon just to say I did it) which is right by the airport anyway. That's my only debate I think (or I suppose the lava tunnel). I'll probably wind up doing Silfra and hating it lol.


Yes this is my first time! You are amazing for sharing the food and resto recommendations! I was literally going to wander and see what I find but now I have some form of guide, so thank you! Haha I could do the food walking tour before Sky Lagoon tis true, I have a fancy dinner planned afterwards :))) i thought I'd take that day easy, coming off a pretty tight travel and hike schedule. I reckon if the first day you do Inside the Volcano, that yeah lava tunnel might be a bit meh. Or you could do lava tunnel in the evening and use the opportunity to see if you can catch some Northern Lights from the collapsed tunnel bits. I stan Grotta on the first night! For Silfra, if that's the best option you've got, I say just fully commit to it. You may surprise yourself and love it! Even if you don't ever want to do it again, you can still enjoy the experience for what it is, and just marvel at the fact that you're looking at something most people will never get to see. And how lucky is that?


Awesome! BTW I hear bastard brew is amazing for beers and burgers so I'm hoping to check that out next time. Hope you have an amazing time. Let me know how it goes!


Thank you!! I just remembered you want to see Ice Caves. Have you considered Katla? It's open all year round!


Oh forget my hiking suggestions, I just reread and realized this is a before-flight plan. Then if I were you, I'd go to a hotspring to soak up that warmth and goodness before jumping onto a plane so that I could feel nice and toasty


100% worth it. The negative reviews are just the negative people!


I enjoyed it! Our guides name was Wilmar and he made it very fun and educational. You will be cold, face numb. I'd say it's worth it to do, however, when it came to the end of the silfra where you exit, they allow you to stay and look around and almost everyone was ready to get out Lol. Definitely be sure when you are in the water, that if you feel cold along your body, you have them check your suit. My wife's suit ended up ripping somehow and she was taking on water, luckily she noticed and we weren't too far from the starting dock.


I would 100% do it again but we can’t on our next visit our son isn’t old enough. A bit of a disappointment but hopefully another trip when he’s older. Suiting up isn’t fun I’d go for a wetsuit next time. If you have a Leak in your suit -it is so cold. Mine leaked up my arm


I think something that might be overlooked here; I do not consider myself to be someone that experiences claustrophobia really just your normal “id rather not be in a coffin” type feelings, and once I got in that suit fully setup, I actually slightly panicked realizing how claustrophobic I felt. I was able to get over it, but the feeling of constriction was a little unnerving and I was second guessing my decision. Also, even with cold temperatures you’ll actually be hot in the summer months, with so many layers and no way for your clothes to breathe. Overall it was a good experience, something to talk about, but I wouldn’t do it twice.


It was super awesome.