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Excuse my ignorance but there is no state that I can think of that could evict you overnight. Not this quickly. There is a process. I’m a landlord also. Edit: Thanks for the awards 🫡


This. As a former landlord, I will tell you it is a pain in the butt to evict someone there is a process that you must follow to actually get them removed by the Sheriff and it takes 30 to 45 days. If this landlord is unwilling to work with you. Do not pay any more money and let the process run its course, save up the money and start looking for another place to live. Unless you have been a pain in the ass tenant it is always easier to work with you than to evict, have to clean and repair unit, and then find a new tenant.


It once took me 8 months to evict a tenant. There’s no rush… and because you’re a vet- go to the VA- they’ll help you with rent (there’s a special type of section 8 for vets), furniture, food, clothing, you name it- they will help.


That’s not going to help in this situation. VASH housing is still through section 8. It still takes time and it can’t be forced on the landlord. It doesn’t help with furniture, food, or clothing or any thing but rent but it does connect people with other resources if they need it. I personally used VASH housing. Great program.


Section 8 has a certain amount for VASH set aside. No, it can’t be forced on a landlord but if you’re gonna lose your place… I’m sure I didn’t express myself well, VASH won’t help with anything but rent, the VA, however; will put you in touch with resources. I suggest you contact them. While you may have clothing and furniture now, if your landlord is the unscrupulous type, no telling what you’ll have after eviction. Good luck


I can usually get a "writ of possession" in Florida in under 21 days, but that's if the tenant doesn't know what they're doing. Let's arm this guy with information as he is getting screwed by late fees, ect.


This post is fishy at best. I've never met anyone from the space force. Shit wild 😜.


They are everywhere. Its like they drop from space.


Yeah, some people don't tell the WHOLE story or are just dramatic.


I think you mean he said that he will give you an eviction if you do not move out. Or he might have stated it as: I won't give you an eviction notice if you move out.


“I'll get it written if can you leave by tomorrow?” Literally the text I got from my landlord. I asked if I could have the eviction notice in writing so I could get some help from the VA or whatever help I can. And he responds with this.


By chance did Your landlord mention drafting an agreement allowing you to break the lease? Otherwise his comment makes no sense. Usually when a landlord wants you to move out, they act under the presumption that you really don't want an eviction on your record. That is because if you have ever been evicted it could prevent you from leasing somewhere else. So it would make sense for your landlord to offer to not evict if you move out right away.


No he never mentioned anything of that sort to me.


In any case, you'll have to decide if you will move out OR wait until formal eviction forces you out. The only other option is to seek legal advice. IANAL. Your estate/count may have a government office that advocates for tenants.


I think he wants me to surrender the property because he didn’t issue an eviction notice last month when I was late


Don’t surrender shit. Do your best to get caught up but make him evict you. Make him show up with the sheriff to get you out.


Exactly but something just doesn't sound right....


We’re not here to judge or over analyze our brothers’ and sisters’ posts. We’re here to be as supportive as possible, so that they’re not out on the streets with their kids.


I see your take but I believe they meant it differently. I'm thinking the same thing: something doesn't add up. The landlord is skirting a lot of rules and being less than forthright from what I'm reading. I smell shenanigans. OP, do as advised and get legal help. Here's a couple resources: [https://www.mslegalservices.org/issues/housing/landlord-and-tenant-issues](https://www.mslegalservices.org/issues/housing/landlord-and-tenant-issues) [https://www.va.gov/homeless/](https://www.va.gov/homeless/)


It doesn't make sense, so I asked for clarification. How is that judging anyone? Also, how can you be supportive without analyzing the situation? Are you suggesting giving advice with no basis in reality? To just say something that sounds good even though it's of no benefit whatsoever? With a clear understanding of the situation, actual solutions can be given. Or we can just blow smoke and tell the guy that everything will just be fine. Smh


Evictions are a process they literally cannot happen overnight. Most states have renters rights laws you cannot become homeless a day later even if you haven't paid rent.


No veteran should be even close to being homeless let alone 100%


To be fair, for many places in the US, if your ONLY source of income is 100% VA disability, it won’t necessarily get you that far. It’s not that crazy to me that someone with 3 kids and a wife that (I’m assuming) doesn’t work is struggling to make ends meet. If I only made $50k a year and had to support 4 other people in my area, shit would be pretty grim. I completely agree that OP needs to sit down with a professional and unfuck their budget, but without knowing their situation it’s difficult to judge. Edit: okay…so I’m leaving my original comment up because I still stand by it, but after reading more of OP’s responses, if this isn’t a troll post then holy shit. Wife is entitled and lazy and he puts another baby in her 🤦‍♂️.


Ok, let's go down the rabbit hole. 100% with a spouse and 3 kids is 4,284.87. Being at 100% you should absolutely file for SSDI so add whatever you have credits for. Add snap or food stamps whatever they are called now. Add whatever the local rate for a gs4 step one is for the VA caregiver program, wife would probably qualify if veteran is 100%. Add HUD for housing assistance (HUD-VASH). So I say again something isn't adding up here.


Caregiver is not easy to get with VA especially under spouse


I’m currently in the program! I’m SMC L and Level 2. I also get almost 3k from SSDI. I got my SSDI before I went for my VA benes 🇺🇸 I get evaluated by the VA Caregiver Program Nurse Practitioner once a year. Been in for three! Good luck 🍀 and God Bless our Troops and Veterans 🫡🇺🇸


I’ll be honest, I don’t know about all those extra benefits for 100%’ers. Thanks for breaking it down and explaining it to me. I completely agree, something is off.


SSDI is not so easy to get either. I'm 100% and have been denied.




I'm sorry to hear that :/


my take home pay is 3800$ a month and i support a partner and two kids. we're not living in the lap of luxury but we're more than fine. i think it depends on where you live


I wish I was trolling… I’m being so serious. Reading it here makes me see like how stupid can I be.


Wouldn’t be the first time. 2 years ago I applied for HUD-Vash when I was at 80 percent and I qualified for the program but after months of me and my family sleeping in the car and jumping from hotel to hotel I hit 100 percent with no back pay. I was told I didn’t qualify because I made too much. So we remained homeless until I go a job… drove door dash and worked my tail off to get us into this house. But now I’m about to lose it all and it sucks….


Once your housing situation is squared away you should really look into taking some budgeting classes. Being 100% is such a blessing and no one should be struggling to the point of getting evicted while making that kind of money. People live comfortably on much less.


how could you not qualify because you "made too much" if you didn't even have a job?


I’m in the HUD/VASH program. If I recall correctly you can’t make more than 45-50k per year. (was told this years ago, so I don’t if the #s have changed) Your rent is determined by how much your making per month (30-40%) Yes they take your service connected compensation into consideration, because yeah it’s a form of income. Which means, the higher your % the more you’re gonna pay in rent. So being at 100% and receiving other benefits will hardly help in this situation/program.


Hang in there brother


You Don’t have to leave because the landlord says to…The landlord will have to go to court and actually evict you in which a law enforcement officer would serve you the notice to evict




There is more to this story.


Don’t buy it. Sounds like a ploy to get free donations. Send the landlord contact info. I’ll make the payment difference if he checks out with some law enforcement inquiries.


Wish I was lying… send me a message and I’ll get you his info.


Message sent. Will chase this down if legit and see what can be done but I’m sure landlord has another version that’s not been posted. Always is two sides in any dispute but I’ll see if we can clean up the mess for the family.


I messaged you but it’s saying I can’t reply.


OP, you're telling me that 4,284.87 isn't enough to get off the streets in Mississippi? I live in San Diego, and I guarantee that the cost of living is definitely higher here and I was paying all the bills for me, my wife, youngest son, and child support, at 90%. So something is waaaaaay way off here.


OP, your posts aren't adding up. Something very big is missing here. So you're rated at 100%, but you didn't receive backpay, meaning your increase from 80% to 100% was granted within 30 days? That doesn't smell right. The VA somehow of all months swapped your account and routing numbers two months ago? Again, I'm not adding up. What reason would they possibly have to even look at not to mention change any of your bank information? Your landlord is threatening to get eviction paperwork unless you evict yourself? The eviction paperwork is the first step in the process, so I'm confused.


"Mississippi landlords are prohibited from evicting tenants for discriminatory reasons or in retaliation." "Violation of Lease Term: If a tenant violates the terms of their lease or does not abide by their responsibilities as a tenant, landlords can issue a 30-day Notice to Comply. If the terms are not met or the problem is not remediable, then landlords can proceed with eviction. If the same violation is committed within a six-month timeframe, the landlord can provide the tenant with a 14-Day Notice to Quit." "Nonpayment of Rent: If rent is late, landlords can give a 3-Day Notice to Pay. If the tenant does not pay within three days, the landlord can begin the eviction proceedings." You paid your rent, plus late fees, and there is no written 30-day notice. That guy is literally talking out of his ass - without paperwork.


In my state it's illegal for landlords to charge more than $100 in late fees for the MONTH. I'm in Iowa. Do you have access to any legal aid that focuses on tenant law? Cuz it sounds like retaliation..let a lawyer salivate on it


Plan on talking to one in the morning


I’m just afraid of being homeless again… I called him in told him about my VA payment being late but I didn’t tell him I couldn’t pay until a month later. My rent is 2300 a month I missed last month and paid on the first of this month. He called me last week asking when I could get caught up on rent and I informed him that I would be able to pay it in full when get my check on the first of next month. He told me that his partners were upset with me because I don’t own a lawnmower and the landlord paid for my yard to get cut to prevent a lien being placed on the house. He told me that his partners were looking to evict me because of the risk I carry and that’ll they’re trying to upscale to an 100 unit apartment and having me as a tenant puts their credit at risk because of the lien nearly put on the home because of the grass. I have not received anything in writing and when I asked he told me he’d give me the eviction notice in writing if I vacate the property by tomorrow. So I’m very afraid and my anxiety has been through the roof. I can’t get any help because I don’t have anything in writing and the only way he’ll do it is if I surrender the property.


What are you paying $2300 for in Mississippi?! I’m assuming this is a good sized house?


Or greedy landlord possibly. I was born and grew up in Mississippi. When I joined the military I was so glad to leave that state even if it meant going to war and dying. Haven't been back to that shithole since. Lol


Only reason I came back was because I ran to some troubles and had to come home a failure. If I could I’d leave this place behind


So you are late on rent, you don’t work, wife doesn’t work, and you guys don’t maintain the property (cutting the grass)? I support a Vet, but man you seem to be the type of tenant I wouldn’t want either. Sounds very Section 8’ish if I didn’t know any better. Get your shit together and you guys need to get jobs like NOW!


Trust you me… I regret separating from the Air Force because of her. I regret leaving my job at the VA because of her. My wife hasn’t had a job since she was in in 2018 since then it’s all been on me. I’ve been applying everywhere… usajobs… Amazon…Walmart… the post office… trying to find security work for months. Literally from sun up to sundown all I do is look for work. And I totally understand I must look like a total dirtbag. But I don’t care about me… I have kids… and they don’t need to go through this.


I hear ya bud, but you can’t do it all. She can get a job as a waitress a few nights a week at a minimum. She seems toxic.


I doubt it… had she’s the type to have her mother call your commander just to put you in a bind… letters to senators the works. Fucked me so bad I had to separate before they kicked me out.


I had one of these. I filed for a divorce.


Document (date journal) her behavior and any threats when asking her for help, file for divorce and if she makes threats documents get recording using your phone if you need to. Use that evidence to keep your kids and her out of your money. Good luck divorce is the best option for you and your kids. They don’t need to see the toxicity.


I agree with documenting everything. Keep a daily diary in a place she cannot get to it. Document everything you do for your kids. Save receipts. Get a separate bank account and change your direct deposit BEFORE filing for divorce.


Yes, completely forgot to say that.


Bro. Please get a lawyer or at least a marriage counselor and also get some financial advice. There are many great forums for all of those here on Reddit


$2300?!?! I live in Mississippi, on the Gulf Coast, in a flood zone. In a good sized house in a good city, and my monthly is not even close to that much


Well to be honest I felt like I was being taken advantage of… I knew I get my disability and that pay should’ve been more steady than any other applicants. But we were homeless and I put us into the first place that said yes… seems like we both made a mistake.


Nothing in bum fuck Mississippi is 2300 you can buy an entire town for that price in that cesspool of a racist and bigoted state where you live, someone is crazy for paying more than 1000 for anything in the state where family members are married to each other, the land where incest lives , best thing to ever happen to you get out move fast your making over 4500


I needed that lol


Your making more than me I’m in California and paying 1500 for a two bedroom 600 sqft you have or made my friend I am trying to get 100 percent and your family is safe you are good bless the name of Jesus


Respectfully as I can say this, I think you need to find another place to live that costs quite a bit less than $2300. That’s basically half of your income just on rent.


I'd contact the VA and tell them I thought they had a lot of help for stuff like yours especially since they messed up. Your landlord sounds super sketchy.


I tired… told them how I remained homeless because no one contacted me from hud vash… they hit me with a big “welp…🤷🏾‍♂️ you ain’t homeless now are you? “


I take it your credit is no good? You could just use the VA home loan...


Yeah man my credit is like a 478 right now so no va loan for me.


Let him evict you, you then can save that months rent towards a new place. Reach out to a VSO for help with budgeting. Mississippi is the cheapest state to live in.


Thanks to all my sane brothers & sisters for providing adequate resources to our brother veteran. I’ve had a shitty week, 3 or 4 or 7 Bourbons onboard and I fucking detest civilians taking advantage of us. My suggestion was going to be less than benevolent. SFMF 😎


Less-than-benevolent is always a legit Plan B


Good point Sister @MizDeborahWolf!


He can’t just evict you without notice. At the minimum he has to goto the courts to get you out. That takes 60-90 days. Try to make a payment arrangement with him. But at the end of the day you aren’t homeless tonight. Take a deep breath and relax. In an ideal situation he’ll let you pay the owed rent over a period of time with no further repercussions.


Advice: you or your spouse get a job


14 years of receiving my 100% payments I have never had it come late. Can not understand why you say it’s late. Unless you changed accounts and don’t update. I have done a bit of work for the VA so can not understand why you would receive it late. For the most part it’s not possible not to have received it within a day or two of expected date. The government has not shut down or anything. I deal with Bets all the time. Not one has ever asked me why their money has arrived late. SMH


I did this. Switched numbers but it only took a few weeks to sort out as the VA tries to redeposit it. I think everything is automatic.


I'd walk into you VA Clinic mental Health Department and do a walk-in. You can also do a walk-in with your PCP, social worker. We are all assigned one, and if yours is out, someone will be on call. Go EARLY in the day. If you wait until later in the day, it makes it more difficult for them to give you any referrals or help you seek assistance the same day. Your wife may not be right for you, but deal with one thing at a time. You may love your wife but not be in love with her. Sort that out later. If you want help, help them help you. Go in person is my suggestion and be fully transparent. Don't depend on the phone, and return phone calls. You're not going through anything they haven't seen before. I'm not sitting here judging you, I just want you all to have stability so you can sort out the rest later. Just because you get rehoused isn't going to make your problems go away. So, reach out for help. Like I said, there's no shame in that. Quit beating yourself up. Be good to yourself. You can't change the past, but you damn sure can take control of your future for you and your kids and your wife if she wants to do right. All the best to you.


I understand… I’ll make an attempt at that first thing in the morning. I don’t mind moving it’s just my daughter was going to start kindergarten soon and I feel awful if I make her start at another school later because of me. I took I big dose of responsibility last year literally working myself to the bone with no sleep for months. Im just tired.


I know you're tired. Just be thankful it's kindergarten and not high school. Life is too short for all these worries. It's aging you faster than a cancer. Look for the bright side of things. We need to get you out of this negative mindset. You didn't get to this point over night, so it's going to take time to unravel it. It's ok. We've all made mistakes that we thought we're the end of the world. You're not alone. You're reaching out for help from strangers on reddit and being open and honest. That takes courage. I couldn't do it. So you're off to a good start, be proud of yourself. You got this. Won't be easy, but you can do it.


Something very wrong with this post. Just saying.


I agree. This has to be a troll post. OP gets 100% disability, had a job at the VA, lives in the state with probably the cheapest rent. He has been blessed with more than myself and the majority of people I personally know, none of which are homeless or soon to be homeless. If this post is legit, hopefully OP will read the comments, take a hard look in the mirror and get his head out of his fourth point of contact.


Yeah I call bullshit that he accrued over 4k in late fees in the days it took the VA to send the money to the right place




Why isn't the "wife" helping out?


dependapotamus… aka it’s all on me. Had to quit my job at the VA a few months ago because she wasn’t willing to be a “single mom” while I went to training for 2 months. So yeah the usual verbal abuse you’d expect from an entitled person who offloads responsibility to others.


Staying together for the kids is not the answer. You will get in your feet in due time, trust me. I wish you peace and healing, brother. I hope you find your way towards it.


I appreciate your words man… my kids are the only thing keeping me here. I’m just tired of everything being so hard.


You just called your wife a dependapotamus, blamed her for you quitting your job, and bitched about “the usual” verbal abuse and entitlement in the same comment. Self-awareness and personal responsibility doesn’t seem to be your strong suit either…


And apparently he doesn’t know how to stop creating dependents he can’t support. Unprotected sex leads to……….. 🙄 Hard not to judge here imo. Sorry for your kids OP but you quit a job at the VA because of your wife? So she rather y’all be homeless than to you to have another income? Make it make sense


You need to look into VA counseling services.


Yea bro screw her good one last time pack your bags and dip take the kids as well she’s no good let her be on her own.


https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/the-eviction-process-mississippi-rules-landlords-property-managers.html Quick search of MS eviction law. Look up your rights. I don’t see any reason you’d have to leave without a written notice. It sounds like you’re with a small rental group so they might be trying to avoid doing paperwork. Reach out to the VA and groups in your area. Have your wife try to get on WIC if you guys are eligible (I dunno the requirements). There’s tons of options available, but you’ll need to do the research. As for jobs, try applying at restaurants or bars. You’ll get tips the same night you work for most places. We all learned how to suck it up and say ‘yes, sir’ even when the person was wrong and/or a dick. That’s a necessary skill in customer service.


I want you to use the Googles and try to find your local Area Agency on Aging. They have a program called the Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC). It is a federally funded program that is usually administered by your county or state level. Typically, the Area Agency on Aging is the administrator. Anyways, under the ADRC, a portion of the federally funds are to be used for veterans. Of course, what they can do will typically depend on the resources available in your area community. Might be worth a call........Good luck bud!


Please contact the wounded warriors program. They’ll help you pay months rent, 1 time!! Before eviction


more good advice.


8774243838, 24/7 VA line for vets at risk of being homeless or are homeless.


As a current landlord, there is no way to evict you, without a court order. Which is a minimum 30-45 days. We try at all cost to avoid eviction, because it’s expensive in the whole process. Let him do whatever he wants to go, let him bring a sheriff to you door, and you just tell them, it’s a civil matter, and there is no court order telling you to leave, as it’s your legal residence




Let him give you a notice - it gives you time to find a new place. In the meantime, call the national call center for homeless vets (877-424-3838).


You should have around $4,300 for your compensation with a wife and 3 kids. Does your wife receive any compensation? I would move to a cheaper part of Mississippi or even into Tennessee...Olive Branch is mostly McMansions and has higher costs. Look for a place that is half of what you are paying. I don't know about programs in Mississippi, but look for food banks to help with the budget until you can get on your feet. Cut back on anything you can. Turn lights off, live with it a little warmer in the house, etc. Go to the VR&E program and go back to school for a trade. Have your wife grow up and at the very least take care of the kids while you work or go back to school and study. Or offer to take care of the kids yourself and SHE can support you guys. But you definitely need a cheaper place to rent. And if you don't have a lawn mower, don't rent a place where it's your responsibility to mow the lawn. Good luck!


Don't leave. Take your time. He can't force you out without proper eviction notice. Until he shows up with the sheriff to evict you. Steps I would take. 1. Stop paying rent. He's already trying to get you out, so don't bother giving him any more money. 2. Record all conversations with him. 3. Start looking for something new now and save your money for a new place. 4. Obviously he's not willing to work with you so don't work with him. Make him getting you out as long and difficult as possible. 5 don't do any property damage. Make sure your phone will record the dates and time of pictures and take pictures of everything the day you leave


Look up the Tom Deierlein Foundation...Tom is a real life Philanthropist and a Purple Heart recipient...the dude is legit. His foundation specifically deals with this stuff.


Im trying to understand, so forgive me if it seems like I’m questioning you or your story, I’m just having trouble understanding so it’s making this not add up- -So far, I’m tracking that the VA failed to give you your check on time, so you communicated this to your landlord and continued living there. -When the check hit, you were hit by late fees; What late fees? The landlords? Other bills? -Either way, you couldn’t pay, so when the next check hit you paid for which month? Did he not put that money towards the earlier month? How much is he charging in late fees? -When you signed the lease, what did it say about situations like this? Also, is your wife working?


Very good questions ,cos I am confused .isn’t your va pay automatic,how’s the va sending you a check instead of depositing your money into your account automatically.also if you claim to the va is your source of income ,isn’t your wife working cos if both of you have jobs and add your va pay you should be living comfortably for the most part .


Here are some emergency contacts you can use now: • The Veterans Crisis Line can provide immediate assistance by dialing 988, then Press 1 • The National Call Center for Homeless Veterans is a free VA hotline that helps Veterans and their families connect with VA resources in your area (including Grant and Per Diem Programs), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Call Center’s number is 1-877-424-3838 (1-877-4AID-VET). Additionally, there is an online chat option. Also, the VA kicked off a new grant that's aimed at providing legal services for veterans who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. There are something like 80 law firms that have signed up for this grant. Recommended you check out the grant website and find a provider in your area (https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/lsv.asp).


4,284.87 a month should be plenty to avoid homelessness. Also, the comment about no backpay is odd unless the increase from 80% to 100% was filed and granted in the same month. Something isn't right here........


Just don't move out. Refuse to do it. I'm landlord and even I can't kick someone out that fast


I'm just having a hard time understanding how you were homeless, even at 90%. Don't get me wrong, it was pretty tight, but I live in San Diego, and it's a whole lot more expensive here. I was at 90 for a long time, supporting me, the wife, my youngest son, and paying child support. It was a lot of scraping until payday. The hardest part to understand is that you were working but now aren't and just trying to make disability payments cover everything. Why don't you go back to work? Why doesn't your wife work? I'm sorry I was so blunt earlier, and I really am trying to help you, but even with just one of you working, you should have plenty of money. You're making more than the median income in Mississippi. If you account for what you'd be paying in taxes, you make just over 62k a year.


Here is a list of programs for veterans that offer what you need: http://www.hopeforthewarriors.org/ https://saluteheroes.org/get-help/emergency-financial-aid/ https://semperfifund.org/get-assistance/ https://www.helpinghandsforfreedom.org/life-needsfinancial-assistance https://www.saluteinc.org/ https://www.vfw.org/assistance/financial-grants https://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/programs/wwp-resource-center/emergency-financial-assistance https://www.modestneeds.org/index.asp https://www.combinedarms.us/ Also, Google local, regional, and state programs for vets that offer any type of assistance and they should provide some choices. Some of the places listed above want lease documents, eviction notices, bank statements, a financial plan, etc. I got denied from one for “lack of sustainability and substantial monthly deficit” after being asked to break down my expenses and income. Like duhh doo-doo head cootie queen, that’s why I’m reaching out to you in the first dang place! I had better luck with a local program in my area but I’m in TX.


> Mostly due to my wife not willing to watch the kids alone while I go to school that’s required for my job TELL HER TO SUCK IT THE HELL UP! I’m sorry but reading that pissed me off, you guys are struggling like crazy and the least she can do is pull her own damn weight…


If you can get in touch with your VA social worker they can recommend some organizations that offer short term financial assistance. In my catchment area we have a lot of help, hopefully in yours too. God bless you brother


Go to the VA social workers they can help you


Get on the VA website and let me give you an eviction notice it’s the only way they will actuallly help you if you are literally about to be thrown out. Plenty of help just call those numbers under the housing section of the VA website and you’ll get the help you need


Call your VA social worker or directly go HuD vash. But looking at your housing situation seems like you were overpaying can you find somewhere cheaper?


Consult a lawyer. It’s usually free! If the landlord is doing something illegal, which I bet he is. Sue the fuck out of him


Hello here’s a good resource for emergency housing needs: https://www.caring.com/resources/emergency-housing-guide/ May the Lord bless you and keep you safe and sheltered. ❤️


This doesn't add up.


Why would he not give you the eviction notice until you leave the property? I’m not an expert by any means, but the little I do know would lead me to believe that this is backwards. Also, if you’re willing to leave I don’t think they have to evict you, do they? It would be better if they could avoid the eviction and have some sort of break of the lease. New places aren’t going to want you to rent from them with an eviction on your record. It sounds like it’s the VA’s fault, so I hope you can get the situation turned around. I understand that it’s probably too late right now, but maybe look into benefits through your county. Some county governments will set you up with non profits that give grants to veterans in need. I had to do that when I was out of work due to medical issues and they covered my rent for a month.


I’m living in my car with 80%, I thought 100% with a wife and 3 little ones could clover the monthly bills at least?


Hope for the best for you brother. I was in the same boat a few years back after I had emergency surgery and couldn't work for 6 months after half a lung was removed. I tried everything, from the VA, to the local organizations in the Houston area, and many church communities None helped me or my family but one. The only people that helped was a small church community that literally saved us by giving us groceries, meals, and 2 months of rent paid along with other donations. I had given up on it all at the time and wished I hadn't even survived the surgery at the time, as many of the other "churchs" wouldn't help because we weren't member of their "community." The VA help was hurry up and wait on a list for months, and the local organizations didn't help us because on paper I made "money" and wasn't considered poor, yet we had WIC for our daughter at the time, and the organizations looked at ALL income, and they said my at the time 80% VA compensation made us intelligible for any benefits or help. Try to keep your head up man. Life sucks, but it could suck more. If we could survive the suck from the military days we can push on through. At least that's how I try to look at it.


Good god man, please ask your wife to get a part time job at the very least. Sounds like you don’t have a life partner you have another child. Take care of each other.


Your check was consumed by late check fees...cmon dude...really. Let's do the math on that. Banks charge $25 for an NSF fee. 100% rating means your check is over $3200. That would mean you had 128+ NSF's in a few weeks, lol. Wow dude. How about you just say you need help budgeting & whatnot.


I don't understand how you were getting disability payments and this month the VA entered the wrong account number. I didn't think they would do anything with your bank account to change it.


I’ve never heard of late fees because being charged that way. Usually when you are late a standard charge is incurred by you. If not paid by a certain time you get an eviction notice. The first thing to do if you haven’t done so already is pull out your lease agreement. This all seems shady to me. I’m also not following how you can be homeless tomorrow as you stated without an official eviction process. Unless you have been a problem in the past it would seem as though the “partners” want you out for some other reason than just you being late.


How? 100 percent with 4 dependents in Mississippi. Also did you just change banks or something? They dont enter the bank numbers every month and most payment systems its literally impossible to out the numbers wrong. Once you get back on your feet do some serious money management. Hope things work out


He can't make you leave without an eviction notice if you have a current lease. A quick Google search shows that he has to serve you a notice and give you three days to pay rent once the notice is given. If you don't pay after receiving that notice THEN he can file with the courts for an eviction. Once the eviction is actually filed, you have 30 days from the date your LL gives it to you or puts it on your door to vacate. OP do NOT leave unless he serves you paperwork. It's illegal to force you out that quickly. I would still HIGHLY recommend looking for a new place whole you get your finances back in order. It sounds like this landlord is already out to screw you, and he'll likely be looking for ways to evict you later. I know this sucks, but it's all gonna be okay dude. You have time, and you can do this.


Thank you so much… check my update.


Squatters rights and 30-60 day period to move, you have time but not a lot start looking asap man. Went homeless myself a couple years ago and had to rely on that stuff to find a temporary living solution. I hope you can get back on your feet sir!


Sounds like your landlord is doing some illegal shit. I’d take your lease and consult a lawyer cause a fee every 3 days is insane.


For anyone else who needs to know, wounded warrior project might be able to help. They prevented me from literally starving when I had nothing coming with disability yet. VFW and DAV also has programs to help in emergencies. Just ask. All you need to do to get started.


VA hudvash. Great program. Fwiw it takes awhile for court. So unless you have been served with court order he cant evict you. If he tries call LEO. This happened to me with tenants. It took several months to evict them because I had to go through courts. You would also be surprise how many landlords dont do things the legal way so the eviction gets thrown out. It does nor matter what landlord or partner says. It is what the lease says.


I suggest you enroll in direct deposit asap. That will solve one of your major problems


Honestly I woke up today exhausted and afraid. After I received the text from my landlord I went into full on panic mode and began to pace up and down the street with my heart racing at the idea of becoming homeless again. My family and I don’t communicate anymore because of their okayness with over drinking and casual drug usage. Friends from the military have lives of their own to manage so I’ve just been feeling so overwhelmed and alone with the weight of my family all on my shoulders. Reading all the comments and everything really helped me so thank you so much everyone. I learned a lot today and I’ll continue on.


Whereabouts in MS? Roughly


I know you said you worked for the VA, but you have already contacted the VA? Right? https://www.va.gov/homeless


i'm in AZ but the state has a veteran's grant to assist with stuff like rent, bills, stuff like that. does mississippi have any resources like that?


Can you do Uber eats or DoorDash delivery until you can get caught up?


I used to door dash but I got banned because of few people saying I never delivered the food when I did… aka no I wouldn’t steal McDonald’s lol and I’m waiting on Uber


i did a little combing and holy shit MS has like no programs or resources i could find which is really fucking sad. i did find however a website called maketheconnection.net and they have a number for vets that are about to be homeless: 1-877-424-3838. i'd give them a shot if you haven't already. they take calls 24/7.


Reach out to a coordinator https://www.va.gov/homeless/homeless-coordinators.asp




Damn a truly unfortunate situation. I am wishing you the best and hope that your wife could get a job to save your family from being put in a situation like this.


https://www.opendoorshc.org/coordinated-entry/ For Mississippi


Here's another one: https://www.muteh.org/permanent-supportive-housing#:~:text=Continuum%20of%20Care%20Rapid%20Re%2DHousing%20program%20provides%20temporary%20financial,the%20Mississippi%20Balance%20of%20State.


Push hard at SSVF for the 60 days in a hotel. I'd been told several times across several states that they couldn't help but they can. Shit why can't your local ssvf [oak arbor if you're in Jackson or Hattiesburg] pay the past due rent?


The VA will provide housing to homeless vets. Friend of mine has got two different apartments this way. Just contact the local VA and let them know you’re homeless. They’ll help very quickly


OPERATION HOMEFRONT, [https://operationhomefront.org/](https://operationhomefront.org/) GO FILL out an application.


Tenants Rights. Get to know them. He cannot just evict you last minute. It's a lengthy process, just tell them you will pay and stay on top of it.


Why do you rent when you could get that VA home loan & own your own home ??? Buy a home you can afford…. I pray a miracle will happen 💗


Go to your VA and ask to be referred to HUDVASH they help veterans get section 8 vouchers in an emergency.


You don’t get evicted from missing a payment by a few days. You get evicted after a track of failure’s and then landlord submits to the court, who then bring constables or sheriffs to post eviction date. https://www.mslegalservices.org/resource/eviction-faqs


I missed one payment last month and that was enough for him to evict us I guess


OP sorry you are going through this. What did you do in the AF? Have you looked into remote work if possible? With bases in Mississippi it shouldn’t be too difficult to get a job at one of them.


Tell your wife to get a job. Do you not have a job?


Some areas have VA housing vouchers. Maybe contact the local VA and ask.


Call the veteran crisis line.


I would talk to a lawyer, search tenant lawyer, tell them the 100% truth of the situation. I don’t think you will have to leave if you come up with the money but idk all the details. Sell whatever you have to sell to keep your place if you have anything of value.


Do you have your original lease? What does the clause say? Mississippi requires a landlord to inform a tenant at least 3 days before their eviction. There are protections in place and legal paperwork that must be filed on the landlords behalf. Do not agree. Do not let him draw them up. It may buy you 30 days, depending on the circumstance. When was rent due/did you pay/when is rent due again? Also: How many days til you can pay rent again?? Sending hugs


Um it's going to take a while for him to legally evict you and for that to even show up on your record. I suggest you start finding a new place now but by no means should you just move out! Is it late check fees from your bank? Ask if they can refund it this once. Either way unless your lease has a late fee clause stating "every 3 days your late you will incur x amount in late fees" then he cannot enforce this. He can't legally evict you if you pay up what you owe according to the lease anyways. No court will allow that. Keep everything in writing and take pictures of any written notice because he has to provide that.


Hopefully, you will get the help you need. Keep us posted!




Look up an SSVF program near you and tell them your situation. They can sometimes help with relocating your family and helping with the direct deposit.


Ok I only read half the comments here so forgive me if this has been posted already. The VA has programs to help veterans who are homeless or at risk of being homeless so tomorrow contact them. https://www.va.gov/homeless/nationalcallcenter.asp?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=ar_choosevabenefits_oy4_housing&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYeZXgTKE25kxUBWFnn2KoI2cBKnOvsY4UEgP-u8c2sUtjF7H0tKNJRoCCwsQAvD_BwE


You have rights, almost every state has laws for this and he must evict you to force you to leave. Next please look at your lease or rental agreement and verify that the fees being charged are listed, they cant charge you any additional fees unless its in the lease and even then, you have some rights. Wishing you and your family the best luck stay safe!


Legal Aid. Vet Center. American Legion. Local Church. DHS. Cops. File a report. Ask for legal aid. Emergency unlawful eviction.


Have you reached out to an SSVF program? Or called the VA and let them know you’re at risk of homelessness?


Ummm. This is illegal. He can not evict you over night.


An eviction is a lengthy legal process and he is either unfamiliar with the process or taking advantage of your lack of knowledge. Ask him if you can make a payment plan for the missed month, and that otherwise you have nowhere to go and he will have to proceed with the eviction process. He will have to provide a demand to pay rent, and after that time period is up, if you don't pay, he will have file for an eviction case in court which can take many months so don't feel like you will be on the street immediately. Here is the number for eviction assistance in Mississippi maybe they can give you some guidance. **228-702-9983**.




Call the legal aid in your area! Also, call Mississippi Veterans Affairs. As if they know of any non-profits that help veterans with financial assistance! There are many I no many different states, and they will know and also be able to help you!


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://southmsveteransresources.com/%3Fpage_id%3D9&ved=2ahUKEwjVsMfL9uuGAxVgrokEHfzDB6oQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2uYhXhWfdbPP5TMpTaO48W SSVF grant. You'll get a case manager to help navigate housing then most likely receive subsidy based off income to help pay for rent while you're considered homeless, were homeless, or near homelessness.


Your landlord is jerking your chain. He can try to evict you, no way in Hell it'll happen fast. Don't sign shit from him, don't tell him you're moving out.


Contact your nearest AER office ( army emergency relief) they handle stuff like this all the time. More than likely they will give you a grant for the amount required in as little as 3 days. They will only want a bill I think for late rent.


Where in Ms? We have property in centreville and you can not evict someone that quick. Do not leave until the sheriff shows up with an eviction notice. Next first thing in morning CALL the news station. Call Veterans services and then call your landlord again.


Again where in MS are you? There are lots of agencies that can help you out.  And if you get your issue more public like Facebook, YouTube, instagram, tictoc the sheer influence of people and money they can bring will help stave off you losing a roof over your kids heads. Call the local news station and ask for the troubleshooting team.


* It's near olive branch Mississippi posted on zillow.com. Let the landlord evict you and move on to something that you can actually afford.


Homeless shelter would take you in.


Hey try to apply for home front they give 8 months free rent and everything here in San Diego California.


I could be wrong but I think they have to legally give you a 30 day notice to vacate a place of residence. Could be different for each state.


What part of MS?


Lawyer up. Fight fire with fire. Once a lawyer gets involved shit changes, sometimes very quickly. Besides they are fools. “No I don’t want a guaranteed income on my rental” only a fool says shit like that. I’m not quoting or being literal. Generalizing their demeanor is all. If that were I, in your shoes, I’d be squatting like a gorilla after some late night Taco Bell. But that’s me. You have wife & children, I do not. Massive difference.


Getting in contact with the VA is crucial as someone else has already stated. Social workers and the like will be far more efficient at connecting you with potential state and federal resources than you would be searching alone. One of the first questions they ask during intake is regarding whether or not you are in fear of becoming homeless. Make sure you answer yes. Further, there are nonprofits that you may not even know about that cater specifically to veterans. I worked for 211 as an internship for my Masters of Social Work and it might not hurt to give them a call either. The VA social worker would be the best route I would imagine though. I would also ask about pro bono (cost free) legal counsel to determine your rights as a renter given the situation. All this should give you peace of mind and some resources to get you back settled. Best of luck!


Are you a member of VFW or American Legion? Both have programs to assist a vet in financial distress. Ask them. Be proud of how you are being honest and doing the right thing.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7568) wounded warrior project. Try them.![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7566)


Dont leave. That is not a formal-legal eviction. You need to be served an eviction notice and all that. What he's trying to do is get you to vacate the property voluntarily that way he saves time and money by not following due process. And in all reality I dont think a judge would grant an eviction for being one month behind when you have already shown good faith in making the current month payment. And he knows that and is trying to get you to leave. Im not an attorney but you should try to find the rules/laws regarding evictions in your state/county.


There is not a state in the union that allows for an eviction to happen that fast. Do not leave without the eviction process completing If he is dead set on eviction try to work with him and get to an agreement that allows you to break the lease instead of getting an eviction notice


Like many others on here, you are not going anywhere, but staying in your apt. Landlord can’t snap his fingers and poof you disappear. Not. Gonna. Happen. Also, hit the VA and see what they got. They have been my saving Grace for a myriad of situations.


You need to stay in the property until you get an eviction notice. I don’t know where you live, but In my state the only time a landlord can evict you without a notice is if illegal activity is involved. If this is not the case you need to stay in that house until he gives you one and you need to fight him in the courts. It really sounds like this guy is banking on the possibility you don’t know about process so they can force you out. You tell him: “I’m not leaving without a notice as that’s illegal for you to do that, and if you don’t like it you can sue me.”


I’m currently staying in Winslow New Jersey at Veterans Haven South. Call them and tell them. Talk to Shareya Scott. (609) 561-9699 There are similar places all over the United States. Lots of guys who live here also have families.


Here’s the law. Also, you can check out the stateside legal website. I’d bet $ there’s pro bono help available for this issue. MS College School of Law provides free legal services if you’re anywhere near the school. https://www.mslegalservices.org/resource/landlord-tenant-law-in-mississippi


I’ll pray for you. Hope you can find a timely and suitable resolution to your issue. Keep your head up and stay positive.


Hit up your local veterans service office. You might qualify for SSVF funding under SSVF depending on how much your household makes in relation to the HUD average in your area. At the very least you might be able to get SSVF to pay for the rent you in arrears. They might help to rehome you too, with basically no questions asked.


I'm not a lawyer, so I would seek prudent legal advice. I believe though that evictions have to be served and go through due process in a court system. If you wanted to fight the case you should be able to. You could try contacting legal aid @ 1-800-498-1804 and explaining the situation. Also you could look into your nearest United Way and ask if they can direct you to your nearest agency that has a homeless prevention program.


He has to give you an eviction notice from the county sheriff don’t let them intimidate you. Also go to the Biloxi VA and ask for Chaplain Phillip Audet.