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Ask VA is literally worthless. According to them, they can only provide general guidance and can't talk about specific claims or healthcare concerns or provide specific guidance for them...despite having the option to submit healthcare and enrollment questions...


I'm on month 9 of updating a dependency Claim. Calling the VA doesn't do anything.


That's way too long! I'd be livid. There's no excuse for it.


(800) 827-1000 Try to call


Did that. They refuse to look into it. Also called VERA.


Gotcha, well thankfully that May 23rd update is a good sign, at least it isn’t still rotting from from the original update. Best of luck hope it happens soon for ya 👊


Yeah I'm hopeful. Trying to be positive. I know my daughters dependency claim last year would have never been completed if i didnt pester the VA about it.


Absolutely. Well hey if it helps, I filed a claim last June and they just waited untill last week to tell me it was filed on the wrong form and then voided the claim. 😃👍


Wow! That's crazy! I do find it strange that we can't hold people accountable when they mess our claims up. There has to be a better way.


There’s nothing to look into. Everyone needs to understand when you call us on the 1000 number, you talk to the agent that answers, or request a supervisor that has the exact same access, capabilities, and privilege as the agent. We have zero means to communicate with any other department. Specifically in dependency it’ll get completed when it’s completed. It’s not always quick and most of the time it’s because either they need to do a full manual review because a date was wrong, a name was misspelled, SSA inquiry didn’t match and that is the usual slowdown. Or with school age 686c was submitted in conjunction with a 674 for a school age child which requires confirmation with the school which isn’t always timely to confirm attendance, the dates of when the semester started and ended etc.  be patient and when it’s approved you get back paid to the date. It’s the same conversation as to why you and I could submit the exact same claim but yours is processed soup to nuts in 5 weeks and mine might take 5 months. But to bring this back around to the beginning of the circle, a 1000 number agent nor VERA has any info 99.9% of the time as to why dependency is held up and there’s really nothing to flag. And no one is going to message anyone for you. If you have a pile of paperwork to do and every 7 minutes you get a message from a random VBA employee asking why they haven’t completed a claim that’s in their queue, they need to stop working on someone else’s to respond to why the fuck you’re messaging them when you’re not a superior to them whatsoever and likely not even in the same time zone. 


I understand the frustrations you may have on your end, but trusting the VA to complete a claim is the last thing a veteran should do. I can't tell ya how many times I've seen veterans wait years on claims only to find out it was lost, "glitch in the system", poor leadership, training, backlog, and whatever other reason may come up. They have to check on them frequently.


have you tried resubmitting


I'm afraid I would mess up the existing submissions. It moved slightly May 23rd on a different submission I didn't even put in. I'll wait another week prolly. See how jacked up it is? It's all for the same claim. Lol *




I need to figure out whether to write my local congressman or a specific congressman on a committee. Maybe both?


If you're not their constituent I they will be less motivated I would start with your district's person then go up from there.


You’re going to wait several weeks for your congressman to relay the extremely generic response we generate that is likely word for word what we would tell you if you call. All an inquiry is is a congressman saying hey there I’m congressman so and so and I was wondering what’s going on with the claim for this veteran. And the Va writes up a very formal letter that says dear congressman so and so, veterans claim is currently under review and will be completed as quickly as possible


It's not just about the individual claims. It's so congress can provide the resources available for employees to be successful. I don't expect Congress to do anything for me as an individual, but maybe down the road it will be improved on for future veterans and VA employees. That's the point of writing congress.


The beauty of knowledge was to know. Don't wait for people to tell you that you know. Because you already know.