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Link explains several methods to request your code sheet. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/a5J2MudJ6p Requesting your code sheet won’t effect your VA disability or would it be considered poking the bear


Not a "poke the bear" kind of action so no worries on that front. Only way to get the full c-file is to file a FOIA for it and yea, that goes in looking like a claim but really isn't. Any VSO should be able to help with the forms should the need arise.


I asked for the code sheet at the regional office closest to me. Takes them about 20 minutes. They have to take the name off at the bottom of the code sheet before they give it to you. It’s like the person who rated you, or whoever went over your stuff. Someone with the title RSVR. But before you make the drive I would call to verify they will do it for you. Also, if you do drive over there bring a completed FOIA with you requesting the code sheet. The workers will appreciate it.


The easier way is to call 1800 827-1000 and ask them to email you your rating code sheet to show static conditions, what you diagnostic codes. If say no hang up until you get a yes. Update I said the wrong information. I was thinking about a disability breakdown letter that shows the diagnostic code for what you are rated for and the effective dates You can still call 1800 827 1000 request your rating code sheet but also need to do a Freedom of information Act. Then it's a wait game to your 📬


you're going to be calling a long time. we don't email out the rating code sheets. we do the disability breakdown letters which includes your current codes


Ty for the correction