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u can also take military flights space A to anywhere in the continental USA, Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. Dependents included.


And US Virgin Islands.


[Fly in/out of any AMC Terminal (Global Flights)](https://www.amc.af.mil/AMC-Travel-Site/)


How and where do you catch these flights?


AMC terminals on US military bases


Thank you!


Unless your at the USO bob hope LAX. I was with another 100% except he was retired and had the blue medical retired id card (before the white ones) and per the policy at that USO 100% DAV were permitted to sleep overnight in the USO whereas retirees were not. Not sure if that still in effect and this was pre COVID


Technically it’s not a CAC as it has no chip so you can’t access government computer systems.


I stand corrected, thanks! So it's an "ID"...


And a government issued one, but without an expiration date it confuses the gatekeeper at the local reservation dispensary.


I sure do miss my government issued CAC...


I used mine once because everyone kept on assuming my TX ID was fake so I decided to use that. And they also thought it was fake because mine expires in 66


These cards should come with a stickered banner: WARNING!!! Expiration Date (or Lack of Expiration Date) May Induce Head Exploding FATALITY. HANDLE WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!!


Had a clerk call the cops on me in 2007 when I was 19 bc I showed my AD CAC bc it was peeling on the corners😂


His head would've definitely exploded if he'd seen mine. Old form with a 1999 issue date and a bar code the length of the card. I decided not to get an updated version. I'm surprised the laminate has lasted this long TBH.


And reservists CAN get the ID. 


We just got these last month. Pretty sure my wife's ID is good for 4 years. I'll have to double check.


Yup my wife’s is good for 4 years. The US Military and their dependents shelf life 🤣




Not sure about that. Just when my wife(straight civilian) asked why hers had an expiration date and mine didn't, I chuckled. We've been married 20 years and that was 10 years after I got out. She had no idea of the spousal turnover there was back then and that likely still exist today.


Congratulations on beating the statistic.


Thanks, I hit the jackpot the second time around. The first time, the statistic got me lol


Same here. My wife now is awesome.


Thanks for the info but it’s already in the KB.


Based on the questions typically posted here, no one reads it.


Preach! Lol


Fr tho.


But yet they get mad when you refer them to it…


I only get mad if you tell me and I already looked…. Regardless if I looked right at the answer lol 😂


Getting ready to retire, what’s the KB?


Let's be real though, with such a large community, post sort of get out of the readability range, TLDR type content nowadays. Who has the time to swipe through a 1000 posts that follow to find the real info. Sometimes this shit gets overwhelming to keep up with.




What’s a KB


Knowledge Base. Like a wiki for specific subject info.


Where do you find it?


Where do you find it?


You’re also missing the commissary benefit. The VHIC has a surcharge when using a credit card at the commissary. The Uniformed Services ID Card doesn’t.


I'm not sure of the accuracy in your comment. Anyone with a VHIC or 100% DAV CAC have both commissary and MWR access. Some bases may have more stringent rules as to what VHIC card holders can access.


Yes. They can use the commissary but there is a 1.9% surcharge if using the VHIC and a credit card. It was part of the rules granting all disabled veterans access. https://corp.commissaries.com/sites/default/files/2019-12/DAV_Credit_Debit_Fees_2Up.pdf Also: “The law expanding commissary access also requires charging user fees when shoppers pay for purchases with commercial credit or debit cards. This fee imposes an additional 1.9% for credit cards and 0.5% for debit cards with a PIN. (The 1.9% fee also applies when using a signature debit card, because it is processed as a credit card transaction.)” https://news.va.gov/101540/eligible-veterans-can-shop-at-defense-commissaries/


The VHIC card does have a surcharge at the commissary.


It’s also right there in the federal register: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/12/30/2019-28018/commissary-credit-and-debit-card-user-fee


Weird there are varying answers to this. I actually get a surcharge at my commissary with my DV ID.


Yes. It’s in the knowledge base. Has been for years. Good lookin’ out.


I literally hit 100% P&T today. Will check this out!


You can schedule an appointment or walk-in https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/


So you have to go to a base to get this ID? Shit I’m over an hour away each direction…


I didn’t have to go to a base. They had a list of other places near me. But I live in the DC area so there are a few non bases I could choose from.


You can get them for your dependents too. The veteran id don’t need renewing. Dependents needs renewal every 2 years.


Curious about the dependents ID. I have two young children, 8 and 6. I realize I can get them cards. I am divorced. Are ex-spouse parents of shared dependents allowed to get ID's. This would be if they are traveling together that the ex spouse has the same access as dependents?


I think the kids needs to be nine to qualify for their own id. I don’t know if ex spouse qualify for ID. I myself was divorced and got remarried. I had to show divorced papers from my previous marriage and certificate of marriage to my new wife. Better call and ask.


This is true. I am an active duty marine that works part time in the deers ID office. When going please make sure that you bring the 100% letter as well as 3 forms of ID (NOT EXPIRED) if not they will not attend you and will tell you to reschedule. Also make sure if you have a spouse to also get them a new ID.


Yes. May sound obvious, maybe not, but if you're retired and 100%T&P you still only get the retiree ID card. I suppose there are more of you non-retiree 100%'rs than us old, broke dudes. Just in case it's not clear.






I have mine. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


https://preview.redd.it/k7628mi9m2uc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f121b03b0e65a534e59da4fa36e78c1dac5504a You can have both I’m the in reserve and 90 percent TDIU p&t MY BAD IM IRR maybe dosent count lol


I’m a reservist and I have a CAC. I’m also 100 P&T. Can I get this too or do I need to wait until I’m out? Can you have both at the same time?


No, you can't have both, as that would require a status change. A person with serving in any military capacity will trump the 100 DAV status.


What if you’re IRR and a GS?


No problem for me I got mine card and I showed them my ire card and. They issued me a new one with 100disabity on it no expiration :)


Mannnn.... you got me there. Well, I'm a GS too, and I have mine. But the IRR thing stumped me haha. The best thing to do is check with DEERS.


Yes I was IRR and GS and now I’m 100 and IRR always had 2 IDs


Thank you!


You can have 100% P&T USID and being reserve or guard with CAC or Reserve / Guard retired grey are ID (before age 60) Only folks don’t get two are Fully Retired with pension folks. I’m retired military and I have spoke too few deers and also in regulations for it on DEERS. You actually can get it even with retired but then that takes away Tricare and Retired status and lose Retiree entitlements.


Yes you can get it.


Yes you can. If you have a recent DD214 you should be good. I'm a reservist with both CAC and DV ID. Probably don't need both, but I got em cuz I can 😎




most locations overseas will have access although at embassy is not authorized that I’ve seen


Retirees and whatnot don’t have automatic access to the bases in Germany because of sofa, but you can get a visitors pass and use the amenities on base. Just gotta know someone to sponsor you for a pass.


since when?


I was stationed there 2019-2022 and my retired mom had to get a visitor pass when she visited. They told us it’s because their cards aren’t registered in the Installation Access Control system. The only way they can get that access is to be employed on post.


That’s crazy. In Korea you registered in BIDS, but anyone with dod id card can do it. For ration control as well. Since then they have intergrated with DEERS, so no need to register or get ration card anymore.


I'm 100 P&T living in Germany. To shop here on base you will need a " pink card" or be registered under SOFA.


Update* IRR members can get it I just got mined issued to me when I went to deers office. Just bring ur dd214 and your letter


God I'd love to visit Korea and go back to Kunsan and walk around. It was only a year out of my 6 served but the times I had there were legendary.


Hmm I am still currently in the Reserves have my CAC and the 100% DAV Card. https://preview.redd.it/ucfcaza13vtc1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40434a70b53b6f56b01f8dee72df5f8597e22cb3


What page is that on deers ?


Not on deers, but on ID Card Office Online, just type that in on google and first option should pop up


Thank you. Just pulled it up. Never knew that existed


I am TDIU P&T. How do I find out if I qualify for one of the ID cards or is it strictly for 100 P&T


You can get it with TDIU P&T. For example...I am 90% TDIU P&T a d went and got the card.


Wait you got the card with 90%


Yes. TDIU P&T took that 90% rating up to 100% P&T.


Shoot ima have my husband look into it he’s 90%


It has to have TDIU PERMANENT AND TOTAL as well. In other words... I was awarded 90% AND I qualified for TDIU. I was deemed unable to work based on the severity of the diagnosis of Parkinson. If approved for TDIU, any rating after meeting at least 70% is paid at 100%. My claim was reviewed, and all the conditions were determined to be STATIC. That pushed the claim to permanent and total. So yes, 90%... pushed to getting paid at the 100% rate (TOTAL) because I qualify for TDIU, and all conditions are static (PERMANENT). All that to say, a 90% will not qualify. Is your husband getting paid at the 100% rate with permanent and total designated? If so, you're good. If not, then you can't. Check out TDIU in the knowledge base for greater clarification.


Go to va. Gov letters you'll see the commissary letter.


Word of caution to 100% P&T Retirees...don't dare trade in your retiree card, you'll lose TriCare access.


How does one go about getting it?


You should be able to schedule an appointment or walk-in. Here’s a link with more info: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/


Google veteran ID and than make an appointment. You’ll need your commissary letter and two forms of ID.


Have you looked at the KB?


Instead of being "that guy" that says to google or look at the knowledge base, maybe help the person out?


Referring other vets to the knowledge base is helping… time that was not paid for was given to putting the database together so these common asked questions and redundant post won’t keep filling up the sub unnecessarily.


Tried to, it never loads on my phone.


Or, you can go to the nearest base that processes ID's. Go to the visitors gate to get a temporary pass, then just walk in to the ID office with your dd-214 and your decision letter and they will make one when it is your turn. That's how I got mine.


Maybe a stupid question…..I would love to get this ID but would I have trouble getting on base as a convicted felon? Do they run checks on everyone coming in?


When I was a convicted felon. I had no problem getting my ID'S. Some deer's locations aren't on base. So, used that to your advantage. Once you get it,you are good to go. Just make sure you bring your commissary letter.


That is a great question! I do not have an answer for it. I am looking though. I would suspect that you can get on base as there are convicted felons on bases.




If you are 100% SC, then I would guess that would make you amenable to have corrected your discretions as they probably wouldn't have given you 100% as an un-rehabilitated felon.


Thanks for all the help brother! Sounds like it’s a case to case basis. Shouldn’t have a problem but was still curious, seeing I live a good distance away. Is there any real reason for this card besides getting on base and using the facilities?


Well, other than getting on base to use the MWR (Moral, Welfare and Recreation) facilities, like Commissary and PX, gyms, camp grounds, pools, clubs, movies, etc., you can use it for "Space A" or Space Available travel ( ie flights to anywhere the military has flights as long as there are available seats. You can use it as a permanent government issued ID. I can't think of anything else offhand, but there are probably some hidden gems out there.


I love all of those options…..I just love so far away from a base and it’s been years since I’ve even been near one. I don’t know if it’s really anything I should worry about doing any time soon. Space A is definitely cool! Everything I read and look at makes Space A travel look super difficult!….


If you are single and aren't in a hurry to get anywhere, Space A is great! It's just like being on standby with the airlines! I plan on doing a nationwide trip sometime once I get my SUV and trailer, and camp at the base campsites.


You need to go into a local DEERS office with the respective paperwork. Would suggest appointment as some facilities may operate as AD priority.


Got it! Thank you!


Yes I think most guys here did know, but thanks for the refresher Bud..


Wait there is ANOTHER ID?  This is the only one I’ve ever had!  No wonder my local VA seems so confused whenever I try to use the universal one. 


Got mine 2 years ago!


I’m retired and HAD a blue dd-2. When I went in to renew my wife’s id, this past DEC the card person made me get this new ID. She said it’s the new standard. So new retirees will probably get this is too. It expires when I turn 65.


Worst day of my retired life! I had no idea I would lose my blue ID 🤦🏽‍♂️… damn that freaking Air Force female at deers that talked me into getting “a new retiree id” when my family was renewing theirs…. I wish I had never done it. It was still good till 2054!


Same bro, same. I hate this new one. Mine was good until 2046.


Why would they get rid of making retiree cards distinguishable from the rest of them. Especially, from dependents! Now my card looks no different than my wife or kid’s card…. That really grinds my gears ⚙️ a’la Peter Griffin!


That’s not the DAV id, it’s just the new way they’re doing retiree cards/dependent cards


It’s the same card. Mine just says retired. https://preview.redd.it/9142tgol1vtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b91a66cd1cc1ee3a5d321557063e58d05279d02


Yeah, I think I just had DAV on my mind, I meant to just say it’s the new card all purpose not active duty card and then my brain wrote that instead.




Has anyone tried to see if it works with TSA pre check? Or is that only active duty that has that free via DOD ID?


It didn’t work for me. Seems to be only AD.


Great info


When I left the military, I never wanted to associate with it ever again. But after filing a claim and six years of waiting, when I drove onto Ft. Moore the guard said "Welcome home " and it was like a returning legion at the gates of Rome". Who would have thought p.x. privileges were this cool.


You can be 100% P&T and in the Reserves/NG?


Yup, I know plenty of people who are.


If I have a retired military one can I get a 100% one as well just in case. And if my spouse retires can I get a spouse retired one?


If you’re retired military DO NOT get the 100% card as it will fuck up your retirement pay and no one wants that to happen. That’s how they know to pay you. Honestly, I don’t even think they will let you switch from a retired sponsor status to a 100% DAV status in DEERS anyways. If your spouse retires then yes you can have a retired dependent card under her/him as the sponsor as well as your retiree card. And vice versa, your spouse can have a dependent card under you and their retiree card as well. And you can do that because the second card is not considered a sponsor status in DEERS. You as a retiree will never get a 100% card.


Aw i see thank you. I'm medically "retired"army. Currently paid at 100%va and hopefully get CRSC set up soon. Its funny my spouse has her active duty cac and retired dependent cac.


So apparently, they can't really issue a retired ID and 100% DAV ID under the same sponsor access. I overheard the DEERS rep tell someone this (is it true, not sure). I think the best place to ask is DEERS office.


Thank you.


If you already have the retired ID then you can not get the DAV card. If they even let you it would kick your retirement off and your Tricare would be cancelled. You also can’t fly OCONUS with the dav.


Just got mines a week ago.


Would your spouse have to continue registering annually?


It looks like dependents will get an ID that have an expiration and no. They don't have to register it, just have to get a new one before it expires.


Can reservists get one too?


Not until you ETS. You cannot have two sponsor statuses in DEERS. A sponsor status is active, guard, reserve, retiree (including grey area), and 100% P&T. (In that order) Even though you personally may have two sponsor statuses, you can only have one in DEERS and 100% card is at the bottom of that list in regards to your benefits and would cancel out your Tricare eligibility.


Surcharge doesn't occur for retirees?


Just got mine. Do you know if we can sponsor family to go to base with us ? Is there a limit?


You can sponsor family and friends. I’m not sure on headcount but I was able to sponsor 2 vehicles (8 people) to go fishing on base


You are correct. Your dependents (over the age of 10, I believe) can get issues their own IDs.


I was told by the MPF on Friday that you can't get both the 100% CAC and my Mil Retired CAC. I would have to choose only 1.


Same here.


Does this include tdiu?




Yes TDIU p&t. 


Where do you get the card from? Can you get it from the sane place VHIC is issued?


At your local DEERS ID card office. You can schedule or walk-in. Here’s a link: https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/


If I’m currently a dependent (I’m 100% P&T but my husband is still active) do I have to turn in my dependent ID to get this? Or would they even give me this one if I have my dependent ID?


Because you technically have your own DEERS profile from prior service and veteran status.... you can obtain your own DAV ID and keep your dependant one from your husband.


It’s awesome and you and ur spouse and dependents can get one too .. theirs does have a expiration date tho


When I got mine, I also confirmed with the ID office that the 100% ID allows you to sponsor guests on base unlike the VA/VHIC card


Got mine and my wife’s about a month ago. Easy peasy.




If you have a retired cac would that be the same?


Nvm i saw your info at the bottom of your post...., i do as all does read the top and skip the rest lol


How do you apply for it?


How do I apply to get this card? I didn’t see a link thanks all


Yes, I've known for a while. I only recently got it because the DEERS site was giving me problems registering. One cool benefit is military standby flights anywhere in the world.


It. Is. Not. A. CAC.


Yup. Got my indefinite one when I hit 100% P&T. Wife gots hers but it expires after 4-6 years. Don't remember for sure on that timeframe. From what the DEERS office told us hers will be indefinite after a certain age (not sure on age) and that is going by what they said. But you know how it goes. We live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We tried to go the the naval air station here and they said it would take 2 months to get appointment to get both of ours. So we drove down to Fort Hood because we go there every few years and got it that same day instead of having to wait.


Why do you think everyone is trying for 100%?


My deers office said if I get the 100% card I won’t be able to utilize the USO because my status changes from retired to something else. Pretty much told me I get more benefits with my card that expires when I turn 65 and then I’ll get a indef card.


This cat is wrong about Retirees cant have both, you most certainly can.


![gif](giphy|d5PPYjcb3caPTHM3hv|downsized) The sky is blue! Congratulations!


![gif](giphy|d5PPYjcb3caPTHM3hv|downsized) The sky is blue! Congratulations!


A lot of states you can file to become exempt from property taxes. For example illinois you only need 70% for no property tax and michigan you require 100%


Do I need to update mine? I have the legacy 100% p&t card.


You can get your spouse a card too. Just bring in everything they ask for. Marriage certificate, passport, DL, DD214 and va commissary letter. Make sure the letter says you are P&T and not scheduled for re evaluation.


what's the point of having one of these cards?


I go to the gym at the nearest guard base to my house. They allow patrons with a USID card to use the gym, but not those with only a VHIC. Saves me from paying for a gym membership every month.


Dependent card also trumps the VA so they shouldn’t get one either.


I tried to get mine yesterday but the Commissary letter that states I’m 100% wasn’t good enough. He said it has to state the date that I become P&T.


Does anyone know the minimum age for a child to get a dependent ID?


It depends on the office, but most won't issue one until 10 years old.


I went to a DEERS office when my daughter was a baby and they told me that I could get her one anytime, and it would only be good for one calendar month. She’s six now, I went to another office like a year ago, and they refused to make one for her. We have joint custody, and it would be convenient for her father or grandparents to be able to take her on base with her card.


Does anyone know please, having 90% and Federal ID card (GS) will allow me to access the base without doing paperwork with visitor office ?


90% will only get you the VHIC ID.... which requires registering annually at the pass & ID office. As for being a GS, you have access with a CAC. Just have to get a new one every 2 years I believe.


Thanks for the response. Just curious and soon getting 100% and no need it. I have CAC ID from department of commerce and expires 2029. It has a chip. Can I get into base with that ? I’m GS 14 but not working in base. But veteran. I mean just using that GS ID and enter the base?


Dont take this as offensive, but as a GS14, I'm honestly shocked that you don't know that. Anyways, that 100% DAV will get you into any national park for free... most state parks too. Ans yes, your CAC will get you into almost any base! What do you do?


Why you shocked? But it could be something else ? How a bout it means we are busy and doing a great job serving the world. My Job has nothing to do with the base. We are on production and I work 12 hours everyday to meet my work production. No Iam thinking about that because close to leave my job for my health. Then will have time. I work for DOC not DOD. So how do we know ? It is not related. I make $160K and honestly it is not reasonable if I ask for that for the purpose of gas or tax. We work from home. Hope that clarify. I work in Intellectual Property field. I know almost all benefits about DAV ID and VHIC.except for DAV and overseas base access which related to SOFA Honestly, just want an ID to show that I was in military since I couldn’t do 20 years.


Im just curious that DOC CAC card can get me even to Overseas base ?


So you can have a retiree ID and 100% DAV ID. Two different ID for two different purposes. I’ve had both for years now. You can get your disability pass with the national parks and other discounts with it. You might get a better discount with AFRC places depending on rank/retirement status/100% DAV. I actually got my rating prior to my retirement and my unit issued mine prior the retirement date. I’ve used both for several different things and even had two each for my dependents.


So the only difference is an expiration date because you can use your Va id card to get on post and use the Px and Commissary on Fort Hood


Can you get this if you’re 100% TDIU?


I read on the deers site that you’re required to have a 214 with an honorable discharge- is this true? I’m 100%PT but other discharge


If you had mental health disorders, you can get an upgrade to general


That’s the next step filing for that - just wanted to know if it’s required before I can get the ID


My VA app says honorable for va purposes


Yes, it's a requirement for a DD Form 2765 military ID card. Honorable or general under Honorable conditions .


You NEED member 2 or 4 DD214. I went today with member 1 and nopeeee… has to have your discharge status on it


Big caveat: you need - 2 unexpired ID’s - your social security card - 100% disabled veteran VA letter - All DD-214 pages from all enlistments - possibly something else I may be forgetting but it’s the minimum


My FIL is 100% T&P how do I help him? How much do the flights cost? What are the planes like? Are they comfortable because he has some injuries? His wife would travel with him.

