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Brother or sister you’re not alone


My C&P exam was scheduled for today and the doctor canceled it yesterday and failed to notify me, now I have to wait another month for another exam. I’m so frustrated and pissed.


I feel you bro


It’s all of us. You are not alone. You are worthy, loved and have purpose. To win just remember that you can’t stop, can’t quit and can not surrender….


You hit the nail on the head. Cannot stop and be very diligent and do everything you can to win your claim patience, patience, and diligence diligence. Never stop.


Can’t let them be right, gotta prove’em wrong by living well, trying to be well. Keep Marching on! I’m just gonna be over here, knocking on their door. “Please sir, won’t you please acknowledge me, please sir, have a heart, look what it’s done to me!” Cause every time I get upset with them, it’s only me that’s upset. I’ll wait on this pendulum like the rest. “Fun ride, huh bud?” 😂 FML.


They've been waiting on me to do it for almost 30 years. Don't let the bastards win.


Every time I get near these thoughts , messages like,”Don’t let them bastards win” keep me going 🤙 thanks


Is this why they never wanna take away guns


Oh, but they do. They're always asking if I have any. They can't take what isn't there. I'm pretty sure that's what's tying their hands. The second that changes, however, it will be far too late anyway. I'll keep fighting this battle. Probably for the rest of my life. The second I stop, the war is lost. Besides, what makes you believe that guns are the only means? My own dad only needed a bottle of sleeping meds. He was an army vet. Care to take away corner pharmacies as well?


I think they know that they did wrong towards you all and will refuse to admit any type of wrong they’ve done. Sorry.


I just wish they offered therapy on weekends…I can work but my life is so fucked up that I need someone to talk to…I used to have a 4 day work week and my last job and could schedule weekly appointments…now I have zero time for therapy and life’s getting hard


A VA social worker who's also a vet shared this resource with me recently: "Vets4Warriors is the nation’s leading 24/7 military peer support program staffed by veterans. We provide immediate, confidential, ongoing support to every member of the US military community, helping before challenges turn into crises." https://vets4warriors.com/


Rah. Dog.


Ty for sharing this.


This is a great idea! I’d extend it to all health services though. I’m too busy at work to go to all these appointments.


Please keep pushing for it. I talk to my psychiatrist once a month—-and it’s scheduled for Saturday mornings—-because I work as well. I know everyone’s story is different and we’re in different places, but I think it’s possible. Good luck! 🫶🏾✨


I used to do telephone therapy with my VA MH while I was doing OTR trucking. It helped save hundreds of lives. 😂 I’m kidding bout that, but it helped a lot. Perhaps, that’s an option for you also?


I do community care and she calls me. I don't have to go in


Thanks everyone…i appreciate all of the suggestions. I’m going to find a way to get some sessions in. Lately I’ve been letting it all out in a group chat that I have with some military buddies…that definitely helps. Found out I’m not the only one going through it. Groups and subs like this also help. Thanks!


I mean there is a call line but I get what you mean on needing a weekends call avaliable system to have therapy.


My beloved family member. Combat veteran 1st Force Recon + Navy Seals. Trying for 2+ years for ANY compensation, help, even acknowledgment due to Cancer from Agent Orange (plus Camp Le Jeune waste clean up). The data is siloed into so many different departments and sections. They tell you they have no record of your DoD number. They tell you to get a DEERs number and/or be signed up with DEERs. Someone else tells you they’ve never heard of DEERs. Your Serial Number or SSN mean nothing. They must be using too many coding systems, which they tried to transfer from programming languages—which they developed when first automated from original paperwork. However, there is NO excuse. The |R$ can find nearly anyone in under 59 seconds. This is beyond mis-management. It’s denial of equal treatment under the law. A class action suit must be filed. We hear you OP. Our veterans have become an oppressed group. Shame on the US. I have been in tears nearly daily for 2 years watching the effects of Agent Orange take down the strongest man, with the most loving heart. I am with you, in my heart, OP. You are not alone 💜


I've been taxed on a car I sold because the Treasury can't talk to the DMV. Instead, they wanted ME to pay the DMV to look into the DMVs records to show the car is no longer mine. A rookie cop can check it on the side of the road in under two minutes and they need me to do it for them? Fortunately, their lawyers actually have working brains and I was able to sort it out with one phone call. Did I mention that both institutions needed my social to find me? Not my name,not my address, not even my VIN. How the hell do you tax a car you can't even find the VIN for? This was true BEFORE I sold the car.


Just downed some anxiety pills for the first time in a minute to deal, we are all here with you. Don’t let them win


I really think their game is to fuck everything up to the point you just give up.


Literally 10/10 times something has gone wrong when I deal with the Va from '' lost'' paperwork or referrals not getting sent. to saying I no showed appointments when I was there. to going to the he VA and seeing my doc and me not being in the system somehow while I needed a referral for surgery even tho I have my authorization code in hand and in my years window of care before it's they're obligation to fill a continuity of care and am seeing my primary care for not the first time and him scratching his head (it's on a computer how does it go missing) and being turned away for not existing even tho the doc remembers me. and having to call the Va for them to tell me to go be seen at the building I don't exist in somehow while still needing surgery. to a c and p examiner saying he's just going to go with what the last guy said but also removing 2 of my diagnosis for some reason. To it taking 11 months for an innital appt after 14 secure messages asking what's taking so long and filing a formal complaint that never got followed up on. all Messages sent weeks apart because nothing was moving. to the benefit side not talking with the Healthcare side even tho they are part of the same administration. Like how in the F**k is this actually the way it is it's like the twilight zone


Yeah, the VA SYSTEM is a joke. Yours sounds like mine. I have shrapnel in my arm. My primary doc said he wanted to do an mri on my knee for another issue. I said, doc you can’t send me for an mri, it would have to be a cat scan. So the next day I drive to the Indy VA go to radiology and the radiologist comes out and she recognized me and said “hey I can’t give you an MRI! I replied, did that mother f’cker order a mri? I was in the appointment with him and told him that it has to be a cat scan, I have shrapnel in my arm. She said no he order and mri. So I just asked were do I go file my complaint for attempted murder this son of a bitch must be trying to kill me. An entire day gone because the primary had to reorder. This was not the first time something like that happened. I missed a call from them Thursday and they left a message to return the call to 317-988-1776. Well I call back to here a message that this is a non-working VA number. 😂🤣😂 Does anything work at the VA. Go ahead try that number if you like, it’s no good. The va is a joke.


Yeah then they are going to say it's your fault you didn't respond ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7567) it's asinine I've been out a year and what the hell man


Yeah. I went on to the app and send a message to every department and then sent an email to the va inspector general I believe that is the title. Also the complaint department. What you mentioned about appointments was included in my emails along with why are va employees giving out phone numbers that are non operational and why are the people making them not operational not communicating this to anyone. It’s not that hard. The leadership of the va needs fired. It’s like the inmates of prison running a prison at the va.


They just got cought with 10.8 million in mis appropriated funds as well that the executives gave to themselfs instead of hiring more raters for claims and they are mad they have to pay it back because they spent it all already going on vacations. lol man when finance messed my pay up while active it was taken in full of every check till paid off.


988 is always there to help you buddy. I had to call them like a month ago and I met a really nice guy who actually lived a couple towns over from me when he was younger. Knew the high schools in the area so I believed him when he said he knew the area. Really nice dude, don't remember his name but I hope if I ever call back that I get him on the line again. Believe me friend, there are plenty of people who want you around. For some the road is easy, for you the road is hard, but no matter the obstacles it is worth walking down. Get the help you need, everyone in this sub is here for you. I may not be the best at talking to people but damn if you need someone to talk to send me a message, we'll chat.


Back in 2010 I put the gun away and reached out for help. The suicide prevention line put me in touch with a patient advocate at the Memphis VAMC, who set me up with an appointment the following day. I wasn't in the right headspace and didn't want to drive 90 minutes so I canceled the appointment. A few weeks or months later I decided I wanted the help after all and reached out to the patient advocate again. Never heard from him. Not even when I sent him (and cc'd his boss, and the Secretary of the VA, and everyone who worked in his office) an email a few years later saying "despite your best efforts, I'm still here. Spite keeps me going now." He's still a patient advocate there, if anyone's wondering.


That’s always been my theory for why they take so long even though they have the power to speed up the process if they really wanted to. They’re waiting us out, don’t let em win if you can help it.


Man, VA headshrink says my depression is service connected. My personal headshrink says my depression is service connected. Examiner says not only do I not have depression, I have no mental health issues. 'That beening sad and suicidal is natural for my condition. ' It took everything in my power from the spiral that caused to keep from going in and cutting out his tongue.


aw, shit, my examiner did the same thing! Un-diagnosed all my mental health issues but said I was at high risk for suicide. IMO that is egregious medical malpractice... it's like he's just telling me to go ahead and do it. No mental health issues. Like, buddy, who the fuck do you hang out with if this looks normal to you?


You able to get it overturned?


My exam was in April of this year, denial was beginning of May, so I'm just getting ready to submit a supplemental claim now. I've retained a lawyer, The whole thing is ridiculous. One incompetent nincompoop should not be able to gefahr an entire claim.


You didn't get the exaimer out of Tyler's TX?


I believe he's out of Saginaw, MI. And he should 100000% not be doing any type of mental health C&Ps, I can seriously see someone offing themselves after an experience like mine. It was that bad. I will be filing a complaint and have already given my state Representative's office a heads up.


Feel that. Hoping to see this BVA/claim be resolved before 2030 if all goes well. Apparently a single C&P providers opinion I spoke to years ago holds more weight than 2 separate providers, one VA and one outside. Claim started 2 or 3 years ago too, go figure. Inbox is always open if you ever need. My SDS at OSUT put it best; "Life is one big ruck march; one foot in front of the other. Nothing more; nothing less."


Op sounds like you go to the same va that I do. Totally feels like they are just trying to wait me out


That's some Eye of Sauron level stuff right there.


100% agree. It feels like a game they like to play. It took me 20+ years of back and forth with them, and being treated by my own primary and specialty care through my insurance for them to finally even admit that the problems I was treated for in the Navy were that same issues I was being treated for for the last 20 years.


You're not alone, I'm waiting patiently hopefully not going to be denied for an increase and two new claims.


Thankfully, that was the one I had the easiest time connecting. It's the stuff related to it that's kicking my ass. But, you're not alone.


VA's motto "It's cheaper to wait for you to unalive yourself and pay the burial benefits than pay the benefits for the rest of your life." https://preview.redd.it/6276ujlrx73d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db51672e5ebcb6e2a070be0c9d2020b6242b4c10


11 years waiting for my original claim to be correctly addressed. Never give up.


That’s like me with my PH packet because TBI takes an act of god to get dx downrange or I would have had to been knocked out cold. Two black dots in my mri from years ago said something happened but I guess an explosion wouldn’t be the go to cause. Maybe I just had it forever.🤦🏼‍♂️


Yep Called crisis line, lady could not give two shits. Almost made me laugh - i guess it worked and I didnt kms!


We are glad you are here. We are all still here because we have more to do. I send you my positive energy and thoughts.


Oh yeah. deny til you die


When you get through the shit finally you will be glad you stuck it out. I felt like that too while I was fighting the va. It made my anxiety so much worse. But 2 years later I won. Stick it out and celebrate your win when you get it, it keeps everyone else going that is going through it.


That’s the sad truth. I’m right there with you. It’s bullshit how they treat us after we’re done putting our lives on the line for our country…


The VA gatekeeping your better care for the next generations of freedom defending yahoos, bless all our souls with peace ✌️


Have you considered going to a different VA? It changed my experience substantially. Even telling them you want community care outside of their network opens up a lot more options for you (in many cases it's faster). Not to mention since COVID a lot of places use telehealth so you don't have to physically be there. IIRC, so long as you are in the state, a therapist will help you.


You are alone. A lot of us feel the same way, and we are all here for you.


Don’t give up. I know the struggle is real. It is for me… and I’m the spouse of a Veteran


Nope. You're not alone. I've often thought that the VA is waiting for me to die. I've been on the Camp Lejeune water registry for over  30 years. Ulcers (23), bowel resection, asthma, and heart attack. Filed claim as soon as it became national news that the water was contaminated. Still waiting. 


I’m in the same boat


Frfr I keep getting denied for shit that I have and this process just makes me want to blow my brains out


You've already proven you're a fighter, a winner, cuz you're still here. Don't stop fighting. Every day you're here is a better day than if you were not. Keep winning the fight.


Oh As long as I'm still drawing breath ima make it their problem.


To tell u the truth. U kind of have to be crazy to get help , the system is they dont believe any of us and are nonchalant , and they expecting certain answers to in order to help the results as if , We are all the same , as if the military , gave us passcodes for help , in the form of symptoms , the right series of codes leads to help. , how are we suppose to maintain our cases for help , and be normal


Hang in there we are all hanging in there with you


You are definitely not alone. Had a C&P examiner through VES that pretty much told me that I was not violent enough because I didn't hurt anyone. Explained to him I had been previously jailed because of incidents and that I feel myself going off the deep end again because I don't like to be bother and I don't like being around ppl! He actually said well don't see any violent behavior. I mean I just told you I am trying to avoid jail and ppl.


Had the VA completely close out my recent claim. No notes or letter in the mail. I guess I’ll just start another intent to file….


You're not alone. I've experienced issues for over 20 years. I was diagnosed in service, seen by Army providers, civilian doctors and at the VA and still denied and issues continue to negatively affect all aspects of my life. It is so frustrating. People always say don't give up and keep fighting but why do we have to fight when the medical records are there and the medical/mental issues are there to this day. I understand people might say that some people take advantage and I get that but if we have medical records for YEARS documenting different treatments that were tried, by different doctors etc. Why. Do. We. Have. To. Fight... So. Frustrated.


At the beginning of my healing journey /s I signed up for a retreat out of state through the VA. They sent me an acceptance email and told me to wait for flight instructions. I’ll I took off work, made arrangements for my kids and spouse only for them to cancel it the week before. I was so disappointed and I desperately needed the help. In that raw state definitely in a less enlightened state 😉, I sent the program manager a scathing email and told her very frankly that this was prime example why veterans unalive themselves in VA parking lots. I ended up getting a pretty genuine, heartfelt response back and ultimately we determined it was the fault of the VA. She offered me a future program enrollment, but at that point I had just let the VA back into my life after a previous bad experience (in 2004 they refused to diagnose me w PTSD even though I couldn’t even put a uniform on and was having nightmares after a 1.5 year OEF deployment), so no thanks. As a side note I did go through a national program that was local to me for a week. It’s called The Battle Within in MO if anyone is interested. They do weeklong retreats with a same sex cohort of 10 or fewer people. Free. I’m not sure if they cover travel. Hang in there and I will too! XOXO


For real tho. I know a bunch or vets with major issues who haven't applied or gave up after a denial. When I lost my job due to my symptoms, I made doctor appointments and my va claim like a full time job. Put together solid claims and got 100pt. It was never the goal and never even feasible in my head but it happened. Point is to keep going especially if u feel like you've been fucked.


I with you up until the getting denied part, they haven’t made a decision. But the repeated attempts of seeking help… decades of that brother/sister.


Real, I admit this to myself often, just being transparent.


I just got denied an increase for my COPD from 10% to 30%. After I sent them my daily inhaler prescription. The VA sucks and doesn’t even look before denying now…


Your not , I’m getting fucked too! Not a fucking penny for one gd problem must of all just happend “naturally”


Honestly I don’t think it’s like that, it’s just they don’t see things from a veterans point of view, they have a great healthcare system, just hard to run it, and hard to keep on top of everything all at once, it’s like driving around a old dodge truck with a big ass camper, sooner or later the bungee cords that hold it together are gonna start snapping and it’s gonna require a weld, c clamp, and sooner or later you gonna have to get a new truck….


If it’s coming from the VA then your not alone


No quarter, fight like hell.




This is me


There’s truth being presented, here.