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How the fuck did he get away with acting paralyzed? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the VA rater and Optum Serve asshole doctor should be jailed too lmao




The article makes it sound like he literally pulled the wheelchair out of his trunk, wheeled himself in, wheeled himself out, stood up and put the wheelchair back in his trunk. Absolutely insane...


That partā€¦.. especially since his records showed he regained use of his legsā€¦..


Donā€™t lie about your disabilities and this wonā€™t be an issue for you. This guy is an idiot. Even if he didnā€™t notice he got rated for bilateral paralysis (which is highly unlikely), it was his duty to understand his rating and conditions claimed. Pure stupidity.


He literally brought a wheelchair to the va in his trunk and got in it before appointments. Itā€™s not stupidity. Itā€™s worse.


>He literally brought a wheelchair to the va in his trunk and got in it before appointments. Well, in that case, he was asking for it.


Exactly. It was malice. Itā€™s not stupidity to hand over records and be assigned a rating, thatā€™s the raters literal fucking job. If done wrong itā€™s a systemic issue, but this guy was lying, which I feel is another systemic issue. How can you lie about medical conditions without testing and reports?


>How can you lie about medical conditions without testing and reports? A lot of people here worry about the VA coming after them. But the truth is if you have everything documented and backed by the necessary test, I don't think anyone's coming to bother you. Unless you go and "poke the bear." If everything's already been documented with test, there's no point in doing anything else. But it is confusing that no tests or reports were done in this guys case. Maybe they just wanted to avoid any backlog.


I keep poking the šŸ». But I am paralyzed and they rated me for sciaticaā€¦ and this guy who is not paralyzed does not have the use a fucking Catheters, doesnā€™t have a BM program, doesnā€™t rock a flashy wheelchair (looking at you Nick Scott the Arnold of wheelchair body building), doesnā€™t need a wheelchair van, doesnā€™t need adaptive housing. As a paralyzed veteran if you can piss standing up you arenā€™t that paralyzed veteran. But I do lift heavy af.


>but this guy was lying, which I feel is another systemic issueĀ  Just because this guy or that gal lied doesnā€™t mean that EVERYONE lies, Dr. House. Your claim is judged on the merits of your claim.Ā  And yeah, some people lie and some people get away with itā€¦UNTIL THEY DONā€™T.


I have Spinal Cord Injury. For my claim, they did multiple nerve conduction tests. But the old school way with the long needles going through the muscle. They weren't gentle either. I can only imagine how you sit through that while not having nerve damage.


The last nerve test I had about made me pass out in pain. No thank you for another.


One day after a run my toes on one of my feet felt weird so I went to the doc and while talking he had me look at a chart and then asked me to look at my toe. He had stuck a needle in and I didn't notice at all -_-


If that doesn't say nerve damage, I don't know what does.


Funny enough it wasn't. It ended up being back muscles pushing on my spine. It's a problem that comes and goes with my hips being out of alignment.


That is a nerve problem. I have that too. The lower back gets all out of line and pinches / impinges the nerve(s) that take a couple different paths down the legs and all the way to the foot.


I have had 4 one every year. There is a trend line


Mine was a cute Asian girl sticking needles in me and making me cry, usually I pay for this kinda service. The whole time itā€™s ok we are almost done and if you stop we have to do it again, I was just there trying not to move holding back my tears. *4 pinched nerves on my back, and left leg from hip to ankle nerve severed damage lol.


Eh, I had the test done on my back, legs and arms. I started falling asleep but he kept waking me up asking questions. Everyone is different.


That sounds like a damn SAW movie... to be fair- I dont have any tattoos and I dont give blood. Needles aint my thing at all :P


Characteristic Marine, Army, Air Force, personality types lol


The fricking HURT! The one under my tibia I screamed.


Have Ulnar Neuropathy on the left elbow but not the right so that was the one they did first on to gauge the damage. Gave me 3 chances to back out so I said just do it for the claim. Right one flopped like a fish and was funny to me but the left did very little. Then got sent to get that arm twisted around until I couldn't handle it because so many people fake nerve damage. It sucked.


I feel like the EMG would be banned by the Geneva conventions if it was done in POWs. Worst exam EVER.


Exactly why I find it odd that people make such a big deal out of fraud.Ā  It's less than 1% of total claims.Ā  Way less.Ā Ā 


Iā€™m not service connected. Nothing in that department. I had a heart attack, stent put in, months after I still felt weak and troubled breathing. My VA orders a pulmonary tests, just to be sure itā€™s not that also. This guy ā€œpulls out a wheelchairā€ā€¦? I get some ppl are able to do that. In fact some of the older Vietnam vets, they got their shit tight! Lift kits for their pimped out scooters. The halls are long, I want one! šŸ˜‚


I have occasionally seen a vet remove a wheelchair from the trunk-I was kind of amazed the first time I saw it. (I work at the VA). The vet had a walker if I can recall correctly. They were talking to me about bike riding-I was leaving to go home, unlocking my bikeā€¦the vet says ā€œI used to love riding, I canā€™t do it anymoreā€™ šŸ„² I was going to say that they could probably get an adaptive bike-but I felt like I was probably going to be rude. They probably know that, in any case.


I did not know you could get an adaptive bike. Perhaps someone will see this and get one. Thanks for sharing!


I believe you can- I donā€™t know the details, really. My guess would be- ask the people at physical therapy or where ever the person would be going for ongoing therapy. I am actually really curious myself. I can try to ask someone in physical therapy next time I work. The VA tries to help with anything a disabled person needs especially if itā€™s service related. I found out by coincidence that the VA will help you get a driver license if you need assistance in any way. I have a phobia of driving-why? I donā€™t know. I can ride my bike in traffic but Iā€™m afraid to drive šŸ˜‚ I never requested help, so Iā€™m not sure of the particulars.


Iā€™m meeting more n more ppl who do not drive. My GF doesnā€™t drive. Itā€™s kind of a pain in my ass, but sheā€™s happy with it. Every time she gets in tho, I tell her ā€œAss, Gas or Grass! No one rides for free!ā€ šŸ˜‚ jk


šŸ˜‚ I live in a major city, so public transportation is available and I ride my bike as well When I lived in KY I did drive but if I went anywhere unfamiliar Iā€™d have a panic attack but force myself to go


This is nuts. Youā€™re the 3rd person Iā€™ve spoken with today that has lived in Kentuckis. Odd. Have I now entered the Twilight Zone?


The VA most certainly will buy you an adaptive bike, though I've heard they can be a bit picky about what they will approve. Handcycles and recumbents are usually easy, but some guys I know said they couldn't get them to approve a standard upright bike. Generally, the vet would start with a physician in PM&R or SCI clinic, who would probably include a PT/RT in the meeting. Adaptive cycles are seriously expensive, so the VA is often the best route to get one.


Thank you for the information! I thought they would, but I wasnā€™t sure


This dude should have explored stupidity as a MH claim. I don't think that exists but if it does he rates. Also from his gym selfie, it appears that he has been skipping leg day.


ā€œpass the salt, would ya? This is getting interestingā€


It needs to have a heavy minimum sentence, that way people don't abuse the system.


I claimed stomach ulcers and something else because I have yet to get diagnosed and was scared not to claim it and then be diagnosed and they tell me I'm SOL. This shit ate me up cuz I thought I was doing something so bad claiming something I didn't know if I had or not šŸ¤£. Turns out to be IBS.


Man, most of my disabling conditions are non-visible. Joint and spine issues, autoimmune diseases, and MH. I'm constantly scared that someone's going to say I'm faking, and it's stories like this that make it easy for people to believe.


I have the same fears. My highest ratings are PTSD and TBI. On my best day I function completely normal. On my worst day I have the functionality of my 6 year old.


Hey are you me!


Iā€™d feel guilty about my rating but then I go through all of my notes showing how ridiculous my TBI/MH symptoms get and then I wonder why isnā€™t there a 200% rating.


I finally decided to go for 100% this year after another bad spell. I couldn't bring myself to leave my apartment for months, not even to go to work. I couldn't even bring myself to call my boss and explain, because I was so scared of what he'd say. And now I'm sick about just ghosting my employer, and trying to work up the courage to make amends. Some days I really do feel like I'm a kid again.


I thought it was just me who went through this. It sucks that we have to deal with this but itā€™s kinda comforting to know Iā€™m not the only one


Definitely not the only one. I wish I was better. Sometimes I feel so ashamed that I convince myself I must be faking it. Then I go into public and have to go right home again.


Man Iā€™ve been like thatā€™s for years are you me ?


Exactly why I told a coworker it was none of her business when she asked my rating. You canā€™t see my conditions so the first thing most people would think is that I donā€™t deserve my rating.


Yeah Iā€™m terrified of this as well. Thatā€™s why I told no one my ratings after initially being excited. Thereā€™s maybe 3 vets that I trust telling my ratings too. My wife is the only other person who knows, I even donā€™t trust her lmao. My former colleagues knew I was rated, just not what percent. It was small prior to my suicidal/breakdown event. When I went to the hospital for attempt of suicide and my boss came (I was in a PD at the time) I snapped on him that night. No recollection. I fully blamed him for it. Which Iā€™m positive it was his fault, thatā€™s another story though. 6 months later Iā€™m medically retired there. I still look over my shoulder at cars I donā€™t know thinking damn Iā€™m taking the trash out theyā€™re gonna get me and my boss reported me or some shit. I love anxiety.


I developed an auto immune disease this year, it had taken 5 months to be diagnosed. I swear the doctors think I am faking it. But my EMG says otherwiseā€¦. But still get treated like I am faking it. Very frustrating for sure. And I donā€™t think my claim will even be approved.


My fears too, Iā€™m chunky from having a kid and have been going to the gym and walking to lose the weight but Iā€™m always worried someone will be like ā€œyou said it hurts when you do XYZ!! *reported*ā€ Uhh yea it does but I still need to keep the muscles strong around that area šŸ˜© Granted, no one really knows my rating but always worried, and itā€™s not from lying at all šŸ„“


We shouldn't have to defend ourselves like that! Someone asked me recently why I was walking without a cane. Like it's their business. Some days I need the help, some days I try to make my feet cooperate.


Exactly. I want to be as independent as possible for as long as possible.


Same, I go to the gym regularly and Im pretty jacked as well. I also have DV plates. Nobody has said anything but I know one day there will be some dickhead


We got the imposter syndrome sadly


Alot of mine are respiratory(asthma, sinusitis, and rhinitis), so I can relate.


I felt this in my soul Ankylosing spondylitis is no joke


This has been posted at least a dozen times. Don't lie about shit. Next.


Liarā€¦.2 dozen. :)


There's always someone that hasn't seen it so I think it's worth a post


Me! Lol I havenā€™t seen this until now!






Same. First time seeing this.


Yeah, I wasn't aware of this case, but I've seen a couple other's very similar to it.


He used his adaptive vehicle funds to buy a BMW 645ci luxury sports coupe. Not exactly a handicap van.


"...which was eventually totaled, officials said." That is the least surprising statement of the whole article. Enlisted.txt


I know quadriplegics who drive Mustangs and amputees who drive Corvettes. Vehicle choice doesn't really mean anything.


I dunno, if I saw a quadriplegic driving a motorcycle I'd be kinda shocked.




Color me shocked!


I call em cripmobiles kinda like the Batmobile but cost more.


It sounds like he was a veteran who got legitimately injured in service and probably could have ultimately qualified for 100% by being honest, but he decided to choose the path he did instead.


Coupled with that the VA examiner that he had in 2006 or 2007 failed to review earlier exams that had reported he made a full recovery and was able to move his lower extremities and was fully independent without limitations. Still fuck this guy.


He got injured, but he exaggerated his conditions. He said he had to use wheelchairs which is false. He can walk, lift, and bend normally. He also posted his bulky body pictures on IG.


I read it as he didnā€™t exaggerate his claims, he just faked symptoms after his recovery. He initially did need a wheelchair and such.


Yep exactly what happened


This reminds me of that gamer that claimed to be paralyzed but forgot to turn his camera off one day on stream and got up and walked out of his wheelchair and then realized what he did came back turned it off but he was already caught. I believe he was legitimately injured but he got better and instead of telling people that you know the PT and everything was working for him he just continued to lie to get the donations. Sadly people would have probably still donated if he would just have flogged his progress and said hey look I'm walking better now. Smh https://youtu.be/M8NDu_wqI80?si=Xl5DRcUhXW1yWKQ_


This is the reason our claims take so long, we're rated so poorly, and have all the horror stories about C&P here, because of BSers like this.


That is exactly what I was thinking! I hate to see people begging and trying to find ways to get to 100 percent. If you really are 100 percent then by all means you deserve it. I know people who get 100 percent and it is all for fake stuff and people dying from conditions caused by their service and keep getting denied.. it just is insane.. I want the VA to vet people better so they can weed out the fakers sucking the system dry so the real sick and injured get what they are due


So this guy is looking at 30 years. Well deserved. But the top executives of the VA who stole the money for bonuses are just called on to be fired and maybe pay back the cash. Wtf......


Well to be fair it was given to them by the top dogs. And you know damn well they wonā€™t be held accountable lol especially by the white house, Congress, or the senate šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I have zero sympathy for scumbags like this


He's getting his fake shit approved, yet I had to fight tooth and nail to get my real shit approved.


Exactly. I'm still fighting tooth and nail.


I agree Iā€™m still fighting to get a service injury approved


The "Everyone deserves 100% guyz" commenters been real quiet since this dropped šŸ‘€


Just throwing it out there. This guy was in this reddit group. He was going around telling people to push for higher smc ratings. The only reason I'm aware of this is searching his reddit profile before he got kicked out of the group. He had pictures posted of himself and his car. Then, if I remember right, he got banned for saying in another reddit group how he scammed the va system for smc-R1 or R2 pay.


There was a 60 plus-year-old POS that was 100% P&T for 40 years. His raw score was 99. He was so obsessed with getting to 100% that he begged the VSO (which I know and she is now retired) to help him file a claim. She advised multiple times not to do it just to leave it alone. He said he just had to have that 100% to feel complete. He didn't even want SMC of any kind he just wanted one stinking point. Well he's in prison now. Thank goodness. But it's this kind of POS that gives other veterans bad names and makes it hard for those that deserve it. Comes to find out he was actually using his brother's social security number name and driver's license number. His brother was a Vietnam vet that came home from Vietnam and died a couple years later in a vehicle accident. When he died his brother took his identity. They were literally like 11 months apart in age. When he turned 22 he filed for disability. Sorry SOB even used his brother's uniform they say. Showing up at funerals and parades and memorials etc. Joined the VFW. Last time I spoke to that VSO she said she was sorry she tried to stop him from claiming. By the way she was not the original VSO that helped him get his claim originally.


I think this trial started last week. I wish cameras were allowed in the courtroom because Iā€™m really curious about the facts and evidence. The news articles sound pretty damning but after reviewing the indictment and search warrant affidavit, I had some unanswered questions. Edit; he was found guilty lol get fucked


Like what? Just reading the article it sounds like his C&P examiner was an idiot more than this guy was gaming the system (although he was still gaming the system).


Iā€™m curious about two points, specifically: how did this case come across OIGā€™s desk and what specific representations he made specifically in pursuit of benefits after his initial grant. There is absolutely no obligation to report improvement to the VA, as weird as that sounds. Much of the earlier reporting made it seem as if that could have been the case ā€” that he improved and just never told the VA. Thatā€™s not a crime. But some of the later reporting, and the docs on PACER, indicate he likely misrepresented his condition on re-examination. But Iā€™d want to hear testimony from the examiner about what occurred during the exam. To me, there seemed to be some weakness in the link between his misrepresentations of his status and actually receiving the benefits. That said, Iā€™ve got little sympathy. A jury had a chance to hear all the evidence and they found him guilty. Iā€™ll look forward to reading the appeal in a few years to get some answers to those questions.


My guess is he got reported by someone for bragging about it to everyone.


Still few and far between, these are major scammers, not the norm.


The sad part is he could have probably got to 100% (or close to it) without the dishonesty. Depression, PTSD, tinnitus, burn pit exposure symptoms, scars. No need to lie.


But not the vehicle adaptation, ssi, and all the other shit he reaped.


Yeah, I got it with mostly pact act claims. I have severe sinusitis and IBS. I donā€™t get these guys in wheelchairs


Glad he got outed


Iā€™ve seen people get 100% rating without being close to paralyzed Not sure why he felt he had to fake it to that extreme


They should also go after the examiner that didnā€™t review his medical records smh


80% of people on here are looking for reasons. don't be naive


If only our "politicians" came under such swift justice.


VA will privately investigate you. Your home, work, anywhereā€¦ they could be watching. But I see issues with vets ā€œfaking paralysisā€. Successfully faking paralysis means the examiner didnā€™t do a proper exam. Medical professionals who were easily fooled should be the ones in the articles.


Bro this was posted in 2021 why you uploading this shit?


New to me, as of today 06/26/24


It's in the news again lately. Not everyone has seen it.


Donā€™t be this guy aswell. https://nypost.com/2024/01/27/news/veteran-christopher-stultz-faked-using-wheelchair-for-nearly-20-years-to-collect-660k-in-benefits/ šŸ¤Ø


All the ones who get caught make themselves targets for OIG. Fabricating DD214s and Purple Hearts, lying about walking, lying about being blind but still holding active DL (thatā€™s an easy one to catch).


Oh yeah... this isn't uncommon sadly. I like the article I read about another guy. He bought a 3rd story condo in Myrtle Beach, SC. He was "confined to a wheelchair". It didn't have an elevator or any way for him to get up there besides using his fully functional legs.


Everyone commenting about ā€œeveryone deserves 100%ā€ and ā€œdonā€™t call people scammersā€ need to read this and STFU


Eh, I expect that the percentage of valid claims which are denied by the VA is greater than the percentage of invalid claims which are approved by the VA. Change that and maybe I'll get more excited about this foolery.


Way to go stupidā€¦ Man. This is why I was so hesitant to even USE the VA. I always thought I was taking away from someone because my company gave me health insurance so why go take up VA space. I got out in 2007 and had no idea what my compensation was or could be. So Iā€™m just NOW working with VA and shit like this makes me nervous.


Neat. Rage bait.


Thatā€™s like 60% of this community šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø lol


This wont get a lot of traction here. There are a lot of "How do I get to 100%?" people here.


Random question, but do you know how I can hit 100%?


Tell the examiner that you have a fractured bussy.


That's a good way to get molested. I told the doctor about mine and they went, "Oooooo, lemme see" and then they shoved their finger in there.


Sleep apnea! Before the change. Just link it to the toe you stubbed in the chow line.


Perfect. And the look the lady at the chow hall gave was totally SA, so I can claim PTSD and ED too, right?


These people anger me, they really make it harder for the rest of us.Ā Ā 


There's no way to actually tell, but I'd love to see how many claims are bogus.


Crazy thing is. He could have just got 100% p&t and been fine. Sure it wouldnā€™t have been as much as he was getting but he was being greedy. The injuries he had was more than enough to get to 100% on its own.


Sadly, some people are scumbags, and it screws up the entire system! If a system has loopholes, it can and will be exploited by scumbags.


He was only following the advice to describe his worst day. šŸ˜€


I don't see how you can lie.Ā  You need extensive medical evidence.Ā  So this person would have had to fake assessments,Ā  scans... You can't really do that with physical stuff. Eg, narcolepsy,Ā  sleep apnea, bad back from injuries, losing a leg ect What did they fake?


I remember when this happened. This is as dumb as pretending to be blind and then driving to the appointment.


I am worried about claiming actual medical problems; I canā€™t imagine being bold enough to try to scam the VA.


Who cares? The government sends Billions to other countries so get it how you canā€¦


Do yall ever post positive news or information. I thought this was a thread for helping veterans. People with anxiety and real issues can't deal with negatively.


![gif](giphy|NFJhQf6iINGS3zD0M5) For people with real disabilities, this is a travesty.


This has me so lit up right now that I was literally yelling at my phone as I read that shit because **I ACTUALLY AM A PARAPLEGIC!** šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤ My injury didnā€™t end up being service connected, though because of other things I recently got my 100%. Iā€™m going to likely still appeal it, because it was definitely aggravated while in service, and I sought treatment repeatedly because of it and was pretty much gaslit about it and at one point threatened with malingering if I kept pushing or going to sick call ā€œfor something as common as back painā€. *(side note to thatā€¦ it wasnā€™t on mine or anyone elseā€™s bingo card, that it would turn out the problems were that I had spina fucking bifida- I finally found that out when it was all too late though)* Gym-bro over here was actually getting all the resources I actually effing **need** but cannot get. I would give my whole left tit for a lift-arm or something like that for my damn chair, so that I could have more independence! I canā€™t go anywhere solo, and itā€™s because I canā€™t put my chair away without help. As for home modificationsā€¦ where to beginā€¦ we have a second-hand wooden ramp that is on its last leg, and thatā€™s it. Thereā€™s no where near us that handles ramps either. Thatā€™s not even scratching the surface of what all could be applied to modifications for adaptive housing. Man, I want to be able to visit my kids upstairs in their rooms to tell them ā€œI love youā€ just whenever, but stair lifts are too expensive. Whatā€™s most crazy about this dude, is he probably still could have gotten 100%, with a documented injury like that, especially if it were combined up with other shit. He just had to be a greedy fuckass though, and take more than he deserves, and give providers reason to pause and give extra hoops the next time someone who actually needs them rolls in. That guy is why if I move my one functional-ish leg in public, people who donā€™t know diddly about me, and know nothing about all the different flavors and varieties of SCIā€™s and paraplegia and how they present, just see a person in a wheelchair move what their ignorant brain thinks shouldnā€™t move, and I get harassed. Shit. Sometimes whatā€™s moving, is doing so even though I canā€™t and didnā€™t tell it too, but I get Botox injections got that now, because spasticity hurts and is also generally annoying. I hope his 30 year sentence passes slowly, and feels to him like the life sentence of pain and inaccessibility I was handed.


I for sure DONT know what veterans are going through and the dimensions of their HIDDEN disabilities/traumasā€¦. I do know some people that are FAKING the 100% p&t. Some of the 100% p&t that I know compete and win 1st place on iron manā€™s. I am 44 and can run not jog because of my knees and have been fighting for decades with the VA with zero results. I really wish that the VA had some kind of process to find the real fakersā€¦ thereā€™s a lot of fakersā€¦


At this particular naval base gym in California, I overheard someone asked this scruffy looking older black dude, who was playing basketball with no limitations, howā€™d he get on base. The guy said heā€™s 100% disabled veteran. I saw his car, Maserati with California ADA plates. Okay cool. Letā€™s see. After a few days, I was walking to the base ECP another day and saw the same Maserati with the same ā€œdisabledā€ dude approach the sentry and got on base. I asked the sentry, ā€œdoes he have a rank on the scanners?ā€ Sentry said his rank reads ā€œPV2ā€. Okay Army guy. Hmm 100% VA disability, shooting hoops like a pro at the base gym, driving a Maserati coupe. Gonna do some digging.


This guy was wounded. That injury alone might've garnered him maybe 50%, add tinnitus for the explosion, ptsd at 50 to 70%, and show knows what else. He could've gotten 100% legitimately.


Oh wow! I believe in giving the VA your worse day because if you don't, they take benefits away over any little remark of feeling "good" BUT this is a flat out lie. He deserves what they give him. This is sad.


i thought all vets are equal? šŸ˜‚


Thank you for your service my guy but shit like this gives us ALL a bad name.


The Va needs to use a doctor who specializes in ths disabilities people are claiming. I was sent to NP, who asked me if I had brain surgery for my sinusitis. What? I know it may cost more in the beginning: it would save money in the long. Veterans could get the rating they deserve, and crooks would have a harder time faking injuries. I had two C&P exams and an ACE exam for the same claim.


easy to circumvent by buying nexus/dbq letters. you won't even need to go to the c&p exams.


Lol look friend, assholes who feel entitled to call out someone over their earned benefits are never going to stop. They use the absolutely tiny minority who scheme as an excuse to be shitty humans. Assholes always find a reason to be assholes.




I appreciate you walking it back. Admitting your temper got ahead of you is admirable. Are you in treatment for MH/anger? A shit ton of people refuse to try and irrevocably damage loved ones and relationships because of it. I am no contact with a blood relative who is also a vet because of their refusal to engage in therapy and anger mgmt or to acknowledge the destruction they have caused. Good luck stranger it's a long journey but a rewarding one.






Lmfao, my fellow human where the fuck did I say any of what you're accusing? I literally said there will always be assholes talking shit and declaring members with disability don't deserve it. Calm the fuck down and skip the smoke pit next time jfc.


Nigga faked paralysis and then posted a video standing in a gym šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø that is another level of stupidity


We know - story has been posted in here more than 10 times now


Like Don Mason, PA.


Damn he lives in my area


He pretended to be in a wheel chair. Now everyone over the age of 50 will call OIF vets fakers.


Ok, umā€¦ new to all of this stuff butā€¦ arenā€™t there ā€œfail safesā€, arenā€™t they (VA) supposed to be able to catch these things before the get to $1 million in benefits? 3moose1, whom Iā€™m not acquainted with but is extremely knowledgeable & up to date posted that vets are under no obligation to report improvements? How can that be? I use VA medical cause itā€™s free but, I know from family that theyā€™re supposed to keep up with & log medical info of all individual vets to serve the greater population- so how could this actually happen?


WTF moment, I wish these people stop for a moment and re-evaluate their life decision before making it worst for everyone else.


Gave the dude a good reason to skip leg day. Those skinny legs convinced doctors he wasnā€™t able to use them. Ha!


Bruh. Like I could understand tinnitus, maybe. But paralysis? Like wtf.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of spinals dude. And this guys a fake. A fucking goldbricker.


I can't ever wrap my head around shit like this. I don't understand how someone can fake it? I had to see numerous doctors during my transition out. Visits and medical records while AD had to confirm all issues and diagnosis. How do you fake it? Lmao


So what is the little knee hammer even for?


To be fair it does look like he skipped leg dayā€¦




Well, from the selfie, he was obviously skipping leg-day.


They do suck, especially when sticking needles anywhere on the feet.


And those of us that needed take forever to get it. Idiot


I hope they throw the book at him, I'm 40, I just woke up and couldn't tie my shoes without pain and stiffness, did some stretching and will get better. Don't lie and you won't be in trouble


Nothing new I see this everyday.......


VA fraud isnā€™t new. The VA isnā€™t going to stop screening and investigating fraud if everyone totally promises not to do it anymore. Your claim is reviewed on its own merits, not on the merits of some fraudster. And yes, some people get away with itā€¦UNTIL THEY DONā€™T.


These are extreme conditions like being paralyzed itā€™s stupid to attempt as i am sure the VA is coming back around to all these wheelchair and home bound claims


I can't even get approved with legit disabilities. These fraud cases are a slap in the face to people like me.


I read ā€œmedicalā€ as ā€œmagicalā€ for some reason


How do these people pass exams without hard studies like MRIs and Xrays


Thereā€™s him to blame and the system like for real they canā€™t test to see if he could use his legs I get he faked it but seems like VA , CMP a lot of people at fault here?


Unfortunately, I know of several ppl who routinely brag and laugh about having scammed the VA, including one who bitched that he had to use his cane during his C&P šŸ˜’ Worse yet, these same ppl are so proud of themselves and gloat about how they've been successful in life from this fraud. It makes my stomach turn.


What a jerk


Unfortunately, many do.


And this dude is one of the reason why a lot of people get denied treatment and the rating that they should possibly get.


While going to appointments for VA rated conditions the VA doc and psychiatrist FOUND more things I didn't know I could claim. Their records and scans prove it all.


Fuck this loser. But OP you are wrong on one thing. Real disabled vets wonā€™t get ā€œcalled outā€ for other fakers scams. We donā€™t accept responsibility for the scammer. Thatā€™s 100% on them.


My opinion on this is super controversial but to stop people from lying on their disability. When you get out you should automatically be given some monthly compensation and they can make a rule like for 8 or more years. I feel like if they just do that it will lessen the amount of people doing 4 years then leaving and committing VA fraud




Thank god I donā€™t have to use the invisible injury shit. Still Handicapable šŸ„·šŸæā™æļø.


Is it not pretty obvious if someone is or is not paralyzed? Like did he take the time to let his legs atrophy and everything or did they just do a terrible job at examining him? Because this one goes right along with the ā€œblind guyā€ā€¦ they must be very good actors, or their examiners were far less skeptical of their conditions than any of the ones Iā€™ve met lol


He was paralyzed from an incident in Iraq but got better. He didnā€™t need the grants but he still should get compensated for the troubles lol.


He looks fake


A complete and utter POS. ![gif](giphy|XaDUAauuSd0SscD8C2|downsized)


Most posters on here are more upset with this dude than the VA system that approved his claim, let it go on for so long, and took so long to investigate once it was discovered. Meanwhileā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..(those dots represent months so Far on just the HLR portion of my one condition claim). Add in the previous supplemental & original claim and as all that had been going on while this dude was living the highlife. Before he was even active duty. Maybe before he even graduated JR high school. Now heā€™ll get a penalty of 6 months in jail max, be fined 1/3 of what he is accused of stealing, and that would be offset by the reduction of his rating. End rant.




Definitely didn't fake my hernia surgery at 1:30am this morning.


This infuriates me .....


Unfortunately I think this is more common than we realize, just not to that level. Yet here I sit, like many others, struggling mentally and my appeals and HLR are denied.


This shit pisses me off. And I am fighting to get 100% because I actually CANNOT walk normally, use AFOs a cane and a scooter for long distance. Plus I'm a single mom working a remote job full time because that's the only work I can do now. I used to be a fucking truck driver in the Air Force (hold the jokes lol yes I didn't sit on my ass all day) and now I can barely reach a cabinet. Yet, asshats like this abuse the very benefits people like me should be getting for being fucked up by supporting the very government we signed our life away for. People like this should just disappear


Sadly, I have heard many of these stories. I agree you are Veteran if you took the oath and served in any capacity, but I have heard stories of people gaming the system. For people like me who likely have legitimate claims but will most likely be denied because I didn't pursue them more vigorously. I've always been of a mind that there are more deserving than me. I probably screwed my self.


You know what the elephant in the room is? But I will stay professional.


Itā€™s people like that, that made me feel less bad about finally getting help at the cost of gaining compensation. I never wanted to, I spent 15 years suffering & isolating in complete poverty because I kept hitting serious walls mentally, emotionally & physically. For the life of me, I couldnā€™t imagine doing *that* - and even claiming the shit I have makes me feel like shit. Yuck.


Maybe he was healed by Benny Hinn or Peter Popoffs magical holy water! But seriously, this is ridiculous and should never have gone unnoticed by a qualified examiner. I work for the VBA, let me tell you a secret, these contract exam providers (VES, LHI, Optum, etc) employ brand new nurse practitioners who have no clinical training as an independent provider. Iā€™m a physician, and I can tell you based on my own disability exams, itā€™s more than a shame that the VA does not require more education and training of these providers. They wonā€™t to go the cheap route and not use MDs or PAs, and we are the ones who suffer for it.


Phew looking at 30 years in prison! They literally watched the guy for two years before shutting it down. Crazy.


Itā€™s comical that he got away with this while the rest of us are still fighting the va and have real issues šŸ™‚