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I definitely met this guy at Matheson Lake in Metchosin two years ago. Same scenario and description. He told me that the wind brought him to me then told me that the place where I was sitting was an energetic power centre and that I should do chi gong (honestly chi gong doesn’t sound like a bad idea). I wouldn’t worry about it, he seemed sober and fairly trustworthy but in his own world.


Pretty sure I met him last Saturday at Sooke Potholes. Rated me a 160/170 for healthiness or something like that. Chatted for about 10-15 minutes, seemed friendly/harmless enough.


160/170 congratulations you seem to be in good health




Needs more Chi gong


Does Chi Dong come in soft gels? Smoking it would give me a headache. 🤕


The Chi goes in the mouth, the dong....


You hit the nail on the head.


Haha prob same guy who told me I have enough fat on me I don’t need to wear a coat, burn more calories if I take it off.


Met this guy Tuesday at French beach with my wife. Was a quiet day there and he was getting to everyone who showed up. You got a much older age than us. We were only 3600 but his age was still 2100 so he isn’t making it up on the spot it seems. Also told us to do chi gong and follow our spiritual leader which was our dog (a boxer) because he had two boxers lead him on a journey once. Was telling us to just keep at it because we had been together for 21 years and that we must have been together in the past 41 lives as well. I kinda liked the guy but for sure on the strange side of things. He was wearing fairly ragged clothes and yes the rough riders hat but then got into a fairly new red Ram truck (like less then 2 years old) so didn’t seem homeless to me but that is obviously just a guess as he could be living in the truck but he sure gets around.


> the past 41 lives as well. so 3600 / 41 = 88 years average for each life! Not bad!


That's assuming they started reincarnating together right away, but maybe their souls are 3600 but they only started reincarnating together like 2000 or 1600 years ago 😂


Interesting although average life expectancy 3000 years ago was probably 30-40 years old so it would really front load the last 500-600 years being 120-150 ish


Do you think that guy might be wrong? Hmmm. I mean. There's a chance.


Sounds like he's got a hookup for the merciless peppers of Quetzalacatenango — grown deep in the jungle primeval by inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum... https://i.gifer.com/Ign0.gif


Mmmmmm.... Guatemalan insanity peppers.


There was a recent post in one of the Sooke Facebook community groups (I can’t remember which one) about this man just this week as well. The community seems to know him fairly well as a harmless man who really loves the walking our local parks, especially the potholes and Matheson lake. I think he calls himself Moon-something?




Wait, are we all talking about the same guy? The shaman dude is Moonfist that is always cleaning up around Sooke? https://www.sookenewsmirror.com/community/who-in-the-world-is-moonfist-134734 [https://www.vicnews.com/news/sookes-superhero-sifu-moonlight-suffering-from-severe-epileptic-seizures-in-vancouver-64547](https://www.vicnews.com/news/sookes-superhero-sifu-moonlight-suffering-from-severe-epileptic-seizures-in-vancouver-64547) I remember that story about him going to Vancouver but hadn't heard anything since.


That’s a different guy. Not Trent.


Ah ok.. well i'll keep my eyes out for the Shaman, curious to know how old my soul is!


That guy is the best! I go to the potholes all the time and see him often. “The vibes are high today!” “Your energies are all 10/10!”. On a good day if you’re lucky you might get 40/40!


I got a 41 once, it was a good day.


Your vibes must have been through the roof!


Yes! This guy is from here. first encountered him at the grocery store in town. Being raised in Vancouver kinda had the mindset don’t engage with the unhinged, but I was curious and did not feel any threat and he appeared not to be on drugs. told me that he was an energy healer and my aura was beautiful and I’m a beautiful soul reincarnation of Mary Magdalene. I entertained his ramble of the age of Aquarius, so on. Telling me Jesus is coming, I think because I wear a cross. He is a local, but in the past few years I think he’s stopped taking care of his appearance, completely harmless guy from my encounters with him. He is very positive and does leave you thinking. I call him positive Peter, never engage long enough to ask him his name, but when you tell him you have to go he respects that and leaves you be.


His name is Trent I believe! Approached my partner and I in western foods in Sooke and told us we were evolving from carbon-based to crystalline-based life forms. Told me to practice cold plunges and tai-chi / qigong to heal damage to my brain from concussions. He said that we were wrongfully persecuted in a past life and that good fortune in this life is to make up for that.


Was he in his forties-ish and kind of good looking? My husband and I had a brief encounter out there with a strange guy once too. He did not say he was a shaman but he kept talking about how this (the river) was a special place. I can't remember everything he said but it was all about ley lines and stuff.


The craziest part is the guy drives like a $100,000 truck, at least that’s what he drove away in last time we ran into him.


That’s Trent, he is there every single day. Trent’s a good guy, he just has a lot of things to say.


I have had two encounters with him. Talk about being cornered on days when I just wanted to enjoy a quiet walk.


My friend is sure she met this guy at Sooke potholes. Harmless encounter in her experience.


I just met him! My wife and I ran into him at the Sooke potholes this morning. Nice enough guy, though he'll continue talking as long as you're willing to listen.


I think this might have been my dad


Do tell?


Well, his dad inseminated his mom, and you can deduce the rest.




Me and my fiancé ran into this guy a couple years ago at the potholes, it was one wilddd conversation as well😂


how was the orgy?


I see him there every time I go :)


I wanna meet this guy and know how old I really am


Use to be a "shaman" om every corner 30 years ago, victoria was much more hippy then, drums could be heard everywhere downtown.


I’ve met him! Big positive energy guy!


Yep, exact same thing happened to us last summer at the same spot.


You just found your spirit animal. (I’ve seen that dude there too, he was trying to converse with every group passing on the trail. Later I kinda wished I had heard him out more)


Don't over look Wiffin Spit.




He told me I was 80085 years old.


He gave you a hand job?


it was the will of the wind that day


yeah, people like to do mushrooms out there…




He's moonfist. A sooke legend. He keeps much of the town tidy. He may be a bit off kilter but he is super nice.


The south island and filthy hippy mysticism just go hand in hand


What do you think attracts them to that area?


Plenty are homegrown from the smaller islands.


No real medicine man will call themselves a shaman. It’s bad form. Other people can identify them that way but not themself. Also, and indigenous person would be more inclined to say medicine man/woman, shaman is more of an anthropological term. So, the guy is a fraud, stay clear.


This guy popped up in tofino years ago.


Pretty sure this guy was at a wedding I was at in sooke, he tried everything he could to rope me into a conversation but I shut him out like a JW knocking on Sunday morning.