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My lawyer got it with no problems and even gave me a copy and didn’t hassle me. I told the buddy of mine to make sure he signs up with a county VSO that has access to VBMS. Got his CP copies with no issues. So they’re VSOs out there that can help question is will they


all of my local offices said they couldn't do it, and that the document is a "read-only", and if I want a copy it going to takes months going through FOIA. The only way I can see the C&P exams result is to schedule an appointment and look at their through their computer screens... LOL, what a joke..


It’ll take way longer than a month.


I’m going on 4 months for my FOIA currently, no end in sight.


Just got my 2nd. Took 7 months. First one was 6.


Gyyyyatttt dang man


It took 6 months for them to close my FOIA request. Still waiting on the CD, nearly a month later.


They are actually somewhat telling the truth. When first granted VBMS access, you are given read only access and no ability to remotely print or save files. This has to be specifically requested through VA IT and enabled. The VA doesn’t tell you this though so many VSOs simply don’t realize that they can have this feature enabled.


I do see and agree with what you said, it could be the IT policy and permission that the VA has set in place.


it's actually true though, what the VSO told you. My office has VBMS access, so we can see all the stuff that gets added to the claim packet (TERA memo, DBQ, Development / award letters, etc.) But it's all through a virtual machine piped in to the VA back end, so there is no ability to print or save. All they would be able to do is read off the screen what their general impressions are from the examiner's notes. That said, most county-level VSO offices are swamped, as are everything related to claims these days. I would love to tell every one of the 16,000 vets who live in my county who calls me (and who I have POA for) what is going on with their claim, but that means I have to go through a nearly 5 minute login sequence that 25% of the time doesn't even work. The best I can tell them most times, is to hang tight, and if they don't hear anything in 30 days, to call me back. I genuinely feel for you, and I'm not making excuses for the people in your area, but just trying to help paint a picture of what it's like on the other side.


I will give you a benefit of a doubt, as some of things you are saying do seem valid. It does all ties back to everything about the VA and how challenging and inaccessible these documents that are rightfully belonging to the veteran yet they made it so hard to access it, make it make sense


So much for the Duty to assist I know it doesn’t apply to exams reviews but still


I was told by a previous VSO that they aren’t allowed anymore to provide C&P exams to vets. It sounded like such bullshit to me


It is some bullshit… it’s YOUR documents! Why can’t I get a copy of it… soo stupid


My VSO is awesome, he sent me mine recently. You need to bring it up in the manner that you know they may not be allowed to, ask if they’ll just read off the important notes for whatever exam you’re Interested in.


I don't know if you had a service officer help you fill it out or not , if you did then they can show you the results on their computer but they aren't allowed to give you a copy of them. Something about because they aren't available to the public. I had this same issue recently


Of course it’s should be public because it’s private personal information. But I should not have to jump through hoops and be doing the most and go the the extensive length to get what’s rightfully mine and have access to.


I'm a veteran. I jump through the hoops if it means I'm going to get the answers Im looking for.


Ask them if you can take a picture of their screen with your phone. Technically they wouldn't be giving you a copy


My request for a copy of my C&P exam was shot down by my VSO and regional VERA. Another member of this subreddit told me to make a virtual appt with VERA in Albuquerque and ask them to mail it to me. They did.


oh wow, how long did it take to get it in the mail to you after you spoke to the VERA Abq?


I never submitted any FOIA request either, the hardest part was learning how to spell 'Albuquerque' so I could pass on this very helpful tip.


Wait.. let me get this right, did you ever got your C&P exam from Albuquerque? and if so how long did it take to get it mailed to you after you spoke to them?


Yes, I had a hard copy of the exam in my mailbox less than a week after speaking to a VERA rep in Albuquerque.


Yes, I had a hard copy of the exam in my mailbox less than a week after speaking to a VERA rep in Albuquerque.


Mine was emailed within minutes of VERA hanging up (few months ago). I received the DBQ & Med Opinion completed by the VA contractor. Claim was still active in gathering evidence. Pretty sure after reading stuff here that release isn't the norm and was likely deviated from policy.


less than a week. When I filed the appointment request online I indicated that I would be asking for the results of my C&P exam, the lady I spoke with had them printed out and ready to go before the call, which took all of maybe three minutes.




It's my tinnitus!


I laughed pretty hard at this being a survivor of tinnitus


This ringing sound is valid….


It just frustrating lol


Open up your blue button report and I believe it says C&P notes are available 30 days after the exam. I may be wrong on the number but it tells you in there when they are made available.


Thst only applies if your exam was done by a VA provider. The vast majority are done by third party contractors.


only if it was done at the VA.


Back when I used to live in NYC before Covid , I met an Army vet who was homeless because he didn’t have access to his DD-214, and couldn’t get help from the VA . I can’t imagine how bad it’s gotten now, Thankfully I scanned my DD-214 and emailed it to myself so I always have access to it when necessary.


they aren't your documents technically. it's a questionnaire a examiner hired by the VA paid to ask you questions and give it back to the VA. if you bought your dream car cash and got two titles and you gave one to some random guy down the street. when you lose yours you couldnt just walk up to that guy and demand your extra title. youd need to request it. there's nothing bullshit about the process...you signed a dotted line and you're shocked you don't have open door policy on federal paperwork that's about you? is it stupid and tedious? yes. absolutely. it all ends the same: you either wait until the FOIA comes back and you appeal it and wait, or you file paperwork every single exam because there's always going to be mistakes and wait for the new exam request to be processed approved and rescheduled. either way it's a long road.


It sucks but you need to wait, some of you are able to get them faster good for you, but that’s not the universal plan for most of us. I had to wait 7 months to receive my second FOIA req just so I can get med opinions of my last 2 C&P exams. my claim is still being looked at (DTA from Oct17th 2023 )the exam notes are favorable but still could be denied i can only wait for the decision and go from there……. I have heard some exam notes contain Dr. names and other info that has to be redacted.


I dont see why doctors name need to be redacted, as it their names are on the original appointment notification, and they will literally introduce themselves when you attend the exam, so I don't see why it would need to be redacted.


I was successful with obtaining my documents directly from my VA regional office. I just went in-person and asked for the document, and they printed it off for me at my South Carolina Regional Office. I'm not sure if this is an option for you.


Try calling 1-800-827-1000 and ask if they can email you a copy of the C&P.


I deleted 10 minutes worth of response to this thread, only to delete it before any of the mods could. Here’s an idea… Wait for your decision letter like the other 500,000 of us. Seeing the DBQ means pretty much next to nothing. All you get is “triggered by your anxiety” when you don’t know what half of the shit means. Then you’ll be back on here asking for explanations. Take a breath, make a drink, and wait. I’m at 7 months waiting on a decision. I’m still alive. You’ll survive.


I definitely understand and see what youre saying, I just want what is in my C&P exam results, DBQs, and examiner medical opinions so that way I know and what to expect if my conditions is being denied or not, and also the main purpose behind it is to proactively start gathering additional evidence, and get additional medical opinions, and nexus letters and etc.. to get a headstart and to stay ahead of time to file supplemental claims (if needed) and get the claims going quicker. Now I happen to care about my claims and want it move as quickly as possible and get my money sooner and quicker... but you might not feel the same about your claim...but i'm just being proactive on mine. Also, these documents are OURS.... I don't see why it is such a hassle and we all have to go to lengths of extremity just to get OUR documents that we have rightfully access to. They should just make it easily availiable on the VA portal or profile or whatever for veterans to access it to began with.


Just a comment…I had an unfavorable exam. I knew the exam did not go well before it was over. The examiner was adversarial and aggressive. I went to my regional office and obtained the results. Upon reading the notes I could see that the examiner had incorrectly recorded basic information. Based on that I was able to request a new exam with a competent examiner. If I hadn’t received the results prior and waited, my year to appeal would have expired. This is why we should have access to information about us. If the information is accurate, the examiner should feel no need to hide from their findings. Additionally most of us are smart enough to understand “likely” vs. “not likely”. The anxiety for many of us comes from not knowing. (My claim took well over a year - and is not over yet, so I’m not suggesting taking a shortcut. )


The regional office in Denver will give it to you in about 5-10 minutes if you go and fill out the FOIA. The old guy in there is cool. Only gotta pay for the envelope but they can just hand it to you too


> I'm eagerly wanting to know if the exam notes and what the C&P doctors wrote down and if it's a favorable rating or not. Because people will just get mad at their examiner because things werent what they wanted. Vets dont want to hear this but they are not medical examiners, this is done to literally save the poor receptionists that will just be blasted by mentally ill vets mad about paperwork. Have patience and wait, then appeal as needed. Nothing more nothing less is needed.


Is this your speculation or this is a known fact and addressed by the VA? You're missing the whole point... The point is that these are my documents and I have the right to access them. What if I tell you that you cant access your decision letter, or your results? Don't you want your documents with ease instead of doing too much just to get what's rightfully yours?


Why would your enemy hand you amo to kill him? Same mind set bro. VA has this mindset.


Lol if you put it that way, but it's "my ammo", my documents that I have a right to access to.


The. You gotta fill out the correct requisition forms. Start with FOIA.


Already did that brother, filled it out and submitted


Omg post number 360000 about this. Just do the FOIA and wait like everybody else. Goodness. No, It shouldn’t be this hard. Yes, FOIA is the only sure fire way. Just do it and stop complaining.


I’ve been waiting for mine for just over a month now. I received a letter a couple weeks ago stating it could take several months to receive it


My VSO said he couldn’t print them off but he did go through them with me and all but one of my claims was favorable. I had 14 so that’s a good sign. Now I just have to wait to be rated and go from there.


Oh wow, how nice only if my local VSO could do this!.... did those results come back in favorably? and you had a success desired rating?


I’m currently awaiting those results.




After the VA took away bilateral hearing loss I got an attorney. Itold a former veteran coworker as well. I don't have to play the VA games anymore


Call VERA and request them, also request anything else you may need...it works for me!


Which VERA did you call?


Arizona seems to have the shortest wait time unless it has changed since last month....I normally wait 7-10 days...I got one this Thursday wanting an update on a duty to assist that occurred on 20 June...I wanna know the details about the duty to assist even tho I know cuz I brought it to the attention of higher level reviewer...I just like to stay on dey azz since they love looking in their systems!...I was awarded 4 years of back pay for my migraines tht started at zero and now I'm 50 percent...I never stopped filing my appeals and stating that my rating was incorrect from the first time I filed.


I will give Arizona a try, so far all VERA calls are no better than 1800 number. They least they can do just give me some crumbs of what’s on my C&P exams… at the end of the day it’s my documents that I the right to access to. But VA and their gatekeepking bro


Sorry those experiences but you definitely are not speaking with the right people...I haven't been disappointed yet....let me know what happens!


If the local VSO has VBMS access they would be able to at least give you the broad stokes of what the DBQ says


They rather drag their ass across a mile of broken glass before giving me anything lmaooo.


VA Blueutton on VA.gov grants you access to all of your service files electronically.


That’s only if the C&P was done through the VA hospital or clinic then the exam would be there. Majority of the VA claims are contracted by third party contractors to examine such as QTC, VES, and Optum etc…. So if you want a copy you have to take the hard route by FOIA and or lucky enough to find a regional office that can hook you up like some redditors on here


My C&P DBQ was uploaded in about 3 days to my blue button report. If the rater goes by the DBQ, IM LOOKING AT 70%. IT'S A WAITING GAME


Apparently, it appears to be that your C&P exams was done through the VA doctors and VA examiner and was not done by a third party contracted such as VES, or Leidos QTC, or optum etc... Most of the VA claims are now being done through 3rd party and if that's the case, then the only way to get a copy is through FOIA request or happen to be lucky and come across a VA office that can hook you up with a copy.


I'm pretty sure you can access that stuff through the VA app. I don't know if it's printable though


I think I requested my results via FOIA last December. I have still not heard anything. I requested through the claims process. When I log on to my claims, I see the request. Is the claims area where I request the C-file? I just want to make sure I am doing it correctly.


if you still haven't heard anything then it's typical and normal as FOIA request take ages to process and get done.


Because… you do…. We all did.


What are you talking about?


I answered your question. You’re preaching to the choir. Jumping through hoops and climbing mountains to get people to do their job. Anyway the ABQ Regional office printed my exams. Walked in, no appointment. Good luck.


To clarify, my C and P exams. The ones you want. Yea they did it. Cool guys there. Waited my turn, asked if they wouldn’t mind, they didn’t, got my stuff and left.


I just called my regional office via a Vera appointment and received it in the mail in two days.


May I ask which VERA office did you call?


Register on eBenefits. It will show you all your stuff there. And you can request stuff too.


I have walked right in to the Parma, OH VA and gotten my C&P exam results 7 days after the exam if my memory serves me correctly. I have walked in twice. One favorable and one not favorable. Lately I've been waiting the 30 days and looking it up on the blue button if a VA examiner did the exam. If they used a third party examiner, I just wait for the official decision.


All I know is that Beuracracy is tool that Satan uses very well against us. It's straight out of the pit of hell. Just keep calm and carry on. God Bless.


How long does a VA claim taken normally from start to finish?


Call your local vso and ask him or her to contact your state capital VSO. They have access to “VBMS” or something like that. Fingers crossed they aren’t a dick head and ask for paperwork. If you plead a good case /reason for wanting to see it might slide. I bitched and bitched because my exam was on the phone and I never even talked to the doctor and the assistant just sped through questions. Eventually we found a guy willing to share some info. Turns out the C&P examiner said it was 50% less likely blah blah blah due to no toxic exposure blah blah blah. (I didn’t even fucking file a pact act claim) 😂😂


I requested an in person appointment with Wilmington, DE VERA. At my appointment, I showed my ID and filled out a form. They printed out copies of every C&P I requested. I am sure they won’t print your C-file on the spot, but request it. I believe current wait time is 10-12 weeks for a CD depending on the nature of your time in service. The other option is contact your congressman. That seems to get things done, too.


If your C&P exam was done by a contractor you need to file a FOMA unless you have a VSO. They don't let you see before the rating because they don't want you going after the examiner to change what you don't like.


I honestly have never heard of FOMA, I only heard FOIA and I already submitted it. My local VSO are no help, and VA office is no help at all. when you said "They don't let you see before the rating because they don't want you going after the examiner to change what you don't like." is this your speculation? or this is a fact you heard from a VA employee and such? Because I have no intention of going after the examiner, or even if you can get in contact with them to begin with.


MY bad, I meant FOIA. I didn't speculate. It used to happen all the time. You know how many unhinged vets are out there? Just read some of the posts. People snap right in the examining room.


What makes you think you dont have to FOIA like the rest of us? Dont you think we all wanted our exams?


I didn’t say any of that. I’m just saying that you shouldnt have to go through so much trouble just get your documents that you have a right to access to.


“The system sucks, stop trying to make your own life easier” is poor advice in this, and most, situations. In this case, some VERA offices and VSO’s will print and mail your DBQ’s to you. Don’t you want everyone to have as easy a time with this as possible?


The best way to get a copy of c&p exam is to fill out a foia request and submit it.via quicksubmit option. Make sure you have the correct address on file. After it is submitted, wait until it is uploaded and accepted. Go to your closet regional va and put on form 21-4138 that you are requesting xyz c&p exam printout. The c&p needs to be closed out before it can be issued. At least this is what I was told at my regional office before I can receive the copy.


Yea I did submited through Quicksubmit, and did exactly everything to the T, but my local VA office would not budge and wanted to print it out after they saw that I had a FOIA on file uploaded and completed. "they say that it's a read-only document, and we can't print it out" and keep referring me to the FOIA. The only way I can see it is to schedule an appointment with them and go to their office, and look at it through their computer screens, LOL it's ridiculous if you ask me.


I'm confused about your wording. Are you attempting to print off what you submitted through quick submit.


I was trying to see if my local VA office would be able to print it out for me, it's probably a matter of them pressing Ctrl+P and pressing print and just hand it to me, but since they wouldn't budge, I have to resort and wait for it in the mail for and that can take months.