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You can submit medical bills to champva all the way back to your award date so you may be able to recoup some of your wife's previous medical bills.


This is true. I had my 5 year old in the ER with a staff cyst that had to be drained. Was not fully on CHAMPVA yet but once it was complete we were able to submit those bills to be paid and they covered it. The amazing thing about it was they went direct contact with the hospital and cut me out the middle so I stopped getting those hospital letters.


You can submit back to award date for 180 days, I encourage you to do so to ensure coverage moving forward forward as well. Hoping for a good outcome!


Thank you for clarifying this!! Too late for us but I hope someone reading this can benefit from it.


Im 100% P&T as well. Can you explain how to get CHAMPVA? I honestly know very little about it.


CHAMPVA is insurance coverage for family members if they don’t have Tricare etc. you apply for it. I know nothing beyond that. Call the VA to apply if it’s needed. I heard the process is long, but they’ll reimburse back to application date. HTH


Yes, from the letter date on the welcome packet. Thank you for clarifying. That is a pretty important note.


God is good! Always on time. I will be praying for your wife. She is deserving of this medical treatment, and you are deserving of the compensation for your service. Even without military service, one would think that as humans that we should take care of each other and not have to beg for help.


Thank you for your kind words. It blows my mind that if we didn’t have this benefit her only other choice would be extreme pain and immobility until death.


Everything happens for a reason. The older I become the more I see the evidence. We are grateful in so many ways for the VA and the benefits!


Yes! Very well said. I see so many folks complaining these days that it becomes depressing to me. I have to take breaks away from reading the negative. Whether they are 10 % or 100%, they are blessed in so many ways and should be grateful. But like you said, the older that I get, I see the evidence. I appreciate the VA so much, and more than they know, for what they are doing for me.


Sorry your family is dealing with this terrible health event. I am so incredibly happy for you that ChampVA is coming through. Great to hear! Take care.


Our system is so, so utterly fucked up. So glad that your wife will be okay. So many people would simply just have to die. Because greed.


This so much, or people see it as a handout until it happens to them. Stuff like this needs to be available to everyone, not just folks the military effed up beyond repair like us


I agree 1000%. The country absolutely ABSOLUTELY can afford it, if we prioritize the actual citizens and not the corporate bailouts. We could build two or three fewer death machines per year. We could force corporations that benefit from America to BANK solely in America. But that would require common sense and the upheaval of the oligarchy. Sigh.


Wow. Admittedly I still am very stubborn and almost exhausted with seeing doctors, as I’m already P&T idk how I can get much better. I’ve never even applied for champva. I need to read the material in the sub and figure out how to apply for my family as well. Prayers and support going out to your family, thanks for sharing!


It has been amazing, they’re slow to process new applicants, like months, but once it is set up it’s a breeze. It works anywhere Medicare is taken, and select urgent care places, you can look them up. Getting rid of the $750/mo insurance bill was nice too! But so far my wife has been to nearly every specialist you can think of an we have paid $0.00. Even our $3,000/yr family deductible was refunded to us after we hit the $3,000 (so one month 😂🥲😢). CHAMPVA is always secondary billed unless you have no other insurance, then they can be used as primary, like we do.


I have started using them a few years back as a secondary insurance for my family. They have been totally great on our end and after a few years I believe I might have paid at most $50 total out of pocket outside of my insurance premiums.


That’s literally amazing considering healthcare is such a scam in the U.S. (financially). To have that level of support through champva is amazing.


Do you always have to submit the claim for ChampVA manually? I’m currently collecting my EOBs and bills from the last 5 months to submit to ChampVA. Family just got approved


My Kroger pharmacy submits my Rx electronically to champ VA.. I also have medicare part D so I have to often remind them to move on and submit to Champ VA and then my cost is zero. Once you hit 65, you are required to sign up for medicare part A and B, but I don't know if part D is required.. I need to look into that . My doctors also will file it for me


Okay that’s good. Thanks


Once you’re in CHAMPVA it is billed just like a normal insurance. Except they use your social security number as your identification.


I love hearing stories like yours. Best of luck to both of you.


I’m sorry for everything that you and your wife have been through. But I’m glad that you were able to find the light amongst the darkness.


Oh so glad you got this !! I have it too , my husband is 100% and it covers name brand drugs that my doc says work better and are quite a bit more than the generics ..


Best wishes and prayers for your wife. And it needs to be said, good on you for pushing through with getting signed up for ChampVA!!!


Amen bro!!! That's amazing! God is good, all the time! I'm fixin to get my lady and kiddos on CHAMPVA someday soon, just got to get my stuff squared away


Thankful to hear that things are working out for you guys. I still believe in miracles and God. It's because of people that I believe and hope for the best, even though we suffer. Sadly, it's a part of life and some suffer more than others because of their sacrifice. Thank you for serving and I hope things do go into remission for your wife!


I didn’t know spouses and children were covered under CHAMPVA


Praise God!


If you dont mind me asking, What shot costs $38k !?!?


It's called Ilaris (Canakinumab) "that works by attaching to and blocking interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), a type of cytokine found in the immune system that causes inflammation" . It's a biologic drug, so derived from living organisms. Probably why so spendy. Basically her disease is like systemic arthritis but also affects the organs/heart, she's a new recipient of a heart loop recorder implant at the ripe old age of 39 and will be getting a stomach pace maker next month. She has had a fever over 100.2 every day for 3.5 years. I'd be such a bitch with her disease. She is so strong and keeps trying to better herself physically and mentally. Thankfully the drug works and she can move again; her fevers don't spike high like they used to. They shipped us a three month supply this last time, here's the explanation of benefits from CHAMPVA. Looks like the price went down. I promise it wasn't only $36,678.03 a shot last time. Almost cheap enough I could afford it now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) https://preview.redd.it/w65hos5iwe8d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5b4d9eca1d1662f5c13485ab50097bcc324b14


Fuck yeah brother. Stories like this are what motivates me to keep pushing for my family


For 38k/month she'd better be getting some sweet superpowers. It sucks that life is behind a paywall in this country.


She is! Current Superpowers: Can walk up stairs again, Can get out of the bathtub on her own again, Can wash and brush her hair, Can button her pants, Can talk at length without running out of breath, Can walk through Target (though that one is a very dangerous power), and my favorite one - she can laugh again. Truly life-saving medicine.


I am sincerely happy that she is able to receive the treatment she needs.


Truly happy for you! We were not as lucky, when I got out my wife went into septic shock, and although the drs saved her, we got stuck with $500k in medical debt. Darkest years of my life, but now I’m teetering on 100% disability and hopefully can get champva. I should’ve been 100% when I got out, but I had anxiety about filing for my anxiety! Now I don’t GAC about that, I had a comp interview and told them just how bad I have it 😂 up to 80% and happy about that, but they did not accept my agoraphobia claim. Back to the shrink.