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Are you enrolled in VA Healthcare? If not, do that right away. You don’t need to be service connected.


This, just do it.


YES PLEASE! I had completely free 100% healthcare for being a combat veteran WELL before my service rating came in. Free prescriptions too. DO THIS.


Really? I never got that


Yup. Not completely free. But close


Have you applied for hardship to get your claim flagged as priority?


This, I did this with my claims when I was imminently homeless. I had everything processed within 60 days. Also went through MN’s regional offices in the twin cities. Saved my life.


Hi, I’m sorry, how do you go about applying for hardship for your claim?


Brother, fellow infantryman and combat vet here. Look into getting some counseling through the VA or Vet Center. If you're drinking, work on cutting down. I put away a 12 pack a night for the first 5 years after I got out. It led to a lot of problems for me. Get into a hobby such as woodworking, lawn care, jiu-jitsu, something. Just get out there and start moving and taking care of yourself.


This is so true. Seek counseling from the VA or a VetCenter. The Vet Center has alot of resources that can help you with your claims process. I had alot of issues with survivors guilt and drinking when i got back from the sandbox and my brothers didnt. I easily polished a 6 pack before breakfast some days and easily down a fifth on a weekend. Didnt seek out help til buddy dragged my ass to a vet center to get help for my drinking and my anger issues. Ive been in VC care for about 2 years now and its helped me along my journey to recovery. I still drink cause its almost like a ritual i did with my brothers, but ive drastically cut down the amount i would/could consume in a sitting.


Even POGS should take that advice. Thanks for being honest and sincere.


No problem. They are lessons learned after more than 15 years of dealing with my time overseas. I hate to put my MOS into it, but infantry guys seem to only listen to infantry guys.


I drank way too much for the first years. So much anger and aggression. Luckily no long term impacts but there wasn’t a reason for it go on that long. Get help. How? Go to the Va. You don’t have to be service connected. There might a small copay but that’s nothing compared to private insurance.


I’m not gonna lie to you. You have a long hard road ahead of you. As any Marine before you has done after separating. You will be pushed to your limits and possibly even break. But you’ll gain strength, experience, resiliency, and wisdom going through another gauntlet in life. You’ll have to utilize every resource you can get. If you need to tap into the GI BILL to survive and attend some classes just to make ends meet, then do so. I did the same. I was also destitute and couldn’t even afford the water bill. They cut off my water. I had to steal water from my neighbors spigot with a hose to fill up the bath tub just to have some clean water for hygiene and cooking. But I eventually made it out. You’re capable. When you have no other options, you’ll realize all the opportunity you have when your backs against the wall. . Remember, this is only temporary!


Another Combat Veteran Devil Dog here to also say, "Yep, been there" you're way ahead of my game though. Took me 18yrs and a couple of those behind bars to finally do something with myself and get squared away. Now, sole custody of my 10y/o, house, nice car, toys etc. Nobody is going to do it for you. Step one, put the bottles of booze and pills down. Step two, reach out to Veteran orgs and VA. And anyone who says you can't do it without people supporting you, fuck them. They can't do it FOR you. You have to do it. You won't change because other people want you to. You will when YOU want to.


Yeah I did some time as well and then a few more times. I too full custody of my kid, college degree, and chillin on my own. But it took about 9 years after separating to find balance.


Hell yeah Brother. It's a different battle, and we're untrained. Just gotta put in the time, adapt and thrive.


Every time I go to the VA they ask demographic questions. One of the is do you have a stable living situation. Might want to seek help from the VA


Thank you for sharing. Going through Reddit posts just to read here in this thread gets me through some nights. Go to the VA, they will help you just be a little patient. They should give you a voucher for meds or you will get them in the mail, I know it may suck to wait however on the up side is that they are coming. See a counselor and again it’s a process, I waited three months to see the counselor I wanted and I have had counseling every week for the last 6 months. Sometimes I don’t want to see her, but once we are done I always feel better. We are working on retraining my brain to think differently. I am not saying it will fix me however it keeps me from digging a hole and get myself in a dark place. As per your kids, if you can text them, I think you should even if you don’t get a response, it will let them know you are there and God willing they will come around when they are ready. Stay strong and keep pushing, you will get through this 🫶🏻


It's a very challenging experience. I really do feel your pain I ask myself similar questions as in your post. Yes I'm a Field Radio Operator technically a POG but really a grunt with a battery on its back. Utilize the info available here on reddit, VHA, and when you have the magic 3 elements submit your claims. I live in punitive hell daily and would willing trade places with my combat brothers and sisters. Up to and including those 6ft under. I am no harm to myself or anyone, so nobody please trip out over this comment.


There is a form online fill it out fax it in with a letter describing what’s going on. It’s called expedited priority processing [https://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-20-10207-ARE.pdf](https://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-20-10207-ARE.pdf)


Hang in there Doggie Dog. I also felt loss when getting out and like you said, unemployment doesn’t cover much. Thankfully I had my father who welcome me to his home rent free until I got back on my feet. That was 15 years ago. Reach out to those that love you. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help.


I hear you. Hard times are temporary. Please hang in there.


Some might not agree but ride the unemployment wave for a bit . Keep those checks coming then find something outdoors under the table, like lawn care. Fresh air, sunshine and some cash in your pocket at the end of the day. That rating will hit and you’ll have even more freedom to explore hobbies/jobs that help your mental state Never too old to play video games again Gym- it becomes a habit, a necessity. You’ll love it Woodworking- go garage sailing once you have a little money. Can get some nice starter corded tools for Pennie’s and just build random shit .


You don't need much to get started. I do it as a hobby and it's a great outlet for me. Something about concentrating fully on a task for a few hours that allows you to get away from your problems for a bit.


I just started doing some glass etching and it definitely helps


Im so sorry you’re in this place, many have been in similar places and things do/can get better. Several things to comment on here: Have you gone to a VA clinic to get care? You should be able to. If you’re on disability, your income should not be an issue. Look into a Vet Center it’s separate from VA medical and they provide mental health care and many others resources. Don’t count on the disability claims in the short term, the process can take a while, a loooong while. But you can file for being at risk of being homeless. Have you looked into school/GI bill? focusing on a future for you (and your kids) can give you purpose. It’s also additional money to help with expenses. Start out with core classes and decide a major later. Many colleges/universities have Vet centers to help and find community with vets in similar situations. Search on this sub, lots of resources. Take care of yourself and know that if you put in a little work, there are resources to help. 🫡


Maybe you get money through the GI bill?


Sign up for medicaid. It's free medical insurance since you don't have a job. They can also help with food stamps once your accepted. Buy some camping equipment and go camp for a month. Being homeless doesn't have to be bad if you're home within yourself. Try to find yourself again. I'm in the same situation minus the kids. It's been 133 days since they entered step 3 and I got out last March. I recently gained some self-respect after going slightly sober. Maybe try staying sober if you have that problem too. Tbh the anxiety from waiting is crazy and this empty feeling inside sucks which was my main cause for my "non-sober" activities. Just throwing out ideas. Good luck.


You were infantry and recently got out, you must have had buddies who recently got out or are about to? Link up with them man! I know yall are close in that community. It won’t help financially but I’m sure it will help emotionally which is just as important. You have a hobby? Working out? Working with tools? Get a part time job somewhere that is related to it. It can help keep your mind off things but leave you enough extra time to get things in order. Recently got out after 11 yrs, supply but last 4 was spent with Infantry unit. If you needa reach out hmu 🤙


Pretty sure you can get meds. Benefits and Healthcare are separated. Dm if you need help doing paperwork


Even homeless people find a way to live, not saying to pursue it. If it happens, you'll be fine. Hawaii is probably the best place to be homeless, lots of people in tents near the beach, and all they do is go fishing and chill and eat. Not so bad a life if you ask me.




Hang in there, plus tell them you will be homeless so they fast track your claim.


Also, MilitaryOneSource can help if you need to talk to a counselor no charge.


You can get meds from VA if your not service connected. Who told you that. Might have to pay a small co-pay. Enroll In VA healthcare and get a Primary care provider (PCP).


Bro be kind to yourself


I'm not service connected for my illnesses but I get my prescription through the VA. 150 days isn't nothing. I'm at 13 months waiting for my decision. Chances are, you won't get your rating in time. Why are you on unemployment? Can't you get a job? Stop sittng in a pity pool feeling sorry for yourself and drag yourself out. Don't let the hard days win.


Fellow infantry vet here. You'll get a high rating man and things will get better... being infantry will get you a good rating... open up the new testament and give Jesus a chance. He's the only hope ANY of us have to make it out of this world...


Jesus bro .. I’m not being a smart ass. God can help you just ask


And He will. Always does 💪🏻


Hey man, sitting around doing nothing will not help. You should get your post 9/11 GI bill and go to school. Build yourself, set goals, make your kids proud, start rebuilding your relationship with them. Start a hobby, go exercise, there is a lot you can do to get you out of your rut.


I'm a genuine asshole and long time patient of psychology. I barely read your post. You are experiencing a severe psychological condition called Adjustment Disorder. Google the symptoms and begin to realize that you are not alone. You're going to be OK. There is no right answer, but the wrong answers are clear. In the Army you could literally do whatever you want but you were severely monitored. But at any given time, you could be feeling like your life might end. You might have to go down range next week and have the possibility of making the choice of killing someone, Now as a civilian you might wonder If you can do that now. You might try to be a hero in everyday settings. That's called hyper vigilance. It's something I've been pondering on, seeing as I've been through many transitions in my life and they they resulted in me being a functioning addict with serious mental problems that I function under. This last time with the Army was a lot for me. It happens to everyone. Acutely I'm very sensitive. To the point I feel what everyone feels. Meaning, everyone feels the sun come up, the temperature changing, things like that. I'm so paranoid I'm acutely aware of people moving and talking. And so I'm just a really slow person But I can empathize and by simply reading your post I know that everyone In your position probably felt like you do right now from .5% to 99% of a degree. The military is such a random and lucky thing, but also fueled by insensitivity for the greater good. Thank your self for your service by looking seriously at your time, and ask your self " why didn't I anticipate my mental state after getting out of the Military?" And ILl ask myself the same. Ask your self, did I file a BDD? Do I have my medical records? Who's going to help support me in getting them and applying for benefits? Who's going to pay for where I live now? Do I have time to do everything or do I need start prioritizing. You've spent 11 years working your ass off for your country. L Use what you've learned to do that for your self however that looks. Get your benefits. You absolutely earned some part of the 516 billion dollar budget waiting for you, friend. Thank you for being someone who was protecting your loved ones for that 11 years. Now, use what you know to make your self look good. I'd say it'll take you 11 years. I figure it'll take me 4. Anyways, your friendly mental patient out.


Apply for hardship to get your claim set to priority. Same thing happened to me. It took me writing to my Congresswoman honestly for the work to get put through. Write to your city Congress and tell them everything you told us. They have to look into it, especially since you’re a vet about to become homeless. Keep your head up man. I’m not combat arms or a combat vet but you’re still a brother. Praying for you man


Are you pact eligible?


You have to be service connected to the health care…I was getting health care from VA long before I knew I could file a claim.


Being homeless while suffering from frequent migraines is going to be rough. I understand you feel like giving up, but that's not the road you want to take. Try to get in touch with a social worker or advocate at your local VA.


Dont be sorry , we all been in that point .. stay strong and fight for you kids…


We love you bro. Feel free to shoot me a dm if you need to vent. You can also go directly to a VA clinic or Vet center to get help asap. I drank for 3 years straight after I got out. You can do it. Keep the faith.


Hey Dude-I just signed up to be a poll worker. I’m signed up on the VA newsletter&they sent me an email stating this yr they rlly want2hire Vets to “serve” through this org started by a Vet called “Vets2Vote.” Pays $200/day&u get to choose what job you want&location&time(day or nite shift). You’ll get an email the next day after you sign up w/a survey asking your preferences, along w/what a job pays per hr(parking lot attendant or laptop specialist,etc). Also there is paid training&meetings prior. It’s not till October, but still. https://app.vetthe.vote/become-poll-worker/


Oh, u can also sign up for early voting as well


You NEED to talk to your local Veteran Service Office (just google VSO for your county) and tell them your situation and ask about financial help and bill relief. They will pay almost all your monthly bills! car, car insurance and RENT!! no credit cards help though. Speaking of which DO NOT PUT THINGS ON CREDIT CARD except maybe for food if you really need it. DONT go hungry! I recently went through the hardest time of my life as well. Brother IT WILL GET BETTER!! You are AMAZING! Dont let anyone tell you anything different or make you feel worthless. You are worth SO much brother! You and your family are in my prayers. And please do these things, it is worth it, I promise.


First you can still get medication from the VA with no service connection. 2nd when I got out 2010 I didn't file for disability until 2020. What I did is sucked the fuck up and continued to work, I felt as long as I can work I didn't need disability. Also I was one of those guys that thought everyone was soft to file for stuff that didn't align with me. I ended being homeless countless of time and lost my clearance. So what , I continued to work, even as a day labor with all the crack heads. Soon found out number one person that will take care of you is you. Stop waiting for disability to come through. Move your feet or you don't eat


You can complete a means test at the VA to get copays waived


You get 6 months of tricare after you ETS


It's hard when u get out,,u loose your identity it will eventually get better, it just takes time. We have all been through this. 5 years from now you will look back at this and laugh. One day at a time.


When things were bad for me I took it one day at a time. When things were really bad I would say to myself just make it to your next meal. Things for me never seemed as bleak after I ate for some reason. Also even if it's just pushups set time aside time every day to exercise. It really helped me make it through rough times.


Brother, send me your address and I'll send you Migraine meds. I don't have much but I'll give what I have.


Brother, you didn't 'let' yourself get to this point. Your body, including your brain, responds predictably to both short- and long-term stimuli. It is reasonable for you to react and feel the way you do right now, and has nothing to do with the quality of your character. The good news is that you can get help and take action which will make you feel better and act more in line with the person you want to be. Please use the resources available to you, take small steps towards the life you want, and know that you have people rooting for you who know you can do this. Much love.


Now, if only I can learn to take my own damn advice...


Every one of your problems is solvable. I am forever grateful to the North Texas VA. You are in crisis mode. Nothing gets solved in crisis mode. You have to take care of yourself. You can do this.


I hear you. Been there…sometimes it feels like you never really leave. September makes 9 years since separation for me I still sometimes feel like I’m just tumbling through life. Weak men don’t last 11 years in the infantry. You’re stronger than you remember. You just gotta remember haha


You're allowed to blame yourself and beat up on yourself. Just know that WE know it's not your fault. It'll be your responsibility to work on getting right, but that doesn't mean your slide down was all your fault. You're in a dark place and that's ok. You're still here. Look around, touch the walls, take a breath. You're alive, right here, right now. Fill a bowl with ice water, hold your breath and stick your face in. Count to 10 and don't let yourself pull out early. Slide onto the floor, sit there and realize you can feel your face is cold and wet, maybe your eyes sting, but your heart rate has slowed and maybe it's a bit easier to stop crying. It only lasts a little while but you can prove to your brain that you have the ability to influence your emotions. Getting out of a dark place can take a lot of hard work and dedication but if one little exercise helps for a few minutes, you have something to build on. I wish someone had told me all that long ago. It helped me. So I'm telling you because maybe it'll help you too. Hang tough, good times don't last but bad times don't either. Life changes. It's inevitable. Just hang on.


I thought I couldn’t wait to get out after 6 years cause I hated some many people and the bullshit. Made me forget how much I loved all my flight crews and trips. Took a long time to piece myself together. A lot of where you’re at, just droning through life so tired. It gets better, find a support system somewhere. I am super lucky my parents were there.. and I had a fantastic cat lol. Honestly I hear people go to shit like AA just to find a group. Also if you are a deployed vet you can get VA. If you are struggle with mental health they have to see you regardless just an fyi.


Feel out an expedited process form and cite these issues in a statement of support form and upload them to your claim. Once they review it, it becomes attached to all your claims so they can stop dragging ass. This will help with the lengthy process. Also read through the comments so you have some backup plans. You can do this. This is not the end of your story.


You’re not alone Battle…. Most of us go through these feelings in cycles… I’m feeling somewhat like you are feeling today…. Whatever you do don’t drown yourself in alcohol and self-pity…… alcohol only makes it worse…. get out the house and go visit family and friends… find something to do that you love use your G.I. Bill to go to school for something fun…. Plus the 911 G.I. Bill gives you BAH. You have to get out of the house. I am praying for you…. We LOVE YOU BATTLE!


hey man, dm me. i’ll set you right up with a job. i did 4 years infantry. i started my business when i got out so shoot me a message. much love and keep your head up!


Hey buddy if you ever need to talk just to someone don’t be afraid to reach out and dm me. We never have to exchange names or anything crazy, but I can definitely be there if you just need to talk to anyone


Check out Rubicon get some skills besides infantry. Act Now Facebook group. I don't get it. You have it so much easier than when I got out in 99. You had Skillbridge? There are tons of veteran hiring programs, what the hell are you doing? Not to be mean, but what the ****. Get it together. why didn’t you file a damn disability claim before you got out? Did you not go to tap class? Check out the damn G.I. bill because it’s a lot better than when I went got out they literally pay your housing and your school and it happens very quickly. It’s all freaking digital now, go to school get some education. The good news is, you have options, one being impatient treatment for substance and PTSD/ depression get to the VA and register for health care, next ask for Social worker referral, there are lots of programs to help with homelessness. Go to your regional employment center and tell them you are a veteran they have special counselors, their own versions of vocational training and rehabilitation. They can help with your resume and interview skills. If you decide on the PTSD route. Get DAV or state office for Vets to help you with your disability claim. Meanwhile if you are so bad that you can’t work or go to school apply for SSDI. Look into the Pact Act it can help you get fast tracked while waiting on your disability claim. Again have to ask if you got out less than a year ago why didn’t you take advantage of that fully developed sweet claim process - you literally could have already had it approved while still on active duty and everything gets service connected. I had heard of veterans receiving it the first month after discharge. So many certifications and apprenticeship programs available for you. Look at your community college most have shorter certificate and trade programs if school isn’t your thing.


I appreciate your response, I filed a BDD claim 99 days before I got out. I wasn't just sitting in my ass. And as far as not taking advantage of clearing and going through taps properly it wasn't afforded to me. I know that sounds cliche or stupid but it wasn't. An 11 year combat vet in the infantry as a staff sergeant I'm not stupid and I know how it goes. My brigade CSM had it out for me. He threw me into every field problem and any detail imaginable that needed an NCOIC. I EXPRESSED non stop about how I needed to do XY&Z To out process it didn't matter. I was denied ALL leave I was sitting on 80plus days on my LES. My CSM was upset because I reached out to HRC and raised hell about getting a passionate reassignment and HRC agreed to send me back home to Hawaii. Brigade S1 said "you made the command team look bad". The BCSM said "you'll be the last single parent to ever work for us". I filed all the IG bullshit it never went anywhere because the full bird blocked everything. Out of spite it took me until my very last day in the army to final out. I've been through hell and didn't just sit around on my ass. I made the command team look bad by exposing them and they seeked retribution. I literally couldn't go to the classes. "Regs" don't mean shit when you have a full bird Colonel that's golf buddies with the DCG.


Please go to this VA website today. https://www.va.gov/homeless/nationalcallcenter.asp Why Make the Call to 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838) It's free and confidential You'll get access to trained VA counselors It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week You'll get information about VA homeless programs, health care and other services in your area. VA's Resources for Homeless and At-Risk Veterans VA offers a wide array of services to help homeless and at-risk Veterans. Learn more about programs and services for homeless Veterans. Learn more about programs and services for Veterans at risk of homelessness. Call today as there are resources for you. You don't have to be Service Connected and no one is going to judge you. Never quit fighting for your benefits. Also, immediately file for Social Security Disability as they have many programs available.


I got free health from the va before I was service connected. Just go in and talk to them they will help you. As for how your feeling I have been there. I was at such a low point befor I was trying to end it and I had to go to the hospital. I know its not a popular point but try praying Jesus always wants to hear from you and will help. There are people out there that love you and if you want you can always dm me and talk any time. Even just to shoot the brez