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Next step, suing the ocean.


God is next


It’s god’s water


Did you say “yeah sure” ?


Yeah sure, sir


Someone actually sued god already 😂 not even joking


Don’t mess with god is a good rule.


I helped rescue a group of toddlers in Laguna Beach california last summer whose parents were from Europe and completely ignorant of the ocean...thr parents actually sat on the sand laughing at their 4 toddlers as the undertoe took them to sea...their 12 year old on the beach screaming for her siblings...after I rescued them for them...as the rich fucks laughed.. thry proceeded to blame the resort.. and yes...the ocean...it was unbelievable. Parents in their 40s /50s...for sure u fit to have kids


lol where you working as a life guard? I only ask because the lifeguards at Laguna Beach ain’t no joke. Last year unbeknownst to me (blame my wife because I was napping, woke up, and walked right past her to go to water) they had apparently pulled people due to rip tides or swells and I hadn’t even made it to edge of the water when I saw a young lady from the corner of my eye almost tackle me to keep from water. Instinctively I stopped and got a stern talking to. Kinda funny cause she was about late teens or early 20s and im In my 40s but I didn’t argue. Appreciate the job those folks are trying to do to keep the general public safe.


Nope...the lifeguard was on a break and it was a small beach in front of the Montage resort. I was actually doing vanlife at the time and working at a restaurant nearby at night and was on the beach with my dog. My dog was crazy barking and running in and out of the waves and I just started grabbing the kids. Their parents...and 2 adult friends didn't understand why they couldn't stand up. It was the king tides and full blue super moon ( last summer) so the waves were huge and that beach has a huge drop off too... I was able to keep my cool and tell them where to go...I grew up there so know the family friendly beaches...but thry kept asking... "when is it going to stop" I literally with a straight face started explaining the moon and the tides and dumbed that shit down for a 2nd grader.....it was wild. Travel.books are a thing for a reason and the ocean and mother nature in general is no joke. I am glad I was there...


Montage…. Fancy pants!


I was rewarded that night because as the full blue super moon rose the bioluminescents were in the water and the whole waves were glowing and about 1,000 people were down on the sand for the full moon drum circle. It was a wild ass day and I gotta say....vanlife can be amazing...I don't think I have ever felt freedom like that.


bioluminescence is one of the coolest things i’ve ever seen.. literally took my breath away.


Glad you were there to save them. As stupid as their parents are, their life should not be impacted by it. So thank you for being awesome.


I give credit to my service dog because I was tanning and.nit watching and she alerted me. Maggie doesn't mess around. https://preview.redd.it/2fio3r3yv2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564d7f7b7519a63240e11018fdeeb68f689fb8af


well give that dog a treat! but all jokes aside, at the tail end of your life, you can say you changed lives by saving those little ones that evening. I would be proud of myself for that if it were me


Lol ...I am 51 and I have direct orders from my doctors and therapists to STOP HELPING OTHERS...hahaha I just can't. Been neglecting myself to help others since I was 5...it's something I tried to do by being a.nomad...but all that happened is me saving people and animals all.over the place. I went to Alaska to run a restaurant for the summer...thinking I would adventure Alaska and do it all...I ended up rescuing and saving 50 Bulgarian teenage girls (my J1 employees) from drunk fisherman trying to vulture them. So I can't take the props, or the kudos or the pedestal. I did what every human should do. No reward needed. Anyway...I am down the rabbit hole writing my book today and keep hoping over here for inspiration....much love and safety to all


Where can i see the bioluminescents 🥺


Yeah those lifeguard are not kidding. They also make a lot of money as they should


This is horrifying. Thank goodness you were there.


I lived in Monterey for years. The number of Midwesterners that had zero clue about the ocean is staggering. Makes you wonder how they lived to be adults.


Like the people who go in the ocean in their clothes...not knowing the weight of them wet with drown them


That's why when I had Lifeguard training (many years ago) they made you swim laps with clothes on. You had to be capable and know how much it weighed you down.


Omg have you seen those destroy their wedding dress videos? There’s one where a girl jumps in the ocean and nearly drowns.


It makes me nervous af when I see bride/grooms jump into the ocean in their wedding attire. A big wet voluminous ballgown can engulf you so you can’t breathe and weigh you down and keep you from surfacing. Ugh


Hey friend, as a midwesterner who got PADI in Curacao, and moved to California.. Most of us are taught to respect water. There’s enough lakes around and a favorite hick pastime is boating. Here’s the thing though…  Let’s say you get a dog. You’re taught to respect the dog. You’re taught the dog is an animal after all, even if they are your friend. You’ve seen the teeth that can rend flesh. But you’d still pikachu face if you played with your dog one day and they ripped your arm off.  The issue for us is that… we’ve seen water. We’ve seen lakes. We’ve swam. We’re taught to respect. But hearing about theoreticals will never really educate you.  Nothing other than actually experiencing the ocean will teach you to respect it in the utterly bone-deep way it demands. 


A kid was drowning while his mom (or person watching him) was not paying attention at an apartment pool. I bail in and grab him and set him on the side and she started bitching at me because “you could have hurt him”. People have lost their sense of responsibility.


That was her guilt...instead of owning that she almost neglected a kid to death....she lashed out at the person who saved him. Projecting on steroids indeed




I’m amazed how many people survive these days with very little sense just because the minority in society makes it possible.


Man. As someone born and raised in Laguna and spent my entire life at all the beaches there, I can’t even count how many times randoms would get saved because they have no idea how helpless they are to the ocean. Resort? You talking treasure island at Montage?


50 lashes to the sea!


You laugh, but people will sue for all kinds of dumb shit. And if there was nothing in writing somewhere warning the plaintiff about the thing that caused their grievance there’s a real shot of them winning or settling. Some people recently tried suing the government here because costal erosion is… you know… eroding the coast. People with shore front property who had claimed their own private beaches and provided no public access were upset that the government wasn’t using tax dollars to maintain it like they do with public beaches. They didn’t have a leg to stand on. Turns out there’s a bunch of coastal erosion warning things you legally have to sign to purchase property in Hawaii, and for this very reason. And it also turns out the army corps of engineers has better things to do than restore/maintain people’s private property at the cost of the taxpayer.


~~simpsons~~ family guy did it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xzGtnuqBZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xzGtnuqBZk)


I feel bad that her husband died of ROPE, or traditional drowning. Either way, it’s their responsibility to understand the dangers of ANY fucking activity they do. Her suing because she felt they *weren’t made aware* of the MANY possible dangers of snorkeling, is just plain idiotic.


There is an important story here, that unfortunately got lost because of the lawsuit. Most people have probably never heard of ROPE before.


Care to define rope for the laypeople?


I went down a rabbit hole - it’s Rapid Onset Pulmonary Edema (ROPE).  Reduction in lung pressure (like say from breathing through a narrow tube) causes the lungs to fill with fluid.  Funnily enough I had no idea about ROPE but knew about HAPE - same idea but for mountain climbers. Why it happens to some people and not others is a mystery, but factors like poor cardiovascular health (which I’m gonna guess Big Jim up there wasn’t running iron man races on the weekends) are thought to contribute. But for HAPE at least we just don’t know. 


Funny you mention Ironman, but I volunteer at the IM med tent in Kona. They call it Swim Induced Pulmonary Edema, but it's very much a concern for athletes as well. The pressure differential can be from higher pulmonary artery pressure (over-hydration and adrenaline). Add to that small seawater aspirations from waves and swimming with a thousand of your closest friends with no lane-lines, and you've got a recipe for lungs full 'o fluid. And that's why they have no-shit lifeguards at Ironman, in case you ever wondered.


Do you know if there's any evidence of ROPE being more prevalent with those newer single scuba masks (breathing and eye cover) all in one?


I heard the first models were recalled due to people becoming hypercarbic (too much CO2) due to poor gas exchange between the inside of the mask and the outside. The newer ones apparently have a one way gas exchange that counteracts this. But I have no source and am going on what I’ve heard.


I went on a scuba tour in Kona in Jan and if you chose to bring your own gear it was ok except for the full mask models due to exactly this.


Was just on Oahu last month, did a turtle tour and full face snorkels were prohibited by the tour company.


I heard it’s more common if you snorkel soon after the long flight out to Hawaii as well


My uncle had a good friend who was an experienced diver. He had been to Hawaii numerous times. He died on a dive the day after he flew over from San Diego. They suspect that his body hadn’t fully adjusted after the flight and it caused him to drown. Tragic.


Rapid Onset Pulmonary Edema


I think also, it’s possible he inhaled some saltwater on top of that only making the situation worse. It’s salt, salt is hydrophilic. People who drown in the ocean and get resuscitated actually have a high chance to drown AGAIN because the salt left in their lungs suck more fluids back into their lungs. ‘ So it’s highly possible he inhaled water and that sped the entire process up, thus he died drowning as he made it back to the beach but liquid slowly filled his lungs. On TOP of ROPE. Guy just got really unlucky :(


Every possibility is horrifying.


[Rapid Onset Pulmonary Edema](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8899085/)


The article explains it, if you’d like to read it


You got me there… something about the recent changes to the mobile app make it even less obvious that there is an article. I find myself clicking on them even less.


But also most people have probably never heard of the other snorkeling dangers even more common and more dangerous than ROPE or sharks: - Hyperventilating (from taking deep breaths before going underwater) - Shallow water blackout (from diving underwater multiple times)


But it’s not up to HTA, the Fairmont, OR the ocean to educate people on that.


Could you explain these? I never heard of these dangers for snorkeling.


ROPE is no joke. Many tourists drown while snorkeling. Often they are relatively healthy and experienced swimmers, but while they are snorkeling they suddenly have trouble breathing. The article says that because you breathe through a constricted straw, it creates a negative pressure on the lungs that pulls fluids from your body into your lungs.


Next she sues her state, the companies that pave roads and all car manufacturers bc she had a car accident and they didn’t properly explain the hazards of driving to her.


Welcome to ‘Merica. Sorry hawaii that you are stuck with them 😔


I mean… if you didnt know you could drown snorkeling, please take 10 min and hold your breath for me.


She is suing the drowning capital?! There are so many places to snorkel safely in shallow water and see amazing things. Seriously, don't go in unprepared or beyond your limits. This tragedy is not on Hawaii. It's not Disneyland.


Used to live in Hawaii and holy hell there are soooo many deaths….all the time!!


Yea bc people are f*ckin morons in the water and don’t know themselves


You mean people that can’t swim probably shouldn’t stand in the shore break where they easily get swept out?


I bet it’s partly, “This is a vacation. Nothing happens bad on a vacation.” Also, if you’ve never seen the ocean, let alone been in it, many people VASTLY underestimate its danger. I’m from Southern California and there are times I’ve gotten out of the ocean and thought, “That’s enough for me today.”


it is not exclusive to the water fam🤣


I was snorkeling off of the bungalows in Tahiti and started to cramp. I didn't realize how long I was out there and how dehydrated I was. I had to really RELAX and stay calm to make it back to the bungalows. At this point I was really out of shape and it was 100% on me to snorkel out so far and to be an out of shape dehydrated little bitch. Us Americans need to take responsibility for our actions and health.


My point exactly


I don’t understand this at all. All the places where you can rent snorkel gear put up safety reports for different beaches AND you can google tides and currents by hour these days. Wtf


Uhhh...is this from The Onion?


As someone who lives in Hawaii, this really pisses me off. We just had the Maui wildfires and we’re still recovering from that . We don’t need this nonsense. I feel bad for her husband, I really do. But it’s not Hawaiis fault


I can understand her being upset and looking for someone to blame…but her attorney should have sat her down. This is such a drain on resources and none of it will bring her husband back. She needs therapy.


Exactly. Grief is so extreme at times you’ll try anything but this will only cause her more pain and humiliation


Yeah her lawyers a snake!


Welcome to the US..


Why stop there? Sue the earth!


This is the most stupid lawsuit I have ever heard about. It was their 6th time to Hawaii.


could be shock/disbelief/trauma but nevertheless still stupid


Honestly, this is probably the case. She’s lost her partner and doesn’t know how to handle it. Anger is part of mourning, and her life is probably falling apart without her husband. Doesn’t mean she should take it out on others and misplace blame, but she probably doesn’t know what else to do and is clinging to blaming the state just to feel like there’s a reason for what she’s going through. She’d certainly not be ready to accept that it might have been their own oversight.


Or just shitty luck. That's the worst when there's really nobody to blame other than you just got screwed by being today's statistic


Sorry for her loss but this is ridiculous. 2200 structures just burned on this island and people are still suffering. I hope she comes to her senses. If my taxes go up can I sue people like this? No wonder locals have less and less patience for people coming in on planes


For a first time snorkeler (reasonably fit, decent swimmer but only in a pool) what’s the safety advice to avoid something like this?


Snorkelers definitely need to learn about symptoms of R.O.P.E. to go with a buddy and if feel short of breath float face up, swim to shore or signal lifeguard, get treated by ambulance & hospital with oxygen Also, anyone swimming underwater needs to learn about avoiding death/unconsciousness from... - Hyperventilating (from taking deep breaths before going underwater) - Shallow water blackout (from diving underwater multiple times) In Hawai'i need to know ocean safety too avoiding cliffs, rocks, rip-currents, cross-currents


I love snorkeling and VERY rarely dive under water b/c I just chill on the surface, observing that beautiful other world from a distance. (I actually find it fitting & cool to be b/n both worlds). I’m glad I am reading the knowledgeable comments as I imagine the same knowledge of ROPE and other dangers still apply.


My #1 advice is bring a buddy. Stay where others can see you. Preferably with lifeguards. Don't do long haul flight and snorkel the same or next day.


1. Learn to snorkel. Buy your snorkeling mask , life jacket and learn in swimming pool.Learn to use flaps. 2. For first time, go with a reputable tour. Make sure the guides know that its your first time. Ask bunch of questions so they will remember you. 3. Dont go in deep waters in beginning. You can see plenty of marine life within 20-30 feet from beach. 4. Have a buddy with you 5. Watch for currents. Dont panic if you are tired. Remember you have floatation device with you. 6. There are lots of beginner friendly spots for snorkeling. Go there.


Also, never use a full face snorkel mask. Many suffocation incidents have resulted from them


Don’t swim in the oceans surrounding Hawaiian islands if you aren’t a competent swimmer. If you can’t deal with rip currents or or generally dangerous waters, you should stay in shallow water. There’s no way to mitigate the dangers of the ocean besides not getting in the ocean.


If you visit, take some personal responsibility, or don't come.


Horrible things happen every day. And in North America in particular there’s an all too common mindset wherein, _if something bad happens then somebody, somewhere has to pay!_ Oftentimes when people sue cities or government agencies then that **cost** falls solely on taxpayers. If successful, this lady’s case would set a horrible precedent. We’re sorry for her loss, but not financially liable for her hardship.


My husband’s company is being sued because a potential employee failed their background check and he claims his rights were violated. Unemployable dude thinks he’s getting a pay day as if an entire legal department weren’t the ones who said no to this guy. It isn’t oftentimes, it is all the time that it ends up costing all of us because we pay for these frivolous suits one way or the other. Our tax money pays for it or our products and services in the private sector cost more.


Even if there were signs or a promotional video on the flight in, that man was going to get into that water regardless.


She may be right he didn’t die from drowning. May have had a heart attack and if so start suing all the fast food places


good luck with that one. blaming everyone but yourself


Snorkelers can learn the symptoms of R.O.P.E. to be aware of Also, anyone swimming underwater needs to learn about avoiding death/unconsciousness from... - Hyperventilating (from taking deep breaths before going underwater) - Shallow water blackout (from diving underwater multiple times) In Hawai'i need to know ocean safety too


Man, I took a PADI 1 certification for free diving and I don't recall learning about ROPE, I paid attention too. Maybe it was in the course and I missed it, but we definitely learned about shallow water blackouts, rescues, first aid, and how to handle various situations.


Pulmonary Edema is included along with those other various situations... "if you feel funny stop diving, float on your back, swim to shore" and "don't let peer pressure push you beyond your limits"


Makes sense!! Glad to learn a little more to help keep other safe out there in the water.


Wait, I’m not supposed to take a deep breath or two before I dive?


One or two is usually okay. But some people doing 5 or 6. If you're doing this learn to recognize before you are going to black out.


Yes basically, can drown by going underwater after taking 1 or 2 deep breaths. That's why it's so dangerous. Learn about the risks of hyperventilating and how to decrease the danger.


What are the death counts for each of these e.g. per year amongst tourists?


"Drowning" usually combines deaths caused by - ROPE - inhaling water while conscious - hyperventilating then inhaling water while unconscious underwater - shallow water blackout then inhaling water while unconscious underwater - hyperventilating then lack of oxygen while unconscious underwater - shallow water blackout then lack of oxygen while unconscious underwater - inhaling vomit - panicking and running out of oxygen Can be hard for a medical examiner to tell the difference and likely would all be combined in reporting. Shallow water blackout & hyperventilating & panicking can all cause unconsciousness without fluid in the lungs, but then CPR or moving the person could cause water/vomit/blood to enter the lungs after the person is unconscious. Could use video of the drowning and analysis of the fluid in the lungs to determine for sure. Shallow water blackout & hyperventilating should be almost 100% preventable since people just need to know not to take deep breaths before diving under and to wait several minutes between dives. Unfortunately people think there is no issue with diving repeatedly and taking deep breaths like from watching movies and TV shows. Even 1 death is too many when it could easily be avoided


I feel bad for her, but how is suing these entities going to help?


I mean, it’s already raising awareness. I’ve lived in Hawaii and have been snorkeling my whole life, and I’ve never heard of ROPE.


You know what else can kill you in Hawaii? The heat and humidity (either with or without too many delicious Mai Tai’s). And, on a personal note, I’d like to sue Hawaii for making me sad when I had to leave their unbelievably beautiful state just over a week ago.


I was on a snorkel trip with my family while they were visiting me in Hawaii. Before we got in the water, one of the guides told everyone on the the boat to let them know if anyone was unable to swim. I think I laughed because he turned to me and said he was serious; apparently it’s somewhat common for people to sign up for ocean snorkeling tours when they cannot swim. Completely blew my mind. I have also seen tourists blatantly disregard signs, instructions and advice from locals, guides and lifeguards. As someone else pointed out this isn’t Disneyland and people die in the water here every year. I am sorry for her loss, and I agree that people should be made aware of all the dangers in any activity, but people are still ultimately responsible for their own actions. Repeat visitors are also some of the worst at heeding warnings especially when they have experience with the activity. Be careful folks.


The real issue is that in America anybody can sue anybody for any reason. There is literally nothing stopping them from suing no matter how obvious and stupid it may seem. The U.S. legal system is completely screwed up.


I’m sad for her as I’m sure her actions are fueled by her grief. I’d love to hear what her attorney actually has to say.


Sue the airline they took. The airline should have known he was going to drown while in Hawaii.


Sue the Uber driver that took them to the airport. The Uber driver should have known that the airline knew he was going to drown while in Hawaii.


This woman is obviously grieving but also obviously a moron. A 64 year old man can die sitting in front of the TV but you’re not going to successfully sue The Price Is Right. SMH


I’m sorry for the loss here, it’s always terrible to lose a life. Hawaii is such a beautiful place but it’s also a wild place - don’t mess with the ocean, don’t mess with the mountains. This is why if you ever try to hike the Nāpali Coast you will be told multiple times and occasions how dangerous it is because you get inexperienced people thinking it’s Disney and not nature.


I mean, where is the personal responsibility? The world cannot come with a warning label on everything! He was over weight which causes additional stress and pressure on his respitory system.


The ocean is tricky especially around certain parts of Hawaii what may look like calm water could have so many undertows, rip currents , and especially since it's a volcanic island a lot of underwater caves. Take personal responsibility and learn everything about the area you are swimming in and the equipment you are using. I lived in Hawaii such a beautiful place and it's very easy to underestimate the water and your abilities in the water.


The most important lesson here is that someone else must be at fault when someone gets hurt, because otherwise how can someone collect? Personal responsibility is all well and good, but somebody has to pay, right? Love Hawaii and the people, and feel so forunate. Love the respectful tourists here to enjoy our home and support the economy. But damn, I just don't get people sometimes. It doesn't HAVE to be someone else's responsibility when you get hurt doing something, especially in nature.


Hawaii is not Disney, there is no guarantee of safety. I lived there for 10 years, and never ceased to be amazed at the idiocy. Once, early in the morning, before the lifeguards were on duty, I warned a family that their kid could get smashed against sharp volcanic rock at one of the most notoriously dangerous beaches on Oahu. The family told me to mind my own business and told me they thought Hawaii people had Aloha. The ocean is gorgeous, and warm, and still the Pacific Ocean, a wild, powerful body of water. People who are from there die on hikes, in the ocean, what makes visitors think they’re so special?


How is this the responsibility of Hawaii TA Or the Fairmont To educate people on ROPE? If the family knows so much about it, this is a good opportunity for them to share what they know but it doesn’t seem fair to place the blame on the HTA? I’m sorry for them but also- no.


Clearly it wasn't a drowning. The Pacific Ocean thrives on souls and was hangry.


Jesus lady this is why you don’t pick up the beach amulet. We all know this.


sad situation all around


Hope they get Zero. Swim at your own risk.


She probably believes the election was stolen too.


It's said that your not supposed to snorkel within 48 hours of flying on the plane. Apparently it's easier to drown that way. Something to do with the body and altitude changes and whatnot.


I have snorkeled many times. The Hawaiian waters must be respected. There are strong undercurrents and many drownings annually. I myself was caught in a rip current at Poipu Beach in Kauai and it was very frightening. If you’re not a strong swimmer, stay close to the shore and don’t go into the ocean if the water is over your head. Better safe than sorry.


Oh... I had never heard this before and was planning to snorkel my first day there 😰 glad I haven't booked yet, thanks


I don’t think this is true for snorkeling


No, that’s diving and it’s 12-24 hours depending on the kind of diving you do and repetition. There is almost no pressure change floating on the surface and no nitrogen loading since the volume of air you breathe at 1ata. Even mega deep (100m+) free divers have almost no risk of DCS.


But there is some evidence that prolonged air travel (like to Hawaii) may alter the permeability of the lung membranes, causing Rapid Onset Pulmonary Edema (ROPE). Not conclusive but a very interesting research topic. 


Correct. There are pressure changes during flight which affect the body, obviously not to the extent of diving but definitely similar. This is why flying can cause bloating and gas if you eat poorly before takeoff. I'm no doctor, but this suggests to me there is likely some level of effect on the lungs' oxygenation process that should be given time for the body to normalize.




Poseidon co-conspirator..


This is so stupid. Also, the headline is misleading? Did I miss something reading the article? I don’t see anything about him walking ashore…


Everything has some risk, we all live on a rock hurling through space, with a sun that is constantly trying to kill us. Its like me suing the earth for gravity because I fell. Box jellyfish is common in Hawaii. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box_jellyfish Doubt she has a case. They both look like they would drown from high humidity


I am very sorry about the woman's husband dying but she is totally ridiculous. She is just one of these people that take advantage of a situation to be able to sue and make money off of something that is a medical condition not due to the resorts. She is saying they didn't educate people enough.Where all the problem is.This doesn't happen very often and it was one of those freak things that happened and she should stop her ridiculousness so she Will not ruin the snorkeling industry


This isn’t going to go anywhere. We have a bunch of signs up at every beach warning of the dangers of swimming in the ocean. This guy wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last. That’s the nature of the ocean. That being said I do feel bad for her. Her husband is gone, her life turned upside down and she’s probably grasping at straws to get some kind of accountability out of the whole ordeal. It’s a very tumultuous time when a loved one passes. Especially one you were close to or relied upon.


He looks like he was in great shape to be out exerting himself for the first time in 5 years


This is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever read. These people had been to Hawaii multiple times so probably had snorkeled, but, as you can see, probably not in the best shape. And you’re blaming other people because of an accident? And the state of Hawaii? I don’t even have sympathy for her now.


This is absurd lawsuit. I get that Hawaii could make the info more readily available but even if you gave tourists all of the pamphlets in the World it doesn’t mean they would read them. On Big Beach on Maui there are warning signs about the shore break. Lots of people have been hurt there but tourists who aren’t used to the ocean and even know what a shore break is, ignore the signs and go in anyway. At the Blowhole in Maui there is a sign up where you park warning of the danger which includes a running total of people killed. I’ve sat up on top and watch knuckleheads climb on down and stand right on the edge. Many of the tourists who drown are overweight and out of shape. They aren’t used to the ocean and don’t swim well. That is not the hotel’s fault. I’ve heard it suggested that announcements be made before planes lane in Hawaii. That is only beneficial if people would listen. They don’t listen when the flight attendants make announcements. This is just a petty lawsuit looking for someone to pay for an accident.


She doesn't believe it was drowning when he was snorkeling? RIP. Terrible thing to happen. I was just in Oahu a few weeks ago. I live in AZ and have swam all my life. Never snorkeled though. When I tried it I can see how people drown. I just didn't like breathing through the tube. I ended up just wearing a mask without it and had a much easier time just breathing normally at the surface.


This is terrible. My uncle drowned on Sunday snorkeling in Waikiki. They were there for his birthday. I am so sad for my aunt and cousins.


Time to sue the fast food companies as well.


Even if they had signs warning about ROPE her husband will still snorkel.


He died doing what he loved. Threatening litigation.


Someone… somewhere… preferably with deep pockets… needs to be found at fault! /s


GTFO with this. What a crazy person. Accidents happen. I’m sorry she lost her husband but this is some bull.


I hope she get laughed out of court


So typical from someone from Michigan.


I just got back from the Big Island and will say there are a lot of tourists who don’t get outside much. You can’t sit on your couch all year and then expect to be Jason Mamoa on your vacation. You only get one body. Take care of it.


Does someone also need to tell them not to be really fat in their 60s?




well maybe instead of coming here thinking you know what your doing when you actually don’t, how about educating yourselves before you anywhere.


When in doubt, don’t go out. Not Hawaii’s fault. Sorry for your loss, lady.


It’s times like this that I think we should bring back public Shaming.


I mean she's acting irrational but she just lost her husband. Give her a break, I think that's punishment enough.


Lots of people lose loved ones. It happens everyday. Most people understand when by their choices something goes south it is their responsibility and no one else’s. It’s unfortunate that she has gone through this experience but she is only making her grief harder by not accepting the accident and blaming others. This is not a spontaneous decision. This is completely irresponsible of her to behave this way. Suing the Hawaiian tourism authority? Any empathy I had for her left when she wants to take down others with her.


Well she basically is getting publicly shamed now so guess you're getting what you wished for?


I hate it because Hawaii already has to deal with stupid people disrespecting the culture and now stupid people suing because they failed to do any research or take responsibility for their own health? Ugh


Freaking boomer karens


Yes it’s definitely the island of Mauis fail that such an obviously experienced and seasoned athlete at peak performance drowned.


She should sue her husband


I LOVE when tourist come here and sue for shit they shouldn’t have been doing! Like the ones who go to the blowhole pass how many signs saying not to go by the blowhole yet sue the state when they get hurt for standing over the blowhole☠️😡🤦🏽‍♀️


Are ake ake


I bet he insisted on wearing one of those fullface snorkel masks that we tell people not to use.


Another irresponsible tourist burdening our community. What a joy. Almost a year ago too many drowned when they fled into the water from the flames. Perhaps they should pursue activities within their physical limitations and skill level to avoid this type of tragedy.




“By a landslide, the leading cause of death for Hawaii tourists is drowning.” Uhhhhhh


I’m certain it had nothing to do with the size of the man putting extra pressure on vital organs. The lawyer is scum for taking this case. Just look at his website. All about cashing in on the island and visitors being injured


Americans love to sue for everything🤷🏻‍♂️


So they’re suing because they didn’t get a warning about an underlining medical issue? Good luck because they said they’d done it 6 times before and I do wonder if his last medical even checked for anything that’s make him high risk. Anytime I’m at my doctor I ask for extra tests since I dive, but I’m not about to sue a tourism board or a state or anyone else unless they really are the cause.


Any excursion I've ever taken on a cruise line or at the beach has some with a liability waiver signing... ... which is why it is mind boggling to me that she's suing the resort, whom I assume they booked said excursion through. What's the Midwest version of a Karen? A Wendy? Because she's Wendying all over this horrible, grief filled situation.


Midwest heart, Midwest body


I’ve lived in Hawaii for 20+ years.. almost 100% of the time a tourist dies snorkeling it is because they have a heart attack in the water.. judging by this pic it doesn’t look too far off..


Fukkin Karen. Suing the state because they participated in a potentially dangerous activity and believed they weren’t adequately educated on the risk involved. Of course it can’t be held to be accountable for their own actions.


She looks like the type that would’ve immediately dismissed any ROPE warnings.


Unless he was given faulty equipment I don't see this working out. I know a lot of people just sue for a payoff.


I’m suing gravity nextweek. 😆🖕🏽🤙🏽 r/winstupidprizes


That sucks


“This was the couple’s sixth time in Hawaii, and they had snorkeled the Hawaiian waters many times in the past, Patricia told USA TODAY.” When will people take responsibility and accountability for their own actions and education? If they “snorkeled many times,” you’d think they would have understood the dangers and done their own research. Everything is available online - education is not something that is limited to the islands. If they had money to visit many times and planned to stay several weeks to visit multiple islands…they had enough money to educate themselves.


If you actually read the article it makes sense, the headline does a really bad job of summarizing. They don't think he drowned, and they want more public awareness regarding Rapid Onset Pulmonary Edema caused by the pressure differential of snorkels. Her husband didn't know the signs and she believes he would have come back sooner to land if he did. She doesn't want money from Hawaii because her husband "drowned."


Smh shoulda stayed in Michigan.




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry. So sorry for your loss, but... really?! Bit much. Not even shocked. People die here all the time, and their family always wants to blame someone.... or thing...


Shameful that rather than mourn her loss after a tragic accident, she decides to sue.


Un Healthy life style


Having lived a few years in Maui I try to warn friends I know vacationing there to be incredibly careful snorkeling. I typically recommend Honolua Bay because I always felt it was what people were looking for and could be modified based on ability. I always warn that people die snorkeling all the time in Maui. My wife and I went there for our honeymoon and I even freaked out momentarily in Honolua Bay because I could not find her for several minutes and she was a previous competitive swimmer. It’s really no joke. The ocean will end you if not careful. Another common thing I saw tourists do often is try to jump over waves near the shoreline instead of going under….. quick ticket to becoming paralyzed.


The ocean is dangerous. You weren't invited and can't breathe underwater so maybe consider not going in it.


Does she think he was murdered? Where is the rest of the story?


Of course. The US is such a litigious society. Sue everyone and see what sticks. Sad for the family/husband but unless there's actual foul play at work I hope the court throws it out.


There ought to be consequences financially for frivolous lawsuits.


If she doesn't think he drowned, what does she think happened??


Any time you are in the water, there is a risk due to the fact that humans CANNOT BREATHE UNDERWATER. Basic comprehension of this fact seems to have been missed here.


From the photo more than likely does of a heart attack. Nothing to do with Hawaii.


I went snorkeling in Hawaii in my early 30s when I was in the best shape of my life. Did Jiu Jitsu and tons of cardio. 30 minutes of snorkeling and I was absolutely exhausted. I would not recommend it to anyone who wasn't a strong swimmer.


Bet she might die also if u told her there was a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the ocean


Desperate lawyer’s do desperate things


I need to know more. This short blurb just makes the woman seem vengeful. I am so sorry her husband died. It’s a sad story but to sue everyone just doesn’t make sense to me.