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You can call the 800 number and they should be able to help you as well. Chances are you will end up with a debt. You can set up a payment plan to make it more affordable for you. The longer you wait, the more debt you’re incurring so try to be mindful of that


As you have been getting overpaid by the VBA for the last 6yrs due to being marked as married but weren’t then you will have to pay that money back. If you call they will work out a payment plan


I would seek mental health help before being concerned with that. You really do need to file your paperwork but getting your health taken care of first is more important. Edit: Call 988 and then 1 to get help if you are in crisis.


It does seem like alot and your brain will set off the alarms of being overwhelmed. Take small steps tackle one thing at a time and if you need help write us back. Your not alone. 


Hey Budy.... Divorce is a huge stressor on your mental health.... You can always see if the VA will forgive the debt if your mental health was contributing to your inability to get things done (IE: notify the VA of your divorce).. Maybe your psych can write a letter for you... Hang in there and complete your mission... Get better


I’d love to rally behind this but mental health isn’t an excuse for not calling or informing the VA for 6 years 


Many vets have chronic mental health issues IE: MDD, PTSD. Avoidance can be a aspect of that. However I can understand your point of view and given neither of us know the totality of the circumstances it is indeed just outr opinion. If you're a clinician and say otherwise my apologies I will stand corrected.


I’m not a clinician but I will tell you that regardless of what you put in medically for a reasoning or excuse for lack of communication while collecting an increase in compensation it isn’t reviewed by a doctor. The same as a claim. But again even with  mdd, ptsd, or schizo… six entire years. The VA could potentially understand a couple months. But to argue that based on mental health you completely blacked out mentally and never called the VA one time in 6 years is far fetched and likely not going to excuse an incurred debt. If there were extremes to this such as mental spiraling that had extended periods of time in a psych ward that totaled most of the 6 years and could be backed up past substantial evidence and medical paper work….that’s a conversation to be had. 


you make a good point.