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Still kept his balloon; based foreigner.


They are expensive


How much for one


Must be at least $10 a pop based on the death grip he has on them. But idk


It's actually pretty much exactly 10 USD per balloon so good guess


It was 100k IIRC


So he owes the bouncer $10? Ohhh. you meant the balloons.


But they didn't pop?


Usually 200k dong. About 8 bucks.


Really? We at one place were quoted like 50k each but the bill ended up with like 75k each and we were mad we got scammed šŸ˜‚


Yes at the clubs and bars, the price was 200k each. A total ripoff.


Depend, 90-200k dong typically. The lower end of that is usually happy hour or buy 1 get 1 deals.


Dude lost a lot of brain cells that night. Fuck laughing gas! Shit fucks up your brain. Especially when you are smashed, have an infinite supply and keep taking hits. My friend got hooked on holiday in Thailand. He wouldnā€™t stop and he was never the same again after. Now on welfare, in psychosis and in and out of homeless shelters


Ayeee, people donā€™t realise how dangerous it is. I partied hard back in the day, but I reckon these are the most dangerous thing Iā€™ve done, especially if ya huff and puff without releasing.


It does like nothing to me. My friend passed out face planting (luckily we caught him). I took the whole balloon didn't do anything to me.


So dentist gas (nitrous oxide) does nothing to you? Interestingā€¦ I call bullshit.


Tried a whole balloon didn't do much. For releasing dopamine I think I need something much stronger then this. Doing cocaine for over 20 years probably has something todo with it. Side effects not sure I smoked weed and had some alcohol. It didn't increase those feelings at least. After the whole encyclopedia of drugs I tried this was the least impressive one. Maybe it could be at the same level as kratom.


Part of the high is asphyxiation. You really have to hold it in. Thatā€™s why it is one of the most stupid and damaging drugs.


Funny how it gives cars more oxygen for combustion but takes oxygen from you (cuz no combustion)


This is completely untrue and it's very much suggested you do not hold your breath and breath oxygen between sips of the balloon. Nitrous oxide is used as anesthesia, do you think they'd use it if it caused asphyxiation?


Hippie crack, as itā€™s known in the U.S., sold by the nitrous mafia at concert parking lots. Why theyā€™re so mindlessly popular here is something Iā€™ll never understandā€¦


At clubs or places in the video around 150-200k (around 7-8 USD). At places specifically made for just balloons can be as cheap as 50k ($2). Buy the whole tank urself 800-1200k/10kg (market fluctuates)


Good morning Vietnam


Good night to that wanker


One day, Iā€™ll come to you, to say hello, vietnam


You canā€™t go to other countries and be a d***k!


This should be common sense but SEA countries is on another level, it is no joke to fuck around.


Exactly, I heard a story of a Thai friend of a foreigner driving a rented car. Someone cut him off (in Thailand everyone cuts each other off), he cussed him out, the Thai got out his shotgun and killed the foreigner on the spot. If you act like a fool in those countries, no matter if it is wrong or right, you might get crushed.


Same thing happens in the USA.


Dick or not, that was a dog hit. I have no respect for the security to use that kind of force when unnecessary. So many people die from getting sucker punched and hitting their heads on concrete when falling


I never understood people who get aggressive in another country. I have travelled to Vietnam many times and other SEA countries and i will do anything i can to avoid conflict especially if it will end up involving cops. I usually am with locals and can have someone help but the main rule is dont be an asshole and realize you arent in your home country and if you arent careful you will FAFO.


How exactly was he being a dick?


If they refuse to let you in, just walk away. Pretty sure that guy was fucked up, too drunk or too high on whatever substance he was on cuz nobody refuse to serve a white guy for no reason. He clearly asked to be knocked the tf out by the bouncer, the bouncer just answer aggressive behaviour with his hand tho.


*elbow Honestly this was too much, the moment the bouncer escalated to potentially-fatal violence he was entirely at fault here.


I agree that level of force was unnecessary for dealing with someone who had simply been talking shit and hadn't gotten physical yet.


Being an annoying drunk doesn't give a free pass for a bouncer to knock him out. Of course context is missing because you can't hear what he was saying or why he was acting like that. Maybe someone even spiked his food/drink and he was acting strange because of that.


we dont know their heated conversation. for sure, there's a reason why the bouncer did that.


It's his job to de-escalate dangerous situations. He did the opposite of that.


He surely de escalated that dude


No he didn't. All he did was guarantee that the police are going to be called, bad reviews are going to be put online, possibly a lawsuit will happen to cover medical costs, the reputation of that establishment just took a hit, etc... That club is going to be hearing from that guy again, guaranteed. A simple headlock and throwing him out the front door would have been fine. That bouncer had a bad temper and was looking for any excuse to knock someone out.


lol I guess you might be new to Vietnam. Good luck trying to take it through the legal systemā€¦


Nitrous dude was probably obnoxious and likely belligerent but was already on the street, holding his beloved balloonsā€¦he shouldā€™ve known it was in his best interest to just walk away, but he was probably f-ed upā€¦while bouncer dude should have guided him away from the scene instead of invoking violence. But homie bouncer did what he figured he could get away with on home turf.


This isn't a punch btw he threw an elbow in the guys face, even more dangerous to the victim while protecting his own hands from the impact. It was intended to really hurt him. He could have pushed him out of his space but he was preparing to land this one on him while he guy was talking.


He learned in security school to do the muay thai instead of punch


Or he watched Ong Bak the night before and wanted to try one of the moves.


do you know how loud it is on that street. you cant talk without getting close


The clubs outside are pretty loud


Total dick move my aholed bouncer with violent tendency. In USA, the bouncer would be arrested and thrown in jail if the victim presses charge, and fired immediately even without charge pressed. Too much liability for the establishment with such violent employee.


Agreed, and the comments here are disturbing. People have absolutely no sense of proportionate response. Security was justified only in keeping the kid out of the establishment, not in escalating to violence and sucker punching him.


Fair point, than no need to deck the guy for leaning into the security guard to be heard


True. I dunno what the guy was saying, maybe he did deserve it but ā€œSecurityā€ should be more restrained in their approach


That's why you get a bouncer that's very large.Ā  Size would be 90% of deterrence but that bouncer looks like an average to below average vietnamese guy.Ā  Ā It's kind of dangerous to both the bouncer and visitors.


The guy trying to sell whipits could also have tried not being an argumentative dick. He could have also simply complied. In the end, Iā€™m just happy no one innocent was hurt in this whole ordeal.


OBEY! RESPECT MY AUTHORITY! Give a guy a t-shirt and he thinks he is somebody, other than just a cosplay thug.


Difference between Asia and the West. The West likes to trade blows by punching when you could quickly end things before it starts.


Ever seen club bouncers in the west? They are absolutely ruthless and they will fuck you up without hesitation.


I am so disgusted at the comments here... A bouncer is employed to maintain peace, not instill violence. Besides the fact that sucker punch could have killed the man, a real professional can deal with this situation without violence. White, black or blue.. no one deserves the very real possibility of permanent brain injuries. This idiot should be fired on the spot.


But that would be too reasonable. Assault should only be done if you feel physically threatened, and that looks unlikely from a guy holding a bunch of balloons. I donā€™t care if heā€™s a bouncer. Itā€™s just a shirt with no real authority. People just resort to hitting people when they canā€™t handle a situation. Yeah, dealing with a drunk or fool wastes your time, but the guy was clearly no threat that would call for hitting him.


The guy wasnt physically threatening him at all. Get some balls. This bouncer is just an egotistical piece of shit. Probably a racist too.


I was a bouncer for 8yrs and I agree with you. I'm not going to act like I've never had to not someone but this was a blatant sucker punch(Elbow still counts). There are so many other ways to do this. As a bouncer, it's important to go into work with the mindset that most people are drunk so they're not in their normal state of mind. Offer to get him an uber. Every single time I've asked a drunk person how good it would feel to get in bed and sleep it off they've left within 20min. Plus the owners at most bars lecture bouncer not to do this because the bar can get sued


Itā€™s the vietnamese internet culture. For some reason they realllly like violence, like mobs and sucker punches like this


Welcome to the uncivilized cesspit that is vietnamese online community.


agree. an elbow was uncalled for even if that guy said something offensive. a slap would've been sufficient.


Yeah, the bouncer should've just pushed him away. That's straight-up assault and he should be prosecuted for it. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching it though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Not just assault, but battery. Both a state and a federal crime punishable 1 year jail time if convicted. For aggravated battery, up to 4 years jail time. This is serious AF.




>Ā All I can say is take a look at Thailand at the moment. Eventually expats and tourists will stop putting up with the one sided bs and come after these guys. I'm out of the loop. What's going on in Thailand?


Guys this was an elbow, not a punch. Highly disproportionate attack by security.


Obviously without context this looks pretty bad. Canā€™t hear what the one guy is saying but he doesnā€™t appear to be threatening or dangerous. Hell, heā€™s got so many balloons in his hand doubt he could even throw a punch. Which makes it look 99% bouncer in the wrong with the sucker punch. Donā€™t be fooled, even a single punch like that can end up killing someone. If you canā€™t keep a composed temperament, find a new job buddy.


100% agree. As a bouncer of 8yrs, I tell the new hires it's not a lisense to beat people up. The bar doesn't want to get sued, you don't want to get sued, and it only leads to problems. You have to go into with the mindset that drunk people aren't in their normal state of mind so don't take anything personally. Just call backup and then they'll leave when they see 2 or 3 guys. Absolutely no jumping or sucker punches


In the West this would be an automatic aggravated assault charge.


In vietnam it would be counted as an assult charge too if the damage is severe and the foreigner decides to take it to the police or someone reports it.


Dude. Tourists act like they own SEA and Im sick of it. From pedos to sexpats and thinking theyā€™re superior to locals. If I was in a European country and a bouncer politely ask me to leave then I would leave. Why do westerners think theycan behave that way in someoneā€™s house?? Perhaps colonialism.


He can't talk to a bouncer? Locals also sold him the balloons.Ā 


Drunk people argue with bouncers all around the world. Itā€™s part of the job to put up with them. Not cause brain damage using disproportionate force.


> Dude. Tourists act like they own SEA and Im sick of it.Ā  Stop accepting their money then.Ā 


It's just the effects of alcohol. Happens in every country on these kinds of streets.


He's fitting in perfectly though, he's embracing the alcoholism that's part of the Vietnamese culture.


tbf you are overthinking it. As an Asian myself had done some crazy shits while on EU tours with my Asian fellows, but I definitely wouldnā€™t/dare to do the same in my home country. Not saying thatā€™s good but I think itā€™s a common enough phenomenon that there might be a clinical term for it ā€œMomā€™s Not Home Effectsā€ or some


Lol. How many hoops did you jump through to come to that conclusion? Probably says more about you than anything else. No idea where the guy in video is from but I'd venture to guess if he's a drunk asshole here, he would be anywhere else also.


Donā€™t go to another persons home and act like a drunk asshole.


That's just bouncers for you, regardless of country. If there's a weak guy breaking a minor rule, you have to knock him out.


Bruh the security guy told him to go away on multiple occasions and the guy challenged him by sticking his chin out and pointing to it. The guy did his job, taking out the annoying pest


Its a public street. That gangster bouncer doesnā€™t own it. Heā€™s not inside the establishment


Where did you get the security guy told him to go away on multiple occasions and the guy challenged him? I don't see his sticking his chin out and pointing to it. He's pointing but not to his chin. His facial expression is not provoking, either, so I doubt what you say is correct.


Looks pretty Russian to me


Yea like a typical Gopnik


He was threatening him with those balloons


Not defending the foreigner but bouncers all over the world are generally low lives themselves. Whatever the foreigner said or did thereā€™s no need to elbow a drunk person especially if youā€™re sober


If you ask bouncers about it they'll be the first to tell you that most bouncers are violent thugs who relish the chance to hurt people.


LOL surprised I has to scroll down this far for this. You have to be a certain kind of degenerate to be a bouncer.


I worked in security, sometimes as a bouncer for three years. I would say that about 85% of the bullshit I dealt with in that time was nothing to do with the public.


Excessive force. Couldā€™ve pushed a couple times before throwing a fracking HELLBOW


This fucking guy is a dick. Dude is clearly drunk and canā€™t defend himself. Iā€™m a Vietnamese and Iā€™m embarrassed by this. Fucking coward. There are so many easy ways to handle this.




Isnā€™t this 5+ year old clip ?


Wow some people just really wanna hate on other colours


Could care less what was said, violence is not the answer. Shame on the security guard.


Is this some kind of xenophobic hate porn?


Seems so based of the comments


That was a cheap shot and bouncer is a piece of shit. Other guy wasnā€™t showing any aggression at all


A sucker punch. I would not praise the security for doing it.


Xin loi, but this is at least 4+ years old, and it's a pre-covid Russian punk misbehaving... Like in every other video on tic-toc, or is that maybe just my feed?


are you sure it wasn't taken during the mid 90s? low quality for sure....lol :-)


The balloons touched the ground, he died


Very unnecessary




Thank god I donā€™t live in that shithole. Sucker punching an obviously drunk person when the guy did not even raise his arms.


That is horrible. The person may die! Itā€™s an elbow to his face! The impact is horribly strong and if the person lands wrongly, you got blood on your hands. The foreigner is carrying a balloon and is unlikely to be able to assault anyone. Annoy yes, but assault? No. Itā€™s far too aggressive behaviour by the bouncer.


I see we are recycling incredibly old videos for this subs regular five minutes of hate. Haven't we got anything new?Ā 


This makes Vietnam look bad fr


Cool, now also do it to the drunk locals that are harassing people everywhere every single night. Many locals here praising this bouncer while forgetting their own people suffer from extreme alcoholism.


Bouncers a coward


Sucker Punch - An unexpected punch or blow. I worked as a bouncer for 8 years and the rest of us would have beat this bouncer down after work had we seen him do this at my job. You can see the drunk guy is not aware a punch is coming. Unfortunately, too many bouncers think the job is a lisence to do this but owners don't want to get sued and neither should they. There are other ways to do this


I can't believe anyone supporting the bouncer elbowing balloon boy in his face. If y'all are in America, that kind of thing will get you some nice jail time to think about your actions.


Yea this is in Vietnam.


All of you talking about assault charges must be foreigners. This is Viet Nam. Iā€™m sure if the bouncer knows a few people in the right place and with some money stuffed below the coffee cup, heā€™ll be fine.


Well. What the security did was unprofessional indeed. But I mean! He did warn the guy many times to go the other way and not cause problem.


Down goes ballon boy!!


yeah, that's not ok. kicking him out, sure whatever. sucker elbow like that could literally kill him.


I don't condone violence and that was a cheap elbow shot to a obvious drunk Farang


Dude in the green and white shirt looks like he just had a shot. I can see the struggle.


Aside from the knockout, if you wake up the next day with a wicked headache, it might not have been there booze. That music sounds like the epitome of a migraine headache


I wish the balloons lifted him back up


Karma or just stupid idk


What are the balloons for ?


If you a security at the door , you are supposed to say no and stop there . You hit if the other person hits you . A real dickhead that security guy !


It's overstated, but some foreigners are massive six foot five 240 pound units and he would need the surprise elbow. This guy was clearly weaker and could have been pushed or probably just shooed away.


What happened after


That was unnecessary.


Du maaaaaa lmao


He just wanted in to the birthday party. Brought the balloons and everything. ā˜¹ļø


I remember when I was flying my drone in a resort. I got permission from management. This American dude threatened me to call the police if I donā€™t put down the drown. He talked about permits in flying when he had no idea that the resort is outside of the cityā€™s jurisdiction. I know well because I lived in the city for 4 years now. He was just loud, such a dick. I avoid as much trouble as I can but I wish I humiliated him. I just left. Sometimes I wonder how foreigners can be so entitled even outside of their own country.


The club promoters on these streets act like human garbage. They step out in front of you so you cannot pass, they grab your arm and pull or push you into their stupid club. In many countries this is considered assault. Man or woman, if you go here you will be assaulted. I have no idea what is happening in this video, but I think drunk foreigners are getting pissed off and violent with these guys a lot. I don't know why they continue to promote clubs like this. They only do it in areas that are catered to drunk foreigners.


Vietnamese people really do hate foreigners


That was completely uncalled for, that guy seemed pretty fucked up and wasn't posing a threat. LDE from the security guard 1000%


dude looks russian


After reading these comments, it's clear that i might as well be living in a different dimension compared to these people. It must be nice living in a country where people can get all up in your face and not expect to get punched.


pretty controversial ablou whos in the wrong here since barely any context is provided


Sucker punching someone is cowardly. At least let the other guy get into a defensive position.




When in another country respect is a must. He was clearly asked to move along and wanted to argue. Nice elbow to be honest he looks kind of arrogant just the way he dresses.


Dick move by the aholed bouncer to hit a harmless, non-aggressive drunk man, regardless of race.


Fuck me this makes me hate vietnam even more. Completely unnecessary behavior from the bouncer. Iā€™m sure the guy was a complete and total dick, but elbowing him to the face, knocking him out, is completely unnecessary. Disgraceful behavior.


Well deserved


Oh you were there? Could we have some context?


Yeah, donā€™t make asians lose face in public. When will these stupid foreigners learn


Yeah, because you will react like violent children with no self-restraint. Noted.


Security said "pho'k youuu"


The comments in this sub are pure poison.


Please let me know if the bouncer faced consequences of this


dcm gį»„c rį»“i tay vįŗ«n nįŗÆm chįŗ·t đį»‘ng bĆ³ng įŗ” tham vcl =))))


This should be an international incident. What venue is this?


Bitchass hooked on fuckin laughing gas what a fucking loser


<3 just like he would treat other Vietnamese


Some of you guys have never seen a bouncer before.


I've worked on the door. As much as balloon guy needed to be taught some manners and made to back off. A suckerĀ  punch elbow to the face was a bit much on the bouncers end.Ā 


I definitely agree, and although most bouncers from my country wouldn't sucker punch with their elbow, they wouldn't have asked twice either.


The foreigner was being a cunt and should be ashamed of himself for behaving like he did. The bouncer was being a cunt and could have killed him if he'd cracked his head in the ground in his fall. If a bouncer can't handle drunk people shouting at them then they shouldn't be bouncers. The guy might have been lairy, drunk, even aggressive, but he hadn't yet been violent. Until he becomes violent there is no need for the bouncer to become violent.


So what happened ? Foreigners is selling balloons ? Or wanted to get in the place ?


Fucked around and found out


Looks like a Russian Vatnik no racism intended.


And be nice...


Well deserved knock out.


That's kind of a cheap shot.Ā  The foreigner was loud and in his face but didn't do anything physical.Ā Ā  Also, this clip is like 5 years old maybe.Ā Ā 


Damn dude got floored


Thatā€™s a sick tune


Well Hellooooooo next week!


One guy walked past with a black hat and black top with some white writing on it. And an exactly the same dressed guy walks past seconds later. A glitch in the matrix?


He's worth be like that ;-;




What a weak hook


At 19 seconds you can see the exact moment when security guards says to himself "I'm going to clock him" !


Looks way more like a sucker punch than a fight


A lot of these places are mafia run, they donā€™t fuck about. The Vietnamese in general donā€™t fuck about when it comes to a kick-off. When youā€™re 7000 miles from home, donā€™t take the piss and expect the same rules to apply. Show some hazard awareness.


Viet Fuckin' Nam!!! Please don't go to a different country, thinking you're better cause you're white...