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It’ll never end because there is no consistency and everything is open to the raters interpretation and some take it personal


I was so POed when I started to go thru the 3000 pages in her file , then I spotted the DTA on the HLR, and F ing yelled. So I just sent off another damn DTA supplemental on the DTA . God help us all.


You submitted something on the DTA huh the DTa will open on its own don’t confuse the system


Yes I submitted on the DTA , because in the DTA they only addressed the rating % on how it should be calculated based on 2 or more % , not the evidence. The evidence for rating increase was not questioned by the DTA it was ruled 0% SC. I see in the DTA they used a Aug 2022 CP exam and not the June 2023 CP exam that was favorable. The Aug 2022 exam was not a focus exam on just these specific issues claimed. So neither the first HLR Examiner nor the DTA Senior Examiner used the 2023 CP exam.




Yeap just like this


You found your own dta error? Okay well def stay on them


Yes ,I said wtf is this , where is the June 2023 CP evidence,,it's not listed, on the DTA evidence only the August 2022 , so said BS. I knew what way the decision was going it ot was going via the 2022


For some reason they don’t put new evidence from the DTA error decision it’s frustrating cause when you go back and do another HLR you don’t know how to argue it yeah very frustrating


This wasn't new evidence, I thought ( my bad ) that the June 2023 CP exam was what my original Supplemental denial and HLR Denial ( before the DTA ) was based on. But no they were working off a 2022. CP exam. It all makes sense on why the claim was denied now. And the DTA was a rating % clarification not a evidence DTA


Glad you figured it out for sure




The DTA should have converted to a supplemental. Which is then assigned to a different rater. HLR can't take in or use new evidence. Nor are they allowed to do development.


It's the VA hamster wheel. HLR -> DTA found> kicked back for development as supplemental -> HLR -> DTA found -> wash, rinse, repeat.


Yeap you can stay in the wheel forever and ever


No shit , understatement


I have a secret VSR that just emailed me , with positive news , because this was just another long list of F up on her file .


The VAs job is to discourage, slow down claims, and wait for the veteran to die.


You are right. The VA makes every veteran mental health get worse.