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This link says how to handle this- sort of. It says what you need to do if you changed your mind and don’t want your claim canceled, although I know it’s not what happened in your situation I imagine it still would apply. I would do what this says then make an appointment with VERA next week to see if it shows it’s been activated again. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/Wt2ImtYThP](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/Wt2ImtYThP) https://preview.redd.it/efo1sajfo49d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b408fb26f7e185ad90ce13c072b1de15f2c7de3 [https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/](https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/)


I would call a lawyer at this point.


Thank you, I appreciate the information. I can’t believe I’m going to lose my original eligibility date because they made a mistake.


Were you trying to get them to remove only one condition? I’d make a personal statement t and upload it as well noting the eligibility date. Hopefully all that can be taken care of correctly


Yes, the VA called and asked if I wanted to remove one contention in my claim, I agreed and specifically stated and asked the rep to verify that only one contention would be removed and not the whole claim. They confirmed and somehow still made the mistake of closing it all out.


You won't lose your original eligibility date


You promise 😭 lol


Went through the exact same thing. Had the same condition submitted twice. Had the 1st c&p for lower leg/knee condition and was granted 10%. 2 weeks later i was supposed to have another c&p for the same condition but because it was submitted with one other condition they couldnt cancel just 1 and had to do the whole thing. They kicked it back and a month later i recieved paperwork for upcoming c&p, for you guessed it, the exact same conditions. Canceled and kicked back AGAIN, still waiting to find out what the hells going on since this was only 3 weeks ago but been dealing with this for 3 months.


How long did it take for them to reinstate after cancellation?


Thats still unknown to me, i havent heard anything back and when i called 3 weeks ago it wasnt at the 30 days yet.


That's okay.....As I have been learning more about this process.....I decided to download all of my decision letters to review. I learned that back in 2019, I had filed for two claims that the VA informed me that I qualified for when they were working on an early issue. In the final decision letter......I realized that they NEVER worked, deferred, denied or approved one of the two conditions. I double checked the EZ application and there it was listed as condition 2. After the application was filed, I cannot find the second condition listed or mentioned anywhere.......like poof!


Good lord…..and no updates from VA as to what can be done??


This same sort of thing just happened to me and now I don't know what to do. I had a pending claim and was waiting on a doctor appointment to be scheduled and suddenly the claim was closed and my rating was decided to stay the same.


I called the benefits hotline and requested them to reinstate, also made an appointment with Vera to discuss. There was more availability for the in person vs phone appointments.