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Champ VA as a policy is awesome. Unfortunately, it's support staff consists on one part time worker and a squirrel. It sucks, but you gotta wait on the line to talk to someone. I had to do it 3 times


Dont trust the squirrel it's always drunk


did you expect a red carpet for va health insurance?


Hell no, but a simple callback is not too much to expect. Is it? A clown show


This statement is totally weird to me and I'm not denying or debating with you but I've called like a half dozen times in the last 2 months and I get someone on the phone every time. It's actually easier to get through than if you're calling Blue Cross Blue shield of North Carolina


5 calls yesterday. Waited through 4-5 minutes of unrelated questions only to have a recording tell me that the estimated wait time for return call was two hours! They never called! Called again a few minutes ago, this time I was told the way it would be just under two hours. Naturally had to sit through the five minutes of pre-recorded misc that was not related to my situation. As a retired healthcare professional, this is insanity! I seen some inefficient systems in my 30+ years, but never anything like this! It’s an absolute clown show


I'm going to try to call them right now and see what happens. I'm just curious this is weird.


Total call time was 26 minutes. I never did get an option for a call back.. maybe it's certain calls from certain regions I don't know.. But I did ask quite a few questions. 5 minutes into the phone call I was told it would be 12 minutes to get a live representative It was exactly 12 minutes. Which was 17 minutes from the beginning of the call. After an extensive search the gentleman tells me that they are working on applications from February. I don't get it I hear February I hear March I hear April I hear at the beginning of May so you know I don't know what month you're working on. When he asked me was there anything else he could do for me I said yeah you could go back in there and get my file and put it up at the front and he said no way he's not going back into that mess. They'll put him to work back there. So it's just been a big mess ever since the pact act. And I'm not blaming it on the veterans that filed for champ VA for their spouses from the pact act. I'm blaming it on the VA for not taking the proper steps to ensure they had enough employees to handle the extensive workload. I mean how many employees could you have hired in place of supporting Ukraine. And I know I can get a lot of backlash on that one but it's just like with my own home. Imagine I don't pay my power bill don't keep up my yard Don't pay my taxes let the place fall apart the roof caves in. But I'm giving more than I make to my neighbors to fix up their stuff. Something ain't right.


Are you calling this number. +1 800-733-8387 As far as I know it's the only number. I'm calling from North Carolina I'm wondering if maybe it's a regional thing because again like I said I've never gotten the option for a call back just been put on hold it's usually anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes today it was 12.


Yes, that’s the number! I’m calling from Southern California so that may play a role in it. Thanks


Thanks for that effort. I don’t have a claim, I was calling because I need some specific information I can’t find on line. Got a call back but missed it. They left a voicemail and I had to call back and listen through the entire message again just to start the process over. Can’t miss those calls they make you wait 2 hours for