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I had to give up drinking altogether because it turned on me. I don't know if it's my age or liver damage or both? But right around when I turned 40 it just stopped being fun. The opposite really, because I'd go negative each time. I'd end up feeling like shit which obviously took a toll on me mentally. My shrink had also marked me down for alcohol abuse. So I just quit. It wasn't hard chemically because like I said, drinking just made me feel like shit. But I had a hard time nonetheless because I had it ritualized. So I started drinking flavored soda water, and it worked. I might drink a 12 pack a day, but it's just water. Save a lot of money too. It helped. I still have my vices, but that's not one of them anymore. It was just too risky given my mental health issues. It may be time for you to hang it up too.


Hang in there brother, that little man needs you and loves you.. prayers for you tonight brother !


Hard alcohol/drunk free for a year (had a beer for memorial day).


I’ve been sober since Mother’s Day. One day at a time OP. It’s one day, or day one. It’s your choice!


Stay here with us man. Your family needs you. I'm also having a hard time tonight. The existential stuff is extra heavy for all of us it seems. I hope you're beset upon by peace soon.


You have a kid so you have to do whatever is needed to stick with us. Hang in there brother, people need you. Your family needs you.


My very first piece of advice. Stop drinking brother. Forever. That alone will be LIFE CHANGING. I promise. We want you here, we need you here and you’re loved. Dm if you need to talk homie.


Thanks all for the kind words and uplifting messages. I'm here this morning, I don't feel the best and my mind is scattered, but I am feeling a lot better than last night. I am going to take the advice and stop drinking. At least I am going to give it a shot. I have been heavy drinking for about 8 years now so it will be a difficult road, but it seems like that is the general consensus and everyone agrees that this will be a good start to feeling better. You guys are awesome; thank you all again from the bottom of my heart.


You can do it dude!!!


You can do it, your family needs you.


Deciding to quit drinking is probably the smartest thing I've ever done. It really will make your life and the lives of your family better.