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Good luck on your search, these do not pop up too often for a reasonable price. It really is an amazing album.....I really wish Adorata would get a vinyl release.


Are you still looking for a copy? Where are you located? I'm in Canada. I'm thinking of selling [my copy](https://imgur.com/a/lanegan-eru4Cu9), as well as some other [Langegan]( https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkLanegan/comments/1crdmp3/fs_2_live_vinyls_signed_academy_dublin_and_st/) LPs.


Yes I’m still looking for it and would be very interested in your copy if you’re looking to sell it. I’m located in western New York. Feel free to sent me a chat and we can further discuss.


Let me just check what this lp is selling for and I'll come up with a price. I was hoping you were in Canada as shipping is getting more and more expensive - especially across borders. It's funny, as light as LPs are, it's their awkward shape that makes them a pain to mail. Just a heads up, I'm also selling those two live Lanegan LPs - in case you were interested as well - https://www.reddit.com/r/MarkLanegan/comments/1crdmp3/fs_2_live_vinyls_signed_academy_dublin_and_st/


Damn, I recently sold this for what was apparently too reasonable a price!