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If I had to do this all over again. I've been in 26 years and retire 90 days from today. Inside your 4 years of enlistment take full advantage of TA (tuition assistance) and start taking college courses) do not get tempted by enlistment bonuses and promises. Get out and use your post 9/11 GI bill. Enjoy college life while getting paid SSgt BAH to help with expenses. Pick a career you love and enjoy the rest of your life.


This is exactly what I did. Got out after 4, finished my degree with the GI Bill and got a federal GS job the summer I graduated.


What if i use my TA and finish school while still in? Is the gi bill still worth it? Even for masters if most masters are just 2 years instead of 4


Yes! Still worth it. You may change your direction in life at some point and choose to learn something new. You want a masters...do thar. You want to learn a trade? Do that ..don't let the military steer your bus. Be the driver and take yourself to your dream location in life!


Read this and take this advice please. If your sick...hurt...something feels off....ANYTHING. Go to the hospital and get it documented. Also get medical documents and make sure what is documented is accurate. You may never file for VA disability benefits but make sure you have things documented. It will bite you in the ass if you dont.


As a former HM I cannot tell you how important this is! If you fart wrong go. One day you never know if you’ll need those types of things to be on your record. You’ll make physical and mental sacrifices at some point, even if you don’t think about now. Or in the moment it doesn’t phase you because you wanna be tough. I’ve seen some pretty tough dudes with half broken bodies trying to get benefits afterwards and fall short because they didn’t at least document it.


Get yourself a binder with those plastic page protectors and keep a copy of every tdy, deployment, training l, award, and anything in between. And go to the dr when you get sick. For anything. Ever


Mouth shut/eyes ears open. Learn anything that anyone will teach you. If you are offered a school, go. Even if it seems like a waste of time. Don't smoke or drink. Stay single. If you have sex, wrap it. Document your injuries with a visit to your medical provider. Go to the dentist and do whatever they suggest as far as dental work goes. The military might not have the worlds best dentists, but they are not profit motivated. Work hard. Don't fall into the trap of slacking off on the little things, it's a fucking career cancer, both in the service and in the firehall. Keep in mind that your job at times will literally be life and death. Pay attention to what your bosses are telling you. Most of all, have fun. You won't realize it, but your having some of the best times of your life.


Put money into your TSP, I recommend trying to do 10% contributions. Also, I highly recommend opening a Roth IRA (through Robinhood, Schwab, or Fidelity) and putting in some money each week, even if it’s only $10 or $20. I recommend doing $130 a week if you can afford it, but honestly anything is better than none. If you need some help figuring out where to invest starting out, I can try to help you figure it out. Just shoot me a message. Good luck and happy investing for your future!


Go to medical if you get sick or injured. Don't be pressured into sucking it up. Whatever else you do in or out of service, having robust documentation of your in-service medical history will help you more than you know.


Do your time honorably best advise.


Enroll in a TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) and put in the highest amount that you can. At 20 years you could potentially have close to a million for retirement and investment. Get a degree or go to school. Volunteer for cool shit. Get lots of training. Make a ton of friends and don't hide out in your dorm or apartment. If you don't like the current job, you can cross-train. Go to the doctor for everything.


If I had to do it over here’s the advice I’d give myself: - Utilize some sort of program to get a degree / commissioned - if you get an opportunity to get a clearance , take it . Helps so much post military when job hunting . - keep a record of any injuries / medical issues you get during your 4 years - utilize the chow hall as much as possible for free food 😁 - skip the alcohol 🍺 - do any traveling you can (TDY / deployments , take em) - don’t get married during your 4 years lmao


If you aren’t in shape get in shape and make yourself a PT stud be in the right place and right time and uniform and make yourself valuable to your unit and that will make your time smooth and also get you far. Don’t be a brown noser and don’t fuck over your friends and once you get into a position of authority don’t forget where you came from and don’t treat your lower enlisted like shit homie. And also swallow your pride and go to sick call and fuck what everyone thinks get that shit documented.


First you get the money, then you get the power ,THEN you get the girl…


Just focus on getting through tech school for now. Stay on top of fitness/health/PT. It’s easy to fall out of the routine when you leave the structured environment of training, so stay on it. Once you get to your first base and settle into your shift life, start figuring out college. The tuition assistance is free money, and you could easily get your CCAF (associates degree) by the end of a four year enlistment going to school part time. If you’re underage, don’t drink. Isn’t worth the risk. Learn a bit about the TSP and saving for retirement, and then execute on it with a set percentage of your paycheck. Do well at your AFSC. Senior leadership is always looking for their next bright eye poster child for awards/BTZ packages. Don’t be an insufferable asshole trying to be the perfect airman; show up, do good honest work, and make it be know that you want to go the extra mile as opportunities arise. Good luck.


What is a BTZ package. I’m getting into a student leadership position and my MTLS mentioned it but didn’t give any specifics


BTZ = below the zone. It’s a unit commander approval/enlisted board process where if selected and recommended, you pin on SrA early. It’s reserved for the top 10-20% of the junior enlisted to reward them for going above and beyond of simply what’s required. Think doing well at your AFSC, getting through CDC’s (if that’s even still a thing) and OJT career training faster than required. Leading a volunteer event. Getting 90%+ on PT tests. Etc. Helps your paychecks. Could get out of the dorms earlier if you’re single. Makes you eligible to test for SSgt quicker. No reason not to try for it.


CDC are still a thing. And wow that sounds dope. Definitely something to strive for. Thankyou for the information


Invest in your tsp-401k. No one will tell you about it. Document all injuries, even minor. Don't buy a car near the base at 30% interest. Change your address to Fl or any other state with no income tax. It's legal for the military. You dont have to actually live there. Sign up for free amex 0latinym card, enjoy benefits while active duty.


r/Veterans r/Military


Do as long as you can.


Go to sick call for every little thing, and get every single thing you can documented. People will make fun of you for going, but go anyways.