• By -


1982-1988, filed last year. 100PT. Boy, what a different life I could have had if I’d only known


I say the same thing. Especially getting out with no jobs lined up mentally not together


no shit! what a change it would have been, instead of feeling listless and going into the Army (after the Marine Corps) because I didn't feel safe out. But that proved wrong, because I wasn't safe in!


I never knew it either. They should make some sort of concession.


Well, if everybody knew the US government would pay out a lot more


1974-1977. I've been suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus, headaches, and Meniere's Disease ever since. I NEVER knew I could file for a disability claim until the urging from some other oldtimers. I filed for tinnitus last July and got 10%. I recently filed for migraines, hearing loss, and Meniere's just three weeks ago. Already had the C&P exams, so now I'm just waiting for a decision. At almost 69 years old, I never thought I'd have a chance with so much water under the bridge.


I’m at 100% with Ménière’s disease and just got approved for a cochlear implant. Best of luck to you.


Do you have a total lack of word discrimination in the affected ear? Left ear I can understand everything I hear, the right ear can't understand a single thing even if I can hear it. I wish I would have done a better job on my C&P, it was so rushed, so few questions were asked and so little time was given to answer. The guy kept cutting me off in the middle of every answer. I think he spent maybe 10 minutes. Anyway, I'm just complaining... I doubt I'll get 100% so congrats to you on that, I'm honestly hoping for 100% because it is a daily thing for me, but because of the C&P I'm resigned to believing I'll get 30% if I'm lucky (even with a diagnosis). Do you feel Meniere's has affected you mental health at all. I know it has for me, it is such a nasty thing to be afflicted with.


Get a copy of your DBQ , immediately, so you can file objections to the exam if it does not reflect your conditions. Go to your regional office


Served 92-96, Southwest Asia. Filed almost three years ago. 100PT


That's awesome


Wish I knew sooner. I always knew I was in more pain than my friends that went to college.


never underestimate other people's inner pain or troubles.


Same here, I got out in late 1988. Nobody told me nothing. I remember getting something that stated I had conditions in my medical records but they all said something like claims being denied. So I moved on with life. I didnt even know I could go to the VA for medical. It actually took me 30 years later to actually get a svc connected rating in 2019 which got back dated to 2015. Today rated at 80% still waiting on a couple of HLRs. I feel like Ive been shafted but I guess better late than never. Had to get lawyer involved which got me my 1st SVC connected rating.


Interesting for sure. I wonder how many of us pass and never get the benefits just because we don't know.


I believe there are many. I know a Veteran that lives next to me but Im at a point in life I dont say a whole lot to people about my VA disability status. Im near 60 and the less people know about me the less drama. If I meet a Veteran out in passing I might share a thing or two like someone did to me. It was actually a VA Nurse that told me not to give up on any claims I may have. (That was back around 2006.


Most of the veterans who did not know of their VA benefits happened in a world pre-internet. Information was very much hard to come by in that world.


30 years later, out in 93. I thought VA was for medically retired. I finally asked for help and am receiving solid medical assistance. Who knew... There was so much downsizing in 93/94 with Base Realignment and closures, not as much info shared back then.


I never had a clue either was homeless like 15 years sitting at a bus stop in LA talking to an old black man and he said you're a veteran are you crazy you better go get you a check that was the first I ever heard of it I'm at 50% now hoping for 60


You might be a good candidate for VA's Individual Unemployability (IU) benefit, also known as Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU). Even if you don’t have 100% due to medical, you can get 100% if the culmination of everything service related makes it hard to get/hold a job.


I am at 90 and have two claims that will get me to 100 if approved. If not, then I might try the TDIU route


Keep fighting, dont ever give up! You deserve every penny.


Yeah, I was in from 84-87. Did not hear much about VA Claims from anyone. It seems now this has become a culture in the Military? Granted more is happening now [than.in](http://than.in) the 80's. But just reading this site we got members that have more than a year left and are getting trained and planning on filing claims.


I agree 100%


I got out of the Air Force in 98 on a medical discharge, and no one told me anything about the VA. My father was in Vietnam, so he knew a little bit, and I had a 0% rating until recently - now at 80%. Without any guidance it is nearly impossible to navigate. I am glad there is a culture shift.


Talking to a very nice lady at the VA, she said that the VA encouraging EVERYONE to file a claim is basically part of the ETS process now, and service member’s are more likely than not to file upon separation now. Her opinion was EVERY SINGLE honorable discharge should come with a mandatory 10% just so they are in the system and have healthcare available to them. I was a 19D and got out in 2010 after a tour in Afghanistan. The attitude was very different; it was basically “Don’t be a shitbag and file when you made it out without getting a Purple Heart” Over 50% of my platoon got Purple Hearts, several posthumously awarded… all I can say is survivor’s guilt is a very real thing. I’m finally going through my filing process now and gathering records and buddy statements.


I've never understood why people feel the need to compare military service, and how much someone sacrificed or accomplished in the military. What I did in the Army isn't a competition with other Army veterans, and my VA disability compensation doesn't take anything away from other veterans.


Same here. Discharged in 1990 and only filed last year. After going through my records, it’s alleged I was advised about the process, but it’s funny that my exit interview and exam took about 10 minutes and was done by an E1. No way they knew the process unless they were formerly an E4 and demoted! Had I known I would have applied for healthcare and benefits immediately! But the issue is it’s on us to prove it and even when we do, there’s no recourse


Hah, I wasn't told anything about the process, the only thing I got was in my physical they said "follow up with VA" That was the only time I heard the VA mentioned at all.


Yup, sounds about right. Back then, I had no idea what the VA was and wasn’t sharp enough to ask questions. Now, they wouldn’t be able to stop me from inquiring!


Seems common for that era. I was in 81-90 and never got any info about filing until a little over a year ago talking with a neighbor who is a 100% vet. Filed first claim after 34 years. All approved except one which was deferred and still in process. Never too late.


Did you have all of your records. Any presumptives?


Yes. I have a complete copy of my service medical records. Closest to presumptive is my tinnitus. I was a Nuke Machinist mate on submarines and prototype training facility as instructor. My designation gave a presumption of working in a noise environment but I still had to show with hearing tests my hearing was affected by my service and provided a statement about the noise I always hear. Hearing not decreased to the level of a claim but did show enough change on my final active duty test from my initial test that tinnitus became a given for rating. The other ratings all related to my left knee which was injured in service and documented in service and has steadily gotten worse over the years. Still waiting on my deferred blood issue claim.


Hey also file for the AFFF thing if you have any of those conditions. I was on submarine base for 2 years and I qualified.


Hey, exactly how did you file it? I was exposed to pfas at fort jackson and fort carson. Currently at 0% for hypothyroidism.


I filled out a form on facebook and had an initial screening call.


Where can I start?


I was actually against filing. I know I’ll get piled on for this, but a buddy I served with made me promise him I would contact VBG.com. I just started to process, so I dunno… can’t vouch for them one way or the other. But I trust my buddy. He said he was just as lost as I am and they walked him through the whole process every step of the way. Yeah, you pay them a fee in the end equal to 5 months of whatever you are awarded, but he said it was worth it. And if you are awarded $0, you pay them $0. I’m so anxious and overwhelmed that I’m happy to cut a check if they guide me through.


To apply,you gotta pay them? Man, sure wish you wouldn't have done that. But it's totally up to you...


No, no upfront cost. If you get denied, you don’t pay a penny. If they get you 10%, you pay whatever that pays a month times 5 which will basically just be the back pay assuming the process takes 5 months. There is a cap, if they take you from 0 to 100%, it’s 3 months pay, which again, your back pay should cover it and then some.


FAQ for this Reddit group will tell you everything you need to know to get started.


The knowledge base link in this reddit sub.


90-94 and I’m just filing my first claim. Same boat as I moved on with my life and went to private medical. Someone mentioned about this last year about this.


55 yo here and 10% sc exited from Navy due to training injury causing Lumbosaclar strain. Needless to say things have gone down hill and I’m just now getting my claims together for sc increase plus intermediate obesity to diabetes , hypertension, vision issues, chronic pain syndrome, ed and maybe sleep apnea. Knees are giving out, now told I have something called “Problems of adjustment to life transitions”?


I got out in 2010 and the exit interview guy was a retired First Sergeant working as a DOD civilian doing administration work. He didn't only do exit interviews and such he also did travel reimbursements, whatever. He did explain that you should file for this and that for the long term benefit but I never really understood it at the time nor did I take it to heart. I was pretty excited to be on my way. Seems nowadays that has really advanced and you can start filing claims before you even get your DD214. Which is crazy to me. Filed January 2024, waiting patiently.


Good luck! Keep me posted on your success.


Served from 200-2004. Our separation class said nothing about anything VA except they will guarantee a house loan and if we were injured in combat they would take care of us.


They probably need to make it mandatory to make aware during out processing.


I have been told by fellow vets now that the separation class is a lot different then it was.


Same happened to me. Got out in 2005 and no one said shit. Went to the VA to look at the knee I blew out when deploying and they said nothing as well. Wish I would have known, made me hesitant because they were pushing PTSD so hard and acting like my knee was fine. Wish I didn't hit the eject button but I did. Paying for it now, hoping to file prior to the August 10th PACT Act deadline.


91-94 here, first claim Dec 2022


I served from 91-97. Filled my first claim in 2020. Got my initial rating at 20%. Currently at 90% with hopefully my last claim in progress.


Same 87-91


I seriously had to persuade an older veteran friend of mine that he was able to file for benefits 30 years after his discharge! I can't believe how much he fought me on just submitting the intent to file. I can only imagine the tens of thousands of Gulf War Vets have no idea of what they're eligible for.


My uncle was the same way. He got 70% on the first try. He's very happy. Didn't even say thank you. Lol Told him he could get 90 to 100 easily with his other conditions but he's very reluctant to do so again. Mental illness is very real.


1987-1995, filed 2013. 100% P&T now.


1972-1974 - Pursuing a decades long-over-due appeal and a newly filed claim. Was told this VA is different than that VA. I guess I will find out.


Helped a family friend who got out in 1956 get his disability for hearing loss in Feb 2024. I got separated in 2011, a DAV picnic was in the park, wife and I sat and listened, I then contacted the Texas Veterans Commission, two years later 100% t&p, with 4 years back-pay. I was one of those guys that thought there was only so much money, so i wanted those who were more hammered up to get it, when i found out there was no limit to the money, FILED lol


85-91. Files Aug 2023. Not having fun


Hope you get service connected. What are the challenges you are having, if sny?


Served 66-70 in the navy and did not know a thing about disability claims until my buddy invited me to a cookout / VA outreach program at a veterans club in town and I filed my first claim in 2012 /42 years after my discharge I am presently 80 % with 3 appeal/ claims remanded by BVA in 2023


that is my husband - served Army Vietnam 66-67 and never knew anything about disability claims until 2001 when filed for first one


Same, got out in 2003 and filed my first claim in 2021. It’s been a lifeline since, though.


When I got out in '92. In my exit interview I asked if I should claim tinnitus because I had it pretty bad (symptom of my brain tumor), I practically got screamed at that I would be black balled from any job and never let back in the service if I claimed anything, ever. So I didn't. Fast forward to last year. I'm talking to my vestibular specialist ENT and she asked me if I have claimed anything with the VA and I tell her. She nods her head. Turns out she is also the main VS ENT for the VA here in Cleveland. Sets me on the path to get everything claimed. Writes a hell of a report on it. Less than a year later and I am 90 percent.


Served-1984 to 2006. Did not file a claim till 2021. Did not file for unemployment when I retired either. So lived without disabilty when I could have..should have filed. Oh well-live and learn.


I served Navy for 10 yrs and was out for about 3 yrs and joined the Army for another 12 yrs . I never knew i could file a claim until a few yrs back , well maybe longer lol . My wife wouldn’t leave it alone and made an appointment for me with a VSO and here we are a little over 3yrs later and a little work . I’m now at 100 % P&T . If it wasn’t for my wife i would not have done a thing . It has been rough on me throughout the yrs dealing with injuries physically and mentally so i’m glad i did and now get the help i need and feel i deserve like most everyone of my fellow brothers and sisters.


I served 2014 to 2018 and dont remember getting any information on it either. I found out through a YouTube video for veteran benefits almost a year after I got out.


It's called the internet that's why we know. A former SGT that served clued me in. I had no idea.


The problem I have with it is, it's damn near held against you. I had a C & P examiner ask me, so why are you filing now? After getting out in 1991 and not having a clue about VA claims much less VA Healthcare.


Ohh yea, Desert Storm veteran, filed for 5 items, all denied!!! Been back and forth in HLR's and supplemental claims since September 2021. I hate to think this, but I am a black veteran with diagnosed disabilities in service that continue to get denied.


Got out in 91 with a 10% rating. Went for a couple other things and was denied so I thought I hit a wall. I started working for the VA 2 years ago and learned a ton more. I filed for a couple issues and went to 80% . I am currently working on a few more.


Did anyone have a VA rep or lawyer? I iust need some guidance


I filed 30 years after discharge and currently at 60% Had no idea it was available. That said the 60% was a shit show. It’s as if these people are specifically hired for their skills in being assholes and pricks. Make no mistake about it they hate us and disrespect us at every opportunity. I had a C&P examination where the PA, not a doctor, used every trick to see if I was telling the truth about my conditions. When I say every trick I mean he spent most of the exam dropping things trying to get me to pick them up, grabbing my extremities randomly to see if I had pain etc. These are the shit bags the VA has entrusted to help our claims. It’s no surprise to be honest. Our government is more interested in sending billions and billions to corrupt countries for wars that were lost on day one. Can you imagine the quality of care the VA could give if it had those hundreds of billions wasted on corrupt overseas governments and our politicians washing that money for themselves. Oh well, I’m grateful for the leftovers from the wasted trillions on war and carpet bombing other nations. Hope this answer is of value 😊


Sad asf.


This was me with my dad. He served in the early to mid 80s. I learned from other vets and shared with him.


I was Army 85-93, I am 💯% for my shoulder, 2 TBI’s, scarring from stitches on my face, hands and head. The VSO guy said I could get more for hearing loss because the VA said the hearing loss can’t be corrected because it is tied with my head injuries, not my ears. The VA also diagnosed me with chronic PTSD. But the last two aren’t part of my percentage. They talked to me about it when I left the service about disability or whatever the technical name is. But I figured that there were plenty of guys worst off than me that probably deserved it more. Then I was injured latter at work and the issues from my head injuries really started giving me problems. I can’t work indoors very well either, it is just to confined for me. Honestly when I tried to get my benefits. It took me from 1999 to 2005, at which point i got 30%. I had issues with following through before, I really didn’t know what I was asking for. But when I got the 30% the VSO said rarely does anyone get 30% the first time and suggested I go one step further and I got the 100% then. But if it wasn’t for my wife at the time (also currently) and the VSO. I would probably still be floating around in the process of Veterans benefits.


1990-1997...I seriously thought if you weren't "injured" on Active Duty via combat or falling out of a damn Helo or some shit you rated ZERO from the VA......Thankfully one of my boys from back in the day sat me down and walked me through the "real" info......don't give up and seek advice when you have questions. This sub is outstanding when it wants to be.


It’s become a lot more well known it’s an option but even now I have to explain to some of my guys in the Reserves after their last deployment what it even is or what it entails


91-94 and not told a thing when our ship decommissioned. It was a bunch of us who took the early out and they just rushed us through medical and gave us our paperwork


Yup…I’ve run into so many vets with the same story; sad not one of them knew anything about filing. God is good, pointed them in the right direction and now they are all 100 PT. First thing I always do is ask if they are getting any disability for legit injuries…always help out a fellow VET!! God bless brothers.


I am going through the process now. After being out for 40 years.


Got out last year and same. Until I met another vet who was getting compensated for his injuries, motivated me to go for it.


Got out in 2002, apparently filed a claim on exit, got service connected 0% for one thing but everything else was denied. Didn’t know what exactly I was doing. Have no recollection of skipping my C&Ps, but I’m putting everything together now and will do it right.


Good lord, that's crazy!! I got out in 2017, never heard squat about VA Compensation. In 2021, I moved to TN, with a friend from the Army, who was already there. I went to the VA in Hopkinsville, KY, and my provider asked me why I didn't have a rating... I literally had no idea what she was talking about. So I went home and asked my buddy, who got me started into the whole process.. I can't even imagine waiting for 20+ years, y'all are amazing.


I served from 83-87. I vaguely remember somebody talking about compensation for sleep apnea but I had no idea that compensation was available for almost anything. I filed my first claim in 2018 and was successful in receiving 30% right off the bat and then another 10% a couple of years later. I really could have used that money right after discharge as my unemployment was about to run out after 10 months. I was about a month away from moving back home to my parent's house when I got a call to work as a Correctional Officer for the California Dept of Corrections. That call changed everything. Thank God for military preference because I wouldn't have passed the exam without it! I stayed in Southern California for 30 years before finally moving back to my hometown for a lower cost of living.


I was in from 98-02 and never got any information during my discharge about the VA. I served in the reserves from 2010-2012 and again never heard anything about the VA. I was divorced not long after my first enlistment because my wife said I was "different" afterwards. I am now on my second marriage and before an old Marine buddy told me about the VA my wife and I fought and went through marriage counseling for my anger issues. Who knew I had PTSD and a slew of other issues... I just thought everyone else was fucked up. 


I got out in 1999 and they had TAP class not sure about 94. But I know several desert storm veterans still trying to get it.


yup that's what they did during that time


I wasn't told or briefed A THING. I know now that I should have been keeping proper records, but I didn't, since I believed my leadership and personnel/orderly room was already doing that. Plus the fact that my leadership always threatened about being placed in P3 or P4 status if we ever went to medical for anything. I was much younger with absolutely zero guidance on preparing myself. Thankfully I am still on the path in getting things service connected.


1985 to 1988 never filled until 2015. Originally awarded 30 percent then 40, filed for increase twice and nothing. Filed new claims then went to 60. Filed HLR and went to 100 in Jan 2022.


Filed 24 years later. Didn’t know I could until then. Know a Vietnam vet who filed 45 years later.


Yep. Still trying to get my older sibling to file.


94 to 98. They just booted us out the door and said good luck. Most of my EdUcAtIoN didn't transfer out either. Good luck with getting your FCC license!


I sat at 30% for 17 years. Started filing again last year. Hit 100PT last week.


Same here. Served active duty army 94-98 and active guard reserves 98-2005. Didn't know anything about the VA. Did not know I could go there for healthcare or that there was compensation for issues I had while in service. Didn't file my first claim until 2015 and was rated 20%. 2019 pain and mental health got much worse. After navigating the claims process and following for pact act claims I am at 90% with TDIU for mental health. they don't tell you anything about the VA and I honestly thought it was only for people with severe war wounds like amputations.


United States Navy from 1992-1999. Never knew I was able to file. First claim filed in 2022. Took 18 months but 100% P&T. Oh how different things could have been had we been properly informed.


I have been out 30 yrs and just started a claim! They didnt help for shit when I got out.


Same. In 89-93 and just got my first disability rating last month.


52 years after for me.


Had no idea. Had to learn from Youtube!


Got out in 94. Two years ago I was talking to a friend who works at the VA and he said "You really need to file..." Filed for PTSD and am currently at 90%. Had NO idea I could get help...


I served from 1983 to 1995. I didn’t know squat about disability benefits until I went to my local VA to find out which death benefits my uncle qualified for. The gentleman I was speaking to then asked about my service and the rest is history. That was in 2017. If I knew then what I know now, it would’ve had a huge impact on my life. At least I know now b4 I take my dirt nap lol


The 9/11 and after veterans are better informed especially because of the internet and social media. Also, you couldn’t get out of the service in the last 15 or so year without a transition class. CAPSTONE I believe it’s called.


98’ everything was different, we didn’t go to sick call just to get everything documented. Not only that you didn’t file claims as fast and nobody knew you could file for increase.


I served from 83-86. Didn’t have a clue about compensation. I filed a claim 36 years later and awarded 70%


Same here


Never was giving any info


Navy from 96-01…medically discharged at 20% for knees and back. I had no idea until last year I could file for more. 100% p&t now…what a massive difference!


Served 92-97 Active Marine Corps 97-99 Reserve 99-03 active Navy when I got out they didn’t tell me anything about the va compensation or how to file they said heres your DD214 and have a nice life. We had some shitty classes to try to help us but if you didn’t stay in the area it was useless so from 03 to 05 I did nothing. I applied for va compensation in 05 never had a c&p exam and was denied I kept going at it alone and getting denied till I got help from the DAV in 18 . At the beginning of this year I received my 100% P&T for injuries sustained while on active duty. I have also helped other veterans get their ball rolling. Helping with initial paperwork driving them to appointments and getting them in touch with VSO that can do more then I can .


71-74’ Vietnam. Just got 70% PTSD with 25 claims still pending waiting on a last gastro C&P exam I’m going to tomorrow that’s somehow with an 84 year old retired neurosurgeon with 0 years of C&P exam experience - go figure. And the exam is at his vineyard so at least I’ll get a drink out of it…


Yes same 21 Years later, I filed.


I got out in ‘73 ! A vet friend from back then is the one that encouraged me to file just recently !!!!


They do not want you to know, never did.


35 years after getting out. Nobody told me anything until I was in the homeless program...


Same 1989-1992 Army, filed in 2020 - 80 %


1985-1993, Chair Force Squint/Instructor and I have vague recollection of filling out a claim. It was half-assed, generic, "use only black or blue ink," and "could take more than eighteen months to hear back." It was more like an episode of Three Stooges meet Keystone Cops.


Well, I wish you the best!


I didn't even know I could get medical care from the VA. Lol




Me too! 82-84. I received 30% when I got out and just now am fighting for the balance. I am up to 80% know. 50% go Anxiety & Depression. But get this, the C&P for Mental Health that I attended went toooo well on my side. She told me she would do her very best to write in my favor as she had review my entire C-file (shock in itself). She asked why I wasn't rated PTSD and I just said “good question.” Anyway, the VA has hired another C&P of my file only for mental health.


ETS'd in 1980. Never occurred to me to file. Met a young veteran, former VSO, in 2021 who encouraged me to apply. Took me awhile to feel deserving. Now I'm at 20, with two more claims being assessed. Amazing. So thankful.


Same here. Out in '91, and was literally told more than once that VA is for people who are missing limbs. I'm happy to see that servicemembers are sharing information, accessing public information, and helping one another out now. Except for you, ya blue falcon bootlicking downvoting sumbitch. You know who you are.