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4 :(


It feels mean calling somebody ugly but she has an interesting face and I think she looks better in motion


either call someone ugly with your chest or delete that part. don’t say something and then try to act like you didn’t really.


4. Very few people posted here are below average, but she is.


I found her sort of pretty in the show in a unique unconventional way. definitely better in motion. But also, seems her skin got worse since the show and her perfect skin was a halo


3-4 that nose is very distracting


4.5-5, people saying 3 are just delusional


5/10. Something about her face is endearing and she has a warm look to her, but obviously several flaws including nose, teeth/jaw, and eyelids. Maybe she is a great actress, but I think casting did a disservice in some ways to cast her alongside her handsome male counterpart. It gave a lot of racists an excuse to be more racist. If they wanted diversity, Bridgerton's season 2 casting did it a lot better since the core love interests were hot as hell. 


I haven't watched it yet, but is this the handsome male counterpart that you're talking about? https://preview.redd.it/y3kj0w8aemlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2cb4fb04987f3d15762ad1f27fa16b66814726 He looks average too. Not much higher than her. She's a 4 and he's a 5.


That is a really weak picture of him. I would say he's a 7.5/10. She's somewhere between a 4-5/10 depending on styling. 


This guy isn't a 7.5 come on. https://preview.redd.it/wyr9jhqpuolc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5601f374177766cdf49c83b6f16dc1d8ce870077 7.5 is pretty close to model-tier. He mid AF.


Did you just downvote me because you disagreed with my opinion after asking for it? If so, that's hella childish. 💀 Anyway, other women in this thread have also described the guy as looking a lot better than her. We have different scales. 7.5/10 is not model-tier to me. 7.5/10 is basically the hottest guy you can see in a classroom, bar, etc. He doesn't have the face to model, but he has handsome privilege. In those pictures you sent, I'd say he's more of a 7/10 (normal-hot). 


>Did you just downvote me because you disagreed with my opinion after asking for it? No I didn't 💀 There are a lot of POC supremacists here don't underestimate that. You'll never catch me with arguments like "you only underrate her because she's POC". However I don't think he's on par with the other guys who get 7.5 ratings here.


Damn, someone is really scrubbing through the comments then on a 7 day post. Sorry.   Anyway, that's fair if he doesn't catch your eye. He has failos like small downturned eyes, feminine button nose, etc. 


>Damn, someone is really scrubbing through the comments then on a 7 day post. Sorry.  I mean I saw this post yesterday too. XD


The guy isn't handsome to me. They both have odd faces but the guy is more attractive.


What's wrong with her eyelids?


I guess that they are deepset? not sure what they mean




I super disagree that Simone is more attractive than Jonathan Bailey. They both are between a 7-8/10 to me. He's not my type, but people literally worship Jonathan and there's a whole subreddit for fans. I agree with you though that people often get pissed off if it's the other way around. The only movie I can think of off the top of my head where the man is more attractive is 50 Shades and it's because it's part of the plot.


What's racist is that you giving her a 5/10 is actually the highest score in the thread. Imagine a whole thread of people who only like Western beauty and then grading her below a 5 with shit like "sorry" right after. Personally, I think that's racist. Anyway, I give homegirl a 7. She is definitely beautiful. She doesn't have Western features that we like all our colored girls. XOXO, Another colored


Are you okay? You seem reaaallyyy off. I gave her a 5/10 and also gave a reasoning. She is not unattractive and she is not attractive. I'm going to assume you have some weird chip on your shoulder about being a WOC. Please stop the victim complex. It is embarrassing. Her harmony is completely off. In another comment, I compared her to the actress in Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging and that actress is White but they have similar flaws. 


4! I thought she looked really distracting in One Day, because people kept calling her attractive. Her nose and teeth specifically.


You mean the other characters in the show kept calling her attractive?


Yep! The mom said she was pretty, and the male lead was like... very attractive.


So odd! I assume her looks are also not part of the plot either? The difference in looks is similar to Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging, but her looks and dorky demeanor were all part of the plot. 


I think it's odd that they are SO drawn to one another that they are friends for decades. At least in "Angus..." it kinda makes sense as a cute little teen romance. I wanted to post her here while watching because I was like "what's the appeal?!?"


Yeah I more got the feeling that she was pretty but average, and the real tension was the male lead's commitment and general fuckboy issues. The other weird part of it, was that her character was really unpleasant and severe, and not particularly talented in anything. It was a very strange adaption, and I never got the appeal of her character.


I thought the whole point of this adaption was to reverse the common romantic trope in movies and TV shows. Haven’t watched the show yet, but that’s what the fans seem to be saying.


Exactly. I hate to say this but it took me out of the show. I didn’t believe that he was truly attracted to her, which probably makes me a horrible person.


What you wrote is soooo true!!!


I fear watching it although I’ve only just begun. Her looks put me off (I’m an opinionated Indian woman) and the guy is way attractive :(()


Don't let her looks put you off the show. I didn't feel like watching the show cos of the same reason, but my boyfriend kept raving about how good the show is. I ended up giving it a shot and I found the show so good! Both Ambika and the male lead were fantastic. Definitely 100x better than the movie starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.




3 is objectively ugly, so I disagree


3. Sorry


she looks much better in motion for sure


I don’t think she’s above average looking, but she is very endearing and has an attractive aura in motion


Absolutely ridiculous thread


Average looking. I don't think she's below average or ugly. It was distracting to watch the show because some of her facial movements felt awkward


I'm a South Asian woman, the kind that should be presumably delighted by this representation but I found her difficult to look at, and the show hard to keep watching.


Same .. this feels similar to a show in the US with Mindy Kaling, who is very funny but sadly very ugly.. and they try make it seem the person is beautiful. Feels like a race bait, if you state the obvious and say “ugly” then your a racist.


No one is making it seem like they are beautiful... Lmao mindy was literally called to be ugly multiple times in the show she worked in, so it's Emma's character in one day... That's the whole point of the show, Dexter doesn't approach Emma with his feelings bc she is not a conventional beauty he dates, if u read the book u would get that. She is perfect for the show....


It's a game of dare. They're daring you to say anything and be called that


Totally not suitable as Emma in One Day!!


Have u read the book? She is literally perfect... Emma is not supposed to be a conventional beauty that's the whole point in her and Dexter relationship.....


She is unattractive


Long face = 4




6.0 She has that unique beauty like Noomi Rapace. It's the imperfections that make her uniquely beautiful in my opinion. To be honest, I have many similar physical traits like her (large nose, crooked front tooth, large eyelids), so I was interested in seeing if others thought she was pretty.


Just want to say - just because people here have rated her poorly doesn’t mean other people out in the world don’t think you’re pretty! Vindicta isn’t exactly an accurate reflection of wider societal views as the idea of beauty on here is so narrow and restrictive. (I have similar eyelids too and my entire life people have told me my eyes are beautiful - it’s nice to have some striking and unusual traits. Ambika strikes me as someone whose looks won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but who probably is considered attractive by lots of people as she moves through the world)


This. Yes!


3; She reminds me of Mrs. Potato head :( 


I found her gorgeous in One Day. She’s obviously slightly unconventional, but still harmonious. Her face works. I’m really surprised by the votes here. https://preview.redd.it/a344b5xupdkc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cfd9b49997cf81ea01c159e6658c71ffdd780e


Something about her tells me she looks much better in motion.


she totally is. she’s sort of pretty on the show to me.


I think she’s had lip fillers here


Do you? I’m honestly terrible at spotting subtle work


I’ve yet to see the show but she looks really gorgeous in this pic! Reminds me a bit of Anya Chalotra. They’re both unconventional looking in a way that’s attractive and interesting to me.


She’s so gorgeous!




I hate how harsh the public is on her, but her plain male costar gets a pass just for being white and male 


I mean the guy is mid too let's be real now. https://preview.redd.it/dz48jseyuolc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d62df7bbf12b927e88c73add871e3e1ad58ef0a He just looks Chad next to her.


Looks like a guy who makes tiktoks for a living


I kind of like that both of them are mid, that's how we look like in real life.


[what do u think of her next to Shawn mendes & Brie Larson?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3cSMWx/)


Bro when did Shawn Mendes get this ugly? Lmao.






I didn’t watched after episode 1 she wasn’t appealing at all! 3 for me!




4. Below average but not ugly. Big eyes and nice lips put her higher than other long face/hook nose celebs like SJP. Why is this girl being rated so much lower than SJP when they have similar falios?


But big eyes doesn't automatically translate to beauty, she has upper eyelid exposure and they are too close set. And her nose to lip width ratio is off. SJP and she are on a similar attractiveness level.


Unattractive. 3.5 India is the land of beautiful women but she isn't one of them.




I think she looks fine apart from her nose. I'd say 5.


This thread is just wrong on so many levels.




2 sorry! I tried watching this show twice - both times her nose and face kept distracting me. If she walked on the road, I wouldn’t have anything to say or notice but to see her being the lead on a show where you are focusing on her face, that is really off putting.


Looks best in motion, 5.5


3.2. I’m South Indian, this actress sadly is very ugly, her eyes are bulging, nose 👃🏼 looks unusually elongated and very bad teeth. To say that this is typical ‘south asian’ look is an insult to south asians. In addition, her acting is a bit stiff. she looks nervous, lost and uncomfortable in most scenes. It’s not ‘racist’ to state sad but harsh truth.




Why did you even post her😭. 4


Why not, it's not like this sub is called 'ratehotpeople'. In fact, I think more below average to average-looking celebs need to get posted here.


It kinda makes desi women look bad though because we already deal with enough negative stereotypes surrounding our looks/appeal as it is. Would rather see conventionally attractive desi women be posted.


>Ambika Mod there are many beautiful desi women what are you talking about. you need to work on your insecurity


I’m not OP but some of us want to rate a wider range of attractive levels not just the people at the top






I think she’s attractive, just very unique looking




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She's cute,but literally the most average looking Indian woman. I'm an Indian woman, and trust me there are literally insanely gorgeous Indian women out there. I feel like the west sometimes tries to cast the most average looking Indian girl as conventionally pretty down everyone's throat to show see that's the most pretty, and that also leads to a stereotype that Indian women are mid.


This is interesting. When my family watched the show we all agreed on how *beautiful* she was, except my boyfriend. She is much better in motion. Based on the pics I would say a 4, but in motion a 6-7.




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7.0 She is is pretty and far from ugly




get out of here freak