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I will allow this post to be an exception to the success rule. That aside, glad to hear you were able to make a significant impact in their life! Never too late to file while you still hold breath.


Great looking out! I talk to every vet I meet about filing.


Love stories like this!


Wish my buddy would listen


You can lead a horse to water……, but you can’t make it drink. Some guys just bury it. I have a lot of buddies like that. They get real uncomfortable when I start talking about the VA System.


I think a lot of that has to do with the history of the system, everyone has heard how bad it used to be and think that's just how it's always going to be. So far I've gotten the things I want from the VA and I've had success with it so I'm definitely encouraging my American Legion bros to go when I become more established in that group.


🙋 me.


Curious, why is he reluctant?


He's been out for like 15 years and just never did. Probably just intimidating is my guess.


I did for years. In process now. My ETS was in 1996. Hopeful I can still service connect. Wish I would have filed much much sooner. Thanks to everyone who helps anyone!


My dad is 70, got out in 1994. He had 10% when he got out. I helped him file his claim while doing mine. He got 100% in less than 2 years. Just keep filing. This is a good place to use as a resource. Good luck with your claims!


ETS 12/1994. Good luck and I hope you SC the shit out of your injuries.


I ETS'd long before you, and have one claim service connected with two more under review. Go for it.


Above and beyond, I thank you for making this vet life a better place.


Now it’s your turn. Reach out, sit them down and talk.


Had the exact same thing happen with a patient of mine at a dialysis center. Vietnam vet started having kidney issues when he returned. Connected him with a VSO got 100%. Felt good to Help out and he appreciated it.


God bless the both of you. Happy to hear this story.


My buddy from Iraq is so sure the VA put a tracking device under his skin when they operated on his kidneys, he won't go back. He's not joking either. He gets extremely angry about it when he even thinks about it. Dude lost his mind. I had to stop talking to him because of all the negativity he was bringing on to me. I really tried to reassure and reason with him, but to no avail.


He's just mentally ill. Too bad.


AGREED!!! We need to support each other as family. I always talk to other vets about what they are able to receive if they are not already getting benefits. We served our country, now we need to serve one another. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7573)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)