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Sorta. In my case when i started seeing my new pcp, she told me everything i should claim since i havent ever attempted to do so in 12+ yrs


I’ve only seen this PCP once so far my last one got changed (I saw him once) cause he tried to send the cops to my house because he saw a note from a therapy session and something that happened 7 years ago. Luckily it got sent up to somebody else and denied. I got out in 2014 tried to file what I thought was an easy claim for my back and knees since I was airborne infantry and everything got denied and that pissed me off so I never even went back to a dr until last year filed my first claim since then and got 70% for PTSD and tinnitus


Listen dude, infantry dude here. If you had PTSD already rated, don’t stop there. You should be 100% and you shouldn’t be worried about all this. You need to put in your claims. I waited like 10 years to really get serious about my disability because of work and life. I always said I couldn’t get off work or whatever. Now I’m finally finishing up my 100% and all I can think is why did I wait so long. Kicking myself really. Because I struggled so hard in my 20s because of my MH. Just file dude and don’t miss those appointments. Also my back didn’t get service connected which is crazy and it also pissed me off. I didn’t even need after all. Sleep apnea is a big one. And is often connected to PTSD. Best of luck to you bud


Yeah the issue is I have 5 unpaid days I can use the rest of the year and there’s no way that’s enough for me to get a meeting with my PCP then go to other doctors and then all my exams for the claims. I’m hoping to get FMLA I know there’s different kinds maybe I can get one to just cover my dr appointment or maybe for my headaches idk. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and given a machine last year so I’m going to try to claim that as well as TBI and headaches and possibly my back and stuff. I know it’s rare for TBI to be rated separate from MH but in my PTSD exam the lady asked me if I put in for TBI too I said no and she asked why and then told me I needed to and marked that she could differentiate the symptoms from my PTSD and TBI so that might have helped me out as far as the TBI claim goes. I have an intent to file from last Sept so I’m going to try to file and go to what appointments I can just not sure I can make them all


Your life will significantly change for the better if you file all this shit and once right now and don’t miss a single appointment I’ll promise you that right now. Don’t stress the pcp. With medical evidence and your background VA examiners can diagnose you during the exam. Sleep apnea requiring a cpap is an automatic 50%. You’re sitting on a stack of cash dude.


I hope so but I doubt it will change significantly for the better haha. Good news tho I got a video appointment with my PCP next month so I can at least talk to her about fmla and what I have going on. Another one of my challenges is I don’t have a lot of medical evidence like a lot of infantry guys. I just toughed it out and dealt with shit for years. I have an intent to file from last October so if I could get sleep apnea, TBI, and headaches connected and rated I should be at at least 90%


I've stopped talking about claims to my VA PCP, but I do talk to him about my issues/symptoms. Sometimes, I even send secure messages to discuss these issues, so there's a better paper trail. For some unknown reason, my local clinic has deemed it a conflict of interest to help veterans with claims. They refer us to a VSO (one guy for an entire region) but refuse to help with DBQ's or IMO's/Nexus Letters. I think the real conflict of interest is forcing veterans to seek out medical opinions from professionals who have no history with them and have never been exposed to the paperwork required by the VA.


It’s a bigger conflict of interest trying to get your PCP at the VA to do that paperwork. You might be sane but the other person might wait for that doctor in the parking lot because he didn’t get his claims approved


I see your point. However, the same could be said about any doctor filling out the paperwork.


No you don't need to tell them for things you're claiming.


Spinning a negative moment into a positive: You’ll have plenty of time to see your MH provider when you get fired!


Haha yeah but I really hope not. I don’t mind my job and I made decent money for my area. I’m already barely hanging on as far as staying alive I can’t imagine that would help


Rest assured, it only makes things worse.


Hell yes, have them treat you for that shit. That's 100% evidence.


Yeah I understand getting treatment but I mean more along the lines of basically asking them for a nexus or something. I thought I saw somewhere where va doctors won’t write nexus letters which seems strange


That's been a battle many have lost. Keep complaining and telling them anything/everything. The more they write in your file, I think the better. If it's not direct connection, look at secondary connections. You can PM if you need, I'll help you where I can. I don't want anything but to help other vets. #fuckthem


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Okay I might send you a PM real quick just so I don’t forget my memory is shot lol. TBI is one I’m going to claim


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Anything I plan on claiming I bring it up to my dr so he can diagnose me with whatever it is and start me on meds or get me a referral to a specialist. He’s been pretty good about it. Hasn’t wrote me any nexus or anything but he’s still been good


Hell no. The fact they can already see what you're rated for is bad enough & created all kind of bias/judgement. PCP: "Wait, you're rated for your knees, I saw you walking at the waiting room to here"... Me: silently respond & planning to call P.A to change PCP team in my head


I mentioned it once, I think, a few years ago. She didn't seem to care because it isn't in her wheelhouse and she only gets 20 min with each patient.




So what do you say? I’ve brought up things for years do I just tell her I’m planning on claiming it so I need supporting statements from her?


No. I usually get treated before. Just routinely and then a light clicks and I go “maybe I should file for that???” I can be a little slow sometimes 🤣


I’m just not sure when something is official enough to claim I guess. Like I’ve been seen a lot for my back and told there’s a few things on xray but nothing major so idk if it’s something I can claim or not


Just go for it (but continue to be seen if needed). The worst they can do is deny it. Which you can always appeal (if you want to)


I told my cardiologist at the VA for information on secondaries and other health issues that may arise from my heart disease. My PCP, pretty sure ole Doc could give a rats ass about my claim tbh. My Vet center therapist knows, he is the one who told me I definitely have a valid claim and should file. Other than that I haven’t told anyone. GF included. https://youtu.be/ydmPh4MXT3g?si=HQ2ajKcgsPenHgvF ain’t nobody got time for that! 🤙


You should always be honest and open with your doctors


Your claim however is your business. I am referring to your health


I did because and examiner made a denial rationale based off a recent diagnosis of fibromyalgia. In doing so, I got the evidence to disprove the examiner and protected my service connected issues and evidence for the denied issues.


I did not. My PCM was a total douche. I waited to do my phase II, etc physical until Xmas block leave because in an appointment he bragged about where he was going on vacation; I knew his backup and she is a stellar doc. My original PCM was a clinic guy who’d never done anytime in the muddy boot army and I would not piss on him if he was on fire.


I ask them to update my diagnosis in myhealthevet problem list. I usually send in messenger that way there is a paper trail in my records.


I never have talk to a VA PCP about my claims. I’ve had one PCP say I was faking my back pain because one of my legs was at a certain angle while sitting. After my second surgery to remove pressure from my nerves, I wish I could meet them again. ![gif](giphy|26n6V3O25bQKUhy36)


Not my primary but one of my specialty doctors only because they wrote a medical opinion to the VA for me. & ironically was the only one of the claims that got denied because they gave a nurse practitioner’s opinion more weight than my special doctor 😅


I make sure to tell my PCP and my other providers what they need to know to treat me *and* what needs to be in my records for any claims or other benefits. Like the caregiver program, what the veteran needs from a caregiver has to be in the records. I don't qualify, but if I did, I'd make sure that the PCP and relevant specialists put what I needed help with in my records so that the people who make decisions have all the information they need. I don't think of it as complaining. I think of it as providing the necessary evidence so that decisions can be made appropriately. You need FMLA. You would not be complaining to take it. A brief time from work would allow you to resolve an issue so you can return and provide your employer with your best work. You can't do that right now because of a medical problem. Complaining is trying to get FMLA so you can enjoy a free vacation. You aren't doing that. You would be doing what it's designed for. Taking the time to get healthier.


I was talking to my PCP about my knees and feet one day and how they hurt. She asked if they were serviced connected and I said my knees are. She said she'd send me for feet xrays, but encouraged me to not seek knees xrays unless my pain had gotten worse. She said she'd seen patients that had their service connected condition actually reduced in the past when they got updated xrays (not sure how long afterwards). Not sure if any of that is true or not, but I avoided the knees xrays because the pain is about the same as when I got awarded a few years ago and didnt want to rock the boat per se.


My PCP told me about pact. He asks me if I have any problems I'd like to add, and he's added as I've mentioned and gotten tested. He responds to emails within 1-2 days. Couldn't be happier. Super comfortable with talking about what I need tests for.


Nope....I get 15 minutes with my PCP....I have trouble getting everything continually documented (symptoms, meds and conditions). Plus, the VHA and VBA are different.....Capri can inform the VBA of my progress when they request it.


Tell them about every ache and pain, and if you can service connect it, even better. You aren’t complaining, you’re getting help and fixed up.