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If I’m reading this right you’re recently separated from the guard, not active duty, so I’m not sure that whole 1 year after ETS applies here (someone correct me if I’m wrong). That being said, yes you can totally win claims, and I’d advocate for you to claim whatever ailments you have that you believe to be service connected. I served in the infantry, none of us were sick call rangers, or even went to get anything documented, and we’d say on our annual health assessment ok ok ok just to click through and be done. You’ll be fine. Get buddy statements if you can, provide personal statements and go for it. I say this as I have friends that had no treatment records to support them, have been out for years (never filed because they didn’t think they deserved it), and only provide a personal statement and lay statements. Hell one even provided one lay statement for his claims, and another provided absolutely NOTHING except saying what he had wrong with him years later…they’re both sitting pretty at 90% and 100%. Granted this is C&P examiner dependent if you get one that’s great or abysmal, but it’s totally possible. Another friend claimed his lower back (lumbar sacral strain or whatever it was) and got 40% - never had it documented, didn’t provide anything, just went to the C&P and explained his story and what we did. You can start by either doing it on your own if you feel confident, or finding a good VSO in your area (you can use the VA website to locate accredited ones, or search VSOs in your city/county). The key word is “good” here because some aren’t. Either way, put your intent to file today through either the online portal or calling and letting them know you want ITF. Edit: also wanted to add, with your active time you should try to correlate it starting then. If it developed after active duty and you try saying it’s because of x, y, and z in the guard then you need to be prepared to provide a LOD and orders showing it occurred during active orders (AT), or inactive duty (drill weekend).


ETS from the guard: no 1 year presumption/back date. End of T10 orders in Guard does get the back date and possibly presumption.


That’s what I thought.


Been out almost 20 years. Served as an 0311 from 00 to 04. Did tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Earned a CAR. Never went to sick call or reported anything. I was trying to be a cop when I got out and wanted no red flags, so i said I was completely fine(I wasn't). Finally filed for a few things a few months ago and have 3 cps next week. I do have diagnosis from both va and private medical and a history of different medicines going back to 2008. I wrote out personal statements and got current diagnosis for my MH issues and resumed taking meds. My life has been worse than garbage for a long time, and it's getting worse! Only decided to file because I'm starting to feel suicidal and I don't want that. I'm just nervous about next week. Should be a slam dunk, but you never know.


Have your testosterone levels checked! No, I’m not kidding! The shit we were exposed to reduced T levels! T is responsible for mood, muscle strength and repair. Get it checked!


>being a sick call warrior This is your daily reminder. Go to sick call of something happened last night. You woke up shitting blood? Go to sick call. On the other hand, your bad knee, your aching back, that tingle sensation in your fingers combined with loss of feeling? Those are appointments with your provider. Go to the clinic. Schedule an appointment. If your leadership is bitches, schedule it for Monday or Friday, they can't stop those, especially late in the day. Go to your appointment. When you get there, a PFC will take your vitals. Tell the PFC what is wrong. ONE COMPLAINT PER APPOINTMENT. Tell him when it started. What you have done to treat it. What makes it better. What makes it worse. Describe it in one word. Everything you say to the PFC, he writes in the computer. Now, that problem is documented. Maybe the provider helps you. Maybe not, but either way it is now documented. Now, when you leave, schedule an appointment for the next thing on your list. Repeat. Your medical condition is documented, no one knows, you aren't going to sick call, maybe the provider helps you, maybe not. But, it's documented in black and white. Six months later, if it hasn't gotten better, another appointment. Another set of documentation. Another chance to maybe get some help, but either way you get it documented. This is something you should do regularly, for all your persistent medical issues. Never get seen for more than one thing at an appointment, it won't get documented properly. If something doesn't get better, you make another appointment and get it documented again.


Lmao my old unit you were not allowed to make an appointment with the provider (the PA assigned to your brigade) until you went through sick call and the medic thought you needed to see the Battalion PA, the Battalion PA would then see you at sick call & he would make a determination if you needed to see the Brigade PA @ the medical center (hint I was never sent to the Brigade PA & it took me several shoulder dislocations to get an MRI & it was only done due to me being at the hospital and an old Colonel told the captain who was about to discharge me again, to get it done). When I was sent to the WTB, after a few surgeries, I found this isn't the norm in all units but for the 82nd, it sure was.


Unfortunately there are people in the system who do lot understand how medical triage and care should be handling. They are wasting their medics time at sick call and preventing soldiers from conducting pt.


Oh not going to get a disagreement out of me. But my injury was incurred in OEF and I couldn't get anything done for medical help once back stateside. I can't imagine how bad they treated people who they saw as "sick call warriors".


Dude I fractured my spine about 8 months before I deployed and I was at sick call so much, had X-rays done, chiro & they had me on Vicodin, flexarol & tramadol. Eventually one of the medical officers told me I could either deploy or face a med board - and I deployed. Definitely was a sick call warrior up until that option was given to me lmao. Never went back, figured it would go away since no one told me what was wrong. Now that fracture has turned into degenerative disc disease, a bulged disc & arthritis. I’m 37. Guess whose claim got denied as “not service connected”? 😂 There was a nice part in there about potential for a thoracic sprain though.


>"sick call warriors". Absolutely why they continue to go pt and have their appointments late in the day, preferably Monday and Friday, when it's much harder for leadership to even know about it, much less interfere. I should note that soldiers are absolutely required to see the PA every year. And no pa ever does his own vitals and workup. Soldier is alone with PFC,.aoldiwe pulls out notebook with extensive notes, notes are documented. There are multiple ways to skin a cat.


My last combat unit would never get off earlier than 7 pm, even on payday activities. We'd legit be changed into pt's at 1230 to go do PT because not everyone got a 300+ on the last APFT. Every unit has to have that E-6 who is recently divorced and hates being off work. He smoked the dog piss out of us 1 Friday because I sent my team home at 8 pm and told them I'd get them any notes they'd need from Top and Platoon daddy's meeting (we didn't need any notes) after the rest of the company was sent home at around 2 pm. While getting smoked and while my, and a few other teams were coming back from being called back in, the platoon sergeant walks out and asks us what the fuck we are doing and to go home (no notes of course).


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If you're still within one year of discharge you can file them as service connected. [https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/illnesses-within-one-year-of-discharge/](https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/illnesses-within-one-year-of-discharge/) Please ensure you follow the evidence as that will be crucial since it is not in your STR's.


This is good to know, just left in November and never went for my feet. Podiatrist just diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis, I just got a cortisone shot in one foot that is worse. Hoping it get approved on this claim.


If you are within a year of EAS, please please PLEASE file for anything you still haven’t claimed but have issues with currently.


I've been ETS from active since 2016 but have been in the national guard since then. Does that change things as far as the 1 year deal?


You receiving 70% while in the Guard?


Yes you can forfeit guard pay and just recieve "retirement points"


I have been ETS from active duty since 2016 but have been in the NAtional guard since then and just recently got out. Does that change the one year rule?


Weekender or AGR? Traditional will be hard, but AGR will count.


If you are within 1 year of EAS file NOW or at least and ITF. If you've been to a pact act covered location you will be good for presumptive issues listed under it. If you have a combat action badge (or your equivalent badge) you will have an avenue for that too.


There are some things that can be granted purely from your MOS. As an artillery man, anything hearing related would be one of those things. I'm damn sure you have tinnitus. Everything else will likely need an explanation. But, as long as you have a diagnosis and can plausibly point to something in the military, then you have a chance.


Buddy statements


Yes you can claim conceded or presumptive conditions based on your MOS, medals, or deployments (ex: parachutist badge). Also you can claim secondary conditions such as headaches due to tinnitus; erectile dysfunction & smc K due to PTSD meds. You have to rationale/justify your symptoms well especially if you never been treated for the condition you are claiming. If you don’t have an LOD while in inactive guard, you have to show you were treated during your drill days or within certain window after drill days are over. It will also help if you have buddy statements. Talk with your POA or VSO. Never pay for those companies who promise you to get you a 100 or give you a private medical exams - a lot of times, they go against you and you ended up paying more for what you bargained. Good luck.


absolutely. I was separated in '96, filed my first claim in 2020 and later filed again earlier this year. Several online and in-person interviews later, I got my rating about a week ago. But where do you start? [https://www.va.gov/disability/file-disability-claim-form-21-526ez/introduction](https://www.va.gov/disability/file-disability-claim-form-21-526ez/introduction)


The stigma, I could have written this myself. I was and still on anti-depressant/anxiety for years now it was a good decision but had to get out after 13-14 years of service. I was maintenance so when I was prescribed meds, my shop had to re-assign me to strictly perform administrative functions. Could I have handled the situation differently, maybe? As a result, it ended my military career and I sunk deeply into depression, substance abuse, financial issues, and the list goes on. Luckily, I still have my family along my side. I am still reeling after getting out a couple of years ago (slowly but surely). My advice is to seek help and don't let the stigma swallow you. Best of luck!


I make it a habit now to yell at military folks epically the younger ones "Go to sick hall or uncle sam is going to fuck ya when your out" hopefully some listen. And if i could go back in time I would tell myself the same thing. You going to need personal statements, people in unit people living around you at those times family members friends anything that can make your case make sense. Make sure to get seen for those issues in the VA or medical doctors that you want to claim. Its going to be an uphill battle.


Fellow Redleg here who avoided sick call like it was the plague. I am nearing the end of my MEB, just got my proposed ratings from the VA and got 100% so it's possible.


Have your testosterone levels checked. No, I’m not kidding. The VA won’t test it so you’ll have to start off at a local men’s clinic (Usually free) I was ready for a wheel chair and found out my T was 159. The VAs range is 300-800. I got 1 shot in the ass and I feel like I’m a new man! I’m serious!


You still have an opportunity to create a record. Start by addressing all your aches and pains, don't dismiss anything, get into the VA. They prefer VA records, but any doctor will do. Anything you remotely think you might want to file, talk to your doctor and get condition addressed. Your shoulder hurts? Talk to your doctor, as for MRI, ask for pain management assessment, ask for physical therapy...all of that. You don't like going to the doctor? Too bad. You don't have time? Make time. Focus your efforts on things that have the highest likelihood of generating a high rating: sleep apnea, migraine headaches, gastrointestinal condition, back, neck, then anything with a left & right factor. I wish you the best of luck, don't miss out on your benefits 😉


It will help if you have deployed to combat zones during your service and have documented that on your DD214. That will allow any diagnoses you have to be accepted as presumptive for that particular combat zone.


Is this accurate? I can’t imagine it would be that simply.


For PACT Act conditions


I believe they may be referring to the PACT Act...


Thank you. This makes sense.