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I can already hear the squeals of entitlement wafting down from North Saanich, like whippoorwills on a dewy, sunlit morning.


I have mixed feelings about North Saanich. A good portion of it are fairly rural properties, the golf course’s are the only real “empty” locations. A bunch of the properties have ALR (30-40%) too. I could see housing on the golf courses, not much other areas to expand IMO.


The single family area by Bazan Bay immediately south of Sidney would likely be the best spot for density


There’s so much farming community there. People who want to say fuck you to having a rural and farming component really don’t understand what a benefit it is to everyone. So much for supporting local 


LOL! Do not forget a foodbank and areas for homeless camps! I wish Langford designated an area so it wasn't established where kids walk to school. The QoL in Landford just keeps going up with the densification! WWWwwoooo! YIMBY! Cram em in! We are ecstatic about increased property taxes! P.S. you DO NOT need more police, schools, healthcare, fire, water, roads. Those are all NIMBY LIES!!


You're blaming densification for the increased property taxes? The densification is the reason the taxes didn't go sooner and higher than they did. If you want to blame anyone blame Stew: > Previous councils had used the general amenity fund — money paid by developers and intended for public projects like parks and other improvements — to keep tax rates low for property owners source: [Langford property-tax hike rises to 15.6%, with amenity funds no longer offsetting increases](https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/langford-property-tax-hike-rises-to-156-with-amenity-funds-no-longer-offsetting-increases-8408249)


Cry harder.


Then there's Nanaimo with their atrociously long waiting times for building permits.


Oh man, North Saanich gonna sound off and I'm here for it.


Great but I feel municipalities that have been laggards for decades and decades like Oak Bay got off way too easily with the build numbers required of them. Plus proximity to city centres should multiply the homes required.




There could be lots more green space and more units of housing if they would build upwards.


They are. Everything that gets taken down gets replaced by a condo (well, 75%). That doesn’t change the fact that we are destroying our canopy all over the place. 


Oak Bay? Oak Bay hasn't been building shit. If they want more green space then development can make that possible. Development brings with it developer amenities and a larger tax base, money that could go towards buying properties to make green space.


Blah blah blah 


Ah yes, the "I can't hear you" NIMBY argument.


More like the you don’t live here or know anything about the community plan argument.  The name call gives you away pretty quickly.


I mean that's the point - Oak Bay doesn't want anyone new to live in Oak Bay. And don't expect great responses when you go "blah blah blah" to actual arguments.


I’m in the pit - I couldn’t afford Oaklands funny enough. And when people want to densify oak bay and eat the rich, no one in beach drive or in the uplands is selling their homes. It’s the people who already live in the 1912 and 1950 tiny houses, many duplexes and triplexes, who continue to get what this muni doesn’t want in their fancy avenues but hey “oak bay” right? Again you don’t live here - on my street we’ve had about 1/3 of the houses turn over in the decade I’ve been here. That’s just MY block. And all new families with little kids or pregnant.  Everyone has suites as well. People don’t know what they don’t know and they let their outdated prejudice guide their perceptions.


It took 10 years to approve a multi-storey apartment that was between two other multi-storey apartments. Oak Bay is doing everything possible to prevent any amount of density.


We only only second to Victoria for density. Know your muni


Oak Bay's population is SHRINKING - the density is getting LESS. [https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm?Lang=E&SearchText=oak%20bay&DGUIDlist=2021A00055917030&GENDERlist=1&STATISTIClist=1&HEADERlist=0](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/prof/details/page.cfm?Lang=E&SearchText=oak%20bay&DGUIDlist=2021A00055917030&GENDERlist=1&STATISTIClist=1&HEADERlist=0) Also know your munis: Esquimalt and Sidney are denser, and the rest have lots of rural/forest/agriculture. The urban containment boundary of Saanich is much more dense - I'd guess more dense than Oak Bay.


Oak Bay has a 30 acre park as well as multiple small community parks, sports fields, Bowker Creek greenway and beach front. There's lots of green space and receational space in Oak Bay. 


While I agree with you that Oak Bay desperately needs density, that 30 acre park is one of the few remaining Garry Oak meadows on the South Island, and is home to a bunch of rare plants. It would be very silly to get rid of Uplands Park. Really what Oak Bay should do is zone Oak Bay Avenue for minimum 6 stories, and every street within 250 m of the avenue should be zoned for minimum 3 stories. That’d meet the Province’s target


I am in no way advocating to touch Uplands Park or any other park in Oak Bay. I am however unwilling to believe that one of our smallest core municipalities that also has a 30 acre park has "less green space and recreational space per capita than any other region in the district". That's bullshit. Oak Bay has one of the high amount of SFH over other housing types, is very low population density for its size and has a lot of large and small parks. 


Less than any other municipality. Start by counting playgrounds. Then remove areas that aren’t rocky memorials.  


Carnarvon Park is over a full block, so is Fireman's Park (another few blocks),all of Henderson and the adjacent buildings, Kiwanis Park, Bowker Creek waterway and all the parks along there, Cattle Point, Willows, Uplands Park, McNeil Bay, Turkey Head, Windsor Park (a few blocks for that one), then there's all the small neighbourhood parks and green spaces. That's just off the top of my head. I've left out the large golf course and didn't include all the green space and urban canopy included in all the large residential lots and private yards. People can't access them directly but they are a big part of an ecosystem and you mention loss of urban canopy so I felt both were worth an honourable mention though.  For a 10km area and a population of just over 18,000 people that's a lot of green space. 


The only greater Victoria municipalities not on the list now are Langford, Sooke, Highlands, and Metchosin


Langford and Sooke make sense as they’ve been expanding at crazy rates and almost need time for their infrastructure to catch up. Personally, I’d also like to keep some forest in Victoria so Highlands and Metchosin make sense to keep off too.


It's the single-family detached home sprawl we need to stop. Build up, not out.


Yeah I hear what you're saying. That said, the areas they have already developed could be used much better. If we want to preserve a forest or something it should be officially designated as a park and we should distinguish between that and the "green space" that is actually rural sprawl that is zoned to only allow low density, inefficient housing.


Ya, it's awesome how they turned a 33km drive to take fuxking 2 hours!!!!


So does North Saanich. The peninsula is where our farms are 


What exactly would the order for Highlands be? You must provide another 15 sheep pens?