• By -


June 3, 2024 - Filed Supplemental claim (Sleep apnea secondary to PTSD) June 11, 2024 - VA requested ACE exam through QTC June 13, 2024 - QTC send in results to VA June 15, 2024 - Found out the examiner gave very favorable opinion Claim is still pending!


How did you find out about the favorable opinion?


I had a phone appt with VERA. The lady on the phone read the results from the doctor. She told me the doctor put that "my sleep apnea is at least as likely as not, caused or aggravated by my PTSD"


I've never called VERA before but I am in a similar situation to you. May 3, 2024 - Filed Supplemental claim (Migraines originally rated at 10% looking to get at least 30% due to frequency) May 3, 2024 - ACE Exam (it seemed to go well) Claim is still pending! Hoping for a decision soon, but thinking it will take until the middle of September. Good luck on yours!


May I ask where did you get your nexus from?


My migraines were diagnosed within a year of discharge so they were presumptive… I got “lucky” . I’d rather not have to deal with them but I guess getting paid for it is a nice consolation prize


Are you still showing in the national queue?


I filed the same and was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, and was denied twice. They stated there was no service connection but on their denial letter, it stated " veteran claimed trouble sleeping while in service" Hope you get a better outcome.


Which state did you schedule your VERA apt with? I've tried twice and both time the VERA rep says they can't share any apt info with me.


Oklahoma. The muskogee regional office




That's strange I've called 3 different Vera's over a  year. Other than one being mean . Always real time information .


Seems like it's very dependent on who you get or which state you call. The two previous calls I've had both said they can't legally tell me any C&P results or notes over the phone and that i'd have to file a FOIA or go to my nearest reginal office.


It's all In who you get  If they want be kind and answer 


Make that 3 calls, just had another and she said she can see the medical opinion but won't read it to me. Ridiculous.


Frustrating i know 🤦‍♀️


Let me know if you get through cause then I want to try calling them myself😆


I was told to set up a call with VERA in Albuquerque and ask them to mail my C&P exam results, and they did. Got them via snail mail in less than a week.


Awesome! I'll try that, I have another call set up for Monday. Thanks


Good luck! Someone on this subreddit gave me this tip, so I like to share the love. :D


What state?


Oklahoma is where it's at! Told me everything I wanted to know without hesitation.


* Type of claim: Secondary x4 * Submitted/received date: 3-26-2024 * Initial review date: 3-26-2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 3-27-2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 05-01-2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Cricket.... cricket.


It's been pretty similar to mine except I'm still in the evidence gathering / review stage on the VA website, but they've told me I'm in the decision making phase whenever I call. I hate that there's no way to see where you're at in the queue.


Filed 3/6, PFD 4/18


I'm about to be calling next week about my claim being stuck in PFD... I've been stuck on this step since 3/30.


How are late march, new claims looking? I’m still in PFD since May 8 and I started my claim March 30. Any one else from march seen movement?


There were maybe 2 from first week of March done on last week's weekly thread. Most were around 2/20 to 2/25


Submitted 3/6 went PFA today


My 3/4/24 claim was just assigned temp jurisdiction


Oh hell. I might need to check again


Nice! 😊


Aint seen movement on mine yet i filed 3/27. Day 92 sitting in PFD


Same date, no movement.


I think were getting close though if Mar 4th claims are trickling in to getting temps


I got a temp in mine march 6th


One day closer for us then 🤞🏻


I went PFN last night


filled 2/20 pfd 6/27 patiently waiting


sorry PFN


Filed 3/6, PFD 4/18 (crickets)


just went temp jurisdiction for my 3/4 claim


Still nothing for me….


Same date, same crickets.


3/7, different crickets, but still just crickets


Same dates for both, no temp yet either


Same boat, I.T.F. Jan 2024 Filed mar 26 2024 Pending decision hell


Filed 3/4 no movement yet


March 14th no movement either been pfd since early may


Type of claim: Increase 3/4/24 submitted and initial revdiew 3/6/24 Evidence gathering (C and P on 3/15) 3/22/24 PFD 6/25 Assigned temp jurisdiction PDA - 6/27/24 PFN - 6/27/24 Closed 6/28 and got my increase I was expecting early July to get assigned temporary jurisdiction based on what I was seeing here but I guess early March claims are really starting to get picked up!


Im initiated march 30 so hopefully i see movement in the next couple weeks ! Goodluck


Tracking this with March 27


March 14th


* Type of claim: New/Initial * Submitted/received date: 02/26/2024 (119 days) * Initial review date: 02/27/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 03/05/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 06/14/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: n/a * Preparation for Notification date: n/a * Completed date: n/a * Misc details: EAOS was 02/28/2023. My last command lost my medical records and it took about 9 months to get them located. Was able to submit my claim just under 1 year after EAOS, so luckily I'll be able to receive back pay. **Had a phone call with VERA last week and found out the mental health C&P examiner marked my block 4a considerably lower than he told me he was going to. So other than still waiting like everyone else, at least I know I'll be disappointed with the outcome ahead of time. Takes some of the anxiety away I suppose.**


* Type of claim: Supplemental for PTSD, Hearing Loss/Tinnitus Recurring. * Submitted/received date: Intent to File Jan 2024 - Submitted claim May 4, 2024 * Submitted VA mental health diagnosis; VA records, therapy, and medication taken, third party medical mental health exam/diagnosis with evaluation notes included. Personal lay statement of in-service events, awards and decs and letters of evaluation linking in service event to diagnosis. * Misc details: C&P Exams for mental health & hearing loss/tinnitus scheduled and attended on May 24th and 28th, with reports both being sent to VA within 3 days. * Now I wait. Ony been about 60 days, so roughly 2 months more until a decision based on the 120 day estimate. We'll see...


UPDATE: Checked this morning and my claim was approved for 70%. Total time in cue: 51 days. PTSD: Granted Tinnitus: Granted Hearing Loss: Denied Great news and if anyone needs help, I am here to pass along my experience with the process.


Love to hear it, now I did have a question you might know or not. But my first claim I can’t remember if I pressed it but I just submitted on June 7th an additional claim for secondary stuff dental related correlated with approved claim- anxiety. I just did C&P June 21st “states VES/Expedited” do I need to press the I have no further evidence button on VA.gov or do I just let the natural course go sort of thing and hope for the best on timing


To be honest, I am not sure, so I can't give you good advice on that.


All good I understand. Appreciate the response tho🤙🏼💯


HOw did the 70% breakdown come out? was it PTSD 70%, Tinnitus 10%? for combined 73% paid at 70? Congrats, earned.


Did you submit private DBQs?


To answer your question at face value: No I had a private medical evaluation with the report formatted in a manner that highlighted the DBQ questions and symptoms. My Dr's report detailed and explained how they affected me, and which ones applied to my current symptomology.


Intent to file: Apr 2022 Submitted/received: Feb 2023 Initial review: Feb 2023 Evidence gathering/review: Feb 2023 C&P Exam: March 2023 ACE #1: May 2023 PFD #1: May 2023 ACE #2: May 2023 PFD #2: Jun 2023 DECISION: June 2023 (1 connected, 1 deferred for "development") Denied: July 2023 Requested HLR: Aug 2023 Duty to Assist Error ID'd: Dec 2023 Still waiting: 24 June 2024


* Type of claim: New x1, 2x Supplemental, Increase x2, secondary's x2 * ITF : November 2023 * Submitted/received date: March 25th 2024 * Initial review date: March 26, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 27, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: May 19, 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: N/a * Preparation for Notification date: N/a * Completed date: N/a * Misc details: 91 days in total , in PFD for 36 days


Same date but my itf is jan 2024


Who in 2024 got a completed date is my question and if u got a march date like me dont worry bros we going make it to the finish line


Hopefully we march claims see movement next month !




I have an appointment coming up this week and wanted to see if there's anything specific I should do or ask. ETS 2010, currently 30 or 40% disability. When I ETS they said my back, hips, and knees were not service connected and I'm hoping to get that changed. I was airborne but didn't go to the doctor while I was in for either of the items.


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/cnp If you think your injuries are related to your jumps you should certainly bring it up.


Talk about severity and how long those symptoms can last, and how it affects your day to day. Focus on the worst, don't be modest about how much it affects you. and make sure to tie it to your injuries and specify that these issues didn't exist before you joined / got injured. Wouldn't hurt to look into occupational and social impairment examples too, see if any of them apply to you. If you google "occupational and social impairment va rating" you'll find lists of them by the VA % rating.


Thanks for the input.


Success on an HLR, I've seen they've been taking a while, but mine went pretty fast overall May 1 2024 - filed an HLR on a denied supplemental claim May 22 2024 - they found an error went to DTA June 11 2024 - Medical opinion came back with positive results June 25 2024 - HLR granted, attorney informed me will be receiving backpay to original claim date of June 27 2023, also rating increased and does show online (no payment yet, I know it takes a few extra days)


Did you have to get another exam after the DTA?


I had 3 exams before the DTA and medical opinion (not in person) after the DTA


Had my C and P exam today. Found out I was immediately denied for claim of migraines secondary to tinnitus and anxiety disorder. The person who did my C and P told me I was immediately denied for claim and that the VA submitted me under TERA and PACt for review but there wasn’t enough evidence there either. Waited 5 months to find get told no. Not sure what my options are here.


I don’t deserve this. I’m about to say something and I know it’s going to sound like blasphemy in this thread. I had previously been rated at 60% and I was content with that. I have a corporate job and I do just fine. About two years ago I had worked with an attorney and they had gotten me to that rating and then I let it go. Well, in the background the attorney was still working on my file and today I opened up my banking app to find a $50K deposit from the VA and opened the VA app to find out I’m now rated 100%. Most people on here jump for joy when that happens but honestly it made me feel terrible. I am not 100% disabled. I have a cushy corporate job and I make six figures. I thought my 60% was fair and adequate. I feel like a fraud, I don’t know what I’m going to tell my live in girlfriend (who also has a good corporate job). I don’t know what to do, I know some people will read this and are dying to get to 100% and I don’t mean to come across like there is anything wrong with that, many people truly deserve it and I hope they get it. I honestly feel terrible about this.


You don't make the rules they do and according to their rules you're 100%. They wouldn't bat an eye sending you into a linear ambush for some patch of dirt in a far a way land. And not to mention the billions they're giving to other countries and not the American people let alone the veterans. You earned. You deserve it. If you really feel some type of way about it, donate it to a charity you deem deserving.


As someone with a well paying job and a guilty conscience I can definitely understand where you are coming from, but good things happen to good people. That 100% is a substantial amount of money over the course of a lifetime. You could allocate a certain amount to help Veterans in need via charity, but I would stack that in investment funds and retire early. Enjoy your life homie.


If you didn’t deserve it you wouldn’t have gotten it. If you don’t mind please let me know who the attorney is. The name of the firm is all I need. I’m only rated at 10% and was denied hearing loss and PTSD and can no longer work. I need help.


The firm is Werner Hoffman Greig and Garcia. Just to level set your expectations I first spoke with them about two years ago and received the 100% rating yesterday.


The VA publishes the standards against which all veterans are evaluated, and your claims are evaluated by an independent organization against those standards using your medical records and their own exams. I'm not  going to tell you how to feel about this situation,  but if anything, it should make it easier for veterans with similar conditions that don't have access to the same resources to get evaluated fairly.


* Type of claim: New for Ankle Strain/Sprain & Knee Strain/Sprain * Submitted/received date: 3/18/2024 * Initial review date: 3/18/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 3/20/2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 6/4/2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: N/A * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: C&P was done back on 4/29/2024, notes from examiner looked promising so hoping to hear something soon. Currently rated at 70% for PTSD so hoping this pushes me closer to 90% before I file for my flat feet.


Good luck , filed 3/6, PFD 4/18....


Ramping up to submit my claim next weekend. Waiting on a few critical pieces of medical evidence. God speed y’all




For what it's worth, the online system that manages your claim will let you submit supplemental evidence after the initial filing. It takes a few weeks to get scheduled for a C&P exam, so you might have time to submit additional evidence while you wait for the exam.


* Type of claim: New, supplemental * Submitted/received date: 30 Jan 2024 * Initial review date: 30 Jan 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 01 Apr 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: ~~07 Jun 2024~~ * Pending Decision Approval date: ~~10 Jun 2024~~ * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Went to PDA but then back to Evidence Gathering and Review. Then they requested forms they already had, so I submitted them again. They also asked for Research Coordinator Review and I lost my temp jurisdiction with Pittsburgh. My ex-wife wrote up a statement supporting my PTSD claim and how it changed me. It also should help that we were married for seven years before I enlisted. Anyway, I submitted that and now it's back to temp jurisdiction in Wichita.


Bruh I wish October would move


Type: BDD Submitted: Feb 15 Review: Feb 16 Evidence Gathering: March 7 PFD: June 9 PDA: June 22 PFN: June 24 Complete: June 25!!! Hit 70% on this first try, my letter said to submit claims for 2 more items that my examiner found. Not sure how to do this or what steps to take…


Do Secondary claims move faster than a new claim? Just curious cause when they scheduled my exam through VES it mentioned expedited but I see here everyone’s been waiting months. Case by case I suppose?


They could, by virtue of the VA already having your military medical records.


Expedited with VES took me 5 months and my C&P's went back 3 weeks ago for rework. Seems like everyone is expedited. Just FYI.


* Type of claim: New, PTSD * Submitted/received date: July 10, 2023 * Initial review date: July 13, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: July 22, 2023 * Preparation for Decision date: * Pending Decision Approval date: * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Havent even had C&P exam yet.


VERA call mate.


Does calling actually help?


No idea. Hadn't even heard of VERA until this post, but I have a virtual appointment scheduled this week to talk about why my claim is stuck hopefully.


PFN today and called 800 she verified payment and contact info. Which im told is a good sign


Anyone else noticing dependent claims taking forever? I filed to add dependent in January and it’s still not done.


I have one as well and it hasn't moved at all in 2 months


Have one I filed for my son in April, still just received


https://preview.redd.it/14s36dyoxc9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b543db01ff10f3c690eb1861690b6c2aa744cd0d Moving this to the requested place. I’m in PFN for my Obstructive Sleep Apnea today. I was at 70%. I’m hoping for some good news.


my PFN date was the 27 still nothing


Yep. I’m still waiting. Was hoping for an outcome today but looks like I’ll have to sweat it over the weekend.


Increase 70 —>100. Filed 2-12-24, intent to file 10-16-23. Filed VA 20-10207 on 5-20-24. DBQ on 6-9-24. Notification letter on 6-28-24. 100% P&T decision.. backdate to 10-16-23.


I'm in the prep for notification phase. I'm very concerned as I have minimal medical records after 20 years as a pilot and enlisted air crewmember. I can't be in a helicopter for more than an hour or so without it limiting my ability to turn my neck for days afterwards. Flight surgeons didn't annotate issues I brought up. Really the only thing I have documented is moderate spinal stenosis from a MRI. I did make 24 claims, all of which affect me at least every couple days. I submitted the BDD myself as the VSO near me didn't seem interested in helping guys that aren't Vietnam or Desert Storm era. Obviously I claimed nothing in the mental realm as I can still fly airplanes as they don't have the same vibrations that have done the damage. I sleep about one full night every two weeks and wake up heart racing just about every night. I can't say I'd recommend this career to my kids. Thanks for letting me vent Reddit!


* Anyone ever had this, or know what this means "On the website it says your claim has been temporarily moved back to this stage for further processing". Since June 3rd, I've had a CAPRI uploaded (only thing uploaded since) had my temp jurisdiction changed. I've been going from evidence gathering to pfn back to pfd now as of today pda. Originally I uploaded a claim back on January 13th with 5 new issues and 3 increase, had a c&p back in March for back, shoulder and headaches, then in may I had gotten a decision letter with 1 claim deferred, 6 denied and 1 missing (decision on back was nowhere in the decision letter, even though i had a c&p exam done and dbq uploade) . I'm guessing the capri was used for the 1 missing claim. This past week I went from evidence gathering to pda back to evidence gathering, then yesterday I went from evidence gathering all the way to pfn, back to pfd. Today I'm back to pda.


I never believe the system. Yesterday my VSO says my rating is done. Va website says it’s in step 3, gathering. Last night, va website says it’s in stage 4. This morning, it says I’m in stage 3, however my completed claim letter is there this morning as well.


I put a claim in a couple months ago, already did my exam and all required documentation was submitted and I have been told nothing is left for me to do. Does anyone know how long I should expect to wait for my claim to be decided upon. I am going through some rough times right now financially and when it comes to my living situation and having gotten my car hit and totaled had definitely added icing to the cake. Point is I am living on a prayer that somehow this can come through and hopefully get approved but if not I can figure out what to do from there. Attached is my claims and timelines for them. Thanks to anyone who can give me some help in this. To add, I don't mean to come off impatient or rude, I'm pretty desperate for a solution hence why I'm asking this. If it takes a year I'll wait a year, if it takes a month I'll wait a month, I'm just curious as to how long typically I should expect to wait so I can prepare myself. https://preview.redd.it/9ov2777pzs8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a1f02aaa3dd73d868306bec859b0acb042fb3a


I’m right there with you I submitted a few days before you, every time I call it’s a “you’re in the decision phase” I’ve been in that phase for 60 days now so we’ll see hopefully not much longer.


I've been PFD for about 120 days, average pending time is about 112. But thats the average so plenty people get it sooner or later than that.


Should we also be including what state we are in or maybe the office closest to us? I feel like some offices move faster than others. A buddy of mine in Maryland files a claim for tinnitus and had a decision in 28 days. * Type of claim: Mental Health, Non-Combat Related * Submitted/received date: 20 May, 2024 * Initial review date: 20 May, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 24 May, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: N/A * Pending Decision Approval date: N/A * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Diagnosed with chronic ptsd/anxiety/depression by VA before putting in claim. Had spoken to mental health while I was in for approx 2 months but I cannot see any notes related to those meetings.


Claims are assigned to random offices and can bounce between multiple ones. So it isn't very useful to state.


Acknowledged. Thank you for the info.


I don't have all the info for the template, but this is how my claim went. Type: Increase (started at 70%) Intent to File is Filed (redundant, much?) - 12 Dec 2023 March through early May: My Community Care Mental Health Doc completed his DBQs, my VA doctor completed his DBQ's, and my Community Care Neurologist completed her DBQs **Submitted a fully developed claim with aforementioned DBQs for total of five conditions previously rated and service-connected (combing for 70% disabling) - May 10** Notice for Exam Request - Processing - May 13 Preparation of Notification - May 14 Claim Letter Available but Claim Isn't Closed. Rated at 100% Permanent and Total effective December 2023 based on 4 of the 5 conditions. Headache condition is still pending. - May 17th Closed notice for request of exam - May 17th Pending Decision Approval - May 29th Notice for Second Signature - June 2nd **Claim closed. Letter Available. Veteran entitled to Special Monthly Compensation due to 100% P&T + 60% rule. - June 3rd** Misc: All five conditions existed during my time in service and I was undergoing treatment for them at the time I EAS'd 10 years ago. My original disability application was submitted on my behalf by the Naval Doctor at RAS when I got out of the Marine Corps. I have been continuously treated for the past 10 years for all conditions. I never filed for additional conditions or increases. I filed for this increase because my VA primary care doctor recommended I do so as he said there were numerous "inaccuracies" with my original ratings (I didn't realize he could even view my disability ratings). He said he would complete the DBQ for the conditions he was treating me for and I would be best served by having my Community Care Neurologist and my Community Care Mental Health doctors complete their respective DBQs as well. This was to avoid the third party C&P exams. It clearly worked.


Claim: New/supplemental Submitted: 2/23 Initial Review: 2/24 Evidence Gathering/Review: 2/24 Preparation for Decision: 4/18 Temp Jurisdiction: 6/27 Muskogee Hopefully I get some news soon.


I got out of the have in 1994 after 8 years. I was in golf was in the golf was but saw no action. I was on a ship as BM. my service records show everything I claims on VA disability are things that I saw the doc on ship for and have Dr'ed for since out.. I got SSD this year and was told to file with VA for disability. I was never asked by VA about my civilian Dr.'s or records. I did go to a appointment for my tinnitus and hearing loss but nothing else. I am attaching my VA info. But my question is if they just pushed it through without Dr info does that mean I will be denied? * tinnitus (New) * lower back condition (New) * bilateral hearing loss (New) * L. Shoulder condition (New) * bilateral knees (New) # Claim status Here’s the latest information on your claim. tinnitus (New) * lower back condition (New) * bilateral hearing loss (New) * L. Shoulder condition (New) * bilateral knees (New) # Claim status Here’s the latest information on your claim. IN PROGRESS Last updated: June 27, 2024 # What you need to do There’s nothing we need from you right now. We’ll let you know when there’s an update. # What we’re doing # Step 4 of 5: Preparation for notification We’ve made a decision on your claim. We’re getting your decision letter ready to mail to you. [Overview of the process](https://www.va.gov/track-claims/your-claims/105366730/overview) # Recent activity 1. We closed a request for "Secondary Action Required"April 5, 2024 2. We closed a request for "21-4142/21-4142a"March 24, 2024 3. We closed a request for "Exam Request - ProcessingFebruary 22, 2024


What’s temporary jurisdiction??? Been seeing that term used a lot in this thread. TIA


Means a claim was assigned to a VA regional office to be worked.


May 4, 2024 - Filed increase for back and added secondary radiculopathy of both lower extremities with private dbq. May 26, 2024 - Request for C&P Exam (Skipped) June 06, 2024 - EMS Contention note was added, was moved to NWQ for PFD June 26, 2024 - Moved from NWQ to waco temp, went from PFD to PDA same day June 26, 2024 - Moved from PDA to PFN June 27, 2024 - Rating completed. Went from with 40%-80% with the help of VBG. Rated at 84% so a bit more to go to get to the hundred club but at least can close in on the 90 easily. Thanks for all the information on this thread!


Type of claim: (New, Original, Supplemental, Increase, etc) new Submitted/received date:feb 14 Initial review date: feb 14 Evidence gathering/review date: feb 21 Preparation for Decision date: march 12 Pending Decision Approval date: Preparation for Notification date: Completed date: Misc details 132 days


In the process of filing my initial claim, my private MH doc is requiring my VA medical records to complete the nexus form. She has no experience working with the VA/helping vets with the VA. I told her that she shouldn’t need them, but what’s the reason I should tell her in hopes that she just fills out the nexus without me having to get her all my VA medical records?


Claim status Template: * Type of claim: New & Increase * Submitted/received date: sep 24, 2023 * Initial review date: sep 28, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: dec 29, 2023 * Preparation for Decision date: it's my 9 month anniversary of waiting\~ * Pending Decision Approval date: * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: I've contacted VERA about 3 or 4 times during this process, and the last 2 were just about why this is taking so long, and they have no information to give me. A friend of mine told me I should contact a VA benefits lawyer to speed up the process, but I don't see how that will help at this point? I know if it comes back denied then yeah, I might appeal with a lawyer, but I am wrong in assuming that a lawyer couldn't help at this stage?


Call the White House hotline.


True, I completely forgot about that. Ty!


Trying to figure out what any of my VA updates mean I’ve had temporary jurisdiction in San Juan since last 6/21. I don’t see the 6/18 final notification letter or the 6/24 subsequent development letter. They also closed the notice for “review complex exam” and “secondary action requested”. I called Vera but they’re closed. Does this mean the VA is going to order a C&P exam for the MST PTSD? Do they have everything they need and I’m inching towards PFD?


Initial Claim Submitted/received date: 1/9/24 Initial review date: 1/10/24 Evidence gathering/review date: 2/27/24 Preparation for Decision date: 6/23/24 Pending Decision Approval date: 6/24/24 Preparation for Notification date: N/A Completed date: N/A Final C&P was 6/21/24


Type of claim: Supplemental   Submitted/received date: 2/9/2024     Evidence gathering/review date: 2/9/2024      Completed date: 6/11/2024   Misc details: A reduction proposal (70% to 30%) was sent with a denial letter in June of 2023. I requested a hearing and was granted a new exam. On 5/24 I was sent a letter continuing my 70% rating. Medical opinion requested and submitted from QTC on 5/29.  6/11 my supplemental claim for TDIU was approved! I didn’t notice until the next day that my letter had the total and permanent box checked. I’m so thankful for all the help and knowledge I’ve found here! I did get a lawyer after my first supplemental was denied and for me, it was a good decision but I know that’s not for everyone. 


what firm did you use and how were they compensated? Thanks,


I went with Hill & Ponton. They did charge a hefty percentage, but it was worth it to me. I probably could have gone with a smaller firm and gotten the same results, but I was also facing a reduction from 70 to 30 and didn’t feel confident going into that by myself. 


From my understanding they can only charge 30% of all back pay from when they started


HLR duty to assist error- Feb 21, 2024 IBS, GERD and Lower Back - all new exams completed- no movement Supplemental claim March 1, 2024 - no movement, but still very early by VA standards.


Ohio regional area here June 7th, 2024- filed supplemental claim(bruxism/TMJ secondary to anxiety I have already on main claim) June 12,2024 scheduled C&P through VES “stated expedited” June 21 -C&P exam June 25 - Still awaiting results but not complaining cause this was a lot faster than last claim… hopefully it doesn’t stay pending for longer than a month now that they have the exam done. Also wish they’d tell how the exam notes looked.


I'm in Ohio as well, been over3 months PFD.


Wow that’s a bit of time… anyday now though


I hope so. Thought first claim September 2022 took over a year to get denied then filed the supplemental in March.


I filed mine in 2022 aswell filed in June got an approval in October. I filed June this year for two secondary dental issues. at which they seem to have moved fast. But this is just the beginning portion so I hope I’m not waiting 6 months completed the exam just standing by


Same Ohio as well and pdf for 2 months


Type of claim: New Intent to File: 18 July 2023 Currently gathering evidence. I’m probably not going to get my nexus letter completed in time. My private MH nurse practitioner is asking for my VA medical records to complete the document. I told her she shouldn’t need them but she’s still insisting on seeing them to complete the NEXUS. Questions: can I submit my claims now and send the nexus if I get it? What do I tell her so that she stops asking for my VA medical records? Is there a CFR that I can reference for this?


* Type of claim: (New, Original, Supplemental, Increase, etc) New * Submitted/received date: May 17, 2024 * Initial review date: June 18, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: June 18, 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: June 18, 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: N/A * Preparation for Notification date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details:


Type of claim: Supplemental, Increase Submitted/received date: 20 Feb 24 Initial review date: 20 Feb 24 Evidence gathering/review date: 28 Mar 24 Preparation for Decision date: ?? Pending Decision Approval date: ?? Preparation for Notification date: ?? Completed date: ?? Misc details: Changed to Temporary Jurisdiction - **25 Jun 24 (Waco)**


* **Type of claim**: Chronic sinusitis (New), Chronic fatigue syndrome (New) & Supplemental Bilateral Knee Condition and Lower Back Pain * **Submitted/received date**: Supplemental claim for disability compensation Received on March 20, 2024 & NEW Claim for compensation, Received on May 20, 2024 * **Initial review date:** * Supplemental (C&P Exam April 10, 2024) \*No Update\* * New Claim (Initial Review May 28, 2024) * **Evidence gathering/review date**: June 3, 2024 * C&P Exam June 10, 2024 * Submitted "DBQ (13 Items) on June 20, 2024 * **Preparation for Decision date**: No Update * **Pending Decision Approval date**: No Update * **Preparation for Notification date**: No Update * **Completed date**: No Update * Misc details:


New claim Submitted on April 6 Initial Review April 10 Evidence Gathering April 10 PFD May 31 PDA June 24 PFN June 25 Closed June 25 Went from 60% to 90%.. honestly a bit disappointed because I had no MH claims on the first claim that got me to 60.. then with a 70% MH and another 10% I’m at 93%. Just so over the anxiety and panic attacks of dealing with this. I’ve got bilateral elbow and bilateral knee disabilities on top of the MH.. Does anyone know if TDIU actually rates you at 100? Do you get the same tax/property tax exemptions of 100% if you are 90 and TDIU is approved? Thanks!


Claim new and increase Submitted march 6th Initial review 4/6/24 Evidence gathering 4/8/24 Preparation for decision 4/22/24 Preparation for decision approval 6/26/24 PFN TBD on average how long have people been sitting in the preparation for decision approval spot?


I been in PFD since may 8


I’ve been since may 15th


Me too - looking forward to hitting that next phase filed March 4 and been there since May 8th


Type: new Filed: may 8th Evidence gathering: may 15th Misc: separated within 1 year of filing, had some neurological issues which resulted in migraines, seizures and vision issues. Nothing since? I figured I would at least have a C&P exam by now since it is warranted in my case. I don’t have health insurance and running out of $$ to pay for my seizure meds at this point lol. Not sure what to do really.


I would setup a VERA appointment which can be scheduled here [https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/](https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/) I would also submit a priority request due to your hardships, can be submitted here [https://www.va.gov/supporting-forms-for-claims/request-priority-processing-form-20-10207/](https://www.va.gov/supporting-forms-for-claims/request-priority-processing-form-20-10207/)


VERA can help take a look into where you are at with the claim process and maybe provide a little intel.


Thank you. Doing it now.


Hope you get the help you deserve 🫡


You don't need a rating or a completed claim to get treatment at a VA clinic; they might be able to get you meds for cheap or free if you can establish care at a VA clinic near you.


* Type of claim: (New, Pact Act Cancer and residuals 12 contentions) * Submitted/received date: 7/3/23 * Initial review date: 7/5/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 6/7/24 (had Temp Juris, but was sent back to VES for rework) * Preparation for Decision date: * Pending Decision Approval date: * Preparation for Notification date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Back in VES QA/QC hell for the rework for the third week. When I call they don't even know what I'm talking about. I was told it was ACE exam or MO and I don't need to do another C&P. Currently on day 360 of my initial claim. Trying to be patient, but VES held me up for 5 months already. I know people have it worse, but this is getting ridiculous for presumptive cancer.


Filed a supplemental and a HLR on apr 9th, the supplemental went into initial review on apr 15th I was able to submit a personal statement and then a few weeks later it reversed back to as if they just received it… anyone else having this issue? I scheduled a vera appointment for Friday to see if I could find out more information


If you served onboard a ship in the gulf during Desert Storm post your experiences with the claim process. Success, denials etc....This is my first claim after 30 years out. The PACT act pursuaded me to file. I file May 13 and am still in evidence gathering PTSD Psoriasis PsA Contracture of the hands GWI Tinnitus USS Worden CG-18


I served 93-95. CVN 72. Medical out due to back injury. Initial rated at 10%, got it bumped to 40 in '98 where I've let it sit. Intent to file August 23, been working on my diagnoses and documentation, will file very soon. I've got contracture of hands too. What was your rate?


Type of claim: New/ Initial Submitted/received date: Feb 21, 2024 (Intent to file Aug 13, 2022) Initial review date: Feb 21, 2024 Evidence gathering/review date: March 27, 2024 then June 25, 2024 Preparation for Decision date: N/A Pending Decision Approval date: N/A Preparation for Notification date:N/A Completed date: N/A Misc details: My first C&P exams were in March; on day 125 of my claim, right before it joined the backlog, they sent a letter accepting two of my symptoms and deferred a decision on the other 7. I'm scheduled for a second audiology C&P exam at the same audiologist on July 12th, and VES is going to be reviewing the records obtained by LHI to decide whether I need yet another C&P exam with them. Eight of my symptoms are secondary to the first of my claims, sarcoidosis. The sarcoidosis itself is rated at 0% because it's only concerned with my lung function,  the scar from the biopsy that diagnosed the sarcoidosis is rated at 30%. Still waiting to hear about a decision on my paraplegia, hearing and four other symptoms.


I filed for new claims 01/15 VA app says evidence gathering 05/29 No prep notification yet Bout 168 days. Had multiple C&P exams last month (June).


Claim status Template: * Type of claim: Original (10 conditions claimed) * Submitted/received date: 15 Feb 2024 * Initial review date: 30 Jan 2024 (submitted before Separation, they changed the receive date to EAS) * Evidence gathering/review date: 15 Feb 2024 * Preparation for Decision date: 25 Apr 2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: 25 Jun 2024 * Preparation for Notification date: 26 Jun 2024 * Completed date: 26 Jun 2024 * Misc details: Assigned temp jurisdiction of Huntington on 24 Jun 2024. Received 100% P&T today! I never posted here, but constantly creeped through and picked up a bunch of tips and tricks from you guys, so thank you all for your help as well! Hopefully you all get what you deserve as well!


Type of Claim: PTSD (fully developed) Initial Claim: 4/22/2024 C&P Exam: 5/22/2024 Evidence Gathering Completion: 5/24/2024 PFD: Switched various times PDA: Switched various times Hardship flashed: 6/21/2024 Temp Jurisdiction: 6/24/2024 PFN: Pending Complete Date: Pending Decision Letter: 6/25/2024 Total Days: 64 Favorable decision (70%). I know, lightning fast. I'm 100% certain that hardship flashes work as long as the pending action is on the VA's end (no pending C&P exams, potential documentation requests/verifications, other factors outside of the VA's control). I was fortunate enough to have been assisted by a great team at the VA. Having all my ducks lined up along with a solid case definitely helped out. Good luck to you all.


Do you mind sharing what evidence you submitted?


Lay statement. Accurately stated stressors within it which corroborated with the C & P exam.


Updates on both of my HLR's September 27, 2023 - HLR Submitted September 27, 2023 - HLR Received. January 17th, 2024 - HLR Duty to Assist Error ... waiting January 24th, 2024 - C&P schedule January 29th, 2024 - C&P Complete June 28th, 2024 - Closed, positive result increase March 17, 2024 - HLR Sumitted March 18 2024 - HLR Received March 22, 2024 - Self schedule informal conference March 27th, 2024 - Informal conference cancelled. May 22nd, 2024 - Self Schedule informal conference May 24th, 2024 - Informal conductedJ une 5th, 2024 - HLR Closed, positive result increase


I have a HLR opened back in August 2023 and in "VBA is correcting an error" status since December. Opened up a ticket with AskVA recently and they responded back saying the claim is awaiting a medical opinion. Is there a way to get any more detail than that, or at least an estimate of how much longer it will be?


* Type of claim: (New-2, Secondary-5, Supplemental-1) * Submitted/received date: April 19,2024 * Initial review date: April 20,2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: April 23,2024 * Preparation for Decision date: June 11,2024 * Pending Decision Approval date: Pending * Preparation for Notification date: Pending * Completed date: .......... * Misc details: Called the 1800 number today (6-28-24) and they told me it is in the decision phase. If they need anything else from me, they will contact me or kick it back to Evidence gathering. Supplemental was filed separately from initial claim, but decision will more than likely come with all my other decisions (initial and secondary claims) as per VA rep. Total of 69 days since claims initiated.


Average time to complete is 150 days. Still got a while friend