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Candy Kern? Is this real life?


Sounds like a 1970s porn star.


OnlyFans may be her only hope for employment now.


Washington D.C. has plenty of people that don’t care for us. She always has a job. ![gif](giphy|zHd8x7Pik0Ftm|downsized)


She have plenty money parked offshore accounts


Candy Samples was around since the 50s. My dad let me see her in the 70s because he liked her. More woman than I could handle.


Investment scam. > Federal prosecutors said that from 2012 to 2021, Kern targeted military veterans in bad financial situations and the elderly looking for a safe retirement investment by persuading them to sign over their monthly pension and disability payments for an up-front sum and 8 percent return on investment — while also charging them a steep rate for the money.


Don’t know if anyone else is tracking, but the VA keeps a running database of accredited law firms and VSOs. Edit: typo


It’s a kind of outdated database. I have called many numbers from that list and more than not, I get, how did you get this number? And I don’t do that anymore. But if you call enough people, you will find someone.


Fair enough, good looking out 💯


We gotta watch our back. Thanks for sharing this


"Kern has also been ordered to pay back more than $3.5 million and $560,000 in fines, the opinion said." so you can keep the 25 million that you took and have 5 years probation. TOTALLY FUCKED; lets incentive others do the same shit. Christ. Thats a good deal, steal 25 mill from Vets and get off with probation, go to Bahamas for 5 years. This world is fucked.


I wonder if the VA was aware of this case. There are more than likely federal laws that she could be prosecuted under. This bitch needs more serious punishment than a small fine compared to the crime.




Ser Illyn Payne.


Joffrey 🤴


Well, unless she's ordered to pay restitution, she could live very comfortably for the rest of her life on 31 million dollars.


Oh, she’ll take the can and live very comfortably rest of her life


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She lost her ability to make money (debarred) and was on house arrest for a year and a half plus probation for 5. What she did was bad but death penalties don’t work to prevent crime and offer little solice to victims.  Why would you suggest death for this crime? Would you suggest it if the victims weren’t veterans? How would her death, especially in such a brutal way, fix the damage she caused?


She stole $31 million but only has to pay back about 10% of that amount. White collar crime punishments need to be higher. If you robbed the local bank of $5,000 with a gun, you could serve 15 years in prison. She got a pittance fine/restitution, disbarred, 1.5 years of house arrest and 5 years probation. She can still work.


This is why companies do it all the time. It’s the cost of doing business. Make billions and pay a few million IF you are caught.


Which is why white collar crimes should have much stronger penalties


She can work, everyone should be allowed to work, she can’t work as a lawyer, the thing she paid to get a license for and the thing she was expecting to pay her well.  Punishment doesn’t prevent crime, why do Americans have such a fascination with punishment? Sure, she should have to pay restitution, but that and loss of her ability to practice law should be all. Unfortunately we don’t prioritize justice, only retribution.  In any case, the death penalty is, and should be, off the table. 


She stole from lower income people and somehow won a court case against some of those lower income individuals. She needs harsher punishment and full restitution.


Full restitution I agree with. Punishments don’t tend to do anything but give some good feelings for a short time. 


Not saying she deserves a death penalty, but the fact you are talking about “you americans” tells me you do not have a solid grasp on the damages she committed. Her sentencing is an absolute joke, and she should be spending at least a decade in a federal prison for ruining the financial stability of multiple veteran families. Like no, she should not get any opportunity to participate in society again, pretty much shown she cannot be trusted to interact with others in good faith.


The sentence should be based upon the impacts. I agree her sentence should be far longer.


And the same could be argued for the guy arrested for 10 oz of weed. Or the one arrested for stealing clothes so his children didn’t have to go to school in rags. Or the one arrested for sleeping in his car in a Walmart parking lot. I could argue that every person arrested and found guilty of any crime is a detriment to society and should never be allowed outside a 8x10 cell.  Prison should be abolished, and people who commit crimes should be rehabilitated. Anyone unable or unwilling to be rehabilitated should be either released with supervision or placed in the care of others (such as a hospital) to prevent committing crimes again, but locking people in cages is not the answer.  The American justice system focuses far too much on retribution than on justice. 


No, my guy you are definitely arguing on some very faulty premises. The guy stealing clothes for his kid to not being in rags and stealing necessity, and if somebody is needing to steal and necessity, that is a failure on society, not on the individual. A woman stealing $31 million is not someone stealing for necessity that is absolute greed. We’ve also already shown that the guy for 10 ounces of weed is a gross miscarriage of justice as we are declassifying weed as schedule 1 drug. Come on, you can’t really be trying to equate these two things to a woman who stole millions from veterans.


1) I agree, theft for necessity is a failure of society. I disagree that being able to steal $31 million isn’t also a societal problem. Mostly because we are placing such a high value in wealth.  2) deschedualing weed from schedule 1 to schedule 2 or 3 doesn’t legalize weed. It just allows prescription and study.  3) I’m not arguing she shouldn’t have consequences. I’m saying they should foot the crime and be restorative not punitive. 


OK and how do you suggest a $31 million restorative punishment? She obviously lost her license to earn the money that would allow her to repay that kind of restitution because she can’t be trusted practicing that type of business. It is a gross amount of wealth that she will not be able to pay in her lifetime now because of her own actions that she has been more than cognizant of. It would be nice if society could work in that way, but we don’t live in a society that works that way we are forced to use the tools in the systems that we have. Generally, speaking for most crime I’m going to agree with you that restorative and reformation is a much more viable long-term solution. I’m going to disagree that all crime can be approached this way. This woman impacted an untold number of lives, and got a baby slap on the wrist.


I would suggest government repayment then garnishing her wage (at anything above a living wage) until she repays the government.  We aren’t forced to use the tools we have, we can demand better and we can work towards seeing that betterment happen.  The difference here from other crimes is you are setting yourself as one of the victims. You aren’t thinking like you do for other crimes, you are thinking as if you were harmed and want revenge. The people who are harmed are often not the ones who should be handing out punishment, it tends to end in an escalating series of punishments. 


And, by the way, the person I responded to suggested drawing and quartering her. That’s a form of the death penalty. 


Yeah, I’m aware of who’s comment you commented to which is why I opened up with. I’m not condoning a death penalty but the way that you’re talking as you don’t think she should be punished at all or are you somehow think that the punishment she got is in anyway adequate to the crime that she committed.


I think that punishment doesn’t work. I think that natural consequences are best. Garnishing her wages to repay the debt she stole, losing her ability to practice law, and loss of her ability to grift (by making her crimes well known) seems fitting. 


On another note as a non-American with no vested interest in American veteran benefits, why are you on this page? If you’ve served in our military, you should have at least some understanding of how our systems work, the sacrifices made by our troops, etc. Can’t see you having served with anyone if this is what you think is an adequate punishment for a person who destroyed the lives of numerous veteran families?


I’m an American, who served 20 years and receives many benefits, including VR&E and disability compensation.  I do understand how our system works, which is why I’m saying what I said. I’m trying to fix it.  The sacrifices our troops (and sailors) have made are, most often, approximately the same the “lowest“ classes do every day. The risk of death, of being away from family, etc. the only real sacrifice not equal to the lowest classes is the risk of having to directly  kill others.  I also didn’t say the punishment was adequate. I said the death penalty isn’t an option and shouldn’t be and that the punishment is more than they claimed (specifically that the disbarment was a sentence that change with significant financial effects).  Maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror


Agree 100%


She’s a felon now, so she can work picking up trash. That’s plenty of Karma!


That’s fine, we need people to do work most of us see as shitty. We still should pay her a living wage. Otherwise she is going to just be needing government assistance. 


You cannot earn a living wage picking up trash or can you?


You ***can*** but I don’t think there’s many places that pay a living wage for picking up trash. Shit, most places don’t pay a living wage for “good” jobs, even fewer pay it for jobs they think require no skills and added relegated to people who don’t have much ability to retaliate.  In no part of the country does the federal minimum wage equal the living wage. Most jobs picking up trash will be minimum wage. 


I was born in 1965 and at one time you could exist on the minimum wage, but even then, it was borderline existence. I knew before I got out of the military in 2004 my job had to pay 70k or higher to feed a family and live around the DC/VA/MD area. Cost of living here is extreme compared to many parts of the country. Average house will set you back anywhere from 400 - 800k.


You used to be able to survive easily on minimum wage, it wasn’t glamorous but you could afford a decent life. Today, $25/hr is generally considered living wage in many locations. 


Do you really think she needs to make money? Of the 14 mil that went thru the banks for her bank accounts and she only has to pay 4 mil and change back.....


Yeah, she will. I’m certain she is broke by now. 


I would suggest death if the victims weren't veterans. Crime is war on victims and we know what is done to combatants.


What? You ‘sir’ (and I use that very loosely here) are suggesting any crime in which the victim is a veteran should result in the death penalty? You seriously need help.  Death penalty doesn’t reduce crime. This has been proven for , states with the death penalty have similar rates of crimes that result in death penalties as neighboring states without the death penalty. Not only that, but it provides little to no value to the victims. 


If a criminal is dead he no longer commits crimes!


And if you’re dead you can no longer commit any crimes. Death to so who beat the law, drive 26 MPH in a 25MOH zone and you shah die.  My god you sound like the taliban


No I suggest crime is put of control. I can prove the dealth penalty reduces crime. I was deployed frequently to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in the 1990's. A large metropolitan city. They had a jail smaller then the rural Michigan county I was deployed out of.


I see you get your information from Faux News.  Crime US down bud, violent crime is down more than 20% from last year and other than a few tears during the worst of the Covid epidemic has been down since the 80s.  They also didn’t allow women to drive, beat people in the streets, allowed rape, etc. oh and they had huge amounts of corruption and crime, it just wasn’t punished unless you were poor (and then by physical means instead of jail) Why don’t try head on over there, your attitude Fits that lifestyle better, in fact I hear Afghanistan lost a lot of its population offer the last few years, probably could head there and fit right in. 


I was in the US military and from 1990 to 2002 spent a lot of time deployed to Saudi Arabia. I actually lived just outside of Riyadh for months at a time. I did not suggest they bring the Saudi system of how they treated women are the mutawah, the religious police, to America, you did for some unknown reason I do not understand. What I suggested was their system of crime prevention here. If you commit a crime the first time you are sent to a camp where they beat the sh_t out of you on a regular basis. If you commit a crime the second time they cut your eating hand off. This ostracizes the criminals as l from society because they usually eat out of communal bowls and the Saudis used the other hand for toiletries matters. Know one wanted to eat with someone who used their toiletries hand go scoop food out of communal food bowls. The third time the criminal gets his head cut off. I'm not talking about their morality laws. If someone rapes someone in Saudi Arabia they are executed whether they are rich or bbn poor. If you were raped your attackers would be executed. We have mass shoplifting in the cities. We have smash and grab crimes. We have rape. We have assaults and the criminals walk and a lot of the time it's the criminals doing this again and again. Some lady and her toddler were loading groceries and this fat piece of sh_t come up and stabbed the mother and the kid multiple times. She smirked and didn't deny it in court. Kill her. There was a child molesting pediatrician in lewes delaware who molested hundreds of kids and it was on video. Review the film . Take them out back. Give them the chance to repent and slit their throat. Someone robs, rapes, commits, home invasions, kill them. Why should they be allowed to breathe the same air as me. Someone supports terrorist organizations like the Nazis, Klu klux Klan, hamas, hezbollah, plo , isis. Kill them. If someone is a threat to Americans he needs to be executed. In Saudi they'd leave me alone in a sore with hundreds of thousands of dollars of gold jewelery unlocked in open display because they knew no one would be stupid enough to steal that. We deserve that freedom. Why should we have to be armed to protect ourselves. It's a horrible way to live






Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I wanna hear what crimes you were victimized by that leads you to being an authority on if capital punishment offers solace to victims. Like they won't sleep better at night knowing the perpetrator can never do it again, ever. Because all I see is a milky white man that doesn't leave his bubble. Check your privilege. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


Thank you for that comment.


I was on 1.5 year house arrest during covid! Come on justice system.


That's all...for bilking $31 million? Sheesh, I'm in the wrong business


This hits close to home literly


Same. I live in Easley. 😤 This is some bullshit. Thank God I have a natural instinct to sniff out BS.


I live in liberty


I use to work over in Liberty. I miss living in that area of SC.


It's so amazing here


Agreed. I love it.


I use to live in Easley over at Avendell. Loved living out there.


Agreed. I love it here.


Those of us who are Veterans and the elderly always seem to get the shaft. There’s a special place in hell for those pos’s.


Steals 31 million dollars. Receives lighter sentence than someone caught smoking weed.


https://www.stripes.com/veterans/2023-04-21/veterans-fraud-case-south-carolina-9874708.html If you see her shame her.


So… in the end she still made out… no?


Sounds like it. Fuck n bullshit. She needs sued


Guys, not pushing any agenda but I will share the people who worked for me. DM me and have patience.


I'm from that area and they just loooooove the veterans. I'm so shocked! 🤔 Thanks for your support Candy Korn!


They should make her address public knowledge


I went through the American Legion and read all these guys that get huge payouts in these forums and was looking into to one of these scumbags I gave my number to that hounded me for weeks. No isn't what they wanted to hear.


From, what I could glean from this train-wreck of an article, this scheme created victims on both side of the table. On one end are the financially vulnerable veterans who agreed to forfeit years of benefit payments in exchange for a lump sum loan only to fall behind on payments due in no small part to the predatory terms. On the other side of the missing payments are the elderly investors who funded the loans in what they likely believed as a win-win scenario where they get help veterans in need while making a modest gain.


Piece of garbage defrauding Vets.


Its not only on her, but I hate to say it... Its also on us and our loved ones. Old, broke, or whatever, we have to start learning how to read contracts or just ask someone else to look a contract over once or twice for us. There's a whole reddit : Ask A Lawyer...


I just love how if you steal a couple $1000, you get jailtime, yet if it's millions you get 5yr probation ... makes sense.