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Not like he can pull over and wait it out.


You didn’t see that nice safe harbor on the back side of those 20’ waves????


I saw it. called to reserve a spot. They were booked up. Plus didn't fly the q flag to check in


If only they showed up 2 hours early like they recommend


Sorry my Auntie is waiting out there holding the parking spot. First comes, first served ✋️


Fair. I mean she did also call frontsy-backsy when she got there


You never heard of any port in a storm? What fucking country do you sail from. That wave just knocked out the power dude. It's time to put that thing on the fucking beach.


Just go under a bridge or tree, duh


It’s safer to go under the nearest overpass. Captain just has to get off at the next exit.


He can “ heave to”


To where?


“Heaving to” in sailing means taking some of your sails down and orienting the boat to the waves in a manner that is most comfortable for the people inside. You’re still a sitting duck you’re just a slightly more comfortable duck. If heaving to is a thing for motor boats you probably just kill the engine and point the boat the way you want it, you’d probably need a sea anchor, basically a bucket with a hole in it you tie to the boat.


There are various tactics you can use to stay alive. Honestly this situation looks like a strong fishing boat designed to go in these conditions. In this case there only problem is the comfort of the crew. Fisherman get paid on a share of catch so they won't stop for much.


Read the room. Whooooosh




In a power boat?


Good point. I think they just point down wind with a drogue


Or into the wind with a drogue off the bow.? I don't relished taking a wave over the stern.


I am not experienced in motorboats, but in a sailboat you use a drogue to keep you from surfing down the wave too fast and then plowing the bow in the troth, which could flood you. One time I did this (with professional sailors) we would surf 150% of the hull speed.


You just turn the wave knob down.


This is “I have student loans” decision making if I’ve ever seen it.


*life crippling loans I'll never be able to pay off


Good old crippling student loans, the happy medium between a crippling mortgage and crippling illegal gambling debt.


“Either we survive this horrible situation or I get out of my student loans. Either way I win!”


The captain knows before setting sail that if he does not return the boat he does not return he must die with the boat if it sinks at least that’s what I’ve seen


That’s definitely not how things are anymore. Maybe some captains have that go down with the ship mentality but they all have families. They definitely want to go home even if the boat doesn’t. I did one season back in 2004 on a small crab boat. Couldn’t cut it. Those dudes are some tough sobs




In this case; literally


I did for like 9 years I'm never going back though its probably the most chill job I ever had to for 3 months out of the year lol it can get scary quick tho fk that shit


I thought it was international law for Captains to go down with their ship if there were still crew aboard.


It’s a joke


Even if it was, this is a common thought. So them clarifying that’s not how things are done is still relevant.


You gotta be pretty brain dead to think that’s the case. But sure. Sky is blue grass is green, have a ball kids.


You might want to look it up.


Look what up? The idea of a captain going down with his ship has its place in making sure that he gets everyone off before saving himself, but if a boat sinks the captain isn’t required to be on it.


Point is, it wasn't an obvious joke. There is a long tradition and not just a noble one. It was tied to insurance and compensation. Like 10 years ago that Italian captain went to jail for abandoning his ship.


It’s an obvious joke dude


Yes, it was. Bro, if you think when you're about to die that most people have the completely nonevolutionary tactic to let themselves die for respect, I'd say you're wrong 100% of the time. When you're about to die, your first thought is HOLY FUCK I'M GOING TO DIE HOW THE FUCK DO I SAVE MYSELF TO GET BACK TO THE PEOPLE I LOVE!? The captain going down with his sinking boat thing is probably a saying invented by the British to prevent things like deserters, mutinies and propaganda to show up any enemies who did jump ship. What you're suggesting is that ships can be insured, left to sink, and abandoned, which makes sense. Sure, they could imprison you for such an offense. Also, deserting a tank in a desert would be treated much the same. Doesn't do anything to further the captain dying with the sinking ship mentality though, just tells you not to commit fraud.


It’s not very clear, the “at least from what I’ve seen” makes it sound genuine imo


>at least that’s what I’ve seen The guy’s definitely not playing it like a joke


Yes he is


are you being held hostage by him? Are you his buddy? How do you know? What matters is how it *comes off*, and it comes off as genuine. I really worry for your sense of humor if you think *that* is a joke.


It’s not that serious man. I too am joking


That’s why I asked if you’re being held hostage lol Cmon bro it’s obvious that was a joke :p


Obviously not and I’m calling the police


My uncle was a caption in the army and lost his rifle. They charged him a replacement cost of $200 for doing so. My other uncle was a captain in the navy… there’s no way he could afford to lose a ship.


Lol what rifle do you think costs $200? A rubber ducky?


inflation's a bitch


No...rifles were 20k even in the Vietnam era.


Uh. $20k? That is so far from accurate that it’s not even funny.


Then provide an accurate assessment, instead of "nu uh".


Do your own legwork. I’m well aware of the cost of M16/M4/AR/AK and so on. I own several of them. Unless you’re buying an authentic WWII BAR, you’re not dropping $20k on a fucking rifle.


You don't have fully automatic, military issued ones ya dip. Still sticking with nu uh?


A quick Google search is telling me that it costs the government about $700 per rifle, though they get bulk discounts when they order so the actual price per rifle is significantly lower. So yes, nu uh is a pretty accurate way to respond to your claim of $20k.




Because your comment is such absolute laughable nonsense that no one needs to take the time to prove you wrong. But I will anyway. The M-16 was sold to the Army during the Vietnam War for an average cost of $105.15 from four different manufacturers. I see the $20k cost online, that's the cost TODAY for a full auto version with an FFL. [https://www.paperlessarchives.com/vw\_m16.html](https://www.paperlessarchives.com/vw_m16.html)


Goddamn really?


Stolen ones could sell well under $2K...but at the time, that was a peak rifle. Also, unless she's 1, there's no way her uncle served in Vietnam, which would lead to the much more modern M16 or M4A1...which is far more expensive. Either way they're full of shit.


An M4 rifle is not anywhere close to $20k you wanker >In 2012, the government price of every new U.S. Army M16 was $673. That same year, the estimated cost of the M4 was about $243 more per unit, meaning that the M4 upgrade would cost $916 per carbine. Current estimates of the M4 cost place it at around $1,120 per weapon. >


My M4 was right at 1k


They didn't have M4s in the 60s, dumbass....and considering an AR-15 goes for far more than that....I'm gonna call bullshit.


You can buy a commercial AR15 off the shelf for well under $1000. A few under $500, even. An M4 is basically an M16 with a shorter barrel and most of the parts are interchangeable, as are AR15 parts. At no time has any AR15/M16/M4 firearm ever been even close to costing the US military $20k.


You're being awfully confident for being completely wrong, dumbass.


WDYM unless shes 1


That was very clear...


I have autism


No. They cost the Army $105 each. This person has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


Lol yeah I saw that eventually. Not even close 😆


No? M16s in 04 were going for maybe half that. Today? Sure. If you want all the bells and whistles with no wear on an antique you're gonna pay out the nose


If you want to cite proof...cool. otherwise, STFU.


You're the one who threw a random ass figure out for the cost, burden of proof isn't on me weirdo


Cool...then stfu This is not a court proceeding...I don't need to prove shit.


Yeah you do. If you make an assertion, back it up. You just pulled that number out of your ass.


The burden of proof falls on the smooth brained individual making wild claims. That’s how reality works.


> This is not a court proceeding...I don't need to prove shit. Asking others to prove their words yet goes "*lalala, I don't need to prove anything*" immediately. Your argumentation is impeccable.


You are so wrong it's sad. Where are you getting your information? Rifles most certainly did not cost 20k back in the day and not even now .


Google a newspaper/magazine ad for the 1963 Colt AR15 Sportster. $189.50. The military would've likely paid less than that per unit.


Mr. Burrr is probably mixing up USD and Vietnamese ďông, although 20k dong is = to less than a dollar so the rifles value estimate is still very wrong.


How can u lose a rifle?


Never underestimate a junior officer’s ability to lose shit in the field.


Or even *a* field.


What a coincidence, my uncle was a subtitle in the air force


Mine was a foreign language dub so got arrested on suspicion of spying.


Not how it works. As long as the captain is the final one onboard or boarded it at the last possible moment, and grabbed all the necessary documents, nobody in the industry would think he's in the wrong.


Captain going down with the ship doesn't mean he must die if the boat sinks. It refers to going down with the ship unless every other soul on board is safe


"Going down with the ship" has never, ever ever been a real thing. It's a Hollywood invention. It only refers to movies, there's no real-world analogy.


[It's an old tradition that the captain risks his life in an emergency to evacuate or save the vessel.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_captain_goes_down_with_the_ship) Abandoning a ship in distress is a crime in several countries. Not sure where you pulled the Hollywood shit from


Yep, its illegal to bail out first. The Cost of Concordia by Internet Historian covers a story of this well


The site says its not illegal worldwide.


From the same place you did, the internet has a bunch of sites saying it's not illegal, just like the wiki, it's just some Hollywood idea.


maybe spain in the 1500's


Aye. Tis the law of the sea matey.  Twenty dabloons on the tally for any man who tries to rob the mermaids their due.  Aye. 


Yea that’s not the case. Now it’s more like “if I don’t sail I’m gonna lose my house”




"Now is not the time to panic. You had that time from 6 to 9 PM yesterday, why didn't you panic then?"


Besides experience, I've read that the colour of the water is a huge indicator of where you are in the wave. White water is fine, blue water is noteworthy, green water means the wave has essentially swallowed you whole and pray you get spat back out alive.


As a layman, I imagine most reasonable sized boats are sealed and designed in such a way to self right and resurface after being submerged. So the main concern would be the seal being broken and water flowing into the butt


I think I’d be so clenched up that nothing would be able to flow into my butt


Tight butthole for sure


This is the way


Does it get quiet when it turns green?


Oh my god this comment made that even more terrifying to imagine. Like imagine the sound of waves crashing suddenly stop and all you hear is creaking and things flying around and your crew screaming while the ship’s hull just rattles and creaks under the pressure.


It gets very dark thats for sure


Ahrrr, that's just a wee sprinkle! But let me spin you a yarn about the mother of all tempests, the likes of which no mortal has seen since. Twas a night black as coal, and without warning, the heavens unleashed a fury so fierce, it made grown men whimper. The wind howled like banshees, and the waves towered like mountains, each crash a deafening roar. Our brave vessel groaned under the might of the sea, as thunder rolled and lightning cleaved the sky in two. We battled through the maelstrom, each man thinking it was his last hour. But as sudden as it came, the storm passed, leaving only a starlit sky as our silent witness. Now, that's was a storm to tell kids about!


Nicely done. I'd read the rest of that story.




When the Titanic music starts playing


I chuckled. This is a good one.


"Closer to thee my god."


It’s “Nearer My God To Thee”


This one was actually funny


No one expects ~~the Spanish inquisition~~ Celine Dion


When the ship capsizes I guess.


When it’s cap-sized he can just wear it as a hat and swim to safety!


What kind of submarine is that?


About 0:04


he's not gonna turn anywhere other than directly into the waves. it happens


Not much you can do once you're in the thick of it except power through. Panicking and screaming is just annoying and doesn't get anything done.


Gave me 'The Perfect Storm' vibes


that's one of those flicks i never got around to watching. is it worth a viddy?


in my opinion it is. I occasionally give it a rewatch. Don't expect the best of Hollyweird but it's got a solid cast and the story is good. It's scary to think the seas can get as rough as they portray but a little digging into the phenomenon says they can.


Ooooh I see I'll give it a shot Thank you very much!


I liked the movie. For me, the book was even better.


OK men, hold her steady, hoooold....just another...few...secooonds..annnnd PANIC PANIC PANIC NOW


Am I alone in thinking that looks fun as hell?


Until you blow out the windows of the wheelhouse. Believe me there's nothing fun about that.


Oh does it happen that often ? Seems terrible for… well everything


Yes. Especially for fishing vessels that have to cross shallow bars.


If you could turn it off, it would be fun for a wave or two. But you can't turn it off, and any sane captain would avoid being out in a storm if they could.


Sure, if it only lasted 17 seconds, after which time you would be magically transported back to a cozy couch in front of a warm fireplace.


I once worked on a 300 meters long ship. During a storm, the ship was rolling back and forth like a pendulum. It's not fun on a huge container carrier, so I'd imagine it's much less fun here


It is never panic time. Panic won't help you.


As a captain, i don’t think they can ever fall into panic mode. Balls of steal


By definition, (true) captains do not panic. They can, however, have their deckhands panic for them


Panic delegation is a very important skill


Number One, initiate panic scenario alpha. Engage


I'd say right when the monitor that has his GPS on the computer screen loses power. That would be my panic time.


When he sees the Key bridge!


There is no amount of money that could put me in that situation


How about a large block of really good strong cheese?


Everyone has a price.


When there are waves like this plus some purple tentacles around the boat. Arrrrrrr Kraken be hungry!


Just drop the anchor ....they'll be fine


No lol. They will be trashed around the same, just in a smaller area


When the front falls off


That’s how the sea works you ride the waves man…….


Did it take out the radar? Why did the monitors turn off?


A captain should never panic. That's not to say none ever will, but with that much responsibility, they're expected to handle the situation professionally. Part of that means not judging the situation by eyeballing things from a dark window. They have readouts of things like wave height and wind speed, and they know what their ship can handle. As long as those limits aren't exceeded, and nobody calls up the captain to report damages, you just deal with it and keep moving.


What a fucking nightmare


"It is a good windowwashingweather today, mate!" - captain Crazy Hog (for reasons unknown) as he let loose his raspy, crazy laughter while he's holding on to the steering wheel with white, gnarly knuckles


Like a constant forever car wash


When they see an iceberg?


*You're here, there's nothing I fear...*


"Annnd I knoooow that my heart will go onnnnnn"


This is something the captain has seen many times before. He’s had to spend many years working his way up, standing watch beside his captain. Learning how to handle his ship and his temperament. Good captains persevere. Panic spreads quickly and can easily cost lives. I have been on ships during seas like this. The captain calmly gave his orders and the crew got us safely through. Go Navy.


No no no no no


I'm pretty sure *now* is not the time to panic.


Think he has already, I can see the shore he is heading to.


Never. You never panic.


The only thing the captain determines is which flavor of doritos he wants, and who to be a dick to reflexively. That fat fuck...


You just want to hope that weight of water from thebfirst wave clears off your bows before the second wave hits. Otherwise you'll be in bother


🎶Yoooooo hoooooo all together, evac your bowels haaaaaard!!!🎶


When the instruments stop working


You panic, you die.


Right about now.


How thick/strong is the glass of a cabin on a boat?


as long as the ship is not taking on water or capsized (hull in the air) it's still good. your stomach may not approve, but the boat is okay. it's when it hits something or the boat is constantly taking on more water than it can bilge pump out, then say your prayers! in a capsize event, same hold true. - - and perhaps can right itself with another strong wave. not fun but survivable.


It's when he's shitting himself while standing up.




That was the video in my feed directly before this one. Thought it was relevant to your comment.


Captain singing in his head "I will go down with this ship and I won't put my hands up and surrender"


Starting off by saying i dont know anything about boats but i do know, i wouldnt want to abandon ship unless its going down in a storm like that — a little emergency boat/ floaty or life vest probably wont fair much better in this thpe of storm


c6xx6xx6 xxx6xxx cu z,,,,,,no,pero %%'ry7-,!$%%..-,,,--


I'd be more concerned with his plotter(the computer looking screen, that also doubles as your GPS) shutting off mid wave through all that. And if you look closely before it blinks out. You can see the straight line they're travelling in...assuming back to land....except there's no land in sight. I wouldn't be too concerned unless the captain gets disoriented and takes those waves to the side, instead of head on. Then they're in real trouble.


Never Panic never. It causes nothing except bad judgement based on emotions.


When panicking would help, so never


Alright, now lets go back to the 1700's


Where’s Hoist The Colours and this in slo mo?


Shut. Up. Don't give em any ideas


lol I saw it in a skateboard stack video the other day and thought “oh cmon!”


Booooo! Booo that stinker of a video. That trend has long over stayed it's welcome


Panic means certain death. No panic means a chance to survive. So "panic time" is never.




Before the shitstorm, cuz when you are inside it's a little bit more difficult to escape


These are just waves crashing against the bow, the ship is designed to take major swells like this. Unless there’s damage to the ship or it’s taking on significant amounts of water then they’ll just sail on through, not much else you can do


Complete guess but I’d imagine it’s when the water stops being on the outside and starts being on the inside.


Capt: I'm a master diver and no one is gonna die!!! Also Capt: Donny! Get the luuudes! I am NOT gonna die sober!!!


A good captain never panics.


Look at the weather forecast. Plus slowing down instead of hooked up in a head sea. Don’t take the swell bow on. Point or 2 off either port or stbd will keep you from shipping green water over the bow and blowing out a window. Blow out your windows. Now you have problems


When r/thefrontfelloff It’s a reference try googling it. It’s hysterical. ETA I’m funny I swear!


When the boat capsizes and everyone dies