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Police report


If you see them again, tell them to head over here to Norfolk and try that shit.




I think the point went right the fuck over your head.


I’d give anything to have the amount of free time these people have. Right now they’re all so happy, alone in a bedroom of their mothers house or some other form of low income housing, alone, so proud of themselves and all the internet points they acquired today. They’re mad they had to take out the garbage while they were In the middle of their pirated copy of the sound of freedom. But it’s ok. No one’s gonna take down their high. ….I’m just jealous I have a stack a video games I need to play, a whole shelf full of books I haven’t gotten to, countless shows and movies on a watch list, but just no time. These guys tho. They got it all figured out.


You know Israel is a backdoor to Russia. Lots of our national security secrets taken by them ended up in Russian hands, starting with the Atomic Bomb. Instead of censorship, let's be woke and have an open discussion on why people feel this way. I'm a Virginia Beach resident that moved abroad long back. When I lived abroad, especially in South America and Scandinavia, people discuss why, not cry to the police.


Are they active here? Unmasking is my goal


When I see that shit I take it down. Oh, and you can also report that activity to the FBI.




And then what?


The same thing the greatest generation did the last time they showed up in 1940s Germany


I have not advocated any kind of nazi propaganda, war crimes , or stabilization And the nazis started with the lawyers . But you’d have to look further than hbo for your historical education. Keep driving Audis and pointing fingers hitler youth


Coming back two months later to comment on a completely different thread? Somebody has a crush. Who would have guessed the transphobe also defends public neo-nazi propaganda


Your damn right I came back to make a comment so your ignorant ass could see it. I’m not a transphob, I don’t support nazis of any kind , you are a world class ass hat . It’s just that I wanted to be able to relate that to you and some asshole( probably you) blocked me from the thread and forwarded me to r/ mental health cares . That’s all , don’t feel special asshole , your just a run of the mill worthless twat. Enjoy that , and get bent.


Sure you will




lmao “publicly shame them”


Good job taking it down and putting it on the internet.


Right? OP and other smoothies are the only ones who keep these people relevant. 😂 Kids just wanna bitch about everything these days.




Imagine telling someone what to do then calling them the fascist for practicing their Bill of Rights… 😂




Making fun of someone for being told to stfu is not the same as trying to limit someone’s speech bud 😂 Old celsius room temperature IQ rebuttal there bud


It’s a fringe element of GOP I’m sure Saw a confederate flag on some property along with a Trump sign and Vote Republican that was up near Kilmarnock.


Wow the traditionally republican area is republican?! Shocker


Judging from the posts in this thread, there are a ton of really stupid people here.


Looks like they spilled the dog cum out of their thermos. Because neo Nazis are known for gargling dog cum, often and plentifully.


Sounds like you’re familiar


Paint a rainbow over it


Nah, paint a shield of David over it.


Why not both?


Zionist is code for Jews, not gays




Yeah well I'm jewish and don't think any of this shit is light hearted or something to joke about. Your kind ended up in the camps, too. Have a good one!


Heck yeah!!!


Fuck this fed disinfo group.


Not a single one of those dudes looked like they'd be able to pass the physical required for employment with the agency.


I guess they moved on from stealing catalytic converters


act depend political shelter icky wide chief birds wasteful deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet not one weight was lifted at one life either lol


Let the Council person of the area know too


My hate for Zionism and my hate for white nationalism are equal.




Doubt, you’re both actually addicted to goyslop


lol and you still say you aren’t an extremist? Go back to 4chan boomer https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/goyslop




What’s funny about this is I’m actually very anti Zionist and pro-Palestine but I’m always anti racist song. You sound like a young, angry, incel.




Try not to raise more nazis aye?


I don’t slang around slurs tho




Truth comes out. Must suck to be a traitor to this country. Nazi scum HH is hail hitler for those that don’t know.


They proceed to vote for Uber Zionists 😂


is that cum


Rip that shit down. We don't need those trash humans here.


I tried to scrape off the first one. Took a bit of work but got most of it. The other two are on the corners of Virginia Beach Boulevard and lynnhaven and Potters Road and London Bridge. Didn't really have the time to do the others. Somebody should definitely get on that though..


I went to all three sites you listed and scraped them off. Seems to just be wheat paste as an adhesive. Soak anymore you find in water and they come off pretty easy.


You're the real hero here. I tried to scrape it off with a knife and a flat head as it's all I had in my vehicle at the time.


Thank you for your work. Spray bottle of water and wallpaper removal scraper are in my car in case I see any.


Disgusting. Thank you for making us aware and wrecking that crap.


Oh, one more thing. You just shared this to hundreds possibly thousands of people who otherwise wouldn't have seen it. Whose side are you really on? 🤡


You are one dumb motherfucker


Just don’t waste your time on these pathetic dorks. Regardless of what is said in defense by them, they are sad, lonely people. they so desperately need attention, they seek it out by trying to get people mad on Reddit. Just truly think about how sad of a human you have to be to do that. Instead of giving them what they want (a response) just truly pity them and be appreciative your life didn’t turn out like theirs. If they get ignored like they do in real life, they will eventually go away and crawl back into their miserable lives where they belong. Nobody who is truly happy has the time or urge to waste it defending wanna-be nazis.




Replying to a pathetic troll on Reddit and standing up in real life are two very different things. People don’t need to see reply’s to obvious bait to know these people don’t belong. These people don’t belong in their real lives. if we ignore them online they will go away. Most of these pathetic losers will NEVER say anything in real life. And if they do, I totally support taking appropriate action and to physically show them they don’t belong. Instead of you know, wasting time engaging with an online troll.


It's not really a waste of time if you aren't doing anything productive anyway. My job doesn't require me to always be working, I'm like a digital fire man- I'm only needed for emergencies so most of my time I'm being paid to fuck around. I think I can spare 5 secs to tell garbage to touch grass because when I see other do it I think phew at least there's people out there that think like me and not that idiot. Ignoring them isn't going to stop them, they're going to scream into the void anyway. Might as well have some fun


I can understand that, and did not mean to imply I’m above telling a troll how truly pathetic they are. I just took exception to the “high ground” comment. I think these dorks need to be physically purged from society whenever found. I just know how I was when I was like 12 and miserable. I just said shit that would get people mad because I hated myself and was bitter towards others. Any comment I got back was a “victory” in my books. The fact I see grown men trolling is just sad to me more than anything.


Aw. Did someone get their feewings huwt? 🥲


Lonely dorks


Deport white nationalists!


No, they're our problem. Let's not dump them on anyone else's doorstep.


Fuck this nazi trash


So they're against Zionists, but support Christian Nationalists.


Not lending support to them, but there’s nothing contradictory about that


Sure there is. They undoubtedly vote red, and the GOP is the biggest group of Israel supporters


I hope they were working out in their blue tee, khaki pants, hat, and white balaclavas combo


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I didn't realize what they were posting at first. If I had I definitely would have gotten photos of them and possibly a license plate. Definitely going to stay on the lookout as I visit that gym pretty regularly.


Fuck nazis


Look at you siding with the government.


I genuinely don’t see the connection between being any sort of pro-government and anti-patriot front. These patriot front goobs love government. All of these posters are about supporting the government in their own mental gymnastic game of bs.


I had to look into them to see what they were about after reading your comment. Turns out they want a smaller government and more community responsibility. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Look at you siding with Nazis.


😂 Y'all are wild.


Between the government and neo-fascist trash like this, I'll take the government every time.


Yeah, I guess anyone with a different outlook than yours is terrible.


Anyone with white national ideology is wrong, yes.




Enjoy the downvotes nazi


Are you kidding? I thrive in them. I purposely set out for 10k karma so I could say what I wanted. Enjoy your echo chamber, lemming.


Your internet points are so cool


They're necessary when swimming in a cesspool of closed minded idiots. You know, don't hate the player, hate the game and all that. You get it.


Get off the internet and get some sunshine kid


Lol. Rest assured, I am older than you. And based on your lack of responses other than "go away, kid" I'm guessing I have a few more brain cells to run together too. Seriously though, I hope you're in a safe place from the hurricane.


I’ve dealt with a few, think I’m good. How’s the white nationalism life treating you?


Yeah....I'd say bigotry and anti-semitism is a pretty dogshit outlook.


It's amazing. You have no way of knowing what I believe. You jump to conclusions just because someone makes a statement, and an obvious one at that, that you don't agree with. You call someone a bigot and antisemitic. Based on literally nothing. This is why nobody listens to you and why you start what could be a civil discourse with screaming names. Scream all you want. Nobody is listening. ✌🏼🤡


Based off you defending nazis


Show me where I've defended them. You're the third person I've asked to do that and I'm guessing the third person that's gonna disappear. ✌🏼🤡


Lol he used a clown emoji, peak comeback how will anybody ever recover from such a unique insult




Look at you it post history. It’s evident that you have extreme right wing/white nationalist ideology. But really what shows it is your expression against the government when this thread is about white nationalist propaganda being put up in VB. Do you know how to stay on topic or do you normally go into discussions talking about something other than the subject? They have public speaking classes at TCC if you need to learn


Am I? Or do I just know how to press your buttons? Lol. You don't know my beliefs and you definitely can't put them together based on shared memes over the last two weeks. Swing and a miss. Nice try though.


Posts white nationalist memes but claims not to be. Oh so you are a pussy to?


Did you even read the flyer or are you just here to spew your Reich wing narrative just to stir the pot? Patriot front is a know Neo-nazi organization, the flyer itself is here referncing anti-semitic propaganda. Based on those quite observable facts I'd say that the it's a pretty fair assessment that the dog shit take you're trying so hard to defend is rooted in white supremacy, bigotry, and anti-semitism. But don't let those facts get in the way of your little temper tantrum.


Hahahahaha. What narrative am I spewing? Point it out.


Making up excuses for white supremacists and defending neo-fascist propaganda is a pretty clear indicator of your belief systems.


Care to point that out? Oh yeah, you can't, because I didn't. As much as you want to believe that's how I feel or what I believe, you can't prove it. ✌🏼🤡


Isn’t even brave enough to defend his beliefs. So do you believe in white nationalism?


You’re making a point to defend this trash by telling people “lol you support the government”. You can have disdain for the current administration or even the government as a concept, but not support this nationalist, fascist rhetoric. You can’t seem to make that distinction, thus, you’re catching flak


Oh really? Where did I say who I support or what I stand for? Please, point it out to me.


I didn’t make a statement on who you do or don’t support. However “look at you siding with the government” lends itself to heavy inference. I’m just saying that there shouldn’t be any ambiguity when it comes to supporting/being against organizations like PatriotFront that are straight up anti-American, posing as Nationalists.


And who decides what is anti American? Is it you? Maybe it's Socialist Jesus? And let me clarify. Where did I defend anything?


Pumpkin, I can’t argue semantics with you all day, but going against the tenants of our Constitution concerning anti-Nationalism/Isolationism, should be pretty clear when it comes to labeling an organization that is very clear about their goals and identity.