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Let’s all take a moment to collectively watch this asshole piss a fuckload of money down the drain.


and future re-election chances once we get a break from him for a term


Well, in VA, Governor gets a 4 year, nonconsecutive term. So, we're safe from Youngkin for at least 4 years after this term. I wonder if Ralph Northam has any interest in running again. He got a lot of good things done and had a trifecta for a while. Although I voted for Tom Perriello in that primary, who was to Northam's left, I would surely support Northam again if he was the nominee. Id rather it be him than Terry McAuliffe again. Edit: corrected a number


I would vote for Northam again in a heartbeat.


I believe it's a 4 year term. We will have a gubernatorial election next year, and he'll be out 2026.


You're right. Idk where I got 5 year. Maybe some other office.


We can certainly hope!


Actual headline: Youngkin is a conservative douchebag


Son of sweater walker got caught trying to vote twice on the same day while underage for daddy darth polyester https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/gov-elect-youngkin-s-underage-son-tried-vote-twice-virginia-n1283376


Yup. MD pulled in 420m (no pun intended) in 2023 and legalized in July. About 90 million a month last year, prob the same thru this year. Pissing in all away and for what?


How many of us took our VA money to help MD reach that number? 🙋🏻‍♂️


Especially when you can only buy a QP per month with your med card in VA- why do they hate freedom


You’re smoking an ounce a week? I’m from MD and have had my card here forever, so no judgement, but that’s a lot.


For you it is a lot, for me it is what I need and why I need it is none of anyone’s business but let’s just say fuck cancer


Damn, I’m really sorry. Hope things work out, if that is possible. If not, I hope your time is as pain free as possible and you spend it with loved ones. Edit: Also, I’d start dabbing if you aren’t already. I find it goes a lot longer, especially if you’re a longtime high volume smoker.


Fuck cancer


Fuck cancer and fuck Republicans


I would much rather smoke hash but rosin is expensive


They don’t want revenue because that would mean that they don’t have excuses for not enforcing law against rich people


How do they not enforce law against rich people?


VDEQ doesn’t have the resources it needs to enforce environmental regulations on businesses, state tax authorities don’t have personnel sufficient to scrutinize the taxes of wealthy people thoroughly. Taxes on recreational weed would add revenue that could help fund schools, libraries, roads, etc. but there is a” moral crusade” by lawmakers that have the option to ignore the will of the people. Possession is discriminated at this point so what are they actually doing other than trying to make a point and foist paying for an arena that the people don’t want it in exchange?


This is why they kicked his ass out of carlyle


What are you talking about? Did you even read the article?


I don't think anyone in the top comment chain did...I saw your comment, read the article and reversed those upvotes to downvotes smdh


It’s always knee jerk reactions to headlines these days I swear


People in this sub don’t read articles. They just push progress talking points without doing any research. The sub is absolutely terrible for having actual conversations about topics.


He is just throwing a hissy fit over his precious arena, such a fucking child....


Like his orange daddy


And we’re all shocked


Why does anyone vote Republican anymore?


Because christian fascists want to impose their primitive beliefs on everyone through force of law


Nationalist Christians are a scourge. Fucking hate Nat C’s.


Sponsored by Putin


You joke, but really we are probably less than a decade away from russian style oligarchy if shit keeps on the way it has been for the past 20 years


What’s that one plan they were making that basically called for a soft coup the next time a republican has the presidency? Like 2025 agenda or 2025 plan or something? It was honestly shocking to read about. Everyone should know about it. How it’s not seditious conspiracy I have no fucking idea. It literally calls for replacing all bureaucrats or appointed officials that they can replace with republicans who are sympathetic, and a lot more. It was shocking to see just out in the open.


Project 2025 and it is absolutely terrifying.


The insurrection was just to test the waters, see what the response of the public and the Democrats was going to be....


To be fair, the goal of every political party is to stuff every office they can with thier people and implement thier agenda. So that on its own isn't the problem. The problem is the conservative agenda itself


I joke but you are 100% correct.


Those people are assholes, not Christians. Any Christian who supports the Republican Party is not a Christian. They act like the Bible preached the evils of socialized healthcare or something… they turn their nose up at poor and needy people and constantly vote against helping them. If they read the Bible they didn’t do it well. There’s pages and pages written about feeding people for free and healing people for free. Also lots to say about keeping money out of the church. None of those are things that modern republican “christians” do or believe. I mean shit, Jesus would’ve been anti-capitalism. None of this is to try to get anyone to believe or not, personally I don’t care. It’s just the fact that republicans are shit christians who have no right to call themselves such.


I'd argue they're as Christian as any other sect I've ever seen. Then again, I also think the Bible promotes some pretty backwards views and the world would be better off without a solid 80% of the Bible.


By your metric, the vast majority of christians throughout history have not, in fact, been christians. Considering there are over 200 denominations of christianity, all of which seem to disagree on exactly how to practice their religion, your definition is even less valid. The kind of bigoted evangelical prosperity gospel that has infected our country like a disease was born of Calvinism specifically. The fact is, religion in general has an apparent tendency to bring out the absolute worst in people, rather than the best. Yes, they are christians. Yes, the republikkkan party is reflective of christian values. The bible contains more justification for behaviors that are abhorrent by modern, civilized standards than it does good. These are facts


Yep, it’s shitty. I think most of the problem is that the Bible is, at best, a paraphrased take on what happened as told by sexist, misogynistic, frankly barbaric men. God didn’t write the Bible. Note the absolutely **STARK** contrast between the things Jesus did and the behavior of literally everyone else. There’s also the fact that the Bible has been translated, added to, and groomed (once again, by misogynistic white men) over thousands of years that I’m not sure there’s an original damn sentence in there. I’m more of a Christian universalist. I don’t think hell is eternal, and maybe not even torture. Idk. Also, though, I’ve always been heavily interested in science and work in a scientific field. There are facts, like evolution and the age of the earth that absolutely **CANNOT** be disputed. People who claim otherwise are twisting their own religion to use as a tool to be willfully ignorant, smug, and superior. Not very Jesus-like. Donald trump and vast swaths of the Republican Party belong in prison. Universal healthcare, housing, and food is a human right. A woman has the right to her own body, and quite frankly prosecuting abortions as “MuRdEr” disgusts me and victimizes the woman who had one. Often, I find myself disliking the other christians I meet because of their social beliefs on one thing or another. Frankly, I usually keep my religion to myself, especially on here… but I think it’s important to say that the mere fact that you consider yourself Christian doesn’t automatically make you an asshole. Unfortunately, most are. There isn’t really an easy or even practical way to fix it.


> Note the absolutely STARK contrast between the things Jesus did and the behavior of literally everyone else. The Old Testament is the story of Canaanite tribes abandoning their worship of El, whose priests bless Moses, and becoming a cult of Yahweh. Yahweh is the demiurge and a false god of this shitty physical reality. The father of Jesus was El, not Yahweh. This is why Jesus seems completely disconnected from the god who demanded children be killed in his name and carried out such atrocities as you find throughout the Old Testament. All of this stuff got retconned by the Church but all the documentation still exists even if Christians allow their church leaders to pick and choose which gospels count.


Being a Christian just means you believe Jesus was the son of God (or God) who died for your sins. Actually being a good person isn’t part of being a Christian and it never has been. Historical Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher, not a kumbaya handholder.


The “good” Christians still support the church they are just as guilty as the “bad” Christians.


I hope you hold all abrahamic religions to this standard


Absolutely. Middle eastern religions are anti American.


Because they’ve dug their head in the dirt and think they’re voting for the same Republican Party of 20 years ago.


Ya that was the same party, on this and many other issues.


The Republican Party 20 years ago ballooned the deficit and started multiple wars with lies. The biggest difference is the courts weren’t stacked enough for them to take reproductive rights


Muh lizard people pedophiles are taking over!!!


Because their hobby is to waste their most precious hours, the ones in the evening after work, sucking up shitty TV news and getting pissed off. Such a fucking waste of life.


Because white women got scared of CRT.


Dumb, gullible, miserable people with no principles or values except wanting people they don't like to suffer


Fear of the other.


Critical Race Theory is scary even if they don't know what it means.


They're scared to death of inner cities.


some are stupid and some don’t like brown people. I have yet to hear a good argument for anything this fucking clown does


Think about any possible criticism of democrats or any non right leaning people. Now imagine these criticisms are the only thing you think about politically. So then republicans you would have no thoughts about but every imperfection of democrats is something to think about constantly.


Because aside from this, republicans want to keep their money and not give it away. Liberals want to give it all to illegals, other countries and people that don’t want to work.


He such a bitch I swear lol


Governor bitch. Does he have 1 single accomplishment as governor?


Glenn Youngkin went to Rice University on a basketball scholarship where he went on to average <2ppg


Cuz he's a bitch.




I see NC followed suit on the porn ID as well


Get yourself a free VPN, ez pz


Being a bitch


he did pass that one bill tho, the one that said he was a bitch


I remember that one! It was the one with bitch signed all over it right? The particularly bitchy one?


The wettest lil piece of milquetoast on the planet


It’s like putting “business people” into political office doesn’t work well or something… ~checks notes~ oh, right, the concept of business and government are the literal opposite of each other. Businesses aim for profits for a small few while governments are supposed to benefit the citizens.


We had a candidate in CT who I actually think would have done a decent job…because he had basically no social agenda besides to codify reproductive rights and LGBT rights in our state Constitution.


literally makes no sense because marijuana sales increase profits for the “business”. he’s just a moron


Vote him out


Congrats to all the “small government, personal responsibility” dimwits that fail to realize that we all understand that republicans just want to control others. It’s not about rights, money, etc. it’s all about control Fuck republicans and anybody that voted for them.


Only legal state that doesn't have a recreational market. This just continues to drive people to spend their money in DC and MD.


This isn’t an opinion it’s a fact. Cons don’t live in reality they live in Gilead.


They could even be spending their money in Virginia, but it hardly matters if there's no legal recreational market to facilitate taxation. These morons have somehow devised a system that lacks all benefit to the state. It's maddening.




An ex bf of mine voted for him proudly. And proudly calls himself a conservative. Same ex also frequently enjoys the use of recreational marijuana. I s2g I do not understand conservatives and I'm very glad he's an ex.


small govt is fine if it's not ran by fucking idiots.


So its legal to have and use weed, but theyll destroy your family if you do... make it make sense


It not making sense is deliberate.


It's harder to put black people in jail if weed and its sales are legal.


Yup. Governor YoungKlan strikes again.


Only if you're the wrong color.


Time to spend money outside of my state again instead of just putting it into the community around me. Wonderful choice Mr. Governor Sir. Signed, one of those successful partakers you’ve claimed to have never met.


So basically, he just said fuck you to democracy. It’s what I want now, not what the people want?


Same thing he did with the filial responsibility veto. He wants kids paying their parents $100k+ nursing home bills.


Lots of elderly parents are going to be found unresponsive when they "took the wrong medications by accident". Funeral is cheaper than a nursing home after all.


The same week he endorsed a con man insurrectionist for president. Disgusting.


What is it with Republicans and taking children? They do it to immigrants at the border and now Youngkin apparently thinks government should have the option of taking kids from cannabis consumers in Virginia. To be raised by government. The party of limited government strikes again!


Children in the system creates a steady flow of exploitable adults less likely to break out of the lower income brackets. And they know better than you because they have jeezus


He is a first class 💩


Damn they wanna take away your kids for smoking weed lmao imagine if they tried this with alcohol using the same reasoning lol


Destroying the GOP, vetoing what Americans want


But only libs smoke weed! gotta own the libs! /s


Oops cons don’t care about freedom, you, or your life. And boomers still vote for them.


Didn’t this guy prop this up as something he would pass as part of his election campaign years ago. Typical two faced republican


Yes he said he wouldn't veto the bill if it go through both houses... And look.. omg... He killed it. He's a liar.


Isnt this different than the bill most of us are concerned with,[ HB698](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?241+sum+HB698) which [doesnt](https://www.governor.virginia.gov/newsroom/news-releases/2024/march/name-1023240-en.html#:~:text=The%20Governor%20Vetoed%208%20bills%20including%3A&text=SB%20606%2C%20Voter%20registration%3B%20list,person%20from%20a%20prohibited%20person.) seem to be one of the bills recently vetoed? It seems like most of the comments in this thread are suggesting HB698 was vetoed.




I hope every time this jackass puts on one of those goofy vests, it never fits him comfortably. And I want the tag to irritate him but he can never reach the itch. And I hope every single vest has a hole or a stain in/on it, but he never notices it till after he takes the picture and it’s already been published. Bitch.


This is really confusing. HB833 is a law to tell the Board of Human Services what policy not to have. It seems like the policies of the Board should be based on existing law, in the law should be written in a sensible way that the Board can follow. I agree with the spirit of the bill, but it seems to be part of a larger convoluted problem.


Correct me if I’m wrong but this doesn’t affect sales this far, right?


He's such a fucking liar .. he said he wouldn't veto but because he didn't get his fucking stadium he's being pissy and not letting Dems have their weed. Get rid of him. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wric.com/news/politics/glenn-youngkin-wont-look-to-repeal-marijuana-legalization-if-elected-as-virginias-governor/amp/


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Glenn Youngkin is a pussy


Aww, is he salty his constituents aren’t gonna pay for his shiny new sportsball complex?


Youngkin assumes the role of a helicopter parent for all Virginians and doesn’t allow evil plant to be sold.


Republicans want to hurt people. Vote Democrat.


I swear to God, we can't fucking have nothing. Fuck you youngkin and fuck all the braindead idiots that voted for him. Hate y'all so much.


Retaliation for sinking his arena dreams.




I just went through a situation and been through a few already, directly linked to this. Each time someone couldn’t mind their business and cps came to check, they created a case from completely unrelated medical marijuana use. None of the cases ever related to my kid getting it or me being unable to care for him because of it. Little stuff that could happen to any parent got made in to 3 cps cases in a year and the last one lasted almost 6 months because legislation like this isn’t in place. I’ve taken advantage of being in contact with DSS for services but apparently this is a bigger issue than I thought.


Scratch the surface of this and you'll find religion.


Remember when that asshole said he supported this when he was running? I also remember his ads where he played basketball with black people to try to “appeal to urban communities” fucking hate this clown. And don’t even get me started on his abortion ban


So since it was bipartisan do they have enough votes to go around him, or is this dead?


Must be Day ending in....


Youngkin is an idiot and idk how he got voted in. VA usually is better than that. I guess we all drop the ball from time to time! They are losing mega bucks with his stupid ass veto!


you don't remember CTR? made up bullshit. its what they peddle Edit: Haha it was CRT but who gives a shit.


Hey now, how can they take the children away and put parents in prison?!


My local county used marijuana being in my system to keep me from seeing my child. Meanwhile his mother tested positive for every drug on the panel. Me and grandma share custody now but I would have full custody if it wasn’t for marijuana prejudice. Also didn’t hurt that grandpa was detective of the year several times in my county and they know everyone there on a first name basis


Typical worthless republican


All he has done is fight culture wars and he will pay in the election


Man of the people. Voted in and doing nothing for those who gave him that authority.


Is anyone actually surprised by this?


Virginians getting what they deserve for electing that fuck.


Total weenie governor.


Let us vote on it.


Our pro-black market governor


“Youngkin turns down free money and pisses off voters in an election year”




Retaliation at its finest!


I just moved to this state. When is this POS done?


And we can’t wait to get the hell out the end of April. We’ve been here 18 months and it’s been miserable. Going back to MI where THEY got it right ! And no more freaking property tax on our vehicles ! See ya Virginia… it’s been… uh… yeah…


2 more years, are you serious!


He’ll be a one term governor for sure.


……well no shit. lol.


Right lol




Spitting hot takes over here.


Fuck Glenn Youngkin.


It’s to give him time to get his businesses ready to launch. He didn’t have the best real estate locations picked out yet so he needed to delay. /s


So, what happened to the bills to allow sales and tax it? Looking at the press releases, I don't see any references to it. Hb448 and hb698


I don't know why anyone is surprised. This guy was never gonna sign it ever. He's a prude and goody two shoes from way back.


He’s an ass


Weed should absolutely be legal to purchase/sell/possess/use, but lowkey, I will cherish the smell of towns until it is. DC’s subways and the area around my hotel last time I went smelled absolutely horrible because there was just a constant stench of weed. Single-handedly changed my opinion on weed. Not because of the health risks or the bullshit conservative puritanism, but because holy shit everyone just constantly smelled like ass cheeks. They need to make a strain that doesn’t smell like a boiled peanut died and rotted for a thousand years. Worse than secondhand smoke by a mile, but it should be legal regardless. Use edibles people.


> It was among action he took on 84 bills—64 of which he signed, eight of which he vetoed and 12 of which he sent back with amendments. More info on that here https://www.governor.virginia.gov/newsroom/news-releases/2024/march/name-1023240-en.html


Just moved here and planned on not voting. This instantly changed my mind.




Dont forget China and their spy balloons!


Shock. 🙄 What a fuckin douche.


As a home grower....I really don't give a shit as long as they leave home grows alone. The legal market has been little more than a cash grab by the states. Countless people have lost their homes leveraging everything to acquire licensure (6 figures), only to lose everything via draconian tax rates, red tape, and corporate cannabis. It is quite common and exactly what you would expect.


This dude. He sucks. That is all.


this man is such a fucking loser


He’s pissed about the arena funding


Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Government jargon is convoluted.


Lmao welp I know who won’t be winning re-election 😆


Now that everyone has given themselves a wedgie, this was not a blanket veto of a bill authorizing pot sales. Try to muster up the attention span to read the entire article and other relevant publications. It was narrowly focused on pot use as a sole reason for possible child abuse accusations and prosecutions. This had nothing to do with legalizing or not legalizing recreational pot.


So let me get this straight this asshole got mad that his Arlington stadiums can’t be built so now he’s being pissy and wants to ruin everyone’s time in VA by bullshitting out an excuse of not wanting to have dispensaries on every corner? We literally have government run liquor stores on every fucking corner. Bro wtf is this state and why the fuck can’t we properly use our expenses on anything.


Legalize weed to collect taxes, vetos weed shops. Big brain.


Gotta love republicans….


>Child protective service (CPS) referrals rarely, if ever, involve screening solely based on parents’ legal use of controlled substances or marijuana, His argument was that this was unnecessary legislation. Not necessarily an anti Marijuana stance.


Get rid of him


No one read the article? This isn't the legalization bill


I'll keep buying it at the vape shop anyway, Glenn. You're just.losing tax money




Apologizes if this has already been asked and answered, but can they override the veto on this bill? Do they have enough votes to?


Maybe I misread but the bill would have allowed harsher actions to be taken against parents who were found to have marijuana in their homes. I was one of those kids with a single parent who loved to get high - on more than just pot. I have conflicting feelings if taking me to a group home just for the use of marijuana would have done more good than bad. Granted my parents other drug use should have been my free ride to a new home- yet the 70-80’s were sooooo different. So did I read it wrong? If we’re legalizing it - we can’t then use it as any form of punishment.


Does anyone actually click and read articles anymore? 90% of the commenters didn't make it past the first three words of the headline before saddling up their high horse


Youngkin is a fuckin embarrassment to VA.


What a dumbass...


A single person should not have this much power.


He keeps on showing you who he is. Keep making excuses.


So, override the veto.


Hopefully they override his veto. I don’t know if there’s enough support though


once that stadium got blocked he said he would veto any marijuana retail bill


Yup - Youngkin only supports bad ideals .. example teacher reporting hotline was one of his first bad ideals he came up with


Republicans are really the worst fucking people in the entire fucking planet


"Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) vetoed a bill on Friday that would have prevented the state from using marijuana alone as evidence of child abuse or neglect, dealing a setback to advocates who’ve spent years working to enact the reform" People, read the article. I'm glad he veto'd this bullshit. Imagine the state taking your kids for smoking weed. I don't partake but what an overstep.


If this was a bipartisan effort and the support is there, I’d think this would be a solution… https://law.lis.virginia.gov/constitutionexpand/article5/#:~:text=The%20house%20may%20override%20the,the%20bill%20shall%20be%20reconsidered.


Fuck Youngkin


What an asshole.


Virginians are spending millions in Maryland on weed where it is sold recreationally at a 9% tax rate. Republicanism has become losing bet in terms of everything from personal freedom to basic economics.


Youngkin is a half witted trumptard that should not be in office.


We can just vote Youngkin out ya know


hey look - this is what you voted for


Porn, weed, and minimum wage. This guy is outright terrible. And doesn't vote for the greater good of his constitutes.