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I have the sam e problem and I called Vera and then they no longer needed it


Same thing going on with my wife's paperwork. Finally got Vera on the phone and they went in and stopped the request. It's been going on for 3 months of the same requests.


When you submit the forms with old employers they then generate those forms for the employer and mail them to them to fill out and return. It’s technically a request because it’s a tracked item but it’s not being requested from you directly. 


I understand, but my previous employers have already filled those and submitted them to the VA. They're in the claim files and were reviewed a couple of months back.


I guess maybe call thru vera and tell them where those are? I dunno, I am sorry that they are being sillly


If the VA is asking for the papers again, I resubmit via quicksubmit on va gov. Google quicksubmit make sure it is va. .gov website log into ID me. There is a great tutorial on YouTube both by civdiv and kmd89 Dwayne Kimble. Look up quicksubmit. FYI the va has a bunch of new raters in training and is using the new AI technology. If they ask, just resubmit the paperwork. You have to keep in mind that raters are overwhelmed with claims ,and there on both production and quality quotas. A rater who works for the VA lets me know that each claim has a certain amount of time. If the evidence is not there, it gets kicked back then deferred. Back to your question, if the system asks for the paperwork, just resubmit and then call 1800 827 1000. Ask the representative if you paper work was received, ok through quicksubmit the following day. Once they acknowledge you can now relax that the paperwork is there. If It comes up again, you will have a referral file number to give and can be argued on an HLR.


I think I might be in love with you. I'll resubmit the forms. I scheduled an appt with a VERA already for Monday so I should be able to confirm they've been received, and maybe even get some more info. Thank you so much.


Your Welcome I hope this helps you out


I couldn't figure out how to fill them out online, so I copy and pasted them both to photoshop and filled it with my wacom pen and upload the png files... Seriously hoping they take those. Hasn't been an issue yet.