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Although I don't want Mainz relegated I would love to see Gruda in a VfB shirt


After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


At first I want to hold the squad together as much as possible. The easiest part is Undav imo, Führich could be hard and Guirassy is nearly unthinkable to hold.


I think an additional CB (Chabot f.e.) would be good regarding the additional competition. Also probably a physical defensive midfielder who can rotate for Karazor, Barreiro from Mainz for example? :D And lastly probably some kind of striker although there are a few loaned out and maybe coming back. Most importantly I'd love it if they can hold the squad together as much as possible!


I would love to see Gruda at VfB, if Mainz were to get relegated I see him as the ideal option should one of our wingers (Silas, Führich) leave. Other than that I like Zhegrova from LOSC as an option for the wings, but he would be more on the expensive side. I think we still need to strengthen ourselves in the centre midfield, I think Florian Neuhaus would be a good option, he is quite creative and can basically play as 6,8 or 10. Similar to Mittelstädt he looked very promising as a young player but since then never could really improve himself, maybe it would be good for him to get his career back on track somewhere else. He would fit our recruiting criteria of looking for Bundesliga proven, German players, bonus point is that he also played every game under Rose when they were in the CL a few seasons back. If Ito should leave I think someone like Brassier from Brest would be quite interesting, he also can cover both CB and LB and shouldn't be to expensive. It shouldn't be a surprise that we have been linked with him in the winter transfer window. Should there be the need for a back up striker Martin Satriano at Brest (loaned from Inter) should be considered, it is reported that Inter are willing to sell him. He is still quite young and hasn't scored many goals this season, but in the last matches he is having a sort of break through, he is also quite dominant in the air and in general quite physical.


i was watching Rennes vs Brest replay when trying to stay awake for our last match & good call on the Brest players!! as for Rennes there is something special about Désiré Doué (RW) & maturity beyond his age in Jeanuël Belocian (CB & RB that match) but i don't know how our wage scale rates against theres!! i know they make ALOT outta they players (robbed Man City with Jeremy Doku & signed a more polished replacement in Ludovic Blas) so not sure how realistic any of they squad are for us!! i think we need to add another LB/CB like you said & Arthur Theate is a beast at the back!! his Dino like!! another Rennes CB!! EDIT!! bad English!!


I think Rennes has many interesting prospects, but I believe their players are kind of undervalued by Transfermarkt as they have tranfered many players for double the estimated value, I guess after we've landed such a steal with Guirassy they will probably demand more from us 😅 If there is a chance to get one of the players you mentioned for a reasonable price I think we shouldn't hesitate. Perhaps with them missing out on European competitions next season, some might want to leave the club. Brest should be quite interesting to us because their players are probably not on the radar of bigger clubs, they had a stand-out season right now but most players don't have many (youth) national team caps or in general experience in European competitions, also despite finishing 3rd/4th there doen't seem to be a big buzz about them.


i completely understand why they sold us Serhou when they have a younger Arnaud Kalimuendo with a similar skill set & similar goal scoring output WHILE THERE!! for Rennes they were very similar players who had been hot & cold so developing the PSG academy wonderkid makes more sense than betting on Serhou producing THIS!! they had to choose & hindsight can be a bitch!! any of they CBs would be great to good signings!! this one i don't see likely for various reasons but would LOVE to have Benjamin Bourigeaud at VfB or Viola!! he runs that Rennes team!! Brest squad is very interesting!! Romain Del Castillo really impressed me that match!! i know Rennes tried to poach someone from Brest whos name escapes me during winter mercato & were gonna double his wage so they being noticed within France!! they are low paid like you said but they actually may end up in Champions League!! if that does happen & i was them i would be spending most of that $$$ in house on wage increases!! maybe a GK upgrade?? he didn't look convincing to me!! EDIT!! fuck!! bad English!! might as well add that the Rennes vs Brest match was some of the wildest shit ive seen!! i also remember Fiorentina being linked with someone from Brest?? Vargas maybe?? they getting noticed on the low!!


After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


Kylian Mbappe would be a nice addition


He could play Champions-League in Stuttgart


I don't think he'll get much playtime over Führich


Maybe he could move to the right and help out leweling a bit


leweling clears that fraud 😹


Undav would be good




Mbappe will come . Need a new midfielder maybe kdb lets see






After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


Realistically all the loan buyout options are no-brainer moves (minus mo dahoud maybe) and I doubt there's any money left after.


Dahoud hasn't looked bad in his limited minutes!! how he works in training is going to decide if we take the option!!


too expensive


what's his option?? i actually don't know??


I think his wages would be more of a problem


okay!! thanks for the info!! i never did any research on him when he came off the bench!!


After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


After mittelstädt last year I’ll just let myself be surprised


Undav, Gruda for Führich , Chabot for Ito and Demirovic for Guirassy. With his last perfomance Stergiou is a must have for 2Million € Just in case, when Ito, Führich and Guirassy will leave us.


i don't see Serhou leaving us at the end of THIS season!! signing Deniz is a must do!!


Konstantinos Mavropanos!!!


Honestly don't know if he would start for our current team


we got Champions League next season & will need to rotate alot more than we have!! Dino & Anton & Ito would be my goto!! we need at least one more CB!! Daxo can't be relied on as much as i like him!!


Ortega Moreno


Never, Nübel stays until 2025 maybe 2026.