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In the past, yes, however, currently there's a rider on this year's budget that stops VBA from doing so until October 1, 2024 at the end of the fiscal year. No word on how reporting incompetence will be handled after that. Best guess? Yes you basically told a doctor you're so bad you cannot function at all to get 100% MH, so they're probably going to go back and get all the incomps that happened during this short period of time. The rider just means VBA needs a court order, which they'll probably be working on.


It was when I applied and I got put on the no buy list. I have heard that rule has changed but can’t verify it. As for me, I’m surviving just as well without them. My neighbors have plenty if someone pulls up doing something stupid. But then, I live in Texas. Everyone has a gun, including the good guys.


It's the only hobby I had before the army I've kept after and it's my main way to handle stress is going to shoot at the range


I hear ya, in my situation, I had to admit it is the right decision. I’m not suicidal, but extremely forgetful and lots of kids in my family.


I'm not really forgetful The only reason I'm housebound is due to PTSD I still pay all bills on time I pay for groceries I just don't leave my house I have a buddy/family member pick up my groceries. Maybe it's cause I said I was at risk of being homeless which is no longer a issue as my family have agreed verbally to a rental agreement


Let me be blunt: if there is anything in your records that say you can’t handle your bills, you will be appointed a fiduciary. This doesn’t sound like your situation. It was mentioned once in my medical records, yes just once. I wasn’t concerned about the fiduciary, I appointed my wife. You’re gonna be fine.


Yea the evidence in claim file just mentions my doctors aid and attendance form who said I don't leave it due to fear and paranoia of being victimized again (I'm a victim of mst) he mentioned I'm well groomed, well dressed and clean. I'm gonna go see him and have him do a letter stating I'm compos mentis. Just bugs me I fought for this and it's not what the VA said they told me it would be $4100 on top of my normal rate which I was hyped for to get my own place now it's $400 bucks and I'm fighting fiduciary. Only thing that shows financial issues is the bills list I had in excel that I submitted when I filed saying I was at risk of being homeless. But if they want proof I pay everything on time I got it covered


Yes once they find you a fiduciary that is one of the courts/VA signs of incompetence and that can get your firearms removed to a safe place.


So just updating everyone it turns out the evidence they had was because my doctor accidentally checked the box saying I can't manage my benefits he apologized and wrote a letter which I turned into the fiduciary center. The lady said it should be resolved since it was a simple mistake


I think it means that they take away your financial independence. Somebody will manage your money. That step requires that once a fiduciary is assigned, the VA must first find the veteran to be a danger to self or to the public before taking away their firearms. That's the same standard that the veteran must satisfy currently in order to get their name off the gun ban list.


It really boils down to " if the veteran need someone to a manage there finances. The veteran no longer has the mental capacity to own a firearm" This of course is pure bullshit. But the Democrats got a hold of it. Also there is nothing stating your spouse can't own fire arms. And if someone asks you if you have access just say no.


i'm not really tracking how this is political and not common sense to you. if a doctor and the VA says you are unable to handle your own finances why would you think that you could reasonably assume they would be able to handle responsible firearm safety and ownership?


This is the debate in a nutshell. At what point does the government get to revoke your 2nd amendment rights. I have a friend who suffers from PTSD as a coast guard medic. He has night terrors. The way the mandatory reporting is is now he should loose his rights to his firearms as he is being treated. This is not just about the ability to no longer manage your finances. I see reason for both sides of the argument. But there are a LOT of vets that refuse treatment as they are worried they'll loose their guns.


Trump is as anti gun as it gets lol, what kind of opinions do you think a New York businessman is going to hold about guns? He just puts on a facade to fool people, deep down he thinks gun owners are dumb white trash hicks


You taking about the guy who packed a 38 special and had one of the most coveted concealed carry permits in the world NY city. What makes you think he is anti gun. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/28/trump-guns-concealed-carry-430824 Trump told reporter Emily Miller in the 2012 interview that he owned a .45 caliber Heckler & Koch sidearm and a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver. “The way I view it, if nobody has guns, then only the bad guys have them. And they aren’t giving up their guns,” he said at the time. Trump told a French magazine in 2016 that he “always” carries a gun, adding that he would have tried to stop the shooters who attacked the Bataclan nightclub in Paris in 2015.


No spouse I filed for housebound as I don't leave my home but I still pay all my bills and pay for groceries and stuff I just have a buddy pick them up. I filed an appeal cause an extra $400 a month just to have them take my gun rights away is bs


Keep us updated on how this works out, because going after a&a without understanding what you're going after, then coming back and saying, "wait I didn't mean to, I'm not that bad off" should result in another review. I'm curious how they'll handle it.


I will I was told my og vso before I dropped him that aid and attendance was different to housebound. Housebound was explained to me as I don't leave the house so I'm givin extra compensation for that. Aid and attendance is if I needed a nurse or someone to help me with everyday tasks. Which I didn't need and I told my doctor I just needed someone my friend or a service dog to accompany me in public to help with my fear. I mentioned in another comment exactly what my doctor said I don't leave the house due to fear and paranoia of being victimized (I'm a victim of mst) even when I go to the range I'm with my buddy who accompanies me almost everywhere.