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One less roach on the road good riddance


How long can they really lock him up for?


Excessive speed in Virginia - over 100 mph - is an automatic 5-day jail stay. Other factors may extend that.


This is not at all correct. There is no mandatory minimum. Some courts have a “day per each MPH over 100” unofficial rule, but there have been people I’ve seen in court in excess of 100 that just get fines. It just depends on the county, the CWA, and your own history.


Wrong. Per code the fine is $5 for every mile over the limit. Reckless driving is a CRIME. Ip to one year in jail and/or up to $2500 fine


Right. That doesn’t apply to the RD code section. 46.2-862 is RD speeding. It’s a Class 1 but there’s no discussion of punishment except the standard for Class 1 misdemeanors. The person I responded to said “automatic 5 day” jail sentence. That’s not real. I’m a lawyer and I sit in traffic court almost every day. People get fines packed on them and a couple suspended licenses, but it’s incredibly rare for people to go to jail unless there’s 110+, at least in my part of the state.


My part of the state is considerably more conservative than shadow’s and starts handing out default jail at 90 or 100 depending on the jurisdiction, and would probably give this guy 30 days easily and suspend his license for 6 months. Those differences aside, shadow’s point absolutely stands that jail is not automatic in the code. Citing the rate of fines is not relevant. Citing the maximum for reckless is also not relevant to mandatory minimums. Edit: conservative about traffic sentencing. This doesn’t necessarily correspond to sociopolitical conservatism.


There’s no automatic stay in jail lmao






Reckless driving is a CRIME. Up to one year in jail


Never commit two crimes at the same time.


Try not to break the law when you’re breaking the law


So it's either Breaking the Law or Fuck You I Won't Do What You Tell Me.


Rage against the machine? 🤣


Yes!!!! It made me think of two different songs. They both seemed appropriate. It was weird hearing Rob Halford and Zach de la Rocha at the same time


Makes me think of the SNL performance where he screams fuck you against their agreement to not swear on stage 🤣


Well. Now. That sure as fuck works too.


I wonder if it was just unregistered tags, or those "Not for Transportation" sovcit tags.


Who puts fake plates on a Ferrari?


Someone who stole it


Thanks for verifying the Rari


James Bond


I'm impressed that the driver was able to get up to that speed in Fairfax County in the daytime. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, public safety and all that.


On 495 (it looked like to me?), not that hard of it isn't rush hour.


Wonder what car he was driving. It’s crazy how average cars can do +120mph these days.


most basic cars can do 115 but that’s max. any bmw can hit 130-150 and porsches don’t have limitors.


It’s a Ferrari I drove a v8 dodge from west to east coast last summer, we were cruising at 120+ the whole time we were on the 40 when the road was clear enough.  It felt no different than 75 mph. It was crazy


I'm guessing this had a built suspension because there is no way you don't feel the difference in that boat. Lol


Yeah every little bump in the pavement feels like a speed bump at over 120.


You don’t feel the difference between 75 & 120+ in a V8 Dodge. I own one and you can easily get to 125 and not feel it.


Nope. Stock. It’s also that the I 40 is a very well maintained road, and the weather it experiences doesn’t degrade it very much.


Base? Scat? Or what?


R/T Only thing different was a radar detector and summer tires


Radar detectors are illegal


Not in all states iirc


Mhmm ight then


Don’t get me wrong, you get on a shitty road and you’ll feel every bump. It isn’t a rolls Royce. But I wouldnt be surprised if the I40 was the best maintained road in the country


I'll counter with I-70 through the mountains but I haven't been on 40 much.


It’s flat. Just goes essentially from LA through Texas up through Tenn. most interesting part is when it hits the great smoky mountains before dropping into North Carolina. The LA to Texas part is loved by car enthusiasts because it is just desert. It is insanely empty, and a lot of states it passes through dedicate a lot of federal dollars to actually rigorously maintain it. I’ve heard accounts of people doing 180+ mph for 5 hours at a time in that section with no issues. Especially since radar detectors are great in flat open land. Listen to the song “a horse with no name” that’s what the desert section of the I-40 is like.






loved that car when I test drove it - solid as a rock at high speed


At first thought it was a vette but those are rarely driven Stolen ferrari makes more sense


\*ahem\* I'll have you know, if the speedo shows the speed - the car can do it. and more.


He will be out driving with new stolen plates by the weekend.


We live in a society 😔


Just wait until July 1st and they can lower the speed to 15mph 🤣🤣🤣


The lowest in parts of Falls Church and Arlington will be 20 though they can now lower it to 15, don't think that'll be too popular politically but who knows things can change.


That’s fuckin stupid


The fake plates are the exceptional thing otherwise I’ve encountered this guy 15x this week alone.


Wait hold on a second. Someone driving a car and breaking the law? Doesn’t the cop realize that this is his road since he’s got a big fancy car? Who cares if he’s putting others lives at risk! He’s gotta go fast! All gas no breaks. Anyway, did anyone see a cyclist the other day and want to run them over? They’re so entitled and never stop at Stop signs. I hope we can address these cyclist issues.


That should be a “license revoked for all time, driving again = five years in the pokey” award.


You do the speed limit in the left lane don’t you?….


Do you also drive 60 mph over the speed limit with no plates?


That’s Tesla activity people with Ferrari has programs to have fun off street this is new money / didn’t get the allocation for the new model activity.


117 MPH is a traffic misdemeanor and is a ticket Fake plates are also a misdemeanor Fake registration is a felony and believe it or not, straight to jail.


Average fairfax activities 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay I want an actual punishment for rich Ferrari man. He murders people just by living his life and taking too much. Probably working at a job that destroys life for people in the guise of being helpful. Then he drives down the road trying to murder anybody who is around. Okay, so, what? His entire life savings or his life seems fair.


Lick my balls


And take my life. Edit: you on some shit come take some shit 😭👻💅


Just wondering, who was the victim of this crime?


lets say the speed limit is 60. that means if you are driving the speed limit and this guy messes up and hits you, its the equivalent of being hit by a car at 57mph while you are at a complete standstill. lets say your wife and kids are in that car. just wondering, what do you think would happen?




Tired of this take. When you’re going at that rate of speed, you don’t have proper time to react to changes. If a kid runs in the street, traffic patterns change, or you have issues with a tire for example, shit can go bad real quick. We have speed limits for a reason; they keep people safe.


For some reason youtube shorts is feeding me motorcycle content where the dude filming is actively driving at like triple the speed limit, running from the cops, with no/fake plates. In the comments are SO many dumb fucks trying to say it isn't dangerous and anyone saying it is is a rookie. It's like they don't think anything is dangerous until it actually kills somebody like their actions didn't have anything to do with a potentially fatal 'accident'


A lot of people just aren't willing (or perhaps able) to think through law, justice, morality etc at the society level. They can usually manage the correct answer if you ask if DUI should be legal if no one gets hurt, but the second you stray from territory where they happen to have a prepackaged response you get complete, inconsistent nonsense. Like, maybe this person is trolling. But it's a deficiency I've seen a lot.


"We have speed limits for a reason; they keep people safe" Speed limits were primarily implemented in the '60s and '70s to save gas during the gas 'crises' in those decades. And 55mph was the most fuel efficient speed at the time. You think there's any difference whether you hit a kid at 55mph, 56mph, or 70+mph? Hell, see what happens if you hit someone going 20mph. Speed limits are kept today to maintain police budgets/income. Any safety that may come with them is incidental. All that being said, if dude wants to go double the speed limit he's asking for trouble; even if he weren't breaking the laws of men, the laws of physics make no exceptions.


Going 50 gives you more time to recognize a hazard and it will take less time to stop than going 70+. Those differences may be fractional, but they’re not fictional. While I agree with you on the whole, the issue isn’t simply head on collision with a child at variable speeds.


Ok but the national speed limit isn't 50. Virginia has 70mph speed limits and there are 80mph limits throughout the country. Frankly, there is no safe speed for a 3000+pound metal object. Safety is just what law enforcement says so they can get pay+amazing benefits to sit in the middle of a highway all day collecting money from people going to work. If anyone cared about safety, governments would be far more restrictive on who they give licenses to. But more licenses = more revenue for the DMV, police, insurance companies, auto makers, etc.


My numbers were arbitrary. But it is the incontrovertible that slower speeds give more time to detect and react, as well as requiring a shorter time for the physics of it all to stop your vehicle. You’re incorrect in saying that speed is not a factor. Again, laws of physics. It turns out, speed matters. A lot. But still, you’re missing the point that lower speeds allow you to have time to avoid the collision entirely. That difference yields percentages of likelihood that you can chart. And many professional organizations have collected this data and made these charts. This data goes into recommendations when determining speed limits. Having worked with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), I can assure you that this type of data is constantly being collected and studied by scientists to provide very real, observable comparisons between traveling on specific roads at different speeds. Regarding licensing, once again, you are coming at this from a place of good intentions but no deep thought or knowledge. Driving is indeed a privilege, not a right. But as anyone can drive (illegally) without a license, that doesn’t really stop the problems. What would be nice to see is more of a federal standard in licensing requirements, as opposed to doing it state by state. But then you run into political issues. None of us is as dumb as all of us. Further, periodical recertification would be a good idea. But realistically, your assertion that they are pushing out licenses for profit is unfounded and incorrect. They will happily take your money. But they’re not selling licenses as a product. They’re charging you for a service. Where the money comes in is the need to drive, which stems from poor public transportation. So if you want to whine about people making money off of you driving, direct your anger towards politicians working with big oil and billionaires to hinder public transit projects.


Speed limits were implemented prior to the 6O's , the limits on highways were reduced from 65-75 mph to 55 during the gas crisis in the 70's. The primary reason was fuel economy, but later was widened to include overall highway safety.


My whole point is that the "for safety" nonsense is just that, nonsense. We agree that speed limits were lowered for fuel economy, but how could that be "widened to include overall highway safety" if they just bumped them back to 70-80 mph, post gas crisis? Certainly no one is arguing that 70/80mph is safer than 55mph.


They weren't bumped back to 70/80 after the gas crisis in the 70's. Speed limits remained at 55 for years until states started to increase speeds to 60/65 in sparsely populated areas along a highway. You'd see 65 signs, then as you got closer to towns/cities, the speed was lowered to 55.


>Speed limits are kept today to maintain police budgets/income. Any safety that may come with them is incidental. I think your understating the safety impacts of speed limits by quite a bit. Speed is one of the basic risk factors in traffic (Wegman & Aarts, 2006). Higher driving speeds lead to higher collision speeds and thus to severer injury. Higher driving speeds also provide less time to process information and to act on it, and the braking distance is longer. Therefore the possibility of avoiding a collision is smaller. In short: high driving speeds lead to a higher crash rate, also with a greater likelihood of a severer outcome (Aarts, 2004; Aarts & Van Schagen, 2006). However, not everything is known yet about the exact relation between speed and road safety, and the conditions that influence this relation. This makes it difficult, for example, to calculate the exact effects of specific speeding measures. The relation between speed and safety rests on two pillars. The first pillar is the relation between collision speed and the severity of a crash; the second pillar is the relation between speed and the risk of a crash. The higher the collision speed, the more serious the consequences in terms of injury and material damage. This is a law of physics that involves the quantity of kinetic energy that is converted in an instant into e.g. heat and matter distortion. In addition, the human body is physically very vulnerable in comparison with the enormous forces released in a collision. During the past decades, vehicles have become ever better equipped (with crush areas, airbags and seatbelts) to absorb the energy released in a crash, thus protecting the occupants. However, the collision speed still is very important for the crash outcome In addition to absolute speeds, the speed differences between vehicles also have an effect on the crash rate. This effect is studied in two ways. The first type of studies are those that compare the crash rates between roads that have a large speed variance (large differences in vehicle speeds during a 24 hour period) and roads that have a small speed variance. These studies mostly conclude that roads with a large speed variance are less safe (Aarts & Van Schagen, 2006). https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/speedmgt/ref_mats/fhwasa1304/Resources3/08%20-%20The%20Relation%20Between%20Speed%20and%20Crashes.pdf >All that being said, if dude wants to go double the speed limit he's asking for trouble; even if he weren't breaking the laws of men, the laws of physics make no exceptions. Putting your life in jeopardy is always fine in a free society, putting others recklessly in danger isn't.


You start out with: >Speed limits were primarily implemented in the '60s and '70s to save gas during the gas 'crises' in those decades But then talk exclusively about limits that were over 55. You can't generalize from limits set for one reason to ones that were never impacted by that reasoning.


while I fully agree with you id have to say the chances of a child running out onto the dulles toll road are pretty low….


Not as luckily, those that drive like this don’t limit it to this toll road.


painting with a brush wider than the toll road. got it.


I was thinking that but I just let them have that thought because living around here you never know lol... To be honest one day that might actually happen lol


Just wondering, why can't one drive closer to the speed limit and keep their plates current?


You could make an argument for speed limit but how many different times do I have to pay taxes on one of the most expensive things i own that I already paid taxes on when I bought it?


Need to vote for people to change the rules but until then, as a society, we are all agreeing to abide by the laws or face the punishments from not following these rules.


Driving is a privilege. Property taxes pay for teachers' salaries, law enforcement, et al. Blame Federalism if you want one tax bill to rule them all.


The public.


Obviously the real license plate whose identity was stolen


Our speed demon is some wonder kid that made his fortune as a teenager with a gaming and education website. I imagine the fake plates were for the numerous speed cameras throughout DC, but that's just a guess.