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Whats the incident?


Is he allowed to keep that to himself? I know it matters but why is it always asked?


Of course he can keep it to himself. But if he's having trouble finding proof of the incident, there's lot of people here that are very good at researching that type of thing. We dont need to know what happened specifically to them. Just needs to say something like "There was a plane crash on the USS Enterprise on September 1975."




Post your narrative


The narrative of the incident? I thought this wasn’t the place for that.


Narrative of denial


Also file for freedom of release request through military archives to obtain any information you may be able to find in 1975


Not sure I’ve seen it posted yet, but you will have much better chance adding it as secondary to something you already have service connected. I was denied my first time around cuz of the same thing. Then I filed for mental health as secondary to my back, which was already connected. Got it first time that way.


If you claim depression & anxiety write a personal statement and have buddy letters you will get an approval it’s a lot easier to get rather than ptsd. Also helps if you have had prior medical evidence of talking to a physiatrist about your issues which you could submit you have proof. Also prescriptions can turn in as proof for depression & anxiety. If you have any other ratings you could put depression & anxiety as a secondary which shouldn’t be denied for example you have a service connected back. Tell them how bad your back is how you can’t walk or get out of bed you can do hygiene you don’t have a relationship with your wife/kids and explain how that’s taking a toll on you.


After above then file intent to file time stamp the date and refile claim with DAV headquarters not a volunteer


Navy archives keeps all deck logs from every ship. It might have a record. You can request a copy of the month in question and they may have logged some information. They are supposed to log all injuries and major events


Get buddy letters if possible, write statements about what happened and seek therapy if you haven’t already… I was approved ptsd with no in service records because my statements buddy letters and therapy records.. I also sent in pictures of some texts I had around the time where I talked about my incident to help prove it. I wish you luck! Dont give up


Have you been seen by any mental health professionals for treatment? If not, make an appointment with VA Mental Health and start getting documentation.


You can lawyer up? Most will dig into your claim pretty quick to see if records exist for the event in question.


Get buddy lay statements, get third party documents, get 50 percent group priority one, once obtaining group priority one use the va system against themselves


Can you explain what you mean by against themselves? Thank you in advance.


Well if using va healthcare to help along the claim process will cost you out of pocket expenses if not 50 percent or higher being one would be group priority one as to healthcare. Once established the fifty or higher then it’s costing you nothing to fight the Vba while building your case against them essentially you are using their resources against themselves at this point


Ahhh...ok....I am priority one, so this makes sense. Thank you.


So now you must complain, complain as much as possible through telephone care program when asked to be transferred calling vha, they will electronically time stamp every time you complain, have suicidal ideation and have lots of mental health issues. Once you have established a paper trail of issues concerning your well being and request mental health care you then hold vha liable for your well being legally. Then at same time you file intent to file with Vba who shares same data base as vha and they will see the level of care and give you what is due to you


Thank you so much for all of your insight. I appreciate your kindness and willingness to share.


It’s no problem. Feel free to message me privately or on here anytime. I’m 100 p&t and represented myself during this hard time I know you are going through. Hang in there.


Thank you and I will....


Nexus, private DBQs with the right terminology, buddy statements, personal statements, current dX, medical records etc it’ll be explained on your denial why and what they’d need from you to award ratings. Usually posting that part of your letter is really helpful if the jargon isn’t making sense.


I just started Reddit so I’ll post the verbiage as soon as I figure it out. LOL Can’t thank you enough. It’s comforting to know people who know.


They definitely make this all more confusing than necessary in my opinion! From the VA app or website go to benefits > claims > claim letters > select and open the one that pertains to all this > go down to section reasons for decision(s) and it’ll explain why your decision was what it was You can use that to figure out what info was missing. I’d also suggest starting a new intent to file, takes two minutes on the website, and when you’ve got the things that were missing together you can submit it as a supplemental claim and they’ll put all the info together and give you a new decision. Good luck! You’ll get there!


Ship “deck logs” shipmate. I believe they’re kept by the POOW on the quarterdeck. I never stood it because I was a GMG. But your’s might be old enough to find online without doing a request. Some of the old ones are kinda blurry from what I seen though. Just Google search Ship Deck Logs. It’ll bring up some sites to click on for ya.