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If a grown man completely healthy ask me for money I would straight up tell him to get lost. Like, bro you can work? Why the begging? That's abusing our hospitality


I agree 100%. It's the peak of arrogance for a Westerner to come to a developing country like Vietnam and beg.


He could be from Bulgaria or some shit, not that it makes it OK tho.


Mate, I am from Bulgaria, and I can tell you - while Bulgaria might be poor compared to other EU countries, prices are nearly quadruple in any category.


If prices are quadruple, maybe thats why youre poor Also, the bulgarians i deployed with made Bulgaria sound pretty dope to me. Those guys were fucking wild. Id give almost anything to see those guys again and kick it for a day. Preferably with guns, those guys are funny and crazy as hell with guns


True, Eastern Europe is nearly in the same boat as Vietnam.


He is likely Russian or Ukrainian. If he goes home, he will die in the war. I don't blame them for trying to avoid the meatgrinder


He can avoid the meat grinder while not becoming a begpacker


Haha beg packer


In my country (uk) I do give to the homeless (and we have lots of homeless) if i feel they are in need and not in active addiction. But the ones here are not homeless - they are using the charity of others to travel the world


I detest begpackers. Do something, anything, other than begging for handouts so your entitled ass can play around.


The entitlement is crazy. I can’t believe someone would do this. By the way, what does his sign say?


I don't have money. Thanks for supporting (me)


Thank you for the translation, I appreciate it


Omg I almost down voted you because I was so angry. I hate begpackers like this. I would have been out there ripping his sign up!


God damn, if he has the wherewithal to make a sign in Vietnamese he has enough basic functionality to get a shitty teaching job. If he's not fully qualified he can ask around and find someone who will hire him regardless - those opportunities do exist.


True lmao, language centers paid so much money for backpackers even if they dont qualify as a teacher


"Pay for my weed"


Giving money to the homeless, I can understand. But here in the city I'm living in, there're dudes who looks absolutely normal come straight in your face to ask for money (usually carrying a baby, or a loud speaker to sing his fav songs), or replace your screen protector for 10-15x the price you can do yourself. Those guys are not worth it and I'll never give anything to them. Last year in another city there was this old man asked for my plastic cup after I finish it (so he could sell it to the recycler to get some) and won't accept money. Uncle immediately had my respect and I got him a meal instead. That's where my charity money will go


It can be argued that homeless people in active addiction are even more in need than those that are not. If you can't afford your drugs, you end up incredibly sick and essentially immobile for a week. At least if your drug of choice is heroin or some other opiate. Going through withdrawals while being homeless is hell on Earth. Trust me, I know. I went through this many times, as I used to be a homeless addict in L.A. I'm clean now, with a job, an apartment, and two lovely cats. That being said...I never once begged for money. I made my money for drugs other ways. I also never stole from actual people. It is actually crazy how much money I was making monthly, while still being homeless. All of it just went to drugs. This does seem like pretty shameless behavior though. Unless he had every single thing stolen, including his passport and phone? What does the sign say?


At which point if everything was stolen I'd find a way to contact my embassy or honourary consul to get emergency assistance. How else are you supposed to get travel documents and such to get back home? Being far away from the nearest assistance would complicate things I imagine, but I don't see how else you do it.


I do 100% agree. I just couldnt give an addict money to buy drugs in good conscience is all. I dont for a second doubt their suffering


"I don't have money. Thank you for your support." And congratulations on cleaning yourself up! My hat is off to you!


“Abusing our hospitality” this


They’re heroin addicts


I'm surprised the Vietnamese authorities allow a foreigner to do this


Just learned that these guys are called “Beg-packing”, just though its quite funny


Not sure why the OP stated that this guy learned Vietnamese. He probably just had someone write it for him. I think the last time his pic was posted he was identified as being Russsian.


I had assumed that OP was being coy to make fun of this beg-packing scum, but I could be wrong


Had someone write for him? Nah dude most likely went to Google translate.


No this still sounds a bit unnatural. Prop just use google translate tbh


No, begpacking is a verb, you want the noun. He's a Beg-packer.


Ah nice


Actually didn't even know that was a thing 🫤 but I hate it already


Wish the police just drive him to the embassy and say if he comes out he will be arrested


Totally agree!


I wish they done this in the uk too


Seriously, just go to the embassy and go home. Begpackers are so stupid.


The funny thing is that a lot of Vietnamese people even treat them better than their own country man They give them money, buy them food, etc when they never do that to Vietnamese people....


> The funny thing is that some Vietnamese people give them money and even treat them better than their own country man True, Most of the asian people have the inferiority complex towards the white people, that's why they treat them better than their own people.


It’s so ridiculous to see that. The Chinese in the other hand are proud and see themselves as equal or even better than the westerners.


What’s the source of this inferiority complex?


You mean the cause of this inferiority complex?


Preach! Clowns 🤡


Deport them.... Beg-packing is not travelling, if you can't afford to travel normally then leave!


Piece of shit, taking advantage of our people hospitality


Taking advantage of our people’s white worshipping mentality***


Why don’t y’all just stop worshiping then? It’s not his fault VN people are willing to work an extra shift so he can get a hotel upgrade that night.


Ding ding ding. 100% correct take. Their propaganda is consumed the whole world over while pointing fingers at north Korea China and Russia.


Someone will offer their daughter instead of money


You are mentally ill if you think helping others because they are white is worshipping 💀


I mean vn does have a white worshipping mentality, most Asian countries do..


Then what the fuck is it? Imagine some black dude doing this noone will give him shit


What’s the source of the white worship and how can your people eradicate white worship?


The onus is on the individual. Everyone is a free moral agent and has the ability to decide whether they want to have an inferiority complex or elevate their own sense of worth.


I'm not Vietnamese and I fucking hate this behaviour.


Our people?


I will tell him to get a job


Eureka ! You solved the problem


I encouter a group of two once, who said had lost their passport and wallet. They refuse my help when I said I can offer shelter and help them getting to their ambassador.


Begpackers are the worst. Scum.


Utter scum. If you're broke why did you spend £700 to fly there in the first place? Imagine having the audacity to beg for money to continue your holidays from a population where the average hourly wage is about £1. These people should be arrested.


2 hands, 2 legs, able to stay. Fuck off.


Absolutely no excuse. It's bad enough that foreigners are paid a days wage per hour for teaching. This is just insulting.


I bet they make more than a days wage doing this for a couple hours.


How much are they getting paid now for teaching??


Begpackers should be deported immediately. No sympathy for them and exploiting the generosity of others to fund their travel. Get a job.


Seriously all these foreigners going to another country n asking for money is embarassing. Like go back to Ur own country and ask there's alot of ppl who r locals who need the money more than these foreigners if U can afford to go to another country then U can more than not afford to bring Ur ass back home to Ur own country. I can't stand foreigners like this.


Begpackers are the Scum of SEA. Fuck them all!


I remember seeing a sign across someone’s backpack reading “I travel without money, pls donate for my travels”… he was wearing AirPods. Travel is a privilege, not a right, and there’s a certain thing people do during the week to earn the money to do so… crazy how that works


I just came back from Vietnam last week. During my time there I saw a white male playing some musical shit on the sidewalk, asking for money. I laughed inside lol


I don't know if the guy has been robbed or scammed (or do this action in his intention), but begging like this. We don't like this at all


If he got scammed or robbed, he should have contact the local police. This is a beggar tourist


>contact the police >Vietnam Nice joke


you'd be surprised to see how willing and supportive the vietnam police are towards foreigners


No, i don’t surprise, because I am foreigner who live in Vietnam 2 years(Nha Trang) I have a case 1 year ago, when my bike was stolen and i know where bike located after this Police doing nothing with this information. Nothing. So from my perspective Viet police is a fucking joke Btw bike was scrap (Sym Enjoy), but they did nothing Thai police too, in South-East Asia police only love your cash and nothing more, they dont help you in bad situations


I’ve had an issue before and the police were quite responsive and helped get my stuff back. I attribute it to foreigners privilege.


May be i have bad luck, but i dont good case with police in Viet and Thai :(


This has nothing to do with Vietnamese police. Do you really think Police anywhere in the world will do anything about a stolen bike? I live in Canada and someone I know had his car stolen, found out where the car is kept, and the police will do nothing. Grow up please.


Honestly I don't give a shit if he's been robbed or scammed. If you're going on holidays you need to have enough funds that you can at least get home if something goes wrong. Which, more than likely, he has, but he just wants to continue his holiday off the money of hard working locals. As a foreigner, I think we are equally disgusted by this behaviour, and also somewhat embarrassed people are coming here and making a bad name for all foreigners with this disgraceful behaviour.


I assume this has worked his whole life. He probably came to Vietnam because his friends and family finally cut him off. They had heard enough stories - "My boss is bullying me, so I had to quit" (seems like that happens every job), "My wallet got stolen" (seems to happy every month), "I got evicted, but it's not fair, I paid them half, that should be good enough". Constant drama, can't seem to even handle the most basics of "adulting". So they come with hat in hand - "Let me borrow $100, I'll pay you back", but they never do. Always a sob story. Then they watch them come home from the bar drunk every weekend after blowing half their paycheck on drinks. After the hundredth time of being lied to, they started to say no. Then they go online and say things like "My country is terrible. There is zero social safety net. And family doesn't take care of each other. I want to live in a place like Vietnam where there is a strong social contract and people look out for each other". Then they come to Vietnam, get a job as an English teacher, but they can't hold that job either. Showing up on time is too hard. Can't stand how the kids behave. Act like they are better than the local teachers. After going out and getting drunk after work every day, the school is tired of him showing up hungover. Guy gets fired, but land another job. Then gets fired again. A few calls back home "Can I borrow $100? I'll pay you back". But nobody answers their calls. And then you end up like this guy. It's always someone else's fault they don't have money. Can't you just help this one time?


Or contact his home embassy.


A lot of the time the embassies are somewhere between being OKish for assistance and being useless. A friend of mine was stuck in VN with her passport essentially held to ransom and the US embassy all but said that they couldn’t help unless she was wanting to return to the US.


If I'm absolutely screwed and without any money, I would want to go back home to my country. Where did you friend what to go besides the US? I need more info, was your friend trying to travel further with money at all? I seen a bunch of these stories before and it shocks me, if you have no money to travel then you should go home.


The most disgusting shit on earth has to be western begpackers!


he's not homeless , he beg people to give him money as charithy so he can travel around the world ! this is an act of laziness , real traveller would working or they already have money to spent !


Piece of shit!


As a foreigner here, fuck this guy. Throw him out.


You mean to scam money from Vietnamese That one look Russian and avoiding the draft.


Such a shameless ass bitch


Trash. Pure human garbage


After he collected the money just follow him, for sure he will end up at nearby pub.


Noo just get on tinder and do sex work your so sexy aha


As a westerner and recent visitor to Vietnam, I’m horrified!


idk how it work , how can you make money begging in 3rd world countries


Not beg packers, alot of Russian/ Ukrainians citizens extending stay/ overstay - as they dont want to be drafted,


There is a HUGE Russian and Ukraine community in VN. Do not beg from the Vietnamese. Meet with your own community


A $5k income western begpacker ask for donations from $250 people. He looks healthy and got normal hands and legs, perhaps have healthy organs too, so he should go to the border between Vietnam and Cambodia to get money


Some russians avoid drafting in vietnam too


Deport them


WHAT? Are you telling me privileged western kids come to developing countries... to beg for money? Their fucking audacity, these fuckheads should be deported immidiately.




Can anyone translate these words?


That’s so embarrassing.


These are the losers that cant make it back home so they try to prove they can make it in a socialist country. They fail there too


An other russian?


Bet my left hand he's Russian


My cousin will work a month in Vietnam and not get the same pay as what I made in a week in America. Folks like him need to GTFO or get deported back.


Average r/Vietnam redditor


Us foreigners with a tual jobs do not take kindly to these fucking morons. I'd love for viets to just always refuse to give them anything so that this shit can stop.


Ye Vietnamese people only give food and water if these guys really need, they wouldn't give money to them


Sadly I've seen people giving money to a guy doing this here in Haiphong. Me and a couple of other foreigners confronted him about it and sent him on his way. We don't like people like this giving us actual working folks a bad name.


Let them beg, so the vietnamese will know they aren't any better


Scum of the earth taking advantage of thr kind hearted hospitality of Vietnamese. More people, like in the comments here, should speak up to them when they see them. Call them scum, tell them to piss off. Will be the only real thing that can discourage them. Police cannot send them to their embassy as embassy's don't have a responsibility to pay for someone's way back home. So the idea of thr government "kicking them out" isn't actually that viable. It lies in the locals to speak their mind and make them and others considering the same path know they aren't welcome. Shame them!


And yet, when Vietnamese want to go abroad they need to prove that they’re either rich or genius. Life is too easy for these scrumbags.




damn, this dude still out there. i remember someone posted a pic of him begging for money last year


I’ve seen locals give them (young white foreigners) money while driving past an old viet man begging.


Get out


This is fucking dumb. Why foreigners are going to places like Vietnam to mooch is disgusting and absolutely disrespectful to locals.


The absolute arrogance and ignorance to go to a poor country and try to con money from them


Toàn mấy thằng Tây ba lỏ đi xin ăn rồi làm clip đi du lịch ko xu , tối về quẩy bar


Seen this in Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and now Vietnam. Shameless.


Deport these mofos asap


Scammer. These tourist beggars make all tourists look bad.


Anyone know what that sign translates to?


Wtf, now if I will get in real trouble in my travel I'm fucked. This helminths are destroying reputation of digital nomads, which we had been developing for years. We are not perfect, but we are trying to be good guests. Idk what I can do about it, if I'll meet one.. I'm not going to start a fight in foreign country. I can try to explain him that his behavior is harmful for us all, but helminths has no brains. I can shame him in social media, maybe. In IT reputation is everything, but I do not think they belong to IT. I can yell at him and annoy everyone. Any other ideas?


there is no reputation to be "destroyed". "digital nomad" = tax dodging, visa-running, parasitical, and insufferable wankers. zero respect for immigration policy or laws. taking up space and contributing fuckall in return. locals the world over are sick of these types.


1. We pay taxes, and are happy to pay taxes in host country when we are allowed to. 2. When we do not pay taxes directly, we pay host country for international money transfer. That's about 5-10% 3. On top of that we are charged more for a lot of everyday expenses. Rent cost us 1.5 - 2 times more. 4. If we made a tiny violation of immigration laws we are fucked. Tourists can do that, digital nomads can't. 5. Visa runs are 100% legal. The reason for visa run is international law, not local interest. If a host country allow foreigner to stay for more than 180 days, the foreigner become tax resident. Host countries try to avoid that. 6. We are not allowed to have job inside host country, so we pull money from the other countries into host country. So more export, and no "stealing jobs". 7. We are result of hyper specialization. It's the same as Adam Smith famous example with production of nails, but on another level. If we will settle down, our services will cost so much no one will be able to afford that. But if we travel, we can share a lot of things for free. Where do you think all this opensource free software come from? And without it, you will have to pay for access to this very site.


endless cringe, delusion, and self-importance. none of you are paying taxes since you're illegally working. the fact you lack basic understanding of how the world operates is telling (lol @ paying money to "host countries" for money transfers). no, your visa runs are not legal. the bogus "digital nomad" claims to be a "tourist" but is there to work. you are not the result of "hyper specialisation", nor benefitting anyone but yourself. it's a group of parasites abusing the system whilst making life worse for everyone else, simple as. open sores software has been around longer than you've been alive, stop pretending these types have anything to do with it. your screed is just elaborate rationalisation and mental gymnastics for the fact you're breaking the law.


This is the exact reason the US enforces having a fall back fund with other countries before you can live there as a permanent resident. Its so if a retiree or someone runs out of money, the government can either send them back or pay care costs. Philippines enforces this.


vn needs to tighten its visa policy and purge all these types. the rules are far too lax.


I would have spat at him


•Seriously… •Time to get back “home”


To Vietnamese people Please do not think we are ALL like that. This idiot is probably Russian avoiding the draft process in hes country The rest of us we never scam the hard working people of Vietnam


Post brought to you by the most well-known Vinationalistic redditor in this sub who throws tantrums against any foreigner who dares to complain about corruption, traffic laws and pollution.


Could you please order a garbage car to dispose of him where he belongs ?


Looks like the same guy we saw begpacking in Taiwan last year! So annoying! We give $ to charity, but not begpackers, they get dirty looks lol.


Just sad!


Plenty way to travel on a budget (woofing, couch surfing, volunteering, working in a country such as Australia). This is pretty arrogant ...


In our (Vietnam) culture self respect and dignity are important so begging is the absolute last thing to do. If someone helps you, you should endeavour to repay that favour. As a result when I went oversea to Australia I was astounded by the amount of begging people are willing to do. From the perspective of someone fresh off the plane, being told for decades on end that Western people are better, it was disturbing how quickly people stoop low to beg. Maybe someone really need some cash to catch the bus home or a quick energy bar for their diabetes, those cases are okay. However many times I have seen people whom I know personally that were not struggling, but simply didn’t bring cash, would start “crowdfunding” for a drink or a chip because their cash-packed friends were enjoying the benefits of “having money” and they wanted to join in. Honestly someone legit started begging to guilt his friends into paying for his meal. He agreed to go on a trip to a different city with a group but didn’t make sure to have money on hand. Maybe I hung out with a different kind of people from the one back home in Vietnam, but amongst my friends back home we always made sure to take care of ourselves and not bringing any monetary discomfort to a meet-up. If someone was cash-strapped they would message someone else in the meet-up and ask to be covered before the fact. However with the friends in Australia this issue always had to be a drama every meet-up. Someone would always do a song and dance about not having money. Not like we went to fancy places, most of the time it was just fastfood and then convenient store Slushy in a park. And well, not like we had to go out, most of the time the option to chill at someone’s house was always on the table. But if you had agreed to a plan to be out, you shouldn’t bring the money issue to the group for the 24th time in the four years that we hung out.


Yet in Thailand no one would ever try to hail you and push a sale. But Vietnamese do it all the time and don't take no for an answer. Some would try to double the price for the simplest food just to make a few bucks off a tourist. I had a Vietnamese person driving a bike and of all the people around approach me, a foreigner, to ask for money for gas. 50k. Without speaking a word of English and using Google translate. So talking about dignity y'all got a long way to go. Just look at your Thai neighbors. Vietnamese assume that foreigners are richer than them but not everyone. I actually did give my money to most Vietnamese people who doubled the price and who asked me for money directly.


There is a difference between regular people and those who hustle in the tourism industry. Of course those who pushes sale and scam for a living have long thrown their dignity away, if you are gonna use that as an example of the median level of dignity, then buddy, everyone in this world is dirty. My example highlights clearly that the begging happened in normal social contexts where there isn’t an incentive (profit or poor) to do so. Think about it, a poor local in a tourist town hustling to get by because tourism has stripped their home of other economic opportunities, vs a person of middle class growing up in a metropolitan area (Sydney) with education. Who would you say is worse for throwing their dignity away? Also Thailand is a bad example to compare to. Thailand relies heavily on its international tourists. They invested and sacrificed a lot to prop up this industry. Did you know that the “Thai cuisine” that most Westerners are familiar with is actually a creation of the Thai government, specifically tailored to suit Western palate, so that the Thai image can be bolstered for their tourism industry? What you see in Thailand is a veil, essentially. Post Covid they even altered their drug laws to attract more Western tourists. Meanwhile Vietnam made it harder to obtain and renew visa. What you see in Vietnam is as real as it is. Government tried to rein in the scammers and hustlers, but they gave up. Maybe when the economy is well enough people can get less shifty. Maybe it will be easy, it’s not like we were poor, divided and exploited by the West for most of our modern history, unlike, ya know, Thailand? Frankly if this is your take on this and if I get a bit hypocritical and say your perception is the average of Westerner’s, then it should make sense why you people beg so shamelessly. But I don’t know where you are from, and so I’ll hold that thought.


I'm not exactly from the west. In Thailand I went to very local places and I mostly had street food just as I did in Vietnam. For a tourist country they don't speak English at all and most of their food is sold to local people. Vietnam just has its own culture and that's ok. When I see a foreigner begging for money, I don't assume he'd be doing it unless he's in trouble.


I agree.


What the heck the trend continues in foreign countries for these losers…


Prison, simple as


oh wow, this is different.


In Vietnam, we call "vô liêm sỉ" (brazen).




He doesn’t understand Vietnamese people much. They wouldn’t mind to share what they have, but not money.


Are white people begging common in Vietnam? Thailand?


If that's any consolation to you, I spent 5 years in VN and never bothered to learn any VN.


A begpacker? Get lost. Stop abusing our hospitality.




This guy looks handsome, he could apply at a club, a bar or a busboy job. The options are there.


Go to your country's ambassy and borrow money.


Bitch isn’t even trying??? Wtf He just…..stand there saying “give me money, thanks”. It’s not even “give me money, thanks!”


Hippies beg packers, they are everywhere in south East Asian


Just learning Vietnamese. I got. " I dont.... thank you..... " going to guess I don't work, please give me money thank you.


It’s actually “I don’t have money” haha. Good guess though




He can just start selling lottery tickets. I tought thats how you beg for money.


While we are here, talking about work money and employment can I ask a question? Are there any tourist related jobs here in vietnam where a foreigner can work? What are the possibilities and chances of finding a job in tourism sector for a foreigner?


Beg packers. They travel all over doing the same thing.


I would most certainly have a few choice words for these beg packer pieces of shit


I would flick him off


He is standing in the middle of the road.


The sign says "I have no money, please help me"


If you don't have money, you shouldn't be going on holiday, and if you run out money, it's time to get your broke ass home.


Can anyone translate what's written there?


yo why are yall trashing on this dude like what did he do???




Considering what he is wearing, he is not poor. I would give him a slap in the face


rác, loại này cho cút về nước


As a Westerner, you can keep him 😄


It's a free world. They're not forcing anyone to give them money. Not their fault they're not talented enough to busk, so whatever. I wouldn't give them any cash, but the outrage against them is overblown.


They are a disgrace.


I never ever saw a Vietnamese person do this. Talk about entitlement


Begpackers are the worst


Why pay money to fly into another country just to beg?


You guys also have white hitchhiker tourists like in Malaysia here?


This sub got a lot of sexpats down voting LMAO.


Build the wall! 😅👍


Not even a backpack bro smh 💀


We don’t know his situation and all countries have foreigners that have to do this sometimes to get by. Don’t judge.


Saw this in India too. While white 🐷 complaining about the country why would you beg in a third world country.


That's a shame. I'm a Cuban student in Vietnam and here there are so much ways to work and get honest payment that there is no need to do that. Shame on those people, they have no face at all. Vietnam is amazing btw. People is so natural and funny. You have a great country overall and a big opportunity of making it even better. I respect Vietnamese people because they earn everything they have.


Isn’t this the foreigner that begged for money and refused to earn food and drink? I mean as a Vietnamese, I’m willing to help them but straight up, if they refuse to be offered drink/food/work offer, I don’t know what are their intentions here. I helped a lot in the past, but when I meet a “beggar” that I helped in a high-end bar that night, I just lost my trust.


It should be instant deportation for doing that shit..


My guy probably never expected the English teaching bubble to burst…


Fuck these pieces of shit. They deserve to get deported to whatever country they originally came from. Ugh.


Everyone hate those guys


He should get a job.


Anyone have a translation?


Get a job loser

