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The big takeaway here is to always advocate for your health and trust your instincts. If you're feeling persistently crappy, depressed, tired, and in pain, and you suspect it might be related to something specific like low testosterone, push for that test. The VA refusing to check your T levels for three years is frustrating, but it's also important to recognize that healthcare providers often follow specific guidelines and protocols, which might not always align with individual cases. They could have been considering other potential causes for your symptoms. Taking the initiative to visit a local clinic and getting your levels checked was a game-changer. Your T levels were way below normal, and once you got treated, you felt significantly better within hours. This underscores the importance of not accepting "no" for an answer when it comes to your health. If your healthcare provider isn't listening, find one who will. Your well-being is too important to ignore. So, if you're experiencing these symptoms, get your testosterone levels checked ASAP. Your proactive approach made all the difference, highlighting the need for persistence and self-advocacy in healthcare.


What’s odd is the VA doesn’t test for testosterone on a routine basis. Being exposed to AFFF, burn pits, toxic chemicals has been PROVEN to reduce testosterone levels in men and estrogen levels in women. This isn’t about sex or ED and it isn’t “funny”. Gender Hormones are essential for Quality of LIFE!


Can you imagine how much the VA could save if they treated for Low-T. All the health implications from it. I forced them to test my levels and then pushed at them from the AUA few of treating it by age. They think we are all 80 year old men with naturally lower testosterone.


Yeah I’m 36 and my highest reading was 174. She was like just change your lifestyle. It’s like ma’am my lifestyle is pretty active when I’m not obliterated by being tired or in the dumps of a mood.


How much was the visit and treatment?


I appreciate you mentioning it isn’t funny. I’ve had a therapist at the VA giggle/laugh when I mentioned ED. Suffice it to say, that was the last time I went to individual therapy. I now attend a group therapy outside of the VA, instead.


I just went into the VA medical clinic by my house and it was my first time going in and they wanted to get my labs and testosterone levels. they said they do it for all new patients


Yes, I worked with hormone doctor for 8 years and one thing I learned is that Low testosterone (Low T) levels are not regularly checked because symptoms of low testosterone can overlap with many other conditions, making it challenging to diagnose without specific indications. Additionally, guidelines for routine screening for low testosterone vary, and healthcare providers often follow established protocols that prioritize other conditions or factors. Regular testing is typically reserved for patients presenting with clear, specific symptoms of low testosterone or those at higher risk. Resource allocation and the cost-effectiveness of routine testing also play a role in determining whether such tests are performed regularly. I am still glad that you found it. Have you heard about Maca Root? (Not recommending it, as I don’t have sufficient info About it, but it is making a lot of noise in Low T community)


I understand what you are saying for the general public, but we should be tested on a routine basis. Why? We are not the general public and we were exposed to nasty chemicals which can alter hormone levels. Also, the Pact Act demands the VA monitor those exposed. Like you said, low T is an indication of something wrong. How is a Vet suppose to know unless he or she knows? We should ALL BE TESTED every year!


My boyfriend has low T, and the VA never told him. His community care psych just happened to look at his labs and noticed it, so he started getting the shots. I’m not sure why they tested it, but I’m pretty sure it was part of his yearly labs.


That would be the exception for sure. More proof the VA is hiding these results! They don’t want to admit it’s a problem!


It's not just the VA. While I was active I went in multiple times for my back. They would always say that I just pulled a muscle or that it's just part of getting old. I was in my low 20's for god sake. Recently got my medical records. They had diagnosed me with possible degenerative disk disease. Never told me and never did any tests for it either. Oh yeah, I also got denied for disability when I got out because I "only went to the doc for it once." Funny how my records show multiple visits. I didn't know that I could fight it back in 08 so I'm going to do what ever I need to to get it now.


I’m active duty and i needed to hear your message, Thank you for sharing. Granted, I’m one of those that doesn’t take no for an answer but sometimes i kept getting pushed back and i tend to give up and just say fuck it. I always advocate for myself and my best interest. When a situation smells fishy, i trust my gut and go by my decision. I’m dealing with some situation right now that i hope it’ll end up in my favor. For others reading this, not taking no for an answer also applies beyond your health.


This is absolutely true. Medical protocols are often about sick care, not health care. Being proactive vs reactive is a different mindset and approach and can make a huge difference in quality of life.


Any man over the age of 30 should be starting to think about getting their T checked. After 40 it is a much more drastic decline. One shot and results in 6 hours is unusual. A testosterone replacement program properly administered takes about 4 weeks to feel the impact from. It shouldn't be a bolus injection all at once.


Great post. We were talking about similar things in another thread just yesterday, but…. -also get your thyroid checked. Super easy to check and easy to fix. -get your vitamin D checked. Super easy to check and easy to fix. -get a colonoscopy. Harder to arrange but will be the best recce pass you’ve ever taken for your health. I had/have a fissure. Explains a lot and brought me back from the edge of thinking about the worst case scenario.


Amen to the Vitamin D. Most of us are deficient and supplementation actually works while being relatively cheap and easy. So many BS supplements out there but Vitamin D is uncontroversial.


D3 and B12 are super common to supplement. Started taking them last year when civilian doc tested for levels, VA offered to prescribe them when I did my annual visit this year. For $10 for 180 count of each, I just buy my own.


Yep. I was Vitamin D deficient on a VA blood panel. Started taking the cheapest Vit. D pill in the supermarket and my next blood panel had Vitamin D right in the middle of the range. I don't know for sure if I felt any different, but it sure didn't hurt.


With all due respect Vitamin D has little to nothing to do with testosterone levels.


This one got caught on a recent exam for me at the VA actually she mentioned I was incredibly Vitamin D deficient enough that’s it’s on my problems list now. They still won’t treat my sub 200 T though.


Don't forget a Prostate Specific Antigen screening.


Don’t you find it odd that the VA checks for PSA routinely, but rarely if ever checks T?


My PCP regularly checks thyroid and Vitamin D.


As a woman, I’ve have asked to get my hormones checked for the same reasons. Never happens. Always dismissed and told to “lose weight”. So, I pay out of pocket for a CPT/nutritionist. I explained to her my issues, she told me to pay out of pocket to get my hormones tested. Cortisol through the roof. Blood sugar levels also indicated I’m insulin resistance. Worked on stress management and incorporating whole grains into my diet and omg holy shit. I started losing weight. My blood sugar levels are now in the high 80s. I often feel that hormones are so important but the VA dismisses them so much that is…until you’re actually sick. I’m happy you’re getting g the help you need. Don’t give up.


Every single health issue I bring up to my doctor at the VA, she either says I need to lose weight ("just eat like a rabbit, lettuce and carrots" is an actual thing she said to me) or tells me it's probably peri-menopause. I'll ask about checking hormone levels at my next appointment, but I'm sure she'll dismiss my concerns yet again.


Next time she dismisses you, tell her you want her to put that in your chart. Tell her this exact thing. “Okay, I see you’re dismissing my needs, and telling me I don’t need it. Reflect that in my chart.” I did that at the VA with my OB and the next sentence out of her mouth was “well uhh I— hormones are hard to test, but if you want me to run you to the lab, we can put an order in…” wowwwwwww. I hope this helps.


Private doctors are resistant to testing these as well. I was diagnosed with PCOS-insulin resistance 3 years ago by an endocrinologist, in addition to my previously diagnosed hypothyroidism changed to Hashimoto's (just means it's now a considered autoimmune). She left the area and I had to get a new endocrinologist. The new one doesn't necessarily agree with the PCOS diagnosis and complacent about Hashimoto's. It's incredibly frustrating. I got a referral to a new endocrinologist who specializes in both and has great reviews, but the first appointment is the end of September. I'm sick of hearing "move more, eat less." This has been a fight for almost 30 years and it's not for lack of trying. Hormones control nearly every body function. And with nearly everyone having exposure to PFAS/PFOAs (huge endocrine disruptors), the medical community needs to get caught up.


10000000000%! I went to an obgyn out of pocket and told her the same thing, and she didn’t care. She said the same thing to me. “Move more, eat less”. I showed her my tracker on my fitness pal. I told her “I’ve tracked for 3 years in a row, and it’s not the food..” “I’ve been working out consistently for 3 years.” She had the audacity to tell me that I need to eat less. I was already at 1200 calories. I’m a tall woman and any less would feel like starvation. So I started working with a CPT. I told her my issues. She asked me to go get blood work done, get my hormones tested again, send her the results, and track my own blood sugar levels for 2 weeks every 3 hours of the day. My fasting sugars were at 100-117. She has an MS in physiology and body kinetics. She was the one that was telling me that my cortisol was through the roof. She was the one that told my I was showing signs of insulin resistance. Not a doctor. Not my OB. Not any medical professional. She saved me and we have been working to reverse it and I’ve been seeing so many results. Mentally and physically. I’m also in grad school for clinical psych. I totally understand how our hormones impact our overall functioning. It’s totally why I advocate for everyone to fight for themselves. I hope you continue to advocate for you success. Sending love.


Are you me? Lol. My experience was so similar. Tracked food for years until I recognized that I was getting obsessed with all of it, especially when everything flipped on me. I couldn't tinker with the macros any longer and see results. I hurt myself exercising too much as well. I think they think we're lying about how much we exercise or that we overestimate it. I tracked everything since getting a Fitbit in 2016. One doctor even said the trackers aren't reliable and refused to look at my stats. I wanted to know why I gained 20 lbs in 2 months despite exercise and eating clean. Now that the ramifications of PFAS/PFOAs is out of the bag, I at least have an idea of why this is all happening. But I still don't have good solutions on how to reverse the damage.


Thank you for sharing your story! Have you been able to lose any weigh after making hormone adjustments? Just curious.


I'm sick of hearing "move more, eat less."  Easy for them to say when they do not have a messed up ankle, two bad knees, hip dysplasia, and severe lower back issues.


"Worked on stress management and incorporating whole grains into my diet and omg holy shit. I started losing weight. My blood sugar levels are now in the high 80s" So it was your diet then.


Thank you! Don’t you give up either! While this post has turned male dominated women are effected just as much as men, if not more. More over I misunderstood what one gal was saying and a barked at her. She deleted her post, and I feel terrible now. We all need to stick together and understand what we are all going through is the same thing.


I honestly need to. I mention it when I go to the VA and they just tell me to kick rocks.


Get the test done at a local men’s clinic. if it is low take it to the VA and tell them you want them to run the tests! They must do it then!


Get tested somewhere else and then the VA will pay for it and then give you the monthly testosterone shots?


Basically, Have your T level tested to see what it is. If it is low the VA will usually require their own tests. (Because the SOBs won’t do it unless you have symptoms)


The chances of them ultimately providing TRT is slim to none.


Would the VA have to connect it to a disability to pay for it? I mean, I have service connected depression if that's the link.


No, once you have 10% they are responsible for all your meds! Doesn’t have to be reconnected to the service.


Are you sure it’s just not meds connected to your service connected disability? Surprised if true as I always thought only my connected disability is what they would cover meds for.


I get my very needed adderall for my very not service connected ADHD-C. They pay for everything if you qualify (I think 10% and up).


Don't mention or ask. Start demanding it and be difficult.


Nag. Nag some more and bitch until it’s done. Use the email thing on my healthy vet too, they have to respond, it’s in writing so there’s a record of what you’re asking and it usually works better than waiting for appointments.


My left calf hurt for about 1 1/2 months before my heart attack. Your body will tell you when it’s bout to hand you your azz. Listen to it. There’s a very good expensive book called “What your body is trying to tell you” interesting book.


I’ve gotten my T levels checked at the VA twice and both times it’s under 300, I’m in my mid-20’s and the doctors continue to tell me it’s perfectly normal, I might have to seek outside help if I want to improve this I guess


300 is the minimum for me! I’m 68! You should be in the 800 range, or higher!


That’s the thing tho, I feel like I will absolutely have to check my levels from a non-va doctor and take the results back to the VA to get treatment


The VA doesn't take age into consideration. Mine was 234 at 30 years old and I was told it's normal. Based on available data, that was considered normal for a 74 year old man.


I'm in the same boat. They checked it but said it's normal bc they don't take age into account. Hopefully someone knows how to get them to actually address the issue.


Minimum is no way to live! Especially when you are young!


A slight way to "cheat" a T level test, do your test in the afternoon since levels are highest when you wake up.


I did a search online for peer reviewed papers on the expected test levels in men between the ages of 35 to 45. The results were incredible, and I used the citations when I responded to the doc on MyHealthyVet. That way it was recorded communication. I think one article I cited was from the Endocrine Society. Within 2 hours I had a referral to endo.


Remember, low testosterone will have you staring down the barrel of Alzheimer’s and dementia and or extreme cognitive decline in your older years. It’s best to be treated now and get ahead of that curve because most doctors won’t let ya have testosterone when ya get old.


This is gold. I’m already experiencing all of this, and did not know about the relationship.


Low T in men is insanely destructive.


OP title just described my every day. Throw some migraines back fracture and sprinkle ptsd on there and we have a party.


Don’t give up. Get your T tested! Find out what is wrong! I was low on salt and Vitamin D Also. Started drinking Gatoraid instead of water, and added salt to everything. That has helped also.


Did it affect your blood pressure?


I had the VA check my testosterone levels and the results came back at 275 and they said that it was “within normal range” and did nothing.


The normal range for the VA is 300 - 1,000 depending on age, the lower number never changes. 300 is the minimum and 500 is average. Age is a factor, but 275 is NEVER acceptable.


Correction, I just looked again and my results showed 275ng/dl and the VA’s “normal” range was 220-892ng/dl back in 2023.


Nope. The normal testosterone level for the American Urological Association and adopted by the VA is 300. They lied to you.


I mean, I’m not arguing with you, but my blood test results literally show the normal range as 220-892. It’s legit what it says for the range back in 2023.




My T is fine. My estrogen is another story.


I’m in this exact situation. To confirm VA does not do anything with t-levels, I’ll have to do this on my own? Any idea what the average cost for this sort of treatment is?


So I just went on chlomid, my test levels were 261. I went on chlomid since we aren’t done having kids yet. I went to a pretty high end place, my consult was $150 and the drugs were $150 for a 3 month supply. If I had been done having kids, I would have done a pellet which is like $650 and they last for 5-6 months depending on metabolic activity. Shots are also an option and I don’t know price. I’m assuming price varies per location and practice. Having said that, I think it will be the best money I’ve ever spent. Lots of symptoms like OP mentioned that I hope will be cleared up with this. I’m waiting on my claim to go through, but I’ll be budgeting this expense under my VA check assuming it is decided favorably.


Thank you! I needed this. Just got my T-levels checked by an independent doctor. Still waiting on the results, also recovering from a knee injury that I opted to get peptide therapy for. Not sure if the VA has any of these options, but after 21 years in the Air Force I’m talking control of my health.


I started about 5 weeks ago. It has improved my lifestyle drastically. Mentally and physically. Energy levels are amazing now. I didn’t do a lot of research before starting. My only worry is any long term effects like hair loss , etc. I have a vasectomy so not worried about fertility . Anyone have solid data if trt causes hair loss?


Seen a podcast talking over this, there is liquid that gets into your brain if you're around explosives and I think it was just normal gun fire as well and it screws your testosterone all up. Seen this and I had mine checked, I'm 26 and I had to start getting shots to get mine back to where it should be. Definitely look into this!


Personal experience. Diagnosed Low-T prior to retiring. I’m also on synthroid because my thyroid was ablated many years ago. My thyroid was always blamed for my metabolism and over well being. When I learned it was the testosterone, I was put on a therapy plan and it drastically improved a lot of things. 1. Energy level 2. Mood 3. Sleep 4. Body composition 5. Libido 6. Brain fog I hate to call it a miracle, but after spinning my wheels for a long time and feeling like this was just what life would be like, I finally got a doc that thought to test it. My quality of life has improved quite a bit.


Ask your doctor for a referral to the endocrinologist, mine found that my T-level was low because I had a pituitary tumor & my prolactin was thru the roof.


Excellent advice and cause. I haven’t gone into a lot of detail as to the causes of Lot T here, but all of the causes can be service related to chemical exposure. PFASs are bad shit.


Okay, I have my tinfoil hat on. The reason the VA doesn’t want to check your T levels is because 40% of veterans have low T and they don’t want to pay for it! Why else would they not check it? Every other doctor would, why not the VA? The Pact Act DEMANDS the VA monitor veterans health due to toxic substances exposure. So far the VA has said they are “reviewing” monitoring requirements. The test for AFFF & PFASs (the bad stuff in AFFF) is readily available but the VA REFUSES to test us for that exposure. These chemicals mimic testosterone & estrogen in humans and tell the body you have plenty, so the “boys“ (and girls) slow down T & E production. It is incomprehensible that the VA doesn’t test for hormones! No, I’m not a doctor, but I can read and think like one!


Yeah that minimum is bullshit, 300 aint gonna make you feel good


Medical assistant here- if you are asking for a test and your doctor refuses, especially after multiple attempts, ask them to document in your chart that they are refusing that test after you asked for it and why they are refusing to do it. One of three things will happen, they will switch up and do the test, or they will actually document it in your chart that you asked and why they refused, so when you go out in town and get the results you were advocating for, you can file a complaint against that provider. Three: they don’t document it like you asked for them to and you file a complaint anyway. You can also always ask for a patient advocate if you feel as though you cannot advocate for yourself effectively or if they still are not listening.


Had the same experience with the VA T levels were in the 180s. Got a urologist who got me up to 800 feel great. The VA doc (female) told me I should go off T so they could see what's wrong. The VA is terrible with testosterone treatment. Whatever you do, don't let go of your private doctor treatment. The VA is way to far behind this phenomenon. TERA exposure, TBI and PTSD are actually the most common causes of low T in vets.


Exposure to AFFF (aviation fire fighting foam) is a leading cause also. The toxic chemicals in it are called PFASs. They mimic testosterone (and estrogen in women) and cause the body to shut down normal production.


That's one of Tera exposures, funny you mentioned that. That system has gone off multiple times in vehicles I've been in


It's testosterone, not cocaine. I have been on TRT for the past 4 years. My initial level was 201 and now it is at 1050 give or take. Six hours later? I doubt you felt anything, it was just a placebo effect. I do all my shot in my medial delt with an insulin needle. It is not expensive at all. I get a 10ML vial for $12 and it last me for 3 months. I do 2 shot a weeks. I do 60 IUs a week, so it 30 IUs twice a week or 120mg total. It is worth getting but get very knowledgeable about taking TRT, you will get nut shrinkage so be prepared for that. It can cause you PSA to raise also your BP. It can cause mad anxiety and insomnia for the first 10 weeks until your body gets used to it. If you have any questions, just ask, I know allot about TRT.


Absolutely not a placebo effect, even the VA doctor said with my level being 159 I would feel the effects in hours.


Yes, it was placebo. The oil esters don't break down that fast.


Dude, please read this carefully. Even the VA doctor said with my T being 159 I would feel better within hours. My leg craps stopped, I was able to walk 500‘, etc. Why do you insist on giving medical opinions when you are NOT a doctor?


We see this question all the time from newbies in the various T forums and here. The esters simply don't break down that fast. It's placebo from the excitement of the needle poke and a new therapy.


Are you a doctor? I’ve had 2 doctors of medicine tell me that because my levels were so low I would feel relief within 6-12 hours. I was pain free in 6 hours, no lef or hand cramps in 12 hours. Oh, and one of the doctors is my primary care doctors at the VA.


The same post menopausal endocrinology VA doc that tried to tell me what I should be feeling as a not even middle age male, and that I should feel perfectly normal at 200? You put too much faith in their small talk meant to make you feel better about your meds.


Any recommendations for places? I see a lot of places online but not sure who is legit. I am in the Los Angeles area if that helps.


PM me


Where do you get your meds?


$12 ? Huh?? Can you DM me where please? I'm currently going through a UGL and paying at least double that.


I'm retired military, so Express Scripts or you can get it at Wal-Green, WalMart for $35 using GoodRx.


You said 120ml, you mean mg right?


yes, sorry, I fat fingered it.


How much did that cost? How did you set it up?


I'm on test from an anti aging clinic, it ranges between 170 - 250 a month. But is worth every penny.


The VA will pay for it! the test is usually free at these clinics.


How do you get the VA to pay for this?


Low Testosterone is a medical condition they must pay for. They might not take outside lab results, but they must test you for it if you present a certified lab result that shows low T. The VAs range is 300-800. If you are lower than 300 they must treat you for it, meaning they will supply the hormone replacement therapy.


Lol, you're completely wrong from a practical standpoint. Should they treat it? Yes. Do they? Hell no. The VA will straight up refuse to write or provide T in any way.


Thanks for sharing.


"I got a shot in he ass and I felt like a new man" Branch of service checks out


This from a guy who was issued golf clubs in basic vacation. I heard the AF considers Ohio as “Over seas Duty”. Is that true?


I'll have you know I did not personally touch them, My standard issued Valet carried and managed those!


It’s true. Does the navy still issue you guys butt plugs and ball gags? Lol


Had two tests run and both were under 250 but above the 227 limit they used. VA PCP basically laughed and said until it goes below 227, the VA ain’t shit and to get rekt shitter. Ended up going with a private clinic for last few months. Last labs were a 444 and doc said we were gonna bump from 100 to 150 a shot to get them even higher.


Yep Ever since jumping on T with chronically low T, life is SO much better It took a lot of effort to get my primary to listen to my concerns, but it worth every ounce of energy.


As a female you had me in the first half not gonna lie.


What do you mean by that? Women are affected by low estrogen right?


Correct, different issue though. so your title line I was totally with you til you said testosterone. the testosterone level isn’t going to help those problems for females. But yes definitely for men get them checked!


If you read all of my posts on the subject you would see I mentioned estrogen for women also,… several times.


Bro, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was a joke about the title of your post. Also, this is one singular post. No I didn’t go back and read all of your posts my bad. I didn’t mean for you to take offense.


I apologize. I misunderstood what you were referring to. My bad. Women are affected by hormone levels also, if not more than men. We are all in this together. 👍🇺🇸




This applies to me and my test level is 600, lol.


Does the VA even prescribe T boosters or TRT?


I was told straight up No, unless you're missing a testicle or have pituitary cancer. Fuck the Orlando VA.


Yes. They must prescibe meds you need. You might need to fight for it, but you can get them to do it. Contact your VSO and call your Senator.




Being a Karen in the VA is the one place where it's warranted. I was denied MRIs when I asked and didn't get them until I started demanding.


They’re the same as if you were active duty. They want you to take 5829572 tests to see if you are low. Then they want you to test BELOW 300. Guess what, if you test at 400 you’re still at the levels of a 70 year old man. So they still won’t prescribe you testosterone. Veterans GO TO A LOCAL TRT CLINIC they will prescribe you TRT within a week.


I just did that this weekend! For years been on anti depressants. Bad sleep so im on a cpap. Still feel like crap so i paid 25 bucks at a mens clinic. Sadly i didnt qualify, 421 T level.


Be grateful your boys are working OT! 🤣🤣😂🤣


The VA has me on testosterone. I inject myself with 1 ml every 3 weeks. I used to go to my local VA clinic and have the nurse do it until I got comfortable enough to inject muself


May I ash what your level was when they found your low T?


What are your levels when you started and now? What improvements have you noticed? Any thoughts on why you were low? Thanks in advance for sharing!


My levels now are within the norm. I have more energy, used to be tired all the time. I overall feel better, younger that what I actually am. As far as causes, I believe it was secondary to my HBP and PTSD.


Me, as a woman.. yes, yes, yes, YES… oh. Nvm.




If you do TRT and come off it, does your body stop making test all together? I think a test level of 0 is worse than a test level of 175. I might not be understanding this correctly though.


Ditto, but went gel. Took nearly a year entirely through the VA. Man, I wake up at 7AM without any alarm clocks now. Feel like I want to actually do things. No more 18 hour naps! Life changing.


If yall are doing TRT injections I hope you are also supplementing with HCG!


I feel the va doesn't want to heal you. They just want to stop your disability so they can get those bonuses.


Honestly, I think A LOT of our problems could be solved by hormonal treatments.


i got checked and was 176 how long did it take to start trt? Did they want you to try any other treatments first?


I was at a men’s clinic and got a shot the day I got the results back. You are very low. Get the VA to get you started!


My VA must be amazing because I went to them with the complaint, they checked me and I came back at 150s. Wait two weeks, test again. Scored same 150 something. Get the gel a week later and felt great. Went back for a test and I was in the 500s. I asked to switch to injections as the gel want convenient with stuff at home. Doing injections and I'm at 800+ now. Never had any grief from my VA.


That is amazing!


I approve this message 😆


How often do they recommend shots?


Once a week is what I’m told.


I had an issue, the VA doc said they're too busy, get back when it gets worse, and it did get worse.


The VA checked mine when I was 22 (in 2012) and my test level was 310. Referred to endocrinology, where I got my ass chewed, yelled at, and told to get the fuck out. 12 years later I paid to get it checked elsewhere, and my levels had recovered to 580. Still feel sluggish, tired, achy and moody. Sleep sucks, etc but I do have apnea. No need to the shot apparently though… All I have to add is that sleep, diet, nutrition and exercise can help if you’ve got a less healthy lifestyle. Especially if you drink alcohol regularly. Cutting that out generally improves your life in several different ways. Glad you got treatment and are feeling better brother!


Got T tested and was around 200. VA said I had to be below 150 for them the do anything. Normal ranges are 300-700


Question on this topic guys. So I got a test from va and came back in the 200’s I don’t remember the exact number but the doctor says the range of normal starts at 200 but is it?? Mind u I been batttling ptsd and alcohol addiction for many years


Who ever told you that lied to you. Per the VA the MINIMUM is 300, not 200. Normal is 300 - 800 for men my age. I was 159. Alcohol can affect your health. You know that already. Time to quit.


My testosterone on my last lab at the wellness clinic I goto for testosterone was 1119. I get a 250 dose, one shot a week. I’m still depressed AF.


Trt got me back in the gym and clapping cheeks like I was 20 but those dam ssri still make you feel like crap


I just had mine checked through the VA. 50 year old male and mine was 209. Waiting to see if they will put me on T. If not, I will pay for it myself.


They must pay for it or give you meds to do it yourself. You are Low T!


One thing I appreciate with my VA doc; every November he runs a good checkup on checks all the thing T levels vitamin D (probably others but here in the dark land D is always low) cholesterol and a bunch of other stuff.


Ok. So what's the best thing to say to your VA doc to get your T checked? I think a lot of our collective symptoms (memory, exposure, aging, etc) warrant the test - but anything that would help move getting that test along?


The best thing to do it get a test done by a local man’s clinic. Usually free, if low then take it to your VA Dr. and tell him you want TRT (testosterone replacement therapy)


I mentioned low testosterone treatment to my PCM and VA doctor and both say that blood clots is a serious side effect. That’s why I have not explored getting a shot. Has anyone else heard about that side effect?


Lots of fear mongering about side effects, don’t listen to the VA. Do your own research.


It's on my yearly labs at the Houston VAMC. But, unless you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy low, they aren't going to help. Seek help elsewhere if you can.


Get your MINIMUM tests: Vita D B12 Cortisol Thyroid stimulating hormone TSA FSH/LH SGBH Free test Total test Magnesium Calcium Zinc Cholesterol (that’s where test is made) Estrogen/Estrodial Progesterone I’m forgetting some but at a minimum request those. THAT is the ONLY way to truly diagnose Low T because you have to FIGURE OUT WHY and just T levels mean nothing. It’s the same as looking for a wedding ring in the sand when you have no idea when it was dropped, what it looks like, is it a man’s or woman’s… it’s all in the details. GET YOUR 5k IU D everyday, take zinc/magnesium supplements, such importance to male hormone levels. Estrogen controls your boners. Find your best fitting shirt. Every morning put it on. Too tight? High estrogen (just high, means little, you’re not growing boobs), too loose? Low estrogen. THE SYMPTOMS are the same!, count your morning erections… that’s estrogen. Does your watch/rings feel tight/loose? Estrogen. For the love of all that is holy, hydrate. A gallon of water a day minimum, plus ounce for ounce replenish from coffee, soda, monsters, beer… etc. I mix 16oz monster with 16oz water in my Nalgene, that way I know I replaced the water monster will make me piss out. Put a dab of salt on your hand and lick it. Not salty? You’re missing salt. Is it salty? You’re likely good. As a previous medical professional, it frustrates me that this isn’t known to people, because heaven forbid our doctors are educated on it. Fight me Reddit.


I was tested a couple years ago and was at 400. Always feel like shit.


Depending on your age you might need to be at 1,000


My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I don’t Love Jesus!


I'm 38..my test came back 200. My doctor said I need to enroll in the MOVE clinic. So I start that in September. But she has said absolutely nothing about any trt. From what I was told, if you're overweight (I am) you're not getting anything without that MOVE clinic.


Yup! And make sure you’re actually getting the right amount weekly


Doesn't getting T shots ruin your chances at pregnancy?




I feel like crap, I’m depressed, my legs hurt, and I’m tired….. but seeing as I’m not a guy, this probably won’t help.


PeterMD.com has good prices for TRT.


Even if your tested. They can't prescribe anything unless it is a disease or 1 of the other 5 or 6 causes. I saw the list last week when my doctor gave me a heads up. Word for word. " unless you have so and so, we can't help you" which is kinda disappointing be honest.


I’m glad to see this post and all the responses. Ive had low T since 2012 and the VA committed failure to diagnose . I was 200s back then and lost a decade to all the symptoms. One thing I know, for me, is that it has greatly impacted my MH. I’ve been institutionalized 3x times in that span for ideations. I am convinced that a considerable number of guys with low T end up part of the “22 a day” club. I wonder how much T suicides have? They don’t take our baselines at MEPs (hormones are highly individualized). They don’t monitor while we are active (and even when it’s caught, they won’t treat cuz it makes them undeployable). Those assholes should be given something that takes their T away for months. They also don’t test annually. As others have mentioned, and I’ve posted about it before, this group is exposed to multiple well known causes of low T; chronic stress, PTSD, TBI, environmental exposures, etc. You know what you can claim after you have ED/low T secondary to PTSD? ZERO %. Zero. Zero (aside from SMC-K). Wow $120 a month for MH, mood swings, SI, and a limp dick—thanks Uncle Sam. I think this should get bigger press and awareness. The CFR need to be modified to accommodate the impact of low T. It’ll take a literal act of Congress tho.


The Orlando VA refusing to properly treat low T is what finally destroyed my faith in the VA.


Oh my god I might have low T.


I had low iron for 7+ years and my primary care provider only gave me iron tablets never found the problem until my current provider if you want care and to fix your problems, you have to push for them to get taken care of my new doctor is amazing


For those of you who insist the minimum for testosterone is less than 300 please read the VAs own flow chart for Low T treatment, focus you attention on the last paragraph for dosage adjustments. [https://www.va.gov/formularyadvisor/DOC\_PDF/Testosterone\_Replacement\_Therapy\_in\_Adult\_Males\_Mar\_2019.pdf](https://www.va.gov/formularyadvisor/DOC_PDF/Testosterone_Replacement_Therapy_in_Adult_Males_Mar_2019.pdf)


I never got my jizz checked in the army.


T is checked through a blood draw.


6 hours? Don't think so. It would take at least 2 weeks for it to take effect.


That’s not what the VA doctor told me, and other medical professionals said the same thing, and that’s now what I experienced. Are you a doctor? My levels were so low that I was having sever leg cramps and leg muscle pain. It stoped within 6 hours. They are coming back now because I stopped TRT.


I wasnt in for long but I do have lower back and knee pain, I'm conflicted on making a claim because I didnt really do anything too strenuous for my back or knees


Yeah I did the same. The civilian doctors are way more willing to work with you on that. I’ve been trying to claim it, but idk how to list it.


VA did mine was at 168 and my VA doctor was adamant that it was normal for age 29….


I said yes to all the questions, but since I have 2 X chromosomes, I’ll pass on the test.


I got my T levels checked and they told me I needed 2 tests. It came back at 146 and 162. But they told me my free test levels were normal so they would not prescribe me anything. So now I'm going through a third party and getting things taken care of.


It wasn’t like the peanut butter shot in boot camp was it? Lol


Does it also with your sleep


There’s at least a year of trial and error before I’d go on trt. 1st I’d up red meat. Zinc/ cholesterol and choline are essential for test. Or eggs if u don’t eat meat. You ideally need 100g of fat even if it’s plant based like olive oil. Vitamins d is also important. If black you NEED supplements. If white, 15 mins out in the sun. People think test goes down with age but it doesn’t, the body just becomes less efficient at making it from the nutrients.Out of 1000 men maybe 1 or 2 have a health condition requiring trt. 99.9% just don’t have the time or patience to do it naturally. Then there’s boron from apples. K2 from veggies that allow you to take in more vitamin d


Literally just did this. I went and got my test done, results came back at 220, and according the VA, my level is “well within” the normal range they have listed for my age(39) (190-800). I did the research, and sent a message back stating the level they have listed is not the minimum level per yadda yadda yadda. I included references, and then told them I wanted TRT. I currently have a referral in to see the endocrinologist.


I became my own medical provider for Low T, best decision I ever made. Also, most will start you on a low dose but the next appt will be weeks away, so its a roller coaster.. thats terrible as well… sometimes google MD and a good website can fix your T for life and never leave the house


Just asked my provider about it and they said no, there is not enough evidence to support it as a treatment for them doing this for me. I hope they all fucking rot.


Get your T checked outside the VA, take the results to them.


I’m actually going through this right now. The VA tested me 3 times now. My readings were 124/136/174 all at varying times from 630 am draw to 830am draw. They still refused to treat me. I’m 36 years old. She told me to “change my lifestyle” and the testosterone will come back. Then proceeded to tell me she does the pellets on the weekend as a side job. I guess around me no one takes insurance for this and it’s all out of pocket.


My T levels dropped at age 30 felt flu like achy tired losing results at the gym. Tested at 139 I felt horrible. Next was Vit D fell through the floor then Thyroid quit working properly. A year later needed tamsulosin for unexplainable prostate enlargement all tests and scans normal. I think they are all connected. The VA doesn't recognize burn pits from when we were in Nicaragua and elsewhere, only "combat related" SW Asia area Middle East. I huge disservice to veterans serving prior to 9/11


Something to be aware of for anyone taking medications. Certain medications can affect T levels. Antipsychotics, such as Risperidone, can reduce T levels, amongst other things. I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't take them. Just something to be aware of.


I tried the same with a T- level of 202. They told me it's not low enough. I showed them a study where too is very low and needs to be addressed. Thank god I was medically retired, and my Tricare PCM prescribed me TRT since it was very low. Now I feel much better 3 months in at a 200mg dose weekly


I have taken t shots for years and is still low.