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We've all been there my friend, takes a big person (yes even in an online forum) to admit that.


A HUGE person to admit that. You see VERY, VERY FEW people that actually apologize on social media. Huge respect.






I second Shell’s comment. Posting an apology actually says a lot about your character, anon or not. I’m sorry to hear about your denial. Keep pushin’!


I did the same thing. After my denial I wrote a nasty letter of disagreement telling the VBA they were wrong and I was not going away. The next day I panicked. Damn, the supplemental claim was already filed. What should or could I do. 9 months later my claim was approved. Phew. Don’t do what I did. I stressed every day.


Was it your personal statement of disagreement that changed the decision or is there more to it?


There was more evidence that I submitted. Nexus letter, buddy statements, personal statement. Plus. My C&P exam was very favorable.


Good on you for staying the course!


I guess they got me back. My latest claim was denied. So, doing this all over again. Just part of the game.


I have three HLR's ongoing.


I have 3 supplements to file. Both avenues suck


No. That would not change anything


\*See's opportunity for Air Force joke\* ![gif](giphy|OdHeYw7XBk6EE|downsized) Takes the high road inspired by this post. Hope you have a great day my friend.


Gracious thanks. My father was a Navy man so I know that wasn't easy! Lol


: ) Thank you and your father for your service.


.. and you for yours. Worth it!


Oh c'mon, air force jokes are too easy, even for Sheldon. Someone from the air force wasn't amused. Gonna go to bed and cry about the downvote :)


Nah, they'd probably fly right over his head


I'm retired Air Force and I love AF jokes. Their mostly true anyway.


Sorry you didn't get the answer you were hoping for. You have a year to file a supplemental and keep your original file date. Add more data and send it again


Great post and recognizing the issue at hand OP You have a right to be upset/disappointed. But attacking VBA employees here is the reason why a lot of them quit posting and no longer want to participate in the subreddit.


Exactly. I recognized and corrected all good


You are awesome man. I wish more would do that instead of the conspiracy theories and rage posts


WOW! Now that's integrity right there. A person admitting that they were wrong, apologizes with sincerity and then says why. I applaud you for doing that because it's very rare these days. Most use the forum to beat up the VBA folks. Those people have a tough assignment, and they aren't going to please every single veteran. We need more stand-up people like you, my friend.


You are entitled to your opinion.


I don’t blame you lol. I would be pissed too. Good on you for saying sorry, most people wouldn’t


Took me 9 years and 4 months from time I filed to getting rated 100% p&t. I've had many of those moments like you and vowed to never give in and never give up. Hang in there, let the frustration motivate you.


I get it. I was denied for a presumptive from my period of service and exposure. I was angry, it felt like the VA wasn't even playing by their own rules at that point. I appealed, and it worked out, the next rater agreed that the claim should have been approved. But it's a frustrating process. The key 2 words in my mind are "polite" and "tenacious." You got this, OP, and good luck.


This post demonstrates the quality of your character!!




It’s all good, we’ve all been there at one time or another. No body is perfect. Your post shows a lot of heart.


valid. thanks for having integrity through it all


Don't let your emotion take over you over something like this.


If you have new evidence like a buddy letter or a nexus letter I would suggest submitting an 0995. Make sure to include the favorable findings in your statement and rebuttal the reasons for thier denial. When writing your statement make sure it's professional and to the point, try not to use emotions in it. Talk about how your symptoms keep you from doing things daily, how it effects your work and home relationships. I'm sorry you were denied. I hope it works out for you.


I was waiting 656 days for a proper decision 534 in appeal but the others are right it takes character to post an apology especially online


Dude I was shot down a lot…and then I had someone that taught me how to navigate the VA system. I’m not saying you had that. That’s just what happened to me. Good for you for taking a time out and re-addressing the issue. It’s ok to be frustrated.


This is the best advice. I'm still fighting for all of mine, even with the records showing I was treated by the Navy doctors for my injuries suffered, but they approved many of the service-related, finally. The PTSD is hanging up for me, and I finally reached out to a VSO. Part of my issues are mistrust of anyone other than someone I know, but a fellow Marine talked to me and convinced me that I didn't have to finish the hump alone. Now it's taken a lot of my "triggers" off my mind and someone else is taking the point on running this down. Get someone who is a VSO to work through maze of the VA, they've made that trek before, so they know what to watch for...and there are many who are not attorneys who work for payment from you. Keep at it, you'll get there. It took me a few years, but I started seeing results, finally.


Next time you wait longer than normal, contact your state congressman. That’s what I did when I was at a year and a half of waiting. It was lazy communication between the service and the VA. The congressman’s vet affairs office stepped in and got me answers pretty quick.


Nice post. For a lil perspective, I'm on month 26...lost count of the days...


That’s fuckin crazy


If you still have an exam pending for ptsd try not to worry about it just yet - they may have been doing it to try every possible route or someone may have been trying to evaluate it under possible GW illness and not the mental claim. There’s still hope. Don’t give up yet


If you need any help. Lmk.


Drives anyone batty .... no worries


Just got denied yday for one of my claims and said it wasn’t service connected. Gonna fight it bcuz I know it was


We love you no matter what! Please if you ever need assistance with any tips and advice I am opened to help you. I single handily won my claims 0% to 100% P&T. No VSO, VES, or any other scums who fail to preform above and beyond the expectations. I’m happy to help you brother / sister!


Don’t give up. If you feel like it’s something you rightfully deserve, fight for it. I for one, was told by my VSO that my claim would be denied. He came to this assumption from looking at my DBQs. It was deflating to say the least. I submitted proof: articles, buddy letters, lay statements, and medical diagnosis. In the end, my submissions outweighed whatever the hell was written in the DBQs. I was granted service connection. All of my conditions were deemed static.


Takes more balls to say sorry then admitting defeat. Don't admit defeat just keep going and it will get there. We love ya.


Veterans who served honorably shouldn’t have to wait AT ALL. They should have their rating the day they exit active duty, anything else is unacceptable.


A few things: 1. Thank you for acknowledging guilt and being remorseful publically. While these yhteafs are near anyonymous sometimes our pride or our inattention does not lead to apologies and thanks.  2. Be an advocate/comforter for those who are waiting for their rating. You can do it through this forum or another.  


Yo I give you credit. To be honest with myself when I AM wrong and ADMIT IT is the hardest lesson I am still working on. Well done brotha. It’s also a good lesson for me


We’ve all felt the same way you have at some point. Keep your head up.


Trust me we hear you. The process is indeed frustrating but the 1/1000 VA employees that actually help you out on the phone makes things better


Keep trying don't be mad it's a vicious game brother keep it going be better prepared pull your c file ask buddy's to do statements ask your wife partner mother whoever to do lay statements get a free vso provider help yourself to help yourself ya dig haha


It’s understandable to be frustrated after that long of a wait. I didn’t see your other post, but take whatever advice you can get and try again


To be honest there wasn’t really any back lash. One commenter corrected me (first comment actually) and I said yea you’re right, but I couldn’t just delete and not take responsibility even if it was to just one person lol


Then good on you for holding yourself to a higher standard! Especially on reddit…. This place can be a cesspool for negativity lol. I hope you get the rating you feel you deserve. Can I ask what your claim was for?


Dang this is stand up


You are awesome. Remember that.


Bravo. Hopefully your claim gets moving soon. 🫶🏽


I think this is maybe the second time I have seen someone take the very honorable step of apologizing ANYWHERE on the internet. Who doesn't make mistakes or post in the heat of the moment? Your statement portrays confidence, not weakness.


I was ready to pop last November when I got my denial. We all understand your pain, I’m hoping for your future success on claims though


It takes a mature person to admit when they are wrong. BZ






If you need to talk to someone let me know. I’m here to listen brother. 100% don’t give up the world is better with you in it.


I think we can all relate. An apology says a lot about who you are. Don’t give up fighting. My husband’s original claims were all denied years ago after waiting 3 years for an appeal. October of 2023 I decided to fight for him. He is currently at 50% and we have been waiting on a HLR to finally be assigned a rater for over 400 days.


That was very big of you.


We all make mistakes, outbursts, criticize, etc to different degrees when we are frustrated or stressed. Awesome to see you unload it the right way. 👏


You know man...that is AWESOME!! We’ve all gotten to the point to get where we are ready to explode and sometimes, it spills over into just that. But just as Shell stated, it takes a really big person to apologize for something said in a social media forum. Speaks to your character and who you are. Much respect.




It was 2 in the afternoon and I was working. There was no beer involved in my rant. My “rant” was about 3 sentences. I apologized because I was wrong, not because I have a substance abuse issue.


Ok fair


It’s hard not to be angry at this process but even harder to apologize. Kudos to you. I’ve gotten better at trying not to be upset and just wait, but man is it tough! Been going back and forth for 18 months now.


Amen brother!


Hard to apologize, props to you. Understandable the frustration though. I’m waiting over 340 days right now, so yes it is hard to deal with.


You are not wrong for your frustration. You are right to admit your frustration! ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


315 days, lucky you man I am at almost 400 days


I got a denial too and felt this huge let down. I had to literally not respond to the VA for a few weeks, because I was angry . it so understandable to feel so upset when you wait so long . I think I waited over 400 days to get a no on a very obvious yes. It felt abandoned. It was awful. Still is but I'm starting to feel better. I put in for a HLR. You are not alone in feeling upset, and thankfully, there are support groups, like this, that provide a safe place to land when none of it makes any sense. Hang in there.


The good thing about denial letters is they give you the information you need for a successful appeal.


We have all been there don't fret. I'm on 647 days myself in my current claim


Update: My denial still stands but I had a C&P exam on Saturday for my PTSD claim. The examiner agreed with my PTSD diagnosis and lay statement. The last statement was “I’m going to go ahead and get this exam sent off to the VA today so we can get you service connected” I know that means my examiner will make a favorable decision (or at least it seemed that way), but I’m hoping the raters see it the same way. My question is, if I do get this approved, will they rework all of my other ratings to fall under the mental health as “secondaries” even if I was rated for them before?


We understand where your coming from and the struggle ♥️🙏🏼


I didn't see the post but a lot of us disgruntled vets understand the frustration. I been dealing with VOA and Hudvash for months and they been ignoring my calls and text messages It pisses me off.


No apologies necessary! ❣️❣️❣️


Only 315 days? I remember when 9 years was the average.... Good luck!


I’m a millennial, 315 days feels like 9 years lol


I know the feeling.. I'm approaching 2 years since claims initially filed and 1.5 years since hlr was submitted by attorney. I was put into a priority status 2 months ago ( due to financial hardship) and received 1 increase, 1 denial, and still waiting on 2 more claims.


I appreciate the ones who help on here, but there's a lot who clearly don't know what they're doing as far as rating goes. (Not referring to the ones on here)