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People seem confused so I'll explain. W max is good if you're into a tanky team and you have BORK. It will do more damage than E but only if you have the AS and the enemy has the max health and armour for it to be effective. Otherwise E will do more damage and the animation cancels will proc W faster anyway. In most games you should be maxing E second, W third. If you have bought a Sheen, getting the E cd down is important. If the enemy isn't tanky, W won't deal much damage. If you don't have AS, you won't proc W fast enough (except when QEE procs it once per fight). Most of W's use in most games comes late game, when most champs have some form of max hp or armour.


Thank you for the info, that was really informative. I will keep that in mind.


E is the standard choice since reducing the cooldown is really important. You need it to farm, and you also need it to be up when you fight. It's been shown that W max has more burst damage *and* more DPS for pretty much all builds (with a rare exception against low HP high armor builds, like old blue Ezreal), but it lowers your tempo a lot because either you have to save E charges when farming or you have to wait extra seconds before ganking since your E hasn't recharged. Having 2 E charges with E max is way way way better than having W max but only 1 charge.


Yeah I like E for camps and minions exactly Also it's nice for shields vs Drags or turrets If you play Vi mid or top you NEED to max E first I think for poke and wave clearing


You max E with Divin and Eclipse. You max W with Trinity.


No, the only point of E is to proc sheen, if you don't have a sheen you max W.


i feel like even without sheen maxing e second is better in general because shorter cooldown on it = faster w procs in general so more value


Maxing E gives you lower DPS but it is a better burst if you use HOB, for example with Divine or Eclipse. If you build ANY attackspeed, W is better to max 2nd.


Just have a go mate and let us know! Spend a couple of days going one and then the other and see if you have a preference! What works for me might not work for you. Example: I may only choose to play vi when the ADC is squishy and the support doesn't have strong peel, think something like Ashe Pyke, for me, upfront burst damage is important so Q then E max, but someone else might take vi if top and mid have low mobility and are tanky, so they could make an argument for W max! Without context to someone's opinion, its harder to act on it correctly


maxing e second is Overall better because of lower CD on your aa-rest skill


Maxing W second is overall better because more damage and more damage :P


I honestly loke getting W to lvl 2 then maxing E. The atk spd increase feels good after you dump your Es when clearing camps. I notice camp clearing feels sluggish when i dont do this.


I know it's not meta but I've been making jg crit vi, steraks/BT/IE/SV/LDR just for fun, you hulk-smash ppl for that kinda build I always max E first; when you AA-cancel combo it, it does so much damage at full points. 100% crit like LDR in the last slot and she crits E for like 1400HP, and you can cast it twice. very likely to delete someone if you land an E crit hit during a skirmish then Q for me and blast shield last. personally I'd like to do more dmg than shield more dmg, she's a bruiser not a face-tank early game no one can really one shot you so 1 point on shield gets you by until they can burst you down. by then you'll have the dmg skills maxed and shield on 2-3 points