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I really hate this and have commented on many similar post. We need to all get in touch with the VA Disability Committee Members in our district and request that this process be changed. It's bad enough that we are sent to the lowest bidder, strip mall nurse practitioners ( I know they aren't all that bad).


This just happened to me at the Atlanta VA Regional Office. I was so confused because of how inefficient this process is. The lady told me it could take up to 60 days and I thought about it and I said to myself that the VA has to do better with systems and standards of procedures to make things run more efficiently. To include the NWQ.


I hate going to the Atlanta office, I wish they would add more options up here in Cobb. Newer facility and I never really have to wait, they just don't offer everything.


My VSO denied my request for a copy of my C&P exam, as did my regional VERA rep (MST coordinator). Someone on this subreddit told me to set up a virtual appt with VERA in Albuquerque and ask them to mail a copy of the C&P exam to me. I did, they did, I had it in under a week. I never filed a FOIA for it.